So, are his methods unorthodox as well?
*teleports Megaman to another section of his stage*
Angel Warrior Comics (link goes to a review, which in turn has a link to the bastard itself) is what would happen if Gonterman made a sprite comic, minus his...
distinctive style. The grammar is insulting, and the characters are little more than recolours with mild edits (one guy is just Slashman with Treble's muzzle). Oh, and that last strip before the creator says that the comics are done? Apparently, Sigma now has an elastipenis. My God.
To be fair, the guy was 17 when he ended it in March 2003, so there's always the hope that he got better. Then again...
As for the pic itself: I wanted to draw Marina (she seems to be an antihero), but also had those jagged black tendrils that appear in some of Lizsama's pictures in mind. It added up to this. (That retarded thing in the corner is the author avatar.)