The Gonzo has art.

Started by The Great Gonzo, November 08, 2008, 06:49:46 PM

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Those all look awesome.
Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on September 13, 2014, 04:31:11 PMOH [parasitic bomb] IM USING LINK AND I ACCIDENTALLY FINAL SMASHED A CUCCO OH GOD HELP
Quote from: VirusChris on September 16, 2017, 03:55:20 PMJust enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Dr. Wily II

Proto molesting Mega... Mega sure is snuggable. XD

And wow at those watercolours.
They came out really well.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Protoman Blues

Hurray for more Fem-Blues! XD


I love the FF logo, especially the rainbowy illustration.

Proud member of Indigo tribe!


^I'm going to draw this. It would be a crime if I didn't!

I saw a tut on DA somewhere on how to make the FF logos in PS, thought.
"Sumo Wrestlers are sexy by DEFAULT!"-[DA]-[SA]-[Pixiv]

Black Mage J

That FF logo looks so good.

The Great Gonzo

Thanks. :) (Only FF-logo tutorial I remember seeing wasn't on dA. :/ )

QuoteUsing GameBoy palettes, no less. What started as an MS-Paint doodle of Mega became something that took too long, not counting time taken to practice driving.

Link, Mega, Alucard, and Shyna Nera Shyna, assembled for...some purpose. I may have accidentally augmented Shyna's bust. >.<


Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on September 13, 2014, 04:31:11 PMOH [parasitic bomb] IM USING LINK AND I ACCIDENTALLY FINAL SMASHED A CUCCO OH GOD HELP
Quote from: VirusChris on September 16, 2017, 03:55:20 PMJust enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything


Shyna Nera Shyna is one heck of awesome name. and nice unicoloring there.

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

Dr. Wily II

Maybe it's time for them to assemble their own team of heroes.

Liking the shades in the pic. :3

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

The Great Gonzo

Thanks. :)

QuoteSpent too much effort on it to justify scrapping it, so...

The first four doodles are the heroes with some added personal effects. Everything else are either fan-made or unused Silhouette Mirage characters.

* My Art teacher remarked that Alucard looked like a pirate, hence the hat. Now if only he didn't spend so much time in that coffin...

* Most of the fanchars are from some old attempt at an SM fanfic, "Deprogrammed Hope" (HOW ORIGINAL). It involved such madness as most of the baddies getting un-deleted and Shyna splitting into two entities because a gun that was given to her exploded. (Though the second scenario was only planned, not written) Hopefully, I'll be able to relocate that old SM art I did back in '05 before the year's over.

* I am disappoint that all my SM dorks end up looking human, except for the design given to Hasmallim04. :(

QuoteMy frustration over not being able to find the files I wanted (they're apparently still on the XP, which is disconnected) led to this highly self-referential doodle.

The lady in back, Dusk Asmodi, is a rare Silhouette inventor (that honor usually going to the Mirages). She gave Shyna a gun early on in my very old, unfinished, and crappy SM fic; the logic was that whatever Shyna was sent to investigate might be resistant to both Silhouette and Mirage-attribute attacks.

The gun would have exploded and split Shyna into two beings for some reason--Shyna S. (all-Mirage and good) and Nera (all-Silhouette and evil). Shyna S. would have to team up with various un-deleted (for vague reasons) baddies in order to defeat Nera and become whole again.

It is worth noting that Dusk had no idea that the gun would violate the laws of logic. Neither did Shyna.

Quote"You can't just keep sponging off us, kid. Do you know how much you owe us right now?"


Still, the idea of Bulma Briefs fixing up Protoman (originally Mega) couldn't go undrawn. And while I don't plan on completely crossing over MM with DB/Z/GT, I may keep Bulma and Capsule Corp.

Problem is, back when I threw ideas around for DB/Z/GT, I decided that everyone lived in a China/Hong Kong analogue. In NINE, China is very Communist as it is in real life. Either Bulma moved, or Proto's stuck.

QuoteAnd one...sor girl, I guess.

Originally, these jackasses--Roxas, Morcoome, Paigon, Burgess, and Pitas--were old DBZ characters of mine; they made up the Special Corp., one of King Cold's highest-ranking set of henchmen.

In NINE, they travel the galaxy looking for strong guys to fight, without the financial aid of a white-and-purple space lizardman.

In RADIX-Land, one fails upward.

On the plus side, they're not really evil anymore, and really do just want a good fight. On the downside, the removal of their DBZ armour led to their ridiculous wardrobes (though Paigon kept his arm warmers).

Pitas, the strongest, acts as the leader; Roxas, the lone lady, is second-in-command; Morcoome, Paigon, and Burgess are the next-strongest (in that order).

* I am very aware that the name "Roxas" is taken by Square; she was named by a friend of mine, and I really don't want to change it for that reason.

