The Gonzo has art.

Started by The Great Gonzo, November 08, 2008, 06:49:46 PM

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The Great Gonzo

QuoteYou've never cut a tomato before have you > 3>

...nope. >.> Maybe they're mutant tomatoes.

Quote~Rouge-the-bat-777 already had a design for Spectre/Ran's beam sabre, but I went and designed another that's not all the way in frame. Sorry. ._.

I imagine RS-verse beam sabres would be incredibly clunky and not actually be beam-related; dunno what material the blade would be made out of, but it conducts super-heated plasma. Best not to get hit with it.


Bloody tomatoes > 3>

You should try cooking. It's fun.

It's a plasma saber. It creates super exaggerated burns through everything.

The Great Gonzo

I think the last time I really tried cooking was in middle school...

QuoteThis was drawn while I was half-asleep. Give me a few hours and I'll notice all the mistakes.

Their conversation's probably going something like:

"So why don't you wanna see Dead Alive? I thought that might be your kind of movie..."

"Yeah, on a day I want to spend with one hand clamped over my mouth going 'HHGGHGK'."

QuoteAnd that was the last time Cutman ever tried to aim his shears at Dr. Light.

(no worries, most of that blood is Cut "Not Appearing In This Picture" Man's. Dr. Light only lost a few centimeters of beard.)


Don't lie Gonzo.

Those mutant tomatoes attacked Rock, that's what happened!
Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on September 13, 2014, 04:31:11 PMOH [parasitic bomb] IM USING LINK AND I ACCIDENTALLY FINAL SMASHED A CUCCO OH GOD HELP
Quote from: VirusChris on September 16, 2017, 03:55:20 PMJust enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything


Pfft, robots don't bleed, mutant tomatoes do! :D

Protoman Blues

Cooking is fun. Cleaning up after sucks.

The Great Gonzo


QuoteSo more info on KH3D has surfaced; it takes place in "the world submerged in sleep", which would explain why Sora and Riku reverted to their KH1 selves. There's also some pics of their new outfits, and it looks like I can actually draw Sora's clothes the same way twice now.

Wherever he and Riku (and Rock) are, they don't want to remain for long; it's probably crawling with Dream Eaters (that is, the new enemy).

Posted on: September 15, 2011, 08:22:22 PM

Quote[Pic's called "Robobet", even] though not everyone here is a robot. Oops.

I thought this might be a good way to try colouring with those large Crayola markers; it wasn't. :/ (Borrowed them off my sisters, by the way) Tried to go for more obscure characters, but ended up mostly using RMs from the mainline games. Oops.

* Yeah, I know there's a gag with the letter C even though the associated character isn't Cossack. I didn't think that through.

* Jirimum (J) and Princess (P) are from NAdM; Mericaman (M), from that MvC1 Secret File.

QuoteTaken last night/very early this morning; Vanille better hope she doesn't slip.

Quote[Say cheese, Vanille.] And quit leaning. Please.


Whats the deal with Oilman's scarf? He looks like a duck.


It's either that or blatant racist stereotyping~


Personally I think the scarf suits him just fine.

Also, cute how you used Uranus' horns for the U.
Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

The Great Gonzo


QuoteD'oh, I should've coloured the lineart, too. >.> More AU-related things.

When Sonic was eight years old, the neighboring city of Mobotropolis was seized and renamed Robotropolis; this incident would've been lamented and eventually forgotten had Mobotropolis not been its zone's center of commerce. With such a large victory under his belt, Eggman believed he had nowhere to go but up.

He hadn't accounted for the survivors, who were now living in Knothole Village.

* Sally Acorn: Leader of the FF and Princess of Mobotropolis; both of her parents were roboticized and sent elsewhere during the coup. At first, she merely wanted to take back the city and murder Eggman in the most horrible way possible, but slowly accepted that there was more to being a Freedom Fighter than revenge.

Sally was friends with Sonic and his mom (Amy was currently living with a cousin, Rob 'o the Hedge), and helped them leave Knothole safely.

* Nicole: Sally's computer, bestowed upon her by her mother. Though she seems cold and monotone on the surface, she was, for a long while, one of the few entities that Sally felt she could open up to.

* Bunnie Rabbot: If the FF hadn't pulled her out of that Roboticizer when they did, Bunnie would've lost her free will, instead of merely half her body. This didn't exactly help her self-esteem, even when she became more used to her new robotic limbs and their advantages.

Whether or not she realized it, Bunnie had a reputation of being one of the friendliest and most helpful people in Knothole.

* Rotor the Walrus: Knothole's only dedicated mechanic. The prospect of roboticization once interested him, but Eggman's use of it completely dashed that. Rotor felt that he wouldn't be of much use on the field, and did his best to provide tactical support from afar--sadly, circumstances didn't always allow for that.

To this day, he's still hoping he can find a decent man and that he won't be thrown into the "tertiary characters" bin for it.

* Antoine D'Coolette: Despite years of training with his father for a moment like this, Antoine was still totally unprepared for the fall of Mobotropolis--or any fighting whatsoever. Ashamed as he was, he couldn't get over his fears, or his father's fate--roboticized, just like he said could never happen.

In time, Antoine became more used to combat and the risk of death, but he still contributed the least.

* Mina the Mongoose: A latecomer who almost didn't make it out of Robotropolis alive; after her Mom was roboticized, Mina saw something else she shouldn't have and was hunted down by every Badnik and SWATbot in the district. The Freedom Fighters rescued her, and from then on she pledged her services...

and then nearly got herself and the children she'd been looking after killed by a roving Badnik. Mina realized that she'd only been trying to impress Sally, and desperately searched for something she could actually do. Luckily, Mina had quite a talent for writing... (Not songs, this time.)

(I say "Eggman" because I'm not quite sure how to incorporate that other Robotnik into this AU. Maybe Eggman left someone else in charge after converting the old Kingdom of Acorn.)

Quote(This is actually the third pic of this kind I've drawn. Second one is on my FA account, but you need one of your own to see it--not porn, but marked "mature")

* One day, I may compile a visual list of all of Rock's hairstyles; for now, here's a doodle of his in-game MM8 hair.

* Looks like Roll's bunny outfit fits Rock just fine.

* You know, I actually forgot that Bass eventually defects to Light in my fanon (Wily [tornado fang]'d him over big time and all). Maybe he wears that post-Heel Face Turn.

* Dr. Light doesn't actually wear anything like Mario's outfit in the games (or any other MM media, I think).

