The Gonzo has art.

Started by The Great Gonzo, November 08, 2008, 06:49:46 PM

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The Great Gonzo

Thanks. :)

QuoteWell, you've got a lot of fighting-off to do, Ms. Aran.

This picture would have been my backup for Mr. Miyabi's 2010 Valentines contest, as I had panicked over missing something in the rules. After I was told that it was acceptable, though, my other pic just sorta sat on my desk for several months, before I looked upon it today and decided to finish it, dammit.

That task took all day. Of course. :(

Suffice it to say that everyone in this pic has or has had interest in Rock (with Roll excluded because, while some Capcom material might suggest it, brother-sister incest doesn't float my boat).

* Tornadoman: Unsure of his feelings. Then again, he's unsure about a lot of things, since he got such a crappy start in life.

* Plantman: Rock saved him from a horrible future as a reprogrammed slave, so I don't think it'd be too far-fetched that he'd develop feelings for the blue bomber. (His plants are still first priority, though)

* Simon Belmont: ...well, he did eventually go on to marry Serena (the lady from Haunted Castle, one of the hardest damned CV games ever), so...

* Cortana: The Foxinator and I once toyed with the idea of her having a crush on Rock, so in she went. (Doesn't hurt that in our discussions, she borrowed Rock's body)

* Megagirl: She thought Rock was cute. She also thought that he needed to stop saying that America is weird.

* Miku Hatsune: is a yandere, and may take drastic action if Samus doesn't start running.

* Ado: developed a crush on Rock, after spending a few days on terra firma with him.

* Samus Aran: is the woman whom Rock is devoted to, among other things; unfortunately, she is much older than him, and the universe abhors cougars (actual or no).

* Morrigan: She stole Rock once.

* Chelsea: This is kinda cheating, as she's Rock's ex.

* Emily, the unofficial name of that pink-haired girl from Evil88's video: She has a crush on Rock.

* Quickman: He repressed his memories of getting sliced to bits with his own razor wire, and for the time being, has a sort of friendly rivalry with Rock.

* Protoman: Since this isn't RS-Proto, he doesn't necessarily want Rock all to himself, but he would like to get closer than that.

* ~lilirulu's Daughter Witch: Had a crush on Rock that generally resulted in him getting pinched and such. He tries to avoid her.

* Chun-Li: If she has feelings for him, she doesn't let him know that; the only hints Rock gets are that she can be somewhat obsessed with him. She's the one Rock is the most worried about, because she could have Samus arrested when she decides that competition is for squares.


Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on September 13, 2014, 04:31:11 PMOH [parasitic bomb] IM USING LINK AND I ACCIDENTALLY FINAL SMASHED A CUCCO OH GOD HELP
Quote from: VirusChris on September 16, 2017, 03:55:20 PMJust enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

The Great Gonzo

Quote from: Talyn on May 17, 2010, 06:27:59 AM
Is that Adeleine?

Ado, actually. *goes to add text for Ado that she forgot to put in*


Glad I could help! ^_^ Looks good, btw.
Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on September 13, 2014, 04:31:11 PMOH [parasitic bomb] IM USING LINK AND I ACCIDENTALLY FINAL SMASHED A CUCCO OH GOD HELP
Quote from: VirusChris on September 16, 2017, 03:55:20 PMJust enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Dr. Wily II

Mega sure has a harem there...
Of all kinds too. XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

The Great Gonzo

But does he want a harem? XD

QuoteThis has to do with something Sammy mentioned to be a whiles back: "Ayashi no Ceres meets Megaman". The TV Tropes generator probably wasn't thinking of the RS version, though.

QuoteAs suggested by ~Laharl234.

Why did Mr. Ariga give Rock such tiny shorts?

Quote"Looks like a rabbit Megaman."

-- My mom, on Sparkster. I don't think she believed me when I said that Sparkster is an opossum.

Naturally, it spawned this. I still prefer Megafurry as a bat, but rabbit is also good.

