The Gonzo has art.

Started by The Great Gonzo, November 08, 2008, 06:49:46 PM

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The Great Gonzo

If someone shows it to her...

QuoteYep, another entry in my fanon got its name overridden. (Ignore Pumpman's left shoulder pad of doom; I screwed it up)

At least they weren't infected with Roboenza then, sparing the cameraman from a mauling.

QuoteHad to give her a proper pic sometime.

Kalinka Cossack was born in the Soviet Union; she and her parents left it in 2009. Her life was uneventful until she met Roll Light several years later.

And by "met", I mean "holy crap I'd like to do her".

Much like her father, Kalinka is outspoken and cynical (though the latter, nowhere near the degree of Proto); though she has issues with the United States, it's still miles ahead of the crap hole known as the Soviet Union.

QuoteOr waltz.

Dr. Wily II

Hmm... 8D

Also, brilliant MM10 crew pic... Awesome.
And waltzing now? What a swooner. XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Really nice group pic there!

and aww, at RockXBlues.

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

Sniper X

I just noticed there many face covered robots in MM10.


Lol really, havenĀ“t thought of it yet..very nice art indeed

The Great Gonzo

Thanks! :)

QuoteRock just hopes that the material his costume is made of is durable.

And that he's not going up against The Crash.

Quote"...How much longer?"


Inspired by some art on Pixiv; I would've given Rock one of those beautiful headdresses if I had a reference. >.>


Card Captoring~

And with a Yashichi Pinwheel rod too.

Kero-Blues is adorable~ ^^

I like this~ >v< </wii>
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
[DeviantArt||Youtube|Fan Work|WiiVC|Character File]
Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


Quote from: The Great Gonzo on January 16, 2010, 04:57:29 AM
Heh, for some reason I really, really like this. Great job as always!

Dr. Wily II

The Crash... I REALLY hope he's facing the Crash... XD
Very nice. XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Blaze Yeager

Quote from: The Great Gonzo on January 14, 2010, 06:25:30 AM
Thanks. :)

Splash Woman looks Sexy...or is it my Leviathan Obsession.
Into Darkness, into the Abyss. Where only anathema exists.
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The Great Gonzo


QuoteHe'd rather be an alley dog.

I traumatized three guys with this pic. XD


Awwww, and cute confused tango expression >w<

Dr. Wily II

Meowzer. XD
Mega is strangely very cute there... Though I guess Tango gets less cuddle time now. XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

The Great Gonzo

I'm sure he could still accommodate Tango--she'd just be very squished. XD

QuoteArt trade for *crazylegz42. In short, Proto finds out who this "Quint" [dark hold] really is.

Dr. Wily II

Oh dear, he won't be pleased. XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

The Great Gonzo

QuoteFact: Cats don't have boobs unless they've got babies to feed. (I think. I read that on TV Tropes)

Fact: Name me a catgirl who properly lacks boobs. >.>

I got tired of catgirls long before drawing this; it doesn't help that I can't find the appeal in it (and no one can really explain it, apart from "cute").

QuoteWhat happens when I can't think of anything to draw, and I've got SSBB on mind. And am staring at my folder.

SSBB Pit is cute. ._.

"Reploid XIII" concept.

QuoteFortunately, Sheepman isn't quite heavy enough to crush Protosheep to death. Unfortunately, he isn't moving any time soon.

QuoteRock would like Quickman to run a few laps with him. Quickman isn't sure how strong his back is.

I blame *Sh1n1d4m1. :)

QuoteWell, the white void that's supposed to represent Atlantica but doesn't. >.>

I dunno what Blues is supposed to be; Kuja is a Lion's Mane Jellyfish, and CoD is something with prehensile tentacles. :o

QuoteI've worked Sailor Moon into NINE. How it fits into NINE, I dunno. All I can say is, if Mega doesn't get taken home, he'll be put in a dress.

Ladies are, from L to R: Sailors Oterma, Olbers, Loneos, Faye, and Mrkos. I got stupid and miscoloured the first two's outfits, leading to much "fixing" in Photoshop. >.>

Also, I totally did not create them with that Senshi Creator thing made by =DracheaRannak and *dolldivine. /lies

QuoteNot only did this pic take too long, it didn't even fit on the same page. D: Regardless, I think it's safe to say that I'm happy with it.

I included everyone from the meta-series (barring the original four schmucks from SSB's "Dragon King" days because I forgot them), as I was sad to see the now-Melee-exclusives go.