* In Autumnt's series of MM gender-bends (he's on Pixiv, but I got that name via staccfeed, so Googling it might not help), Megaman, Protoman, and Bass all inexplicably became magical girls. I like their designs better than the other RMs, who all became cosplaying lolis.

* I actually thought there'd be more MM-Sues who were pals with Roll and somehow got away with hating on Rock. Regardless, Rock could be talking about anyone.

QuoteIf I hadn't lost steam, I might've finished this. :/

This is how I imagine RS-Mega's first encounter with Bass went--he had no idea that Bass was a Wily-bot and so didn't hesitate to help him out of his predicament.

lookin' kinda derp there, Bass.


Lol derp Bass looks somewhat loserish =w=a

The Great Gonzo

I'd like to see more loser!Bass. XD;

QuoteThis would've been drawn in SAI if I hadn't come to a mental stop while it was open. :/

Here's a Sora group pic. What are they falling towards, and why do they all have the keyblades/sword out? Does Sora being in his "dream world" clothes explain why everyone's there with him, or should I just write out the relevant bit of fanon?

* Sora's just in his KH3D outfit because I really like it and want to draw it more.

* Likewise, I thought I should try drawing Ventus's armour, hence why he's the only one here wearing his. Maybe his soul went out to assist Sora in ass-kicking.

* Vanitas's clothes' colour scheme looks more like his Sentiment's. :/

* That's Kara over on the far left, wielding the Dream Sword because it sorta went poof, as opposed to the Dream Rod and Shield (yeah, Sora can use it in Days, but that's it). Perhaps with enough wild mass guessing, I can take him out of the realm of the AU and properly explain why it took so long for him to rejoin Sora, and why Sora didn't suffer for it.

(Relevant bit of fanon: Eventually, KH-Cosmos tells Sora that he may be able to use Kingdom Hearts to bring his other selves back into existence. He does, and it works, but they're warned that if any of them die, they might not return to Sora)

QuoteHey, Wily's retired from trying to take over the world! This means it's safe (durr), and you've outlasted the crazy geezer!

Of course, now Rock has no reason to get up early (no reason that matter to him, anyway), and now you have to physically drag his ass out of bed if you want him up and about before twelve noon. Whoops!

Posted on: September 19, 2011, 01:29:43 AM

QuoteRock and Roll are about the same body type, so...

QuoteSorry, Malice, but you'll never be as effective as Nightmare Moon or Discord. You're just a solid-gold [sonic slicer] who makes no effort to hide your transparent evilness.

Also, how do I pony back views

QuoteLet's talk about J. Axer. I first discovered his art back in '03, when I got StH #119; later, I found the rest of his art (either through Team Artail's now-nonexistent galleries, or his website). I was amazed at how detailed his pics were, especially that one Sonic group shot.

What's that got to do with this? I tried putting Rock in something Axer's characters (both his and renditions of others') would wear, and it ended up being a lot plainer.

Rock apparently took on a job as a courier, and his [dark hold] employer didn't warn him that he was carrying something high-risk.

(Kinda wonder if Mr. Axer ever drew any proper MM stuff, and not just his disembodied head on those two sketch pages)

Posted on: September 19, 2011, 07:49:42 PM

QuoteThere's a funny story behind this. See, I wanted to try and colour something with a much older version of Photoshop, but I couldn't really find any downloads, nor was 5.0 LE still on my XP. So I tried airbrushing the hell out of this, and...this was not the effect I was looking for.

Still, I think it turned out alright. Pulled the colours from an anniversary image instead of MM10 art this time.

I think that "X is the original Megaman post-upgrade" theory is one of the few bits of fanon to survive the years. It was apparently disproven in an old (like, "X1 hasn't come out in Japan yet" old) interview, yet Capcom has been very secretive about any connection between X and Rock. Interview is here, by the way:

Despite my comment there, I actually don't remember if I always thought of X and Rock as separate guys or not. Either way, it's fun to have these two interact, and work out how Rock would deal with X-era X losing most/all of his memory of 20XX.

As for the "X is Rock" debates--all I know is that they tend to get real long, allegedly. Even discussing what's supposed to separate one from the other is something you only do when you have vast amounts of free time.

('s hair. I think I came up with ten different styles in the past; this time, I wanted to both finalize it and make it distinct from RS-X's hairstyle. Knowing me, I'll forget about the first one)

Quote"I draw a lot of RS-Proto/Rock; let's have some game-Proto/Rock, and let's also bork the hand anatomy."

Second image in that intended "make something presentable in old-version Photoshop" experiment. This time, I just didn't use a multiply layer for shading. (It took me WAY too damn long to figure out I could do that...or set the lineart to multiply instead of cutting out all the white bits with the magic wand)

This shitty old art has been placed behind a text link for your protection.

Posted on: September 20, 2011, 02:49:00 AM

QuoteWell, some of them. (Yep, Ryan Akhart a.k.a. that name I gave to the unused X1 op is actually Roll, post-body-revamp.)

Man, this conversation must be awkward...

Roll/Ryan: "You remember anything from the past yet? No?" *jabs X in the face* "THINK HARDER."

Quote--wait, I put highlights on the armour but not the hair. D'OH

I think Iris/Rock has become my new X-series OTP. How it goes--in my fanon, Iris lives (she wasn't revived, she simply never died to begin with) but has thoroughly rejected Zero for the whole "you ignored my pleas not to and killed my brother" thing. After being repaired, and after her brain's been altered to continue not exploding without Colonel (it was a complicated process that she took a while to recover from), she eventually set her sights on Rock, who was one of the few people who wanted to help her.

...that is, he wasn't aware that she'd become a bunny-boiler. Oops.

Well, at least if anyone wants to mess with Rock, they'll have to get through Iris and her gatling gun first (hint: they won't). So, acceptable trade-off?

Posted on: September 20, 2011, 10:46:59 PM

QuoteRush, Tango, and Beat. The lattermost had better find a new perch if he doesn't want to get eaten.

QuoteJoker had tons of fun pissing off Rock (as the Internet is only 1994-calibre in my fanon, there aren't any "DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS" signs).

And then Rock pitched him through a window.

QuoteProto apparently got transferred over to Raccoon City (and Rock shrank again). Hey, at least robots can't become zombies...

QuoteSeems Rock is about to turn the tables here.

QuoteSeriously, Quickman, let him activate Quick Cross first or something.

QuoteHas to do with something on TMMN's oekaki.

Don't worry, Rock, you'll get used to it eventually.