QuoteThis show has its fans, but it's on TV Tropes's So Bad It's Horrible page. :/

Bat-Alucard flies over Jay Leno Frankie, Super Shaggy Howler, and Whack Drak. He was not aware that he had a cousin several times removed who makes the group burlyman carry all the door-stoppers.

(Funny story: A bat got into the house, and started flying around while one of my sisters and I were at school [the other's got a cold]. I'm not sure whether or not to be glad to have missed it)


Great work as usual! ^_^
Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on September 13, 2014, 04:31:11 PMOH [parasitic bomb] IM USING LINK AND I ACCIDENTALLY FINAL SMASHED A CUCCO OH GOD HELP
Quote from: VirusChris on September 16, 2017, 03:55:20 PMJust enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

The Great Gonzo

Thanks. :)

QuoteI told myself that I would draw long-haired Mega again. Making it blue wasn't part of the plan, though. Lots of hair dye?


Dear lord, does he use the Hair Buster?
Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on September 13, 2014, 04:31:11 PMOH [parasitic bomb] IM USING LINK AND I ACCIDENTALLY FINAL SMASHED A CUCCO OH GOD HELP
Quote from: VirusChris on September 16, 2017, 03:55:20 PMJust enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Dr. Wily II

Quote from: The Great Gonzo on May 19, 2010, 04:50:42 AM
But does he want a harem? XD
He doesn't really have a choice on it though. XD

And shorts are comfortable! Wear them even in winter! 8D
Also, long-haired Mega... Hmm... Looks cute.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Proud member of Indigo tribe!

The Great Gonzo

I should draw him like that more often. XD

QuoteDrawing Yoshi was fun, as soon as I remembered how to. My plans to use every colour of Sharpie I have didn't quite pan out, though.

Yoshi is currently wondering if he can eat other Yoshis and fart them out as eggs, like he (she? arg) can in Super Smash Bros.

QuoteNeither Madotsuki nor Urotsuki know what this effect will let them do, so now's as good a time as ever to test it out.

Oh, and Madotsuki took one of Rock's helmets as payment when she first helped him out. Maybe it somehow spat the effect egg out while she was in the dream world?

* Urot's arm and leg warmers were based off an article of clothing *kittykat1313meow was wearing today; Madot's armour was loosely based off of The Dream (Cardcaptor Sakura). I thought it was fitting. >.>

Quote"Come on, Dub! You can beat him!"

Sorry, Rock. Dub's [tornado fang]'d.

Why didn't I finish this earlier D: Dunno how long it's been sitting on my scanner. With this out of the way, there's only my heavily-revised-T*******/CV pic to finish. And maybe that one sketch.

QuoteBelieve it or not, all three of these people are Megaman characters of mine; Mega doesn't get involved until later, though.

"The Punishing Game" is a non-televised game show of sorts, to which everyone in a small, rural town flocks to. In it, prisoners from all over the world are put through a series of horrific, bizarre deathtraps and the occasional fight to the death. It's all overseen by Waita Nakamura, who came up with and set up the Punishing Game in the first place. This is the only real joy in her life, and it doesn't matter who's "featured"--as long as they die at the end.

Her partner is a registered esper named Colin. He's the one that the especially unlucky prisoners fight, if not Waita. Colin doesn't seem to enjoy being Waita's co-host, but he knows better than to try and quit--

--because that's what Norma, the fellow in the middle, did not succeed in doing. Now he's just another one of Waita's "contestants", put through the same challenges as the others. He's only survived for as long as he has because of his healing factor--any injury he sustains will immediately "sew itself back up", so to speak--severed limbs must be picked back up first. Waita, Colin, and Norma are all aware that there's only so much he can regenerate, and Waita eagerly awaits the day that she finds that point.

Megaman and Bass aren't prisoners, so they're not put on the show--instead, they somehow end up as Waita's cleanup crew.

QuoteOh, Zaiakuman will play nice with Megaman, all right.

Play nice with Mega's bum, that is.

The desire to draw Zaia and Dr. Ramano again led to this. Unlike last time, Zaia now has his proper colour scheme (orange =/= red). Unfortunately, I seem to have miscoloured Dr. Ramano's tie.

