Rockman World: VS Killers/Megaman: The Hunter Numbers

Started by MagVanisher, May 15, 2012, 04:53:04 PM

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Hello guys, I would like to plan a Rockman/Megaman game using the Mega Man World Engine by N-Mario. Although I might plan to do the storyline, I think you could help me on the sprites and music too.

The game will be called... "Rockman World: VS Killers" or "Megaman: The Hunter Numbers", depending on the region setting.

Anyway, this game involves Rockman against new Rockman Killers. And like the previous 3 Killers, it will be based on music genre.

Bosses (Contains Spoilers)

[spoiler]RKN-000 Concerto
Based on classical music and resembling an orchestra conductor, Concerto is a prototype to the Rockman Killers Series. However, Concerto's energy generator is very unstable that it takes a long time to regulate before sending it to battle. Therefore, Dr. Wily has no time to regulate his energy and decided to create Enker instead to destroy Rockman. Since then, Concerto realized that after all these years of neglect, Wily didn't care about him sending into battle. And so, by gaining knowledge in robotics, Concerto decided to rebel against his creator and build his own army by creating new sets of Rockman Killers as well as rebuilding old ones. Concerto's only goal is destroying both Dr. Wily and Rockman, and proclaimed that he and his army are the strongest in the world.

Good Point: Charismatic
Bad Point: Arrogant
Likes: Red Wine
Dislikes: Dr. Wily

Weakness: Quint Slasher, Sakugarne, Final Orchestra

RKN-001 Enker
The first Rockman Killer to be rebuilt by Concerto after finding it at a Robot Museum, Enker is known for his spear that absorbs enemy shots and fires it back to the enemy. When Enker was rebuilt by Concerto, he was skeptical about siding with him at first. But when Concerto tells Enker about Dr. Wily abandoning failed robots like him, he accepts his allegiance and joins the Rockman Killers Army.

Good Point: Soulful
Bad Point: Gloomy-natured
Likes: Nabeyaki-udon, New Year's Eve
Dislikes: Foreign robots

Weakness: Disrupt Laser

RKN-002 Punk
The second Rockman Killer to be rebuilt by Concerto after finding it at a Robot Museum, Punk is a tough robot despite his appearance and his slightly-vulgar attitude. Like Enker, he's skeptical about siding with Concerto and destroying both Rockman and Dr. Wily. But eventually, Punk joins the Rockman Killers Army because he wants payback against the Blue Bomber.

Good Point: Policy followers, Follows his own path
Bad Point: Punky appearances, Susceptible to misunderstandings
Likes: Accessories
Dislikes: PTA

Weakness: Mirror Buster

RKN-003 Ballade
The third and last Rockman Killer to be rebuilt by Concerto after finding it at a Robot Museum, Ballade is known for his stern attitude and great pride as the strongest robot ever created. Ballade joins the Rockman Killers Army, believing that he and Concerto have the same views of attaining strength. However, Ballade has some doubts on Concerto's leadership and often clashes with him on who is the number one on the army.

Good Point: Challenging spirit
Bad Point: Stupid, Simplistic
Likes: Being number one
Dislikes: Disappointing and uncompetitive foes

Weakness: Screw Crusher

RKN-004 Ambient
Built by Concerto upon stumbling a large robot frame, Ambient became the first robot built by him, setting up a new line of Rockman Killer for Concerto's army. While his appearance is similar to a golem and has a monotonous speech, Ambient is calm and he loves nature, fitting his theme of ambient music. Despite his calmness, he's dangerous when provoked by using his large Disrupt Laser cannon equipped on his backpack as well as his brutal strength.

Good Point: Calm
Bad Point: Monotonous
Likes: Nature
Dislikes: Disturbances

Weakness: Ballade Cracker

RKN-005 Disco
A water-type Rockman Killer who loves to swim and dance with the disco beat. Disco has a cool and vain attitude which puts his fellow Killers off for being full of himself. He's also attracted to Flamenco and he wants to be his girlfriend and dance partner. However, Flamenco dislikes Disco because of his arrogance. But nevertheless, Disco will not give up for dating Flamenco.

Good Point: Passionate
Bad Point: Flashy
Likes: Flamenco
Dislikes: Male robots

Weakness: Lightning Seeker

RKN-006 Hip-House
A tall and skinny Rockman Killer who can control gravity and create black holes by compressing it into a small grenade that can be thrown. Hip-House is quick on his feet and agile despite being tall. He's also loves rapping and break-dancing that he often duels with Rave or doing collaborations with his friend. Often times, he has a secret "affection" towards Rave when they duel together.