QuoteRADIX tried experimenting with combining traditional and digital. It...huh. You sure no one didn't accidentally release some acid?

At least I drew Arachwoman again (minus two arms so that she'd actually have eight limbs), plus some other lady I have yet to name or develop.

QuoteMaybe eventually, Rock and Iris build this kid ("build" not being a metaphor unless Iris wants to go to jail). Despite having Rock's hairstyle (sort of), Arco seems to take after his mom more (minus the post-Zero-fight yandere tendencies).

Poor kid is somewhat interested in becoming a Hunter--he admires his dad's friends, for one--but Rock won't let him because he's absolutely terrified of Arco getting hurt or going Maverick.

Doodled him meeting his stepbrothers; Trino finally got some armour.

Posted on: September 22, 2011, 03:03:08 AM

QuoteIt's Dr. Ramano, creeper extraordinaire, and her partner in creeping, Zaiakuman. (That disguise would be somewhat effective if not for that tail)

Don't accept that, Rock. She probably made it with hard robo-liquor.


Kewl drawings. Gives off creepy Yaoi vibes, but besides that, awesome. Especially those KH pics.

The Great Gonzo

QuoteGives off creepy Yaoi vibes, but besides that, awesome.


QuoteA.K.A. "Lots of Other People's Female OCs Edition". I think I might've gone overboard there...

Redesigned my pre-Capcom-MM9 MM9 'bots again. I think they all look better for it (well, Steelman and Jungleman didn't change much), especially now that Jumpy looks a bit less like the Wasp.

* Hologirl's helmet is a simplified version of her oooold Transmetal helmet, which in turn was inspired by Arcee's hair-thing.

* I tried making Shortman look a bit like a Mechaniloid; anyone who assumes he's one gets zapped.

Proto/Rock stuff: mostly dicking around (hurr hurr).

* For some reason, I see RS-Rock as not being able to skate. Proto knows how (even though he mostly lived in a desert...) and is trying to show Rock how to. They're both going to end up flat on their asses.

* Robot versus Predator? (Or Predators, as that plotbunny involved two of them, both hunting down Rock and Protocop after they witnessed the two "visitors" de-skulling a human)

* Just hugging. Or maybe Rock fell asleep.

Those three to the right would be myself and my two sisters as RMs. ~AnimeEllie became Paintwoman; my other sister (no dA) became Toho (derived from Touhou Project).

Aaand lots and lots of characters I don't own, starting with Seraphwoman. Hopefully my writing is legible enough to determine who everyone belongs to.

* Serenade--I might've gotten her gender wrong. Her sprites were just recolours of Protoman with long hair and a sabre. (S/he comes from the site Engine of Destruction, by the way)

* Inevitably, all the items in a series will gradually shrink, if I'm the one drawing them.

Posted on: September 24, 2011, 01:32:54 AM

QuoteTaken on the same night one of my sisters came home with Twilight Sparkle and Spike.

Sora's not sure about this.

QuoteDrawn on an envelope, which is how a lot of fanart was sent in to magazines prior to the Internet taking over, apparently. (Paper wasn't as thin as I thought it'd be)

Mostly some scenes from a fic series I'll never write, plus Special Unit Nine at the bottom. To the right is X, Mega, Zero, and Proto, coloured with Prismas and Copics (mostly) in hopes of making them stand out from the panels.

* At some point, Axl and Lumine switch bodies. Lumine is quite smug about this.

* Layer is still married to Sigma, yet has a crush on Zero. Whatever she does will only end in tears.

* X is for eXistential dilemma. (MST3K ref. aside, poor guy's trying and failing to bring peace, like Dr. Light hoped he wouldn't have to do--damn Mavericks and humans who cry Maverick at the drop of a hat)

* Uh, Iris, just because Rock is older than you doesn't mean you won't get funny looks, at best.

* Finally (not counting that panel of Sigma being creepy, referenced from some X7 art), there's the rest of X's team: their part-time navigator, Ryan Akhart/Roll (Alia fills in for those other times), and hunters Executioner Vermilion (still a Locke the Superman ripoff...), Iron M.P., Kaze (name that ~MSipher gave to that nameless X5 hunter), Axl, and Lyre Seal. Greene/GBD would be there if I had remembered him--maybe he transferred?

edit: Old art: Rock, Roll, Proto, and...Crystalman?




QuoteCommissioned by ~taichara; admittedly, I did hurry up a bit after my computer fan started snarling at me again.

Goddamn, N. Zero, you look so smug.

Posted on: September 25, 2011, 06:42:55 PM


* Top row is some old Sonic characters of mine, revamped. Especially Sin, who went from a super-hog to a human living in Maginary (Maginaran?). His attire resembles Tetsuo's...oops.

* Jazz and Andante...those two were WAY overdue for a redesign. Essentially, two friendly Maverick Hunters--one has no buster, the other no hometown. Because the Mavericks took it, see. Andante's not happy about it, but by now there's nothing she or anyone else can do. As for Jazz...anti-tank gun > Maverick's head.

* Kohakukun19 already drew an X8-style Mega (and Proto, and Roll, and Eddie); theirs is better.

* Yeah...I dunno why red-eyed X exists. Not because the artist for the X7 4komas gave him red eyes, but because no other piece of official art did. Is it to match Zero's blue eyes/blue helmet gem thing? (Oddly, despite X4 giving X blue eyes in the cutscenes, I don't remember any fans doing the same)

* Hey, it's Mouse. Mouse has a tail. Mouse is a thief. Mouse received a sound thumping from Roll for her thievery.

* That's supposed to be Seraphwoman on the right, and Zaia-possessed Rock to her left. At some point in pre-current-design Zaia's history, he possesses Mega and does all sorts of horrible things. Will this hold true for MM:TT's story? Fairly certain Liz doesn't want to give out spoilers.

* Silen...hrm. Robot or Reploid? Either way, he's utterly pathetic and reeks of neon. Perhaps Rock can help him out, because Rock's a nice guy.

* For whatever reason, I see RS-Rock as being much shyer without his armour. No angsty reason behind it, that's just how it is (like there's no angsty reason behind my fanon RS-X's dislike of being touched--he just doesn't like it. Unless Rock's involved, then it's okay for reasons unknown to him).

* Note to companies: never, ever declare your systems to be hack-proof. They aren't, and you just advertised your alleged unhackability to the very hackers you hoped to keep out.

* Gave Vermilion a white jumpsuit. That's about it.