QuoteEven RS-Rock can't resist having a mancrush on Solid Snake. Otacon and Proto, on the other hand, were not amused.


rofl; those are awesome, especially the last one!
Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on September 13, 2014, 04:31:11 PMOH [parasitic bomb] IM USING LINK AND I ACCIDENTALLY FINAL SMASHED A CUCCO OH GOD HELP
Quote from: VirusChris on September 16, 2017, 03:55:20 PMJust enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything


Agreed, lol at the last one.

and Darrrrrrrrrrrrk metamorphosis *in pirates talk*

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

Dr. Wily II

Solid Snake too? XD
Mega knows no bounds. XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

The Great Gonzo

"RS-Mega/Anyone"...that should be an oekaki meme. XD

QuoteI should have finished this a long time ago. :(

The CV: Aria of Sorrow schmucks, in poses taken from a game called Realms of Arkania III: Shadows Over Riva. At least they're not dead, as was implied in the original.

QuoteDrawn earlier this year; I intended to colour it, but that didn't happen.

I had an idea, some two years back, of a Chao growing into a humanoid. (Megaman was thrown in for size comparison) I doubt Sega would touch it.

QuoteTwo characters salvaged from an ancient-ass "sketchbook" of mine (it's where that 1999/2000 scrap of Ash came from). Braddock, an artificial human (who may or may not have been that fourth PPG from that old, presumably lost comic of mine), stayed mostly the same, while Hristina was overhauled.

Braddock was some lab [dark hold]'s attempt at an artificial human not unlike the PPG; once it was clear that she had no extraordinary powers (she was twelve then), that [dark hold] decided to just strip her of her organs. Thankfully, others intervened and Braddock emancipated herself from the lab.

Hristina is a regular African-Norwegian girl that Braddock became friends with. She wants to travel the world once she's old enough and has the resources to do so, but isn't yet sure where to start.

QuoteOne of my Government classmates asked me to draw something for her, and this is what I came up with.

I want to call him "Bara" (Japanese for "rose"), but it's also slang for "homosexual fellow" (which would make about as much sense as calling him "Yaoi"). :/

QuoteArmageddon, a.k.a. Clod (...seriously, Working Designs?), is one of the end-game bosses in Silhouette Mirage. Arma is a boy, a fact that I had difficulty accepting back then.

I haven't fought him yet, because the U.S. version of Silhouette Mirage is one of those games that hates you.

QuoteSince Rock fell asleep during it, Simon has to carry him home. That shouldn't be too hard.

QuoteNo one can kill conversations faster than Protoman. Not that one was going to start in the first place.

*That last line is quoted from one of my classmates.

Quote"I think I saw that at a car boot sale once."

"Who're you gonna dance with, Princess? Petey Piranha?"

In a school as large as Soul's, there are bound to be multiple roving gangs of assholes. White's is composed of herself, Platinum Berlitz, May, and their personal manservant Black. They're usually much nicer than this, but Soul's buttons are so much fun to push that they send the girls right into [dark hold] Mode(TM) around her. (Black, though spineless, never joins in) Soul would like nothing better than to banish them all to Dark Land.

* Soul's dress is taken from a guide to Super Mario Bros.--namely, its strange version of Peach.

QuoteAfter chasing the girls away, Soul vents about all the things they said about her, while her school buddies listen. Presumably, Queen Peach vetoed Soul's decision to ban White's group to Dark Land.


Nice work. The Chao one looks like Mega's thinking "What the heck is this?" to that line.
Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on September 13, 2014, 04:31:11 PMOH [parasitic bomb] IM USING LINK AND I ACCIDENTALLY FINAL SMASHED A CUCCO OH GOD HELP
Quote from: VirusChris on September 16, 2017, 03:55:20 PMJust enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything

Black Mage J

Very cool how you put all the trainers in one place.  XD

Dr. Wily II

May... [dark hold] Mode... May? O^O
Chao evolution is fascinating, and lol at Blues in the comic. XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Is it a coincidence that I'm currently marathoning the pokemon adventures?

Group shot is awesome!

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

The Great Gonzo


QuoteHe's not as good as Frostman, but Chillman's getting there.

QuoteWherever she got that steel cable, MegaRoll had better hope that it can support both her weight and Rock's.

* I could see Roll using that persona before becoming Gigawoman. It'd beat that tacky ornamental OVA armour, at any rate. (Original Megagirl sprites by cyberkid)

Quote1490s, according to Wikipedia. Either way, Rock wants out.

QuoteWhat that old, crappy, unfinished fic of mine would've led to. This was completed before remembering that the fleshy bits of Shyna's Silhouette wing are red. >.>

QuoteThe "Superhero" class is more like Yatterman if he was hammered for every waking hour of his life.

Normally, Mega, Link, Shyna, and Alucard are "freelancers" , but after mastering a new class, they can switch between it and other classes at any time (well, any time they can find Shyna's partner, Bug). The Superhero class grants them access to places that other classes can't go to (for various reasons, not just mobility).

Everyone's outfits were pulled from the 1970s; Mega's contains elements of Grandmaster Flash's "The Message" wardrobe.

Dr. Wily II

Forgot to mention this on DA, but Chill's snowmen are great to guess who is who. :3

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

The Great Gonzo


Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on September 13, 2014, 04:31:11 PMOH [parasitic bomb] IM USING LINK AND I ACCIDENTALLY FINAL SMASHED A CUCCO OH GOD HELP
Quote from: VirusChris on September 16, 2017, 03:55:20 PMJust enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything


The yatterman one is [tornado fang]ing awesome!

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

Dr. Wily II

Wow, that is large...
But it's really cool to see this collection. :3

I'm watching you all. Always watching.