Weakness: Disc Cutter

RKN-007 Trance
Built from Tesla coil parts and roller skates, Trance is fastest Rockman Killer ever created that it can dash up to 250 kph with his roller legs. A thrill-seeker with a desire for speed, Trance loves skating and performing tricks, especially in streets and half-pipes. Other than skating, Trance has the ability of manipulating electricity by using his Tesla coils equipped in his back, creating lightning bolts that homes to enemies.

"You'll be shocked at how fast I can go, slowpoke!"

Good Point: Thrill-seeker
Bad Point: Impatient
Likes: Extreme sports
Dislikes: Speed bumps

Weakness: Cross Shield

RKN-008 Jazz
A hard-boiled Rockman Killer who acts like a mobster. Loves gambling, women, hard liquor, and some smooth jazz music. While Jazz is an exceptional marksman, he prefer to use machine guns instead of rifles because he likes to "spray and prey" anyone who got on his nerve. As long as money is involved, Jazz will get it done in a jiffy.

"Don't mess my job if you value your life, capiche?"

Good Point: Tough-natured
Bad Point: Hot-headed
Likes: Money, Gambling, Women, Hard Liquor, Jazz Music
Dislikes: Police

Weakness: Graviton Grenade

RKN-009 Mariachi
Created by Concerto using parts from a jetpack, Mariachi is a happy-go-lucky, wind-type Rockman Killer that can fly and hover for a long period of time. Equipped with an assault rifle that resembles a guitar, Mariachi can fire either in a short 5-bullet burst of compressed air or shot of Hurricane Spheres. He also has stun grenades hidden inside his sombrero. Outside of battle, Mariachi loves playing the guitar on his fellow Killers.

"Don't get blown away, SeƱor Mega Man!"

Good Point: Happy-go-lucky
Bad Point: Vengeful
Likes: Fiestas, playing his guitar
Dislikes: Gloominess

Weakness: Diamond Duster

RKN-010 Gothica
Based on gothic rock music, Gothica is a gothic dress-wearing female Rockman Killer. Quiet, polite, and an introvert, Gothica has trouble communicating with her fellow Killers, except for Ambient where Gothica became friends because she needs someone who can lean on when bad things happen to her. Aside from being quiet, she also have breast size problems due to having flat chest.

Good Point: Politeness
Bad Point: Lack of communication
Likes: Teddy bears, Dolls
Dislikes: Big breasts

Weakness: Ember Twister

RKN-011 Flamenco
Modeled as a dancer, Flamenco is known for her fiery attitude and her graceful dancing skills. She has an appeal to male robots, especially with her seductive attire and her large bosom, much to Gothica's dismay. Despite of that, her skill became her only weapon that can ignite foes upon contact.

Good Point: Graceful
Bad Point: Seductive
Likes: Dancing
Dislikes: Disco

Weakness: Hurricane Sphere

RKN-012 Rave
Created by Concerto by finding parts of MP3 players and boomboxes, Rave is an eccentric Rockman Killer who loves making music as a DJ, especially rave music. He has a friendly rivalry with Hip-House, either collaborating together as a duo or competing each other who is the best DJ. Outside of making music, Rave is known for his erratic fighting style by throwing discs at enemies like a boomerang.

Weakness(es): Aurora Groove, Disc Cutter

RKN-013 Quint Shadow
While Concerto is creating new Rockman Killer robots, he stumbles upon a data disc containing Quint's combat data and blueprints for a "shadow" robot that resembles Rockman. Realizing that opportunity, Concerto uses both Quint's data and blueprints to create Quint Shadow as the last Rockman Killer robot, inserting memories believing that he is Quint from the future. Equipped with a Quint Buster which doubles as an energy sword, as well as a rebuilt Sakugarne, Quint Shadow surpasses his combat performance over Quint, his predecessor. However, his childish behavior often irks Concerto that he needs discipline and attention in order to be an effective Killer.

Good Point: Knowledge of the future
Bad Point: Jet-lag fatigue
Likes: Excavation
Dislikes: Time Paradox, Himself

Weakness(es): Hurricane Sphere, Lightning Seeker

Italicized names marks as returning characters.[/spoiler]




Plot Points (Contains Spoilers)


  • Concerto wakes up from his capsule in an abandoned Dr. Wily room, realizing that after Concerto's creator build him, he was abandoned while Dr. Wily continues to create Enker, Punk, and Ballade.
  • Concerto soon creates 8 new Rockman Killers. The new Rockman Killers Army wreck havoc across cities.
  • Rockman, Dr. Light, and Roll watches the destruction of a city by the Rockman Killers Army via television.
  • Dr. Light and Roll tells Rockman to be careful as the Blue Bomber heads into the scene. The prologue ends and move on to the title screen.