She knows exactly what Zaia is planning. :C


heh, looks awesome! ^_^
Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on September 13, 2014, 04:31:11 PMOH [parasitic bomb] IM USING LINK AND I ACCIDENTALLY FINAL SMASHED A CUCCO OH GOD HELP
Quote from: VirusChris on September 16, 2017, 03:55:20 PMJust enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Dr. Wily II

That's a lot of Yoshis... D:
Also, will Dub end up like that guy in Strike Man's bio? O:

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


That is one huge cleaver she got there.

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

The Great Gonzo

I just recently realized how similar Waita and Rena are, weapon and costume-wise at least. >.<

QuoteLayout... D:

The thought occurred to me that a SFII/III-like RS-MM game might be awesome. That same game, with MM gameplay in-between matches and an involved stroyline, probably can't be pulled off in MUGEN. My attempts at using MUGEN didn't pan out (in this case, due to lack of interest), so...this'll likely be all I'll have to show for this idea.

As for the story itself, it starts with Alicia Wily (see below) causing trouble for Megaman, and things go downhill from there. (In other words, I don't have anything concrete yet)

Oh, and it'd be hard to have a SFII/III-like game when almost everyone hails from New York. :C


Megaman: Normally a very kind and amiable guy, but his latest "assignment"--investigating the actions of a drug cartel--is seriously trying his patience. (He's not too fond of the police who were sent in along with him)

Roll: She's accompanying Mega, though not really for the investigation--when else would she get the chance to visit Newport? Of course, soon everything goes to pot.

Protoman: Same story as Roll's, but he's not interested in the city either.

Jacoline Ehrke: Though she hails from South Africa, her creator is from the North. She's on the same investigation team, and is the only member of it that Mega doesn't want to strangle.


Tenguman: With Proto evicted, Tengu was promoted to second-in-command in Skull Castle. He and his assembly are in Newport for entirely different reasons than Mega, but they end up clashing anyway.

Ran Rubio: The team's sniper. One incident in Skull Castle, though not aimed at her in the slightest, has caused her to swear off Proto for life. Unfortunately for Proto, he was thinking of trying to patch things up before parting ways, and, well, that's not happening any time soon.

Elecman: He still suffers from various internal problems, but insists on fighting anyway; he's afraid of becoming useless (even if Wily doesn't see it that way).

Bass: If any hacking needs to be done, Bass can do it, but he'd rather not fight. So, of course, the world conspires against that preference.

Alicia Wily: Recently-built new robot of Wily's. She likes Megaman from the moment she sees him, but he doesn't. Too bad he's unfamiliar with the term "yandere".


Sang Kyu N.: He was built and raised in North Korea, specifically its military; disappointingly but unsurprisingly, he has a very low opinion of Americans. He's been ordered to trail one, to boot (Megaman, of course). It's a good while before Sang realizes that his superiors aren't calling him anymore...


Dr. Wily II

SFII/III-like RS-MM game?
Sounds like an interesting idea.

And the pic could work as cover art. :3

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Proud member of Indigo tribe!


I like the characters you've come up with there. The bios are well written. Oh, and the artwork is great too. ;)
Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on September 13, 2014, 04:31:11 PMOH [parasitic bomb] IM USING LINK AND I ACCIDENTALLY FINAL SMASHED A CUCCO OH GOD HELP
Quote from: VirusChris on September 16, 2017, 03:55:20 PMJust enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

The Great Gonzo

Thanks. :)

QuoteAll I can say is, I'm happier with this final version than I am with the initial one.

And he still looks like jailbait. :C

"Say, what would an 'adult' Megaman who wasn't the RS version look like?"

Later, while trying to decide on a design:

"...and I thought this was a good idea."

Dr. Wily II

Well, you can't really blame him for having a babyface... XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

The Great Gonzo

True. XD

QuoteNot that it actually takes place within Saturn; it's the only title I could think of.