* Dreams are strange; this one featured Rock getting sedated by a well-meaning but stern nun. Because apparently his leg was busted or something, and she knew he'd try to go out and fight evil anyway.

Yes, inject the lightweight with horse tranquilizers, as Proto has pointed out. That's bound to end well, Sister Herpnderp.

* Two Zaiakumen? Well, I finally saw his first design--or maybe that was just possessed!Rock, and thus the whole thing is a time paradox--and while I do like it, I still think Zaia's come a long way. I talked about this Zenki-Zaia (he's based heavily on some other dude) meeting current Zaia, then drew it, and added a tiny mug of his second design.

* Zero in X's armour? Dream-based. There was this big mystery about why X wasn't acting like himself--the biggest clue being the flashback to something Zero alone had witnessed. And the seven pounds of hair stuffed in his helmet.

* I stuck RS-Rock in EXE-Land once. Now I drew him again.

* Would've been easy to put Iris in that Colonel-esque armour many other fans put her in, but I went with something EXE-inspired instead.

Posted on: September 27, 2011, 03:53:07 AM

QuoteMore writing than usual, I think.

* I've seen that design for Piano on Pixiv, though I don't think it was the first (originally, she wore a white dress with black accents). She's from that Rockmen R fangame, by the way.

* Can't remember if anyone drew a Maverick Navigator prior to Glitch here, so I won't go around yelling "FIRST". With her, I had "Alia's opposite" in mind, though that's not very evident.

* Roll/Jazz has to do with an old RP between Liz and ~bladewyng, I think.

* She raises a good point, Proto. After thinking about that, and what ~MSipher had to say on the manner (I think it was in the comments for that "Interview with Joe Ruby" journal)...why did so many people assume he was a straight good guy back then? (OK, maybe there was something in MM8 I've forgotten) Seems a bit more neutral prior to 9--or 10, if one doesn't consider DLC-Proto's thing to be canon.

* iX and Zaia getting along? Can't imagine why.

* You know, I mis-dated that old microscopic sketch of mine; it should be from '03 or '04. D'oh.

* Yakasa refers to this old bit of MMX fanon--someone tried to translate the climax of the X3 manga, got X's name wrong (maybe have been using a Chinese version), and for a while, X's "true name" was Yakasa. So of course I had to make him a character in his own right, based on X and his armour from Rockman Online.

* I was looking for an oldish doodle of Greene/GBD's hair and instead found a hilarious (to me) pic of Protosheepscarf.

Posted on: September 30, 2011, 10:33:43 PM

QuoteMan, I still don't like working with pixels. Though I don't think it turned out that badly this time.

Just Rock, Proto, and Bass posing for a photo or something (fully-armoured Bass, how I didn't miss drawing your helmet). Sure, Proto looks happy now, but then he totally popped Bass in the arse for using his little brother as an armrest.

Borrowed the colours from an MM10 cutscene and another screen.

Posted on: October 02, 2011, 01:48:39 AM


Taken in Dad's downstairs mancave (would've used the non-functional jacuzzi room, but there was a spider in it); Aerith meets Aerith. Say hello, Aerith.

QuoteSome things got cut off at the bottom; sorry about that.

* The idea for Ninja Proto (slightly based off of X's Shadow Armour) came out of nowhere. Like a ninja.

* I dunno if there was any actual art for Cyber-Elf(?) Kaitlin; I had to go off a sprite.

* Photon and Nova were probably created in '06 or '07. One has two heads (I dunno if anyone else has done that, but I ain't claiming "first"), the other is a loser. And a Maverick.

* Megaman Andromeda didn't change much; Rhythm lost the blue scleras (maybe I'll give Tabris normal eyes, too) and gained a jumpsuit and gauntlets.

* There's quite a lot of fans who think Dynamo would join the Hunters. I think he'd only do so if it meant furthering his own goals. In the meantime, here he is trying to be friendly with Rock.

* Fluttershy only ever saw Rock with his armour off prior to this point. /obvious

* Hex has super shield powers. Queue's weapon isn't shown, but it's probably some rapid-fire pea shooter, like Bass's buster.

* No really, Angel Warrior Comics is terrible. It's kinda pathetically hilarious to me, but every other character (to paraphrase what I said to Tara) looks like Rock, Roll, Bass, and Zero washed their armours in acid. Slider here apparently became Mega's friend at one point and tried to defend him from Bass.

* Hey, it's Diman/Di. Below is a redesigned Dr. Radius (to be honest, she looked too much like Dr. Ramano before).

* Tried Classic-izing Ran. She's probably not a sniper in this continuity.

Posted on: October 04, 2011, 06:57:21 PM

QuoteSurely I'll soon have more to upload than felt pen drawings and photos. In the meantime, my Koto-MM arrived today, and I got him assembled not long after.  Thanks for commissioning me, ~taichara and Liz!

Let's talk about model-building. I briefly got into it a few years ago, when I acquired a Gundam V model (I think) from a convention. Or maybe when I got that old Zero Bandai model. Either way, I had fun putting the things together, then I made the mistake of tackling the Master Grade MSA-003 Nemo. Two days to assemble and the damn thing wouldn't stay assembled. "Break time," I figured, and didn't touch another kit for a long time.

(There was probably something in the instructions that wasn't in English, therefore I missed something important. Either way...)

Megaman here was a lot simpler to put together, barring the occasional piece that either wouldn't come off the plastic tree easily, or had to be pried apart because I'd stuck it on the wrong way. (And I'd forgotten how sharp those plastic bits can be...)

My main concern with this kit would that it wouldn't have that much weight to it--it actually does, or at least more than Bandai-model-Zero. Dunno why I'd worry so much about that. :/

All in all, I'm happy with its quality and how it turned out.  Maybe if I ever get Proto, Roll, or ZERO-era Zero, I'll know which way their arm parts are supposed to be assembled.


Well, the Nemo was a "Master Grade" kit for a reason. XD

Anyway, glad to see you have aquired the Koto-Rock kit. Now let's "introduce" him to some of your friends, hehe.
Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
Quote from: Setsuna F. Seiei on October 10, 2009, 02:34:30 AM
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

Quote from: Gaia on May 07, 2010, 12:30:32 AM
One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

The Great Gonzo

"Hehe" indeed.

QuoteDrawn so that I could ask people on Pixiv what it'd take for them to like RS-MM (the show as a whole, not just a few RM designs).

As of this writing, it has only eight views. :/

Quote"What, now you want me to tell you how to walk? I only have so much time."