Start of the game:

  • Rockman uses the Rush Cycle to drive along the cityscape, and finds a female citizen being attacked by a Sniper Joe and takes the shot to help her escape all while destroy the enemy. That would be the start of the introduction stage.
  • In the introduction stage, Quint Shadow appear at the end after Rockman defeats Mad Grinder. Quint Shadow tells Rockman that he came from the future as Quint and he wants revenge against him.
  • If Rockman defeats Quint Shadow, he'll refuses to believe that Rockman can still beat Quint Shadow. But if Rockman is defeated with one HP left, Quint Shadow tells him that he's no longer the same Quint as before.
  • After that, Quint Shadow then tells Rockman that they declare Dr. Wily as their enemy and they will destroy Rockman and everything that stands in their way of attaining power. That would be the end of the introduction stage and move on to the password screen.

1st Stage Select:

  • Back at Dr. Light's lab, Rockman sees Dr. Wily pleading for help and his safety. Dr. Light then guarantees his safety while Rockman will vow to stop his creations from wrecking havoc.
  • Moving on to the stage select, Rockman can choose which Rockman Killer will he fight. Eight robots, from RKN-005 to RKN-012, have alternate routes to their respective stages.
  • These alternate routes will lead to Quint Shadow, only stronger and harder than the previous fight during the introduction stage. Normal shots have no effect on Quint Shadow, half charge shots can harm him by only 1 Damage Point, and a fully-charged shot can harm him by only 2 Damage Points.
  • If you defeat Quint Shadow in the alternate route, he goes in a tantrum for not defeating Rockman and escape. A plate for each stage will appear after defeating Quint Shadow. These plates contains either parts for Beat or parts for Rush's Super Adapter.
  • If you defeat four out of eight Rockman Killers so far, Rockman receives a call from Dr. Light that the robot museum is being attacked. Rockman acknowledges and head towards the museum. This is the start of the Robot Museum Stage.
  • Upon reaching the end of the Robot Museum Stage, Rockman sees Ambient as he finish hauling of three previous Rockman Killers, Enker, Punk, and Ballade, into a transport helicopter.
  • Ambient introduces himself as the fourth Rockman Killer and says that reviving their brothers will be a big boost to their efforts of destroying both Dr. Wily and Rockman.
  • Ambient then summons a Gray Devil to fight against Rockman. Defeating Gray Devil will move on to the password screen and then stage select for the remaining Rockman Killers.
  • After defeating all eight Rockman Killers, Rockman returns to Dr. Light's lab only to be find that the lab is badly damaged. Dr. Light tells Rockman that Quint Shadow kidnapped Dr. Wily and destroyed the lab afterwards.
  • Rockman asks Roll if she, along with Rightot, are okay. Roll replied that she's okay and tells him that we'll be fine as long as you save Dr. Wily and stop the Army from bringing chaos. Rockman moves out to find Quint Shadow. That would be the end of the cutscene and move on to stage select.
  • In the stage select, Quint Shadow's stage is now accessible. However, you can still defeat him for earning the plates.
  • Beating Quint Shadow at his stage will tell Rockman that he won the battle. But realizing that he'll no longer return to the future, and so Quint Shadow is destroyed.
  • After the destruction of Quint Shadow, Concerto appears to Rockman, telling him that the Quint Shadow that he encountered was not the actual Quint, but a robot created by Concerto. Then, Concerto gives Rockman a warning that four of the remaining Rockman Killers are waiting for the Blue Bomber and left.

2nd Stage Select:

  • Moving on to the stage select, now four Rockman Killers can be selected. Four robots, from RKN-001 to RKN-004, have alternate routes just like the previous eight Rockman Killers.
  • These alternate routes will lead to the Wily Machines (World 1, World 2, World 3, and Brain Crusher) piloted by Dark Men. Defeating one of the Wily Machine will give you parts for the powerful Double Rock Buster. Completing all four of the parts will make it available for purchase at Dr. Light's Lab.
  • Since the defeat of Quint Shadow, he will no longer appear at the alternate route. Instead, Rockman will fight either Blues or Forte. You can still get the plates upon defeating either one of them.
  • Defeating all four remaining Rockman Killers will unlock Concerto's stage.
  • The first section of Concerto's stage will have the teleportation room, containing 12 teleports. Each room is filled with enemies, obstacles and hazards that a certain weapon must be used to destroy orbs and clear that room. It is similar to Rockman and Forte's Crystal Teleporters, except that it's longer.
  • After clearing the teleportation room, the second section will lead to a boss match with Concerto.


