The Gonzo has art.

Started by The Great Gonzo, November 08, 2008, 06:49:46 PM

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The Great Gonzo

Quote... He's not kicking Samus there right? Laughing

That's not Samus...though it does look a lot like her. Hmm...

QuoteIt would be great if you could do a drawing in that style for Guts Man, if only to make up for not being included in Mega Man Soccer.

I could do that, sometime. :)

Hurf durf Happy New Year.

Blaze Yeager

Quote from: The Great Gonzo on January 02, 2010, 02:10:25 AM
That's not Samus...though it does look a lot like her. Hmm...

I could do that, sometime. :)

Hurf durf Happy New Year.
Someone got
Into Darkness, into the Abyss. Where only anathema exists.
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Dr. Wily II

Mega seems to be used to it by now... XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

The Great Gonzo


QuoteIf only I could program; then we'd know who "he" is! (Probably just Protoman. Or Quickman, if you're Sh1)

Inspired by countless dating sims/pornos on the PC-98; the logo, by Roger Dean's lettering. Would've drawn it in pixels, but PC-98 art tended to be rather intricate, and pixel art is something you have to be very careful with, or else it looks all frarfgh.

Dr. Wily II

The pic's not showing... >w<

So... Wait... Ero game?

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

The Great Gonzo

Son of a [sonic slicer]--Fixed.

Yeah, the PC-98 had about a gazillion.

Dr. Wily II

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Megaman nine off hours? dating game?

Gotta wonder who the rest of the casts are.

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

The Great Gonzo

Probably everyone he's on friendly terms with. I can't program, though, so...

QuoteI wonder what name they'd give the Cloud of Darkness if she/it actually did appear in KH. "Void"? Something in an obscure language that means "Void"?

(Ignore the light sketches--I wanted to put more on the card, but it didn't happen)

Kuja is a former weapons supplier; his higher-ups banished him after realizing that he intended to start a war. That turned out to be a blessing--Terra, his homeworld, was consumed by the Heartless some time later; as Kuja was not there for the event, he heard of it afterward. The world he had been banished to, Traverse Town, wasn't terribly hospitable; while no one was hostile towards him, he held no political power in it.

The Cloud of Darkness is an entity that appeared in Hollow Bastion after Maleficent lost control of it; though it appeared as a woman, it claimed it had no gender and always referred to itself as "we". These mannerisms were written off as schizophrenia, and CoD was directed elsewhere. (If nothing else, it allowed itself to be referred to as female) The two demons that are always at her side tend to speak for her.

Both were found by Maleficent and, along with Blues, were made into the Half-Heartless--powerful beings that can command the darkness, but at the price of their ability to speak. The process only really affected Kuja--CoD's demons still speak for her, albeit not as often as they used to, and Blues could still talk, due to something in the process not going quite right. (Maleficent got around this problem by forbidding him to do so, with a horribly punishment in store for him if he did)

...and I shoulda coloured the underside of CoD's cape. D:

QuoteLike the weapons pic, I spent too much time on this to scrap it.

While I haven't worked out how to introduce/explain it, the Keyblade Armour should foreshadow Sora's Liberated form, as to not make it a Giant Space Form from Nowhere (and hint at whatever connection he or Roxas has with Ventus). Its appearance depends on which Keychain Sora has equipped, and totally does not resemble robotic armour at all. >.> (I based it on Ventus's, but the arms came out all Megamannish anyway)

Also, no Days spoilers; all I know at this point is that Xion is connected to Sora and Roxas.

Dr. Wily II

What kind of horrible punishment are you talking about if Blues ever talked? 8D

Also, the Rumbling Rose armour reminds me of X1 Sigma...
Cool armours still. :3

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Nice CoD and Kuja...soooo any chances for a KH Kefka?

The Great Gonzo

QuoteWhat kind of horrible punishment are you talking about if Blues ever talked? lolwut

Stripping of his powers followed by obliteration.

Quotesoooo any chances for a KH Kefka?

Still working on that, if I include Kefka at all.

QuoteMy Psychology classes say that Kaa's brand of hypnotism shouldn't work.

