The Gonzo has art.

Started by The Great Gonzo, November 08, 2008, 06:49:46 PM

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The Great Gonzo

Protollama? XD

QuoteShe likes you. /lies

QuoteAnd girly boots.

QuoteThey don't have the mustaches, but they can jump.

Black Mage J

Super Light bros is good stuff, fund it please?


Super Light Bros. is made of win.
You should draw Rock making a Boo making a face back at him.

they dont think it be like it is but it do

Protoman Blues

But then I'd have to change my Luigi Blew It song to Protoman Blew It!   :(


Lol @ Super Light Bros.

Hmm and the girly boots megaman somehow looks... cute?

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

Dr. Wily II

Quote from: The Great Gonzo on January 28, 2010, 03:44:56 AM
Protollama? XD
... Please draw that. XD

Girly boots Mega does look cute there, and yes for the funding of Super Light Bros. XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


But we haven't funded Super Vixio Sisters yet~ >U<

Girly boots Mega is adorable. And I'd love to play a Super Light Bros. x3
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[DeviantArt||Youtube|Fan Work|WiiVC|Character File]
Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Sniper X

I love how you draw Rock's body.

The Great Gonzo

Thanks! :)

--Wait... :V

QuoteLots of RMs without their armour? At least one guy in the group guaranteed to top everyone else? At least one guy who'll end up as the group pillow? Or group something? No discernible plot to speak of? Sounds like a Peacekeeper wet dream...

and then you notice Gutsman.

I wanted to do two things when drawing this: practice clothing folds, and give everyone colours that they normally don't wear. (Fanon has dictated that RS-Proto does not like wearing day-glo stuff, so any bright colour would've done, really)

Tengu better get his hands off Rock soon, unless he wants Rock to punch him before Proto can.

To clarify, Peacekeeper was an online glut of Mega-yaoi that seems to have vanished now. Their fics tended to read alike, and would often turn the less attractive RMs into bigger villains than they usually are. (Don't quote me on this; that's mostly Dracozombie's account of the place)

QuoteI don't know which bar, but they're at one. Sooner or later, the bouncers will notice that they're taking up space.

QuoteOh GOD I made so many mistakes on this one. Sailor Mrkos's bangs, Oort's lack of a butt-bow (though that was fixed), that awful first drawing of Mega down at the bottom...GLAAA. It looks a bit better now, but...I think I need more sleep. D:

Due to screwing up several Sailors' hairstyles, I ended up adding a new one--Sailor Biela. She's the dark-skinned redhead with the hair bow.

The upside-down gal is Sailor Orrery, a native of the Moon (referred to as Lunerians. Long story, not enough time to recount it here). She's the one that created and distributed the Comet Rods (which hopefully will not continue to sound like expensive [dark hold]-destroying dildos) ; however, she isn't really a proper Sailor.

Sailor Oort is the primary opponent of the Comet Sailors, disguised as an ordinary woman on Earth--almost. She has to wear shades at al times to conceal her very-nearly white eyes; it works as well as one would expect (not very). Oort doesn't have an element, unlike the Sol System Sailors--just black goo that seems to come out of hammerspace. She uses it to attack, but it has other functions, such as travel.

The lady in the back is Queen Oceanus, ruler of a small planet. She provided asylum to Sailor Orrery while the latter was still in fear of enemy attacks; while no one actually did, it was better safe than sorry. While she's normally a kind and generous woman, she turns violent at the slightest provocation, depending on who it is. Orrery wasn't in any danger, but she witnessed one of the Queen's outbursts shortly before leaving for Earth, and is hesitant to go back. She, too, seems to be a Sailor, but she hasn't had use for that form yet.

Maybe one day I'll have info on the actual Comet Sailors--after I finish that pic I have in mind--but for now, I'm tired and I need a shower. >.<

Dr. Wily II

Hmm... Guts... XD

Also barspace is plentiful. XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


That's one very gutsy green mohawk. XD

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

The Great Gonzo

He takes good care of that mohawk. XD

QuoteQueen Oceanus's Sailor form. (Princess Kakyuu became Sailor Kakyuu in the manga, so...) She only uses it when her regular-form powers aren't enough; Sailor Orrery didn't see it when she was staying in the palace.

Her attacks all have to do with darkness or pressure, much like the dark zone of the ocean, and require use of the scepter that she has in both forms. Should she lose it, Oceanus will physically defend herself until she can retrieve it.