[spoiler]01. Rock Buster
- Default Weapon. Fires three normal shots on screen. It can be charged to two different degrees: The first charge shot is bigger, but causes the same amount of damage. A fully charged shot is bigger than the first, and causes three times more damage.

02. Aurora Groove
- Obtained from Disco. Fires a bubble that splits into four smaller beams when it hits either the walls or the floor, then the lasers bounces off until finally dissipates for a short amount of time. It can fire at any angle when pressing up or down.

03. Graviton Grenade
- Obtained from Hip-House. Fires a short-range grenade straight ahead in a slow-moving pace. When it hits either a wall or the ground, it create a pillar that sucks in enemies for four seconds until it dissipates.

04. Lightning Seeker
- Obtained from Trance. Fires two lightning sparks in both upwards and downwards, it then lock-on to nearby enemies after the sparks intertwine once. It can be charged into a powerful shot, firing four sparks instead of two.

05. Diamond Duster
- Obtained from Jazz. Shoots a stream of ice crystals at medium-range, firing in bursts of three crystals. It can be charged into a powerful shot, firing a large ice crystals that can freeze enemies for a short period of time.

06. Hurricane Sphere
- Obtained from Mariachi. Fires two hurricane balls in both left and right in an upward curve. When in mid-air, the balls' downward movement goes further that is close to the ground before moving up again. If one of the balls hits an enemy, it will stay in place before it disappears.

07. Cross Shield
- Obtained from Gothica. Summons two shields surrounding Rockman in a circular fashion until the shields are destroyed. These shields homes on enemies and fires three knife shots in quick succession until it's either returned to its owner or move to another position. If one shield is destroyed, it can be summoned back by pressing the attack button. When both shields are present, it moves in opposite directions (left and right) regardless of the shields' position when the attack button is pressed.

08. Ember Twister
- Obtained from Flamenco. When pressing the attack button and holding it, Rockman gains speed and begins his spinning attack with flames surrounding him. Rockman can still jump while spinning. It uses one weapon energy unit if the target is damaged. Releasing the attack button will stop the spin.

09. Disc Cutter
- Obtained from Rave. Fires a single compact disc at any direction and it can hold in its place by holding the attack button. While holding the attack button, Rockman cannot move beyond the length of the Disc Cutter's wire until the attack button is released. It can grab hooks to swing and certain blocks to pull.

10. Mirror Buster
- Obtained from Enker. Creates an energy shield in front of Rockman when the attack button is held down. It absorbs enemy shots and reflects it back to the enemy.

11. Screw Crusher
- Obtained from Punk. Throws a circular sawblade in an arc. Doesn't take much energy to use this weapon, and it can be fired up to three times on screen.

12. Ballade Cracker
- Obtained from Ballade. Fires a bomb at any direction, and explodes upon impact.

13. Disrupt Laser
- Obtained from Ambient. Fires a medium-sized laser in a continuous stream and reaches the length of the screen. It can erase enemy fire and bypasses shielded enemies. Be careful on the energy as it drains every second when using this weapon.

14. Quint Slasher
- Obtained from Quint Shadow. When pressing the attack button, Rockman dashes forward and attacks with a laser blade, damaging even shielded enemies in his path. Rockman is also invincible when he's dashing forward.

15. Final Orchestra
- Obtained from Concerto. Summons a series of three energy pillars from the ground forward. However, you must be on the ground and standing to use this weapon.

16. Tango Call
- Default Weapon. Charging the Rock Buster while Tango is selected will make him appear and roll toward enemies. Tango vanishes when the energy is depleted, when falling into a pit, or when the player leaves the room where Tango was used.

17. Sakugarne
- Obtained from Quint Shadow. Summons a jackhammer that can ride like a pogo stick, dealing considerable damage to enemies when Rockman jumps on. It can traverse spikes safely, destroy certain blocks, and it can jump higher by pressing the jump button.

18. Rush Jet
- Obtained after beating four Rockman Killers. Summons Rush and transforms into a flying sled in which Rockman can ride in a straight line, with slight variations in vertical movement upon the player's discretion.

19. Super Adapter
- Obtained upon collecting the R, U, S, and H plates, located from Gothica, Rave, Trance, and Disco stages. Summons Rush and combines with Rockman to form as Super Rockman that can jump twice and fire a powerful close-range buster shot that can destroy shielded enemies and Mets and push certain blocks.

