The Gonzo has art.

Started by The Great Gonzo, November 08, 2008, 06:49:46 PM

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Proud member of Indigo tribe!

Dr. Wily II

Mechaniloid *hides*

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

The Great Gonzo

M. Purple: *blasts hiding place to smithereens*

QuoteOverdue request for ~Laharl234, who wanted to see Rock in a bunch of, well, outfits. Didn't get to every suggestion, but I'm happy with what I did draw.

The one on the far right looks like something one of the Beatmania fellows threw away. XD

Dr. Wily II

It was worth itttttttttttttttttttt~ *blasted off*

Ahem, heh at the "Beatmania" one. XD
I always liked how you draw Rock in all kinds of outfits, embarassing or not. XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

The Great Gonzo

Thanks. :)

QuoteThe other option was stripping everyone naked like some others did. *cough that one Bleach fan pic cough*

Incidentally, all my ladies look like B's.

Top to bottom: Yuri Wily (who's too young to be wearing bras), Ms. K, Roll, Kalinka, Jumpgirl, and...Gutswoman. Yes.

* Some size names are ones I remember from either middle school or freshman year...probably the latter.

Dr. Wily II

Guts... Woman... H... Oh my god... XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

The Great Gonzo

QuoteI should've scanned this pic about a week earlier, when I finished it. >.>

Vocal is a relatively young robot, coming into the world after Megaman has seemingly left it for space (around the 2050s). He's taken it upon himself to defend Earth (or at least his home country) in the Blue Bomber's stead--but as he'll soon find out, that's a task easier said than done.

QuoteOr rather, "Stark White Limbo of the Werehogs and One Werebot". Just imagine poor Mega trying to sound scary.

*Sonia was going to be Amy, but someone already did an Amy-Werehog, and I didn't want to simply copy that.

Dr. Wily II

So, what's Vocal's main weapon?
A sonicboom-type?

Also, oh god werehogs. D:

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Isn´t that ABC pic missing the F and G? Just wondering....
The Wolf Hedgehogs + Mega Wolf look nice.
BTW I refuse using the term Werehog because it doesn´t describe what Sonic turned into.

The Great Gonzo

There exists an F and G? Holy crap...

Quote from: Dr. Wily II on February 12, 2010, 05:08:28 PM
So, what's Vocal's main weapon?
A sonicboom-type?

Nah, his is just another musical name. :)

Dr. Wily II

Should have thought of that, silly me... XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

The Great Gonzo

QuoteSo, I remembered that I had some markers from when I was a kid, but didn't use them much after a while. I also have lots of cardstock and free time.

There isn't much to say about X, other than that he's insanely tall even for a Reploid and has to put up with gawkers every time he goes outside. Same goes for Zero, except he's not as tall and the gawkers are staring at his hair instead--unlike X, they don't bother Zero.

The third character was drawn on a whim, after wondering what Roll's RS-MMX equivalent would be like. Her name's Marquee (at least, I think Photoshop was around in the mid-90s); she's X's spotter, but isn't very helpful or considerate. Her armour's supposed to be a darker shade of purple. >.>

QuoteThis version of Splashy was designed by *KaitlinEXE, which in turn was influenced (I think) by *RockMiyabi's drawing of her prior to MM9's release. Like most of her pics, that sketch is no longer in her gallery. :(

Splashy's not actually glowing; that's just a cheap effect.

QuoteI dunno who got him into that suit and how, but they'd best hide.


QuoteNice to see that one of 'em's happy. >.>

QuoteThis lady comes from a PC-engine hentai parody of Sailor Moon (complete with annoying tentacles). Thanks to the colours, she resembles Sasami. :/ (I dunno if she has green hair or if it's supposed to be blonde but system limitations got in the way) Oh, and her name is Usagi. The real Usagi is not pleased.

The game also featured other girls, apparently. It gets five points for having expies of Setsuna and Makoto and negative-five hojillion points for having an expy of Chibiusa (unless they aged her up).

...and it took me a bit to realize what her wand looks like. Hence why it's been blurred out.

QuoteThese two sorta showed up in the first Sailor Moon series. Very sorta--they were being reincarnated, along with everyone else. Sailors Extras. Yeah.

Posted on: February 13, 2010, 08:10:26 PM

QuoteMegaman <3s you. Literally--you now have a <3 lodged in your skull.

Drew this in late January, because I had nothing better to do and they were making Valentines in art class to raise money to help Haiti. I think.

I thought Mega's stance was cute. Everyone else thought it was gay. :/


That's a cool looking buster adaptor.

Dr. Wily II

Torin is expected to turn into a sailor scout sooner or later... XD *hides*
That's a cool-looking Splashy, and d'aww at Cupidman. XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

The Great Gonzo


QuoteShoulda paid attention to which Drive form you were activating, Sora.

Inspired by =DracheaRannak's Sailor Consoles.

Quote"Uh, sis? I'm pretty sure that whatever you're trying to infiltrate isn't a cult."

"Yeah, well, this is the most modest 'evil costume for ladies' I could find. I'll take what I can get."

Quote-ish. This is what happens you look at your Yuna mini-figure while out of ideas.


QuoteActual title is "Siblings", which is boring.