Discord deliberately didn't corrupt Proto just so he could see him be torn between being grateful that Rock's finally relaxing, and screaming at him to stop being a twat.

Anatomy may be borked. ._.

Posted on: October 07, 2011, 10:35:32 PM

QuoteMaybe one day I'll digitize one of these doodles.

* Rock and Proto talking about shampoo (or whatever Rock's holding): For some reason I see Proto having similar allergies to perfumey stuff as my Mom, and Rock tries not to get stuff that sends him into a coughing fit. (Originally Proto was asking him why he was getting women's shampoo, and Rock answered with "All the men's stuff smells like AXE")

* From what I know of Sonya's bio...Perhaps Emberwoman/Sonya here had someone else's AI installed in her (the original 'bot being physically dead) early in her life, which promptly took over.

* RS-Auto, I see as being incredibly annoying and cloud-cuckoo-landy (at least from Rock's perspective). He's a friendly guy, really, just missing a few screws (or a Hyper Bolt, as it were).

* "Fern of the Planet Sigma" refers to a song by Susumu Hirasawa. Dunno what it's about, but that pun was eventually all I could see after hearing that title after a while (besides the music itself, anyway).

* Last year I had sketched up Vocal's buddies, Pitch and Octave, but never put them in any formal or colour pics. The same can be said of Andrei Cossack, below.

* Would Zaia spare Rock after that? Not likely, but Rock had to think of SOME way to buy time.

* I don't think Zaiakuwoman would act all that differently from her original counterpart.

* Robot Masters built in the 2130s? I think I tried something like this before, only for it to never get off the ground. Right now I can think of only two: Nilman (their leader) and Winterman. X-era RMs would have more elaborate designs than the 20XX ones, I think.

Posted on: October 09, 2011, 03:55:13 AM

QuoteGuest-starring an eraser soccer ball and my left hand. No, this kit isn't unusually large; my hands are tiny. (The photo of Rock on that bookcase was taken a couple of days ago)

Haven't put any decals on that E-Tank in case I mess it up; don't think I've ever applied decals before, and I have no exacto-knife to cut them out with.

It's fun to pose him around and such, though removing his gauntlets can be a pain sometimes. :/

I'd only need like three or four commissions to get Proto, hint hi--*punched*

QuoteI liked this when I was done with it, though I probably won't later, after I notice all the mistakes.

Ain't no one gonna ukeify this X and live.

QuoteHey, I digitized one of those felt-pen doodles!

Process went like this: Print-screen the pic, go over the lines in SAI, retrieve colours from an earlier pic of these two, shade, add BG. Don't think it took too long, though I dunno how many more of these I'll do.

Hey, at least there's no other skaters around to make fun of Rock's 90s sweater.

QuoteFor a change of pace in my felt pen sketchpad-thing, I tried drawing a comic. No script, just some conversation going on between Protoman and Kalinka. Maybe this is what pushed him to spend some more time with the rest of the Lights (in my still-unwritten fanon).

Posted on: October 10, 2011, 04:19:15 AM

QuoteEyes melting yet?

Rock and Proto didn't want to visit LSD Land, but Roll insisted--better than actually dropping some acid, she said. Well, now they're floating in a section of space that inexplicably has atmosphere, with no apparent way to exit. Maybe they're waiting for Marky the rainbow unicorn to come by and wait Marky's a guy?!

(...yeah, my mind was legitimately blown when I found that out during a Google search. Not because of the rainbows, but the ridiculous amount of pretty)

BG was mostly borrowed/referenced from a sticker sheet with lots of Markys on it; I didn't use the weird chromatic rearrangements the rainbows had there, though. It was hard enough just making that one on the far right look decent.

Also gave Proto his MM8 hair for the hell of it. Was considering changing his and Rock's hair colours to something not brown, but it didn't look that good.

Maybe next time I'll have some actual redesigns. :/

Posted on: October 13, 2011, 06:54:31 AM

QuotePoor kid's been getting jerked around by Capcom quite a bit these days. That poster in UMvC3, which references that one Imperfect Future story in The Uncanny X-Men, in which Megaman has taken Wolverine's spot (i.e. the one not marked "apprehended" or "slain")? Just a cameo, nothing more.

We've been asking for at least one version of Megaman to get into UMvC3...and all we get is a tiny cameo. Oh, and Wolverine died at the end of that story.

Might not have bothered me as much--apart from the dying bit--had I known it was just a cameo earlier.

Rock put on some Joy Division and went for a walk; maybe he'll meet up with Lain Iwakura later.

* Based off some old Capcom Cyber Channel art, viewable via a link somewhere on this page:

Posted on: October 14, 2011, 07:57:32 AM

QuoteTried drawing some BN/ZERO/ZX stuff again, mostly at the top.

* RS.EXE is also very careful not to get himself deleted, because Van (whose design needs work) doesn't seem to have a single other family member capable of empathy.

* I don't think I ever posted that old sketch page full of BN stuff; Tyr was on it. She's Trill's sister (Mega Jr., his brother--that name or some variation of it is indeed official, I think), and takes after her mom; she's also a paranoid wreck who booby-trapped the house comp in case of hackers.

* Forgot to put "(C) Liz" above Robo-Sonya's/Emberwoman's head. D'oh.

* Bascule is one of the few MMZ characters I remember creating (the others are extensions of the Judge line). Even from the beginning, he was an in-story failure; his arc would involve proving that he isn't.

* Biometals are much harder to design than they look. x.x

* Poor RS-Rock doesn't like being unable to physically help whoever he's working with.

* Hi, there Splashproto. Or is it Protosplash?

* My dreams are still weird.

* Ruby down there? Her (his?) name might as well be "Trollwoman"; she's a tough boss, yet the weapon Mega gets from her is pointless. Too bad I don't seem to have the original meme saved.

* Proto isn't sure he likes his poncho.

* Lots of Crosses--tweaked the five existing ones on display slightly, and drew up a new one, Plant Cross (with elements from both Plantman and his Navi counterpart).

Posted on: October 16, 2011, 06:51:43 AM

QuoteQuick photo of Koto-MM and Roll (using her pre-MM8 bangs), taken in front of a closet that's probably full of spiders. D:

Roll seems to have a hard time standing on carpet. :/

Posted on: October 19, 2011, 02:59:49 AM

QuoteProto uses his one good eye to glare into your soul.

Or maybe he's just not amused.

QuoteTried experimenting with the colouring a bit.

Hopefully, whatever Rock's talking about isn't too bad.