20. Beat Call
- Obtained upon collecting the B, E, A, and T plates, located from Jazz, Mariachi, Hip-House, and Flamenco stages. Summons Beat and attacks enemies that appear on screen except at bosses. Beat can fly forward when firing a charged shot, and it can carry Rockman for a short duration falling into a pit.[/spoiler]

Items/Upgrades (Dr. Light's Lab)

[spoiler]1. Energy Balancer
- Automatically fills the weapon with the lowest energy when you pick up a Weapon Energy capsule if you don't have a weapon selected or the weapon selected is at full energy.

2. Energy Saver
- Reduces the energy consumption of weapons by half, doubling the amount of times you can fire a weapon.

3. Energy Exchanger
- Collecting a Life Energy when you have a full life meter will automatically fills the weapon with the lowest energy.

4. Super Recover
-  Both Weapon Energy and Life Energy capsules fill up more when you collect them.

5. Damage Absorber
- Recovers weapon energy when damaged by an enemy.

6. Counter Attack
- When your life energy is low, your attack increases.[/spoiler]

[spoiler]1. 1-Up
- Gives Rockman an extra life.

2. E-Tank
- Entirely refills Rockman's HP. Up to 4 Tanks can be carried.

3. W-Tank
- Entirely refills Rockman's weapon energy when equipping a special weapon. Up to 4 Tanks can be carried.

4. S-Tank
- Entirely refills Rockman's HP and energy for all his weapons. If all life and weapon energy is full, this item will turn all minor enemies on screen into 1-Ups.

5. Shock Guard
- Prevents Rockman from dying when touching spikes. When used, Rockman no longer has this item.[/spoiler]

Rock Buster
[spoiler]1. Arrow Shot (from Rockman 8: Metal Heroes)
- Replaces Rock Buster when equipped. Rockman fires a charge shot that splits into 5 when hit by the enemy. Each shot has 2 Damage Points.

2. Rock'n Arm (from Rockman World 5)
- Replaces Rock Buster when equipped. Rockman fires his fist at the enemy and grab items at far-to-reach places. The charge shot has 4 Damage Points, and has a chance of stunning the enemy when hit by the Rock'n Arm.

3. Double Rock Buster (from Super Adventure Rockman)
- Replaces Rock Buster when equipped and it's available at the shop upon collecting the R, O, C, and K plates (M, E, G, and A plates), located from Enker, Punk, Ballade, and Ambient stages are collected. Rockman fires two charged shots on each hand. However, the charge is longer and the charged energy will be lost when hit by the enemy.[/spoiler]

Although this is a work-in progress, I would accept suggestions, criticism, and even concept art to look at.


You should come up with a different title, MegaPhilX made that same mistake when he named Mega Man Unlimited Mega Man 10 at first (or whatever, I can't remember since I stumbled on to the game when it was named Mega Man Unlimited) and then Capcom actually made Mega Man 10.


Scene Script

[spoiler]Scene 01: Prologue
Quote(The screen shows a peaceful city.)

Narrator: In the year 20XX AD, after numerous attempts by Dr. Wily, peace is once again restored thanks to Rockman. However...

(The screen shows an abandoned laboratory, then it shows the inside of the laboratory.)

Narrator: Deep within an abandoned building lies the most powerful robot ever created. It is so powerful, that the power generator on that robot is very unstable, which can cause an explosion if it overloads.

(The screen shows a capsule containing Concerto, now waking up from his deep slumber.)

Narrator: Before the likes of Enker, Punk, and Ballade, there is one Rockman Killer that can top it all. Its name is Concerto!

(The screen shows Concerto looking at blueprints and battle data of Enker, Punk, and Ballade.)

Narrator: But unfortunately, Concerto realizes that Dr. Wily neglected him for so long that he's no longer at use for Dr. Wily's ambition.

(The screen fades to black.)

Narrator: And so Concerto decides to rebel against his creator and started his own army.

(The screen shows the Rockman Killers: Flamenco, Jazz, Disco, Hip-House, Rave, Trance, Gothica, and Mariachi)

Narrator: Using his acquired knowledge of making robots, Concerto creates his own fellow Killers and becomes the leader of the army.

(The screen shows a city once again, but with explosions starting to occur across the cityscape.)

Narrator: As the leader of the Rockman Killers Army, he sets off his ambition of destroying both Dr. Wily and Rockman!

(The screen shows Rockman, Roll, and Dr. Light watching a news broadcast on television, featuring images of Sniper Joes attacking the city.)

Roll: Dr. Light, aren't those Sniper Joes attacking the city belong to Dr. Wily?

Dr. Light: Maybe... But I'm not really sure if it is Dr. Wily's doing. We need to confirm it for ourselves.

Rockman: You're right doctor, but you don't need to put yourself in danger. I'll go instead!