Urumeshi (the fellow with purple hair) is an adviser to the Sultan of his country, but just looking at him, you wouldn't know it--he works in the middle of a field, in a small shack. One day, a large group of rabbits capable of speech ask admittance into his workspace; once inside, they warn him that the two armies that have been waging war in the remote parts of Urumeshi's homeland are getting dangerously close to him.

Can you tell this was based off of a dream?

Urumeshi comes up with the brilliant plan of leading both sets of soldiers far away from his shack; only one army arrives, and the plan goes to [parasitic bomb] after Urumeshi realizes that neither his magic nor his physical attacks can harm them. He's saved by his friend and fellow sorcerer Salazar (the red-haired fellow); unfortunately, Urumeshi and the rabbits will have to leave for the city anyway, as, even if the war is ending, it's still not safe in the fields.

Urumeshi: The Emperor's adviser and most trusted companion, two things he worked hard to achieve. Though officially a diplomat, Urumeshi also spends many hours becoming a better sorcerer, as he can't wield a weapon or fist to save his life.

His grandfather is incredibly wealthy and sociable, but the two have fallen out of contact.

Salazar: Another sorcerer, unaffiliated with the Emperor. These days, he mostly assists Urumeshi with political matters. Salazar's goal is to become widely respected, but various factors are impeding that.

Ceriza (the blue-green-haired girl): She's a skilled sword wielder, and considers herself Urumeshi's bodyguard. Ceriza trained herself in swordsmanship for several years before going abroad to refine her techniques; unfortunately, drastically fewer people than she hoped accepted her request, because of her country of origin.

Marona (the pink-haired girl): In contrast to Ceriza, Marona is a sharpshooter, is rather tiny, and doesn't wear makeup. Marona is entirely self-taught and has to get ammo by herself, as guns aren't readily available in any country but the two that are at war. It's also rather difficult to practice when everyone in the country seems to against it.

The Rabbits: They moved out of their warren after realizing that the soldiers would be fighting on top of them soon. While they can digest plant matter, they mostly eat corpses and fresh meat, and treat the dead (apart from their own) as nothing more than what they use them for, leading to spats with humans who believe that the dead should be respected.

Carnivorous bunnies. Up yours, Night of the Lepus.

QuoteAt least, I think the title was taken from something in Cowboy Bebop.

Rock, who (usually) dresses sensibly, runs into Torin, who has decided that shirts are for squares. (So did Ariga-Copy Rock; an early sketch of the guy depicts him wearing this. I went with the version that didn't have something tied around his neck)

Quote"Rather difficult, isn't it, tin man?"

Not that the Lion Men weren't a viable threat already, what with their brainwashing, lioning eye beams. Now they're taller than Mega and could come back at any time (though Tar's group, who were the only ones to use the lioning eye beams of lioning, was eliminated), as I retconned them into not being mummies and all.

Don't worry, Mega; he'll probably just bat you around and sit on you for a while.

QuoteMiku does want, Mega does not want. Miku gets what Miku wants regardless.

--oh, and I referenced that one 80s song that got remade into a shitty modern pop song that has nothing to do with the original song. You know, like several other 80s songs. :C

* This is actually one of Miku's beta designs (the other greatly resembling her final one). At least, I hope so; it was included in book called "Vocaloid UNOFFICIAL Illustrations".

QuoteI never enjoyed fighting the White Dragons in any incarnation. :(

This version of Maria Renard is from the Japanese Castlevania: Dracula X manual; while I like her dress (striped socks <3), she's not playable in this version. Damn.

Protoman Blues


Those are great as usual. You have both a talent for the written media and the visual as well.
Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on September 13, 2014, 04:31:11 PMOH [parasitic bomb] IM USING LINK AND I ACCIDENTALLY FINAL SMASHED A CUCCO OH GOD HELP
Quote from: VirusChris on September 16, 2017, 03:55:20 PMJust enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Dr. Wily II

Vocaloid UNOFFICIAL Illustrations?
I'm very interested in this now. XD

Also, canivorous rabbits.
I guess they are related to the rabbit in Monty Python's The Holy Grail. XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.