QuoteDrew this very, VERY early in the morning; I was still awake then and I had an idea related to my NGE/MM crossover: what if the 'bots (or just Rei) wore armour based on the original human characters' EVAs? (It was actually more related to Kotobukiya getting permission from Gainax to make kits based off that, but that's just a pipe dream)

Submitted it to Pixiv first, in the hopes that someone there might like the idea. It currently only has 36 views. :/

I tried to keep her armour simple, while still obviously based off Unit-00 (jumpsuit colour is derived from Unit-00's original colour scheme). Not sure how well it worked.

QuoteReposting some things from FA (at least, the things that no one said a goddamn word about). Originally drawn 6/17.

Protocat cares not that he's about to make out with Megaskunk in public. (For that, he shall receive a very stern tail-yanking)

QuoteDrawn 6/18.

Lady, there is such a thing as "personal space".

QuoteDrawn 7/9.

Too bad Rock can't spray anyone; otherwise, this bothering wouldn't go on for so long.

Posted on: October 20, 2011, 03:33:48 AM

QuoteFinished this early in the morning, and would've completed those redesigns of Rubato and his pals had I not been hit with massive sleep deprivation.

Just a comparison between regular good-guy Trigger and evil brainwashed Trigger, with some attempt at Legends 1-style shading.

Looking back on evil!Trigger, it seems I never drew/coloured his armour the same way twice. The only constant was that his armour was supposed to be lighter in colour than regular Trigger's (which I can't really tell anymore).

He's also incredibly polite (like Juno, except when he's not) and always refers to whatever he and brainwahsed!Roll Caskett steal as "generous donations". Yeah, they were only too happy to donate after you buster-whipped them, Volnutt.

Posted on: October 21, 2011, 09:54:31 PM
Redesigns for an MML fanfic I may never complete.

QuoteBackstory: Evil!Volnutt and Caskett raided the SEED ship; Caskett took Rubato while Volnutt had his way with the place. She really wanted to keep the poor kid, but the boss said no, so she landed the Flutter and handed him over to the first person she saw--namely, Navy.

Navy had better take very, very good care of Rubato.

Posted on: October 23, 2011, 07:11:24 AM

QuoteRather than make individual pics for the rest of the pilots, I just drew everyone from the waist up here. Yay laziness! (I thought there was at least one EVA without pylons; I was wrong)

* Everyone's unit designation is based off their EVA, not their actual "Nth Child" title.

* Kensuke is the pilot of Unit-04 in some productions; his armour's colours were altered a bit to provide more balance.

QuoteStill can't make coloured pencils look good.

Sorry, Proto, you couldn't make out with this version of Rock even if you wanted to.

QuoteQuick space-filling pic of Rock and Roll, with the former wearing something blatantly swiped off a Google Image Search for "grunge fashion". (This might actually be neo-grunge)

As for Rock, he's probably looking at some off-screen fox moments before it levitates in the air and shoots laser beams out of its arsehole. /ashen

Quote["Cross-Series Pets"] A.K.A. "RADIX Couldn't Think of a Title".

I've been playing MML2 the past nights/early mornings; Geetz has been defeated, and I just have to get those other Digger licenses and explore those other ruins before heading off to the final battle. I also have lots of Legends/Classic stuff on the brain as a result.

Why Tango and not Rush? I think that if you bring a cat on board the Flutter in the first game, the Flutter soon becomes overrun with them. So, uh...joke?

QuoteSo who here's surprised that I found another way to pair up Mega and Proto?

Well...maybe. Trigger could've just lost something in Protoman's stuff, which somehow ended up in his bureau drawers, and...nope, maybe Trigger was just perving around.

Didn't like the way Trigger's mouth turned out on paper, so I altered it in Photoshop. Hopefully, it isn't too noticeable despite my pointing that out.

QuoteOut of nowhere, Yuna.

Drawing/colouring with crayons only wasn't quite as hard as I thought it'd be, and I'm happy with the final pic for now. Only retouched some nasty black marks around the top of the pic and Proto's face.

Roll Light, might wanna ask Tron to put your brother down before she runs off and recruits him as Servbot #42.

Posted on: October 25, 2011, 06:28:11 AM

QuoteSeems I have access to dA's feature now. Will I ever use it, though?

* Tempoman and Warpwoman come from an old thread on Pixelation/Way of the Pixel.

* Redesigned Roll Cross hopefully still resembles Roll.EXE/Roll Soul without being a blatant recolour-ish jumpsuit thing like last time.

* Turns out that no, I didn't draw Robo-Rei like that.

* That "Beta Squad" stuff pertains to some MM AU that I couldn't think of a name (or armour design) for.

* Lyrica is an unused design who had two colour schemes; I went with the black/white one.

* I think Solaris's first design lacked pants. Now it's fixed.

* I should probably digitize that doodle of Trigger and Rock later.

* There's this Taiwanese MML edutainment game, "Adventure to Save the World", that gives Trigger and Tron alternate designs on the boxart (Trigger's in-game model is identical to his MML1 model, I think). Tron is relatively unchanged (not sure where the purple eyes came from), but Trigger...he looks like an amalgamation of X and MM1-Boxart Mega (at least in the yellow armband-things).

* Venus has deadly curves, Mega doesn't; this makes her sad. (Spoiler: Probably not what they're talking about.)

* Rock doesn't like having dog ears.

QuoteIt's forty-something degrees outside and Rock's only wearing stockings with no pants?

I dunno why I keep wanting to draw things in Paint. Maybe it's just to prove I can actually do it. (Rock wearing a sweater was inspired by a recent DD; Roll's attire is semi-derived from one of Roll Caskett's concepts)

Posted on: October 28, 2011, 08:32:42 PM

QuotePlease don't torture him, Tron.

QuoteTheory: RS-X ended up as tall as he is because the writers/artists wanted to make him as distinct from Rock as possible. After all, game-X is not a mere recolour/redeco of game-Rock.

(Anyone got an estimates of how tall RS-Rock and X are? I cannot do math)

It could also be why X is somewhere in his thirties/early forties, as opposed to Rock's 15-21. (Even if all that musculature is just his armour, I have a hard time believing he'd only be in his teens)

QuoteFor Halloween, they dressed up as each other, then took out Onslaught who was dressed as certain nitwits at CoJ.

Posted on: October 31, 2011, 08:54:17 AM

QuoteRock doesn't like being stuck in Checkerboard Land.