Dr. Light: I agree to that, Rockman! However, I have a feeling that something terrible might happen to you.

(The screen shows Rockman, Beat, and Rush running together.)

Rockman: I'm on it Dr. Light, I'll be on my guard along the way!

Roll: Take care Rockman! We'll be in touch if something bad happens.

(The screen shows Rockman, riding with his Rush Jet, heading towards the scene.)

Narrator: With no hesitation, Rockman head towards the scene and finds out if Dr. Wily has returned to rule the world.

(The screen fades to black.)

Narrator: But as Rockman rushes towards the city, something sinister is waiting for him at the end...

(The screen shows a mysterious robot wearing shades and a V-fin on his helmet.)

?????? (Quint Shadow): Hmph, let's see what you're capable of Rockman!

Scene 02: Introduction Stage
Quote(The scene starts with Rockman riding his Rush Cycle and dashes along the cityscape. Then, a female civilian is being attacked by a Sniper Joe.)

Female Civilian: Help, somebody save me!

(As the Sniper Joe takes aim and fires at the female civilian, Rockman jumps from his Rush Cycle and shields the civilian with his own body.)

Rockman: Please ma'am, run away as fast as you can! Rush, take her to safety!

(Rush leads the civilian out of harm's way. Meanwhile, the Sniper Joe throws a grenade at Rockman, but Rockman kicked it towards the Sniper Joe and the grenade explodes, destroying the Sniper Joe in an instant.)

Rockman: That's strange, there's no way Dr. Wily can use his robots to hurt people. Anyway, I have to find out who's behind this!

(Rockman battles his way through several robots, including a Mad Grinder that was attacking the city. He then moves on to find and fight a mysterious robot with pogostick.)

Scene 03A: If Rockman wins to Quint Shadow...
Quote?????? (Quint Shadow): Darn, I cannot believe that I lost to Rockman!

Rockman: Then I would like to know what you're name is?

?????? (Quint Shadow): Hahaha! Don't you know who I am? I'm Quint from the future, fully reborn as the strongest Rockman Killer called Quint Shadow!

Rockman: Rockman Killer? Wait, is Dr. Wily involved on this attack?

Quint Shadow: Nonsense, why would that old coot involved on this? We don't need him messing around with our lives! We're decided to make our own army as the Rockman Killers Army. And we will destroy both you and Dr. Wily! I'll let you live for now, but we'll not gonna hold you back...

(Quint Shadow teleports out of the scene.)

Rockman: ...Rockman Killers Army? What's going on?

(Rockman then teleports out of the scene.)

Scene 03B: If Rockman loses to Quint Shadow...
Quote?????? (Quint Shadow): Hmph, you're not as strong as it used to be Rockman!

Rockman: Then I would like to know what you're name is?

?????? (Quint Shadow): Hahaha! Don't you know who I am? I'm Quint from the future, fully reborn as the strongest Rockman Killer called Quint Shadow!

Rockman: Rockman Killer? Wait, is Dr. Wily involved on this attack?

Quint Shadow: Nonsense, why would that old coot involved on this? We don't need him messing around with our lives! We're decided to make our own army as the Rockman Killers Army. And we will destroy both you and Dr. Wily! So be prepared to flex your muscles, Rockman...

(Quint Shadow teleports out of the scene.)

Rockman: ...Rockman Killers Army? What's going on?

(Rockman then teleports out of the scene.)

Scene 04A: Inside the Rockman Killers Army HQ (continuing from Scene 3A)
Quote(The scene starts with Quint Shadow teleports into Concerto's laboratory while he's looking at the battle data of previous three Rockman Killers.)

Concerto: So Quint, how's your battle against Rockman?

Quint Shadow: Not much doc, it's nothing for me!

Concerto: I see... But it seems that you've lost to Rockman on your first encounter.

Quint Shadow: Gah, you've caught me!

Concerto: Well then, Quint Shadow... If you're not being honest to yourself, you might lose again the next time you fight Rockman.

Concerto: Yeah, yeah! I know what you're saying doc! Anyway, I'm off to play games. See ya around, your highness!

(Quint Shadow leaves while a giant robot appears.)

Concerto: Sigh... Will he ever learn some respect to those who are older than him?

?????? (Ambient): Don't mind him, my master. Quint Shadow might have the same power as you are, but his arrogance, recklessness, and childish behavior might lead to his downfall.

Concerto: You're right! Anyway, have you located Enker, Punk, and Ballade?

?????? (Ambient): Yes, currently our brothers are stored at a museum in the city outskirts. I might bring them to you, master.

Concerto: Good, then bring our fellow Killers to me!