DARK SAMUS/ZERO SUIT DARK SAMUS: Also known as Prime; she doesn't seem to be the same "Dark Samus" that the real Samus Aran vanquished.

RUTO: One of the handful of ladies connected to Link; Ruto sees him as her future husband, whether or not he feels the same.

MEOWTH: This catlike Pokemon loves shiny objects, and thinks that following the Smash Brothers will net him more shiny objects.

SABRINA: Something has drawn this Gym Leader away from Saffron City--but until she joins the Smash Brothers, they won't know what.

TAILS: Sonic's best friend; while she followed him everywhere when they were younger, she's become more independent. (Or "he". Bleh.)

SAKI: Sent in to exterminate a vague threat, Saki is hesitant to work with the Smash Brothers until they prove that they're just as competent as he is.

AYUMI TACHIBANA: A detective whose work is coming along slowly these days. Since she's not physically strong, she focuses her other strengths, such as her speed and flexibility.

MEGAMAN: He can temporarily steal the powers of others, and Megaman will be using this ability for all it's worth in the fights to come.

PROTOMAN: Megaman's elder brother. He's disinterested in current events, staying with the Smash Brothers in order to keep and eye on Mega.

LITTLE MAC: Don't mistake his small size for weakness; Little Mac has bested the best of them.

ROBO-MK. III: This custom robot wasn't always a barely-lucid weapon of destruction; what happened to him?

???: His power is incomprehensible, his realm inhospitable, and he's watching the Smash Brothers' every move...



Its hard to explain why guys like catgirls.
Also, I can probably find you a whole bunch from my Catgirl folder that have flat chests.
Its just that the more typical ones have big boobs. :\
Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Dr. Wily II

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Sniper X

I love Protosheep expression. XD

The Great Gonzo


Quote"...I can imagine Protosheep turning into a Protoporcupine right now, through his rage alone, XD."

~ ~JewlzTheHedgehog

"...Turn back into a sheep? Please?"


(I swear, the more I draw RS-Rock, the fluffier his hair gets. It's self-spraying.)

QuoteIf this isn't how MM10 will end, it should.

Rock's cowboy outfit was drawn with the one *lilirulu designed in mind. This pic was originally going to be a bit more brain-breaking--good thing I found a better angle.

QuoteAnother form of Beat, perhaps?

This was one piece of art that appeared in a dream of mine, in which I had found the mother lode of MM official a conveyor belt. After witnessing a horrifying non-standard game over. Then I woke up. :/

QuoteWorringly, dA said the original .JPEG was corrupted. It opened just fine otherwise, though, and finally uploaded after I replaced it with a .PNG.

Otherwise, there isn't much I can say about this image, other than Namine better hope she and her friends aren't fighting the Tailbunker.


QuoteSo, will Megaman get his standard three wishes, or a Super Arm to the face?

QuoteMs. K learns the hard way why you don't voice your thoughts in certain situations. And I learn that I need to keep the Spider-Costume consistent, and that I should've remembered that Proto has a long-sleeved jumpsuit, not Rock.

Blaze Yeager

Into Darkness, into the Abyss. Where only anathema exists.
| |

The Great Gonzo

Quote*Insert Sonic/Pokemon Joke Here*

I kinda already did the latter.


I love Namine's armor!

and Gutsman the Genie?

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

The Great Gonzo

Yep. XD

QuoteI dunno who the original artist is, so whoever you are, proper respect to you. The pic in question can be seen here: I hope Mega doesn't sprain his ankle when he lands. :o

QuoteI intended this to tie in to the next pic, but it didn't mesh very well with it. Wonder where Proto puts his things if he doesn't have a stable residence?

Slightly longer hair was meant to be a compromise between his quiff and Complete Works helmet hair.

QuoteI went there. XD

Harajuku isn't cross-dressing; in short, it's an area around Harajuku Station and the Yamanote Line in the Shibuya Ward of Tokyo where people in a variety of fashions socialize. (Thanks, Wikipedia, and Scary-Crayon for alerting me to its existence)

I wouldn't be surprised if there ARE cross-dressers in Harajuku, though, but it's not limited to that. Funny thing is, I may not have drawn this were it not for Contact; must have something to do with the ability to change your wardrobe.

* While I don't want to explain EVERY reference, I will say that the circles in the pattern on his dress-shirt thing are a powerup from the games; I forgot what they're called.

* While most of my lady friends liked this, all my guy friends did not.

Dr. Wily II

I just have to ask...
What will ProtoPorcupine evolved into next? XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.