Based off some official(?) art for the anime. Funny story: I literally could not find a BRS Figma that wasn't ludicrously expensive, or coming from a seller in China/Hong Kong. ;_; (Well, there was White Rock Shooter from a Japanese seller, but she was about $99)

QuoteWho knows what nasty robo-germs Rock Light could get from Rock Lichblitz?

Posted on: November 02, 2011, 06:49:27 AM

QuoteLots of plasma cake + Proto's lack of decent weights = why would a robot need to work out if their muscles don't work quite the same as humans'?

Oh yeah, Proto's being a [Bumpity-Boom!] again.

(That, or I just wanted an excuse for him to be holding Rock like this)

Posted on: November 03, 2011, 07:28:46 PM

QuoteTitle comes from the fact that for a split second, when I saw Lily Blossom on the shelf, I thought she was Derpy Hooves.

Also, this photo is mostly an excuse to talk about ponies.

So long story short, I earned Lily today (mostly due to removing coffee stains from the outside of Mom's car--someone threw it at us as we were coming home on Halloween--and helping Mom haul cardboard over to the recycling place). Not quite sure how her mane and tail exploded into that semi-80s nightmare if all she did was sit in the closet.

The other one I have to earn (or just wait until Christmas for) is Rainbow Dash; the others (Fluttershy, Rarity, and Pinkie) are for Christmas, and were gotten at Toys R Us shortly before the store relocated. Thankfully, I currently have some place to put them all (my room's a mess).

Rock seems to be more interested in Lily's swan buddy; the swan, being made of pure evil, is waiting for the right moment to peck his face off.

Posted on: November 04, 2011, 08:19:08 PM

QuoteLargely an attempt at emulating ~herms85's colouring, using a page of Megaman facing the Yellow Devil in #1. Also wanted to get down that angry fembot's design and colour scheme. (Next time I'm putting the gradients on a separate layer from the flats...)

I could just keep calling her "Crapcom-tan", but I do need a proper name for her; just can't think of a good one. Her design's loosely based off of Ishikawa's AU Roll (at least, just in the gauntlets).

Posted on: November 09, 2011, 04:08:40 PM

QuoteRock might not mind his current predicament if the person he swapped bodies with wasn't Morrigan. And if he hadn't been forced to.

QuoteProxima, what you're doing--forcing Rock to run about your offices without his pants--is very illegal. Stop it.

(Crapcom-tan has a proper name now, though it doesn't really relate to the company's name in any way...)

Posted on: November 14, 2011, 02:02:54 AM

QuoteThis one took a bit longer than usual to finish, mostly due to art block.

*Rock and Roll having/building a kid is something I've seen tossed around more than once (mostly by Capcom gags and NAdM). Rock's never happy about it; can't imagine why (unless it's Alt, who he's fine with).

* I would totally play Megaman Mass Attack if it existed.

* That's meant to be cartoon-Felicia RS-Rock's holding, but she's still scantily-clad...

* Eddieman there comes from the Power Fighters Secret File.

* Humanized-ponies-as-RS-MM-cast? Totally not because I had a brain fart.

*I think I'm literally the only one to theorize that "Rock = Zero"...years after PF made that theory and many others concerning who became Zero obsolete. (Honestly, the only grounds for it is NAdM-Zero being a Light 'bot)

* Peach's Tanooki Suit... <3

* Am I the only one thinking that RS-Rock might have some Covert Pervert tendencies?

QuoteI took these pictures ages ago and should've compiled them sooner.

The Mega and Roll ones were from my messing around with them one night. I prefer Roll with her MM8 dress; her MM8 hair is a bit hard for me to change out.

It's not easy getting two model kits to embrace (or just one, really). :/


Aw I'm so happy to see some Felicia love nya~ >U<
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
[DeviantArt||Youtube|Fan Work|WiiVC|Character File]
Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

The Great Gonzo

Rock's not so sure. XD

QuoteOn the plus side, it seems a bit easier to draw pixelly things in Photoshop; on the downside, erasing pixels is a [sonic slicer] (likely because I've forgotten how to make the eraser pixelly as well). I had wanted to follow a tutorial of ~Kiwi-RGB's, but ended up just doing this. (how do i light sources)

Palettes (mostly) taken from MvC1-2 and Kirby Squeak Squad. Speaking of the latter, I've been playing Kirby Super Star Ultra again; maybe one of my sisters has some of the other GBA/DS games?

Posted on: November 18, 2011, 12:35:53 AM

QuoteI've been working on this for the past few days (and by "working on", I mean "letting the Model Magic/paint dry"); after playing so much Kirby, I wanted a figure of him (this happens with every character or series I like) that was in-scale with my Koto-MM. (First wanted to follow this plushie tutorial I found, but my sisters have no pink fabric and I can't sew) Now he's done, and I've taken some low-quality photographs.

...I know I'll inevitably have to superglue his limbs back on, if my previous years-old attempts at Model Magic are any indication (they fell to pieces not long after they dried), but hey.

The nice thing about Kirby is that he's very simple to make. I cannot sculpt--at all--and so was kind of worried going in; I do like how he turned out.  (Though his right eye is not as well-painted as his right, and that's after I re-did it. Maybe I'll go back and fix it later)

Now I just have to figure out how to make decent hats for him. x.x


About making the eraser pixelly, you have to set its mode (on the upper part, it shows up when you select the tool) to pencil, that would do the trick.

The Great Gonzo

Quote from: KoiDrake on November 26, 2011, 12:50:41 AMAbout making the eraser pixelly, you have to set its mode (on the upper part, it shows up when you select the tool) to pencil, that would do the trick.

Not sure if it's possible in Elements, but thanks for the tip. :)

Quote["House of Wax".] Awful title is awful and that's not a house.

Sketch commission for ~NotMyRealName2; they wanted something similar to a scene in the B:TAS episode "The Cape and Cowl Conspiracy", but with Catwoman and Neifirst. I went off their fic excerpt for this, having not seen that episode. Hopefully it's alright.


QuoteLots of Kirby this time around.

* That Tanooki comes from a flash game of PETA's website. All I'll say is, given the nature of the game itself (a regular Mario level strained through the filter of your worst Mortal Kombat-induced nightmares), it's a miracle that Mario didn't get stomped into paste.

* Alexander there will never be as cool as Meta Knight. :/

* I think I drew Divine Kirby before, in high school (wing-feet and everything).