?????? (Ambient): Affirmative, master Concerto!

(The giant robot teleports out while Concerto continues analyzing the battle data.)

Scene 04B: Inside the Rockman Killers Army HQ (continuing from Scene 3B)
Quote(The scene starts with Quint Shadow teleports into Concerto's laboratory while he's looking at the battle data of previous three Rockman Killers.)

Concerto: So Quint, how's your battle against Rockman?

Quint Shadow: It's a piece of cake for me! Heck, Rockman can't even scratch me!

Concerto: I see... But it seems that you're overestimating Rockman too much, you should know that he might beat you if you're caught off-guard.

Quint Shadow: Why not, I'm not afraid of losing my guard. I can destroy him while I'm blindfolded!

Concerto: Well then, Quint Shadow... If you're being arrogant towards him, you might lose again the next time you fight Rockman.

Concerto: Yeah, yeah! I know what you're saying doc! Anyway, I'm off to play games. See ya around, your highness!

(Quint Shadow leaves while a giant robot appears.)

Concerto: Sigh... Will he ever learn some respect to those who are older than him?

?????? (Ambient): Don't mind him, my master. Quint Shadow might have the same power as you are, but his arrogance, recklessness, and childish behavior might lead to his downfall.

Concerto: You're right! Anyway, have you located Enker, Punk, and Ballade?

?????? (Ambient): Yes, currently our brothers are stored at a museum in the city outskirts. I might bring them to you, master.

Concerto: Good, then bring our fellow Killers to me!

?????? (Ambient): Affirmative, master Concerto!

(The giant robot teleports out while Concerto continues analyzing the battle data.)

Scene 05: Dr. Light's Lab
Quote(The scene opens up inside Dr. Light's laboratory. There. Dr. Light, Rockman, and Roll are discussing the Rockman Killers Army.)

Dr. Light: Hmm, Rockman Killers Army... So it seems that Dr. Wily is not behind this.

Rockman: Yes, and they want him destroyed other than me.

Dr. Light: Indeed, Rockman. Although you confronted the likes of Enker, Punk, and Ballade previously, it seems that this one is different.

Roll: But if Dr. Wily is not behind it, then who's responsible for that attack earlier?

(Their discussion was interrupted when Rightot brought a slightly-injured Dr. Wily.)

Rightot: Guys, Dr. Wily needs your help!

Dr. Wily: Hah-hah-hah... Dr. Light, I need you to cover me! My robots started wrecking havoc and they want to dispose me. So I ran away from my lab and decided to go to your lab for my safety. Oh please I need your help, I want you guys to stop my robots. If we don't stop them now, we'll be goners for sure!

Dr. Light: I see... Well then, we'll protect you Dr. Wily. Rockman, take care of his robots!

Rockman: I'm on it Dr. Light, I'll make sure that those robots won't do any harm, especially Dr. Wily!

(Rockman teleports out.)

Scene 06: Concerto's Introduction
Quote(After beating two Rockman Killers, the scene opens up in the city outskirts. Rockman sees Concerto.)

Concerto: Ah, so you must be Rockman, I presume?

Rockman: Who are you? Are you the one who caused trouble in the city?

Concerto: Absolutely, Rockman. For I, Concerto, is the one responsible for bringing chaos to the city as the leader of the Rockman Killers Army!

Rockman: Then Concerto, why are you doing this?

Concerto: Obviously, I'm here to draw you out while my army finds Dr. Wily and dispose that wretched doctor. I'm not here for just world domination, I'm standing here for revenge against Dr. Wily and you Rockman!

Rockman: Then I have no choice but to stop you, Concerto!

Concerto: Hahahaha, I like the way you respond to me! Very well, I'll be waiting for your doom! Enjoy your triumph while you still can, Rockman!

(Concerto teleports out.)

Rockman: Revenge, against Dr. Wily and myself? What's going on?

(Rockman then teleports out.)

Scene 07: Attack on the Museum
Quote(After beating four Rockman Killers, the scene opens up in the city outskirts. Rockman sees Rush, delivering a message from Dr. Light.)

Dr. Light: Rockman, I have some terrible news! A mysterious robot is attacking the robot museum! You must go there quickly!

Rockman: On it, Doctor!

(Rockman and Rush teleports out to the Robot Museum.)

Scene 08: Inside the Robot Museum
Quote(Rockman makes his way through the last room of the Robot Museum until he sees a giant robot hauling up Enker, Punk, and Ballade via crane.)

?????? (Ambient): Ah, so you must be Rockman?

Rockman: Yes, but I would like to know who you really are?