QuoteA common feature of RS-MM fics is that Proto saves Megaman's moderately-sized blue ass in some manner. Given their RS-personalities, though, I think Mega would be the one trying to save him--whether Proto thinks it necessary or not.

Dr. Wily II

Quote from: The Great Gonzo on January 08, 2010, 05:30:16 AM
Stripping of his powers followed by obliteration.
Sweeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeet 8D

So that's how Kaa's hypno works? Some hypno fans will be a bit disappointed. XD

And, lol at RS-Mega and RS-Proto.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Proud member of Indigo tribe!

The Great Gonzo


QuoteDrew this a few days ago, but put off on scanning it for...whatever reason.

With Bunnie and Sally, I wanted to give them SEGA-esque designs without ripping off ~darkburraki or countless others who did it first. I'm happy with how they turned out (though Bunnie's left ear looks a bit weird--it was too close to the top of the card).

Same deal with the others, though NICOLE and Rotor more or less stayed the same (I know Rotor's purple in the comics, but I was using a SatAM screenshot for reference). Evangeline is an old character of mine--she was the daughter of one of the other two ruling families alongside Acorn (don't ask...). Dunno about their original histories, but Evangeline's family flew the coop while the other joined the enemy (in hopes of their safety, as Acorn was powerless to stop Julian Kintobor/Robotnik. He probably roboticized them soon after).

Evangeline is a very nervous little dog, and stays away from as many missions as possible as to not become a liability. She still gets involved with more than she'd care for regardless.

I still think that whoever designed Mina had Megaman on the brain, or in their subconscious; she's got some big ole' stomping boots to match those gauntlets. (Or did. Her latest design still reeks of MM)

QuoteSuper Adventure Rockman is one of the most frustrating MM games, to me--not because it's hard (I haven't played it), but because the only damned art anyone's been able to find for it, barring screenshots, is the boxart. Mr. Inafune would like everyone to forget about this game (and for good reason--I'm sure the Game Over sequences must've prematurely ended more than a few kids' childhoods), and as a consequence, there's no other official art available. So how do I cope with being unable to find this most elusive of MM media?

I make my own.

All I had were the sprites (thanks, Sprites Inc.!) and some screencaps that I took last year; the latter proved more useful, what with colour limits on the sprites and such. I think the final pic is accurate, though knowing my luck, someone'll find official art buried in SAR or something and make this obsolete. >.>

Ra Tor becomes much scarier if you lose to him. :o What an [dark hold].


Quote from: The Great Gonzo on January 10, 2010, 08:43:35 PM

Wow, very nicely done. I gotta say it looks pretty close to the official art style, great job on the shading, colouring, etc.


Ra Thor! *Fangirl screem...manly version*

The Great Gonzo

Quote from: Irgendein on January 10, 2010, 08:47:52 PM
Wow, very nicely done. I gotta say it looks pretty close to the official art style, great job on the shading, colouring, etc.

I was using the SAR boxart for colouring reference. :) Thanks!

Blaze Yeager

Ra-Thor...*Dies of Flashbacks of SAR*X.X
Into Darkness, into the Abyss. Where only anathema exists.
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There aren´t even fan sprites of him...if you don´´ count the ones from me (8 and 16 bit)


Dammit! Ra-Thor's where partially my character's design came from.  8B
Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
Quote from: Setsuna F. Seiei on October 10, 2009, 02:34:30 AM
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

Quote from: Gaia on May 07, 2010, 12:30:32 AM
One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.

Dr. Wily II

Yes for Ra Thor.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


So far, it's one of the best Ra Thor sprites that I've seen. Well done, GG. owob

Of course, if the Ra Devil was done, I would be even more impressed, but that's just me. '>.>

Edit: Whoops. I meant to say "drawing". My bad. :-[

The Great Gonzo

Ra Devil, eh?

Quote"You're a deranged man, Siec."

"Who's in the position to be insulting who, now?"

It's been a while since I touched Open Canvas. It shows.

Dr. Wily II

Cut him up! Cut him up!
Even so, looks great.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.