Proto has willingly removed his shades, and the world's still in one piece? Hm.

Quote"For the last time, stop saying I'm your father. We look nothing alike and the humans'll start to suspect something."

"It's not like it's their business."

"You obviously don't know humans."

That version of Trill down there was inspired by Chibiusa, minus the future and frilly dresses.

QuoteOne day, this kid approached Rock and Blues and declared the former to be his dad. Rock didn't take it very well and showed him where to get off. The kid then showed up at his house, making it clear that he wasn't about to bugger off any time soon.

Trill didn't just come out of the ether; he had been living at an orphanage for most of his life (God knows what happened to his creator) and was getting tired of being treated as a glorified vacuum cleaner by that one [dark hold] of a human--who, as a douchebaggy bonus, was forcibly keeping Trill there. The robot had heard a lot of good things about Megaman and decided to try and move in with him. Of course, he knew there was a chance he'd be rejected, so he vowed to not give up until it'd happened.

Sadly, while determination is a great thing, Trill doesn't know when he's beat and isn't too flexible, as Rock notes whenever Trill does anything else.

Oh, and he shows up in some timeline where Proto didn't die a horrible death, so no Doomed by Canon.

QuoteMega has a very rough time keeping his death-seeking siblings from finding it. And everyone he dreams about (barring himself) becomes a sheep, apparently.

Dr. Wily II

Sailor Consoles are awesome, Sora... Oh boy. XD
Nice Evil Roll, oh my Mega... XD
And sheep... Mega has some weird dreams. XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


That Evil outfit looks good on Roll. And sora could actually pass as a girl in the Sailor Console  XD

The Great Gonzo

He could. :)

Three old pics of Sailor Mars. Do not stare for too long, or your eyes will attempt to escape through the back of your head.

Search party members whose pics I don't feel like linking to!

QuoteI don't think there's ever been a magical-boy anime out there, and if there is, I apologize. (Before I forget, info on what goes with what came from here: )

Shio is bored. His mom is drifting between jobs, he's not allowed out of the house, and school is uneventful. Having exhausted all other activities, he starts rummaging through the closets; eventually, he finds a box with seven old keys in it. He doesn't remember his mom buying them, and they can't fit in any locks, so he tosses the box to one corner of his room and forgets it for a while.

Later, he examines the one with a purple gem out of disinterest, and notices writing on its back. Shio reads it aloud, and suddenly finds himself wearing...whatever that is up there; the key apparently becomes a heavy sword.

He notices that there are six keys left, and he has six buddies in school.

Oh, and there are malevolent ghost pigs everywhere now.

Shio (Purple, Humility) - Though he's Japanese, he's lived all his life in Norway and knows only Norwegian and English. His dad died in a car crash a few months before he was born.

Omar (Blue, Compassion) - He lives with his father, who's mostly yelled at him; the only comfort Omar has is in his friends. His somewhat large frame is due to genetics, not diet; despite that, he's quite good at sports.

Arvid (Oragne, Patience) - He's given a lot of flack for his arrogance, not all of it deserved. Arvid doesn't know what happened to his parents; he's been living with his aunt and uncle for as long as his memory serves.

Erlend (Yellow, Charity) - This kid's a bit of an odd duck. He does everything in what could be considered an "abnormal" fashion, and claims that he was seeing those malevolent pig ghosts long before Shio found those keys. Erlend wasn't taken seriously until everyone else began seeing them, as well.

Knute (Supposed to be Pink, Kindness) - The "soft" one, though not without his bad moments; he was the last to pick a key, and got stuck with pink and a putz of a knife. Regardless, he took it better than the others thought he would. Knute lives with his dad, Kristian, and his other dad, Leif. (To clarify, he dyed his hair)

Matias (Green, Diligence) - Always getting into fights, though smart enough(?) not to fight on-campus. His house is large to accommodate his extended family, but it's not really "home" to him; he feels that it's in need of a condemnation sign.

Tobias (White, Purity) - The kid's focused on his schoolwork and not much else, which worries his friends. His parents are traveling abroad at the time, leaving him with his grandparents--who, sadly, aren't too fond of him and keeping finding new excuses to kick him out of the house.


Dr. Wily II

Ghost Pigs? XD
Though that is a rather cool concept for a magical boy anime, if any. XD

Also, I love Search Party. :3

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Magical boy anime? not sure if I want to watch the transformation section.

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

Dr. Wily II

There will be a bright flash, and they are transformed. :P
You think they will really spend time on that? XD
Case in point, ZXA Vent VS ZXA Aile ZX transformation. XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

The Great Gonzo

Well, if they really wanted to show off their budget... XD

QuoteWell, not everyone, but a lot. God knows how Sailor Moon had everyone transform if they had no Silver Millennium counterparts.

L to R: Sailors Samus, Yuri, Roll, Moon, Kalinka, Splash, Madotsuki, and Nastenka. Considering that NAdM was staffed entirely by anime fanboys, it wouldn't surprise me if the idea crossed their minds at some point.

Dr. Wily II

Sweet! They all look great! XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Black Mage J

Yes,the art looks good. And the shading is little, but nicely done anyway.


Sailor moon never looked so happy.  XD

Proud member of Indigo tribe!