* I wanted Oceanus to resemble the regular Sailors, but not so much that she was just a generic one. Her outfit is inspired by deep-sea jellyfish and the sunlight-free, full-of-horrible-things deep sea.

QuoteWhatever Torin/Copy-Megaman said, Rock doesn't like it. Also, Torin appears to be standing on something.

Quote"I'm not on a bed. Honest."

Drawn primarily to experiment with lighting.

QuoteRemembering what life was like at home and realizing that, by staying with the enemy instead of going back and trying to sort things out, you probably made things worse will do that to you.

It's around here that Proto decided that Rock would be better off back home.

Hey look, it's Moonboy.


is watching this thread closely, veryyyy cloooseellyyy....

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

Dr. Wily II

Quote from: borockman on February 02, 2010, 01:11:01 AM

is watching this thread closely, veryyyy cloooseellyyy....

And I lol'd hard at ROCK Man, I had that thought once too... XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

The Great Gonzo

Don't worry, Rock will be safe with Protoman. And I totally do not have ulterior motives behind that statement.

QuoteI remembered an image in one of the Sailor Moon artbooks and wondered if I could do something similar with ORGXIII. I don't think it worked. :(

Regardless, I had fun with this, until it came time to colour in the white border thingies. The colours (excluding Roxas and Xion, and Xiggy's since his wouldn't show up) came from an image of ~Lichtherz's.

QuoteOops I forgot that the uke meme is only compatible with guys.


* The Sailor outfit was made in =DracheaRannak's and *dolldivine's Senshi maker, because I had too much free time.


As usual, nice refreshing take of art meme. XD

and I think the floating head comes out quite nice.

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

Dr. Wily II

Roll's an uke, and Kalinka's her seme?

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

The Great Gonzo


Quote"...I still don't think my dress looks good on you, Roll."

The Piko-Piko Hammer was drawn from memory, by the way. I'd actually sketched something like this last year, but never made a proper pic of it until now.

"Now" being two days ago; this and other pics have been lying on my scanner for that long. I'm getting lazy. :(

QuoteDisclaimer: Only one out of three is an actual female.

Started out as a pic of Mega in some vaguely wintry attire; there was lots of blank space left over, so I threw in Super Sailor Loneos (who never goes beyond regular Sailor in NINE), and...Quint. He'd look much better in that thing if he weren't a frownyface.

Quote~Laharl234 wanted me to draw ZX-Vent; I saw his request and raised him a ZX-era Rock, because I needed to draw that version of him more.

QuoteWith Wonder Woman's golden lasso, apparently.

"We're taking you back to Dad, and you're gonna like it!"

"Who says?"

"Says my riding crop, blue boy."

*Briefly considered sticking in Koopa Kid and Boweser Jr.; this idea was foiled by the lack of space left.

QuoteAt first, I wanted to draw Mega in a pose I normally don't draw. Then I figured that he needed something to land on. Then I added Protoman, and that half-assed excuse for Sheepman's stage. Then I denied that it was an excuse to draw Mega's butt.


Quote["He's mine. S]orry, humanity."

Quote*lizsama will know what I'm talking about, and why Sonic/Darkie's cape is puke green. And why Sonya is being a frownyface, which I'm not sure on.

I have a hard time believing that Darkie JUST took Mega out for ice cream and Cannon Spike, less serious mood that day or no.

Pants are messed up, as I sketched it in the morning, used a pic on my wall for reference, and didn't get a close look at it.

QuotePlus two unrelated defectors from Wily.

Dr. Wily II

LOL at Amy's comment. :P
Also, seeing Mega in that wintry outfit... He's beautiful. Quint too. XD

Plus... Large Sonic is large. D:

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


When A update contains the koopalings then it is automaticly made of win!

Sniper X

Rock and Blues has a very nice pose there!

The Great Gonzo


QuoteM. Purple was built a while after her three "sisters", M.s Pnik, Blue, and Green; until meeting them, she lived by herself in a junkyard. The smaller robot by her side was built from scrap, and can only speak in one-word phrases; M. Purple calls him "Ojalin" (the result of flipping through a ratty old book and stopping on random syllables). All it takes to send the normally peaceful M. Purple into a blind rage is to infer that Ojalin is a Mechaniloid. least, that's how I'd writer her.

This version of Bunny belongs to ~Wanda92.

EDIT: Pic is now visible. I feel derp.


Proud member of Indigo tribe!


The Great Gonzo