* If there's ever an RS-MM/Scooby-Doo crossover...I'd like to see Proto work with Velma at least once, despite that doodle, just for the hilarity of them dropping their spectacles and grabbing each others' instead (which is totally not ripping off that Johnny Bravo/Scooby-Doo crossover).

* The Slice n' Splice(?) is a monster from the Kirby anime that splits people into two beings, male and female (regardless of their original gender). So of course, poor Rock ran afoul of him.

* I think RS-Rock would only suggest that if he was REALLY fed up with the guys in rubber suits.

* "The GBC games" refers to the Bomberman GBC entries; I remember one ad for them mentioning that you could use your TV remote (made in 2000 or earlier, I'd imagine) to unlock stuff, but that info was nowhere to be found on the 'net (at least, nowhere I looked).

* On second thought, maybe I should've made Roll's armour green and her scarf purple, or something, because right now it just looks like she escaped from some rainbow circus in the future. /yahtzee

* Quentin is supposed to be very scary (has some xeno blood in her, after all). Here, she just looks smug. (About the xenos. I'll have to explain later, when I'm not so tired)

* Despite what it looks like, Blues and Asuka are supposed to be an item...or something. That dream I had that mentioned that also made Asuka into some infernal cannibal (and Kaworou into a blond bespectacled tykebomb) and that Blues only stayed with her because he was batshit insane at that point.

Posted on: November 27, 2011, 03:38:06 AM

QuoteWait, what's Robin doing here if this is "Random ALL-STARS"? Hell, why is he the only comic character among a bunch of VG guys? ("The Batman series had a lot of video games" is the obvious, non-RADIX-has-a-preference-for-Robin answer) And it's not really that random, either. :/

Tried to imitate one colouring method, failed, and just did my own thing, which is probably why this took so long. I can't even remember when I started. x.x

Posted on: November 28, 2011, 12:37:35 AM

Quote[Title: "I wanna be a cowboy"] Well, up until Proto learned that cowboys mostly herd cattle, not apprehend outlaws. D'oh.

Quote"You can't go around punching outlaws! That's MY job!"

"What, you don't want any help? I need SOMEthing to do besides herding a bunch of brainless cattle..."

"I--I'm not saying that's ALL you'e allowed to do, but..."

Proto, I'm not sure you're wearing that hat correctly. Might want to adjust it before you swipe Rock's.

Posted on: December 01, 2011, 07:34:41 AM

QuoteI had Zelda on mind when I started out.

* Speaking of whom, three of those designs in that top row of Zeldas are fanon; can you guess which?

* I would've done the same thing for Megawoman/girl, but sadly, I couldn't find too many designs that were just "Megaman with boobs".

* I dunno why my fanon game-Roll ended up enjoying making Rock cross-dress.

* Started off by giving Megawoman pigtails, then gave the other girls (and Kaitlin) hairstyles they aren't usually seen with. (Though Splashy has no official hairstyle yet, so I could've given her anything)

* I had some designs for KH-Link and Zelda lying around that I never scanned (Zelda's colour scheme wasn't even finished). Oops.

* After discussing it with Gauntlet--yeah, Proto seems rather lazy, but he did do a lot more prior to 9/10 than I gave him credit for.

* ~lalalei2001 and I discussed RS-Rock and Proto having middle names; we settled on "Silas" and "Ian", respectively.

* Pearl Knight was a character I'd thought of after reading TV Tropes's "Moral Substitute" page (specifically, Pearl Knight was the protagonist of a theoretical MS to Megaman; name came from one of the things Holy got changed to in early Final Fantasy localizations). He's a very nice guy, just don't go around abusing the faith (that is, be a batshit insane pseudo-believer) around him.

* Started playing Yoshi's Island DS again.

* I usually don't bother with X-era designs for the RMs these days, since I never felt I could come up with anything interesting (and I don't think I'll use RMO's designs, since they don't seem to be from 21XX). X-era Ice was just something that occurred to me while my previous hard drive was crapping out; I was so tired when I drew that, I forgot to colour or shade that stripe down his middle. (Design is based on Chill Penguin's, somewhat)

Posted on: December 05, 2011, 06:43:29 AM

QuoteInked and coloured version of ~NotMyRealName2's previous commission (decided that finishing an already-paid-for sketch is $10). Hope it's alright.

QuoteSweaters around the neck used to be a thing (mostly among yuppies, apparently). Jig was only around to point that out after Rock had put his on like that.


*Ahem* who's that next to Alucard?
Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
Quote from: Setsuna F. Seiei on October 10, 2009, 02:34:30 AM
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

Quote from: Gaia on May 07, 2010, 12:30:32 AM
One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

The Great Gonzo

Quote from: Gaia on December 11, 2011, 06:26:30 AM
*Ahem* who's that next to Alucard?

Samus, wearing something more suitable for disco dancing than vampire slaying.


That or an armor who looks like she'd be slaying more traditional RPG foes more than vampires.
Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
Quote from: Setsuna F. Seiei on October 10, 2009, 02:34:30 AM
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

Quote from: Gaia on May 07, 2010, 12:30:32 AM
One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

The Great Gonzo


Months-old doodle that went nowhere.

Quote* I keep saying that too many MM purists like to shoehorn all the continuities into each other, but I'm actually not sure if they'd go this far--I mean, surely they'd know that Battle Network is an entirely different series.

...really, I just wanted to see how it'd look. :/ L to R: Cap. N Cut(s)man, Elecman.EXE, RS-Iceman, Ishikawa-Bombman, Ariga-Fireman, and NP-Gutsman.

* For whatever reason, Emily (not her actual name?) kinda reminds me of something out of Scott Pilgrim. That, or I just wanted an excuse to put semi-hipster clothes on her.

* Dunno if RS-Roll's hairstyle really fits Bulma.

* DBZ-Proto was probably just making sure that Dragon Ball was legitimate. I know that sounds terrible when he's got a scantily-clad elf lady leaning on him.

* Back in '07, I had a design for armoured Kalinka; nowadays, armoured humans don't really float my boat, because there's a ton of Sue potential there, but it seems alright for Kalinka.

* Artemis's design looks more appropriate for ZERO or ZX. :/

* I'd actually forgotten that the Dreamcast was a sixth-gen console until I looked it up. As someone whose first console was a Dreamcast, that's pathetic.

* Vampire Rock doesn't suffer from the weaknesses of vampirism, but he doesn't get to do any cool vampire stuff either. So really, he's just got some amber contact lenses and a prominent fang.

* Oh Roll, that hairstyle and outfit are both so 70s...probably because I swiped them from a Google Image search.