?????? (Ambient): Ha-ha-ha! Pardon me for my rudeness. I would like to introduce myself as Ambient, the fourth Rockman Killer!

Rockman: The fourth Killer?

Ambient: Yes Rockman, but I have no time to fight with you. I'm here to rescue my brothers-in-arms.

Rockman: Are you referring to Enker, Punk, and Ballade?

Ambient: Indeed, Rockman. By reawakening our brothers, it will be a big boost on our efforts to destroy you and Dr. Wily!

(The crane hauls Ambient up.)

Ambient: For now, my mission is completed! And as for you Rockman, I will send you our Grey Devil to keep you entertained.

(Ambient throws the eye of the Gray Devil to the ground)

Rockman: Wait Ambient, stop this at once!

Ambient: Farewell, Rockman! I will see you again if you're still alive.

(Ambient leaves with Enker, Punk, and Ballade in his hands. Grey Devil attacks, but Rockman is able to defeat him. Rockman then teleports out.)

Scene 09: Reactivation of the 3 previous Robot Masters
Quote(After beating six Rockman Killers, the scene starts at Concerto's laboratory as he prepares to reactivate the three Rockman Killers.)

Concerto: Ambient, how's the energy level on Enker, Punk, and Ballade?

Ambient: Everything is at 100 percent, master.

Concerto: Excellent, then insert their respective battle data and we'll wake them up!

Ambient: Affirmative, master!

(Ambient inserts the battle data onto their respective Rockman Killers: Enker, Punk, and Ballade. Then, Concerto activates them and opens their respective containers.)

Enker: Ugh, where am I?

Punk: Hey you, tuxedo guy! Who the heck are you!?

Concerto: Welcome, my brothers-in-arms. For I, Concerto, with the help of my assistant Ambient, awakened you from your slumber!

Ballade: Concerto? I never heard that name before... Tell me, are you the one who reactivated us on this place?

Concerto: Certainly, Ballade! Ambient found you three at a museum and brought you to our base, while I have reactivated you three to fight Rockman once again!

Ambient: Indeed, I am responsible for bringing you three to our base and helped Concerto on reactivating you from your slumber.

Punk: Rockman? You mean that blue guy who beat me back then? I can't believe he's still fighting for that everlasting peace of his!

Enker: What are you talking about, you spiny scum! You're not the only one who got defeated by Rockman!

Punk: Oh really? Unlike myself, you're only just using your lance to absorbs his attacks and fling them back at Rockman! But your tactics didn't work at him and you're becoming a sitting duck!

(Insulted by his remarks, Enker prepares to fight and engages Punk in combat. Punk does the same to Enker.)

Enker: Why you little scum, you think you know me for a long time!? That's why I hate foreign robots like you! I'll destroy you!!!

Punk: Bring it on, you knight of shining armor! Let's see who's stronger-

(Ballade interrupts both Enker and Punk.)

Ballade: Enough, both of you! We shouldn't fight like this! I know that I was defeated by Rockman, but as fellow Rockman Killers, we shouldn't fight like this when we have a chance to work together and defeat our common foe. Is that what you're thinking, Concerto?

Concerto: That's right, Ballade. I need you, along with Enker and Punk, your strength to dispose Rockman along with Dr. Wily!

Ballade: Dr. Wily, you mean you want to dispose him as well?

Concerto: Certainly! For once all of you, you were useful to Dr. Wily on your first battle with Rockman. But after numerous defeats against the enemy, Dr. Wily sees you as no longer useful and you were put into the scrapyard. Do you want to experience that?

Enker: Hmm... Come to think of it, Dr. Wily only care about destroying Rockman and declaring that he's the number one scientist, not ourselves. You're right, I think Dr. Wily needs to be destroyed along with Rockman!

Punk: Heh, now that's what I've called a nice speech Enker! Maybe disposing Dr. Wily along with Rockman is more fun than destroying that blue guy only! Concerto, you got yourself a deal! I'll join your army and kick Rockman's butt!

Ballade: I guess I have some bitterness to that doctor. Very well, I'll join your army Concerto!

Concerto: Good, then better prepare yourselves! Take some rest and wait for my orders!

Enker, Punk, and Ballade: Roger!

(Enker, Punk, and Ballade left the laboratory.)

Ambient: Are you sure about this, master?

Concerto: Why not, Ambient? The more, the merrier!

(Quint Shadow appears.)

Quint Shadow: Hey doc, any orders you wanna give to me?

Concerto: Sure, Quint! I want you to steal "a big fish" from a certain laboratory and bring it to me!

Quint Shadow: Okay doc, I'll take care of that big fish of yours!

(Quint Shadow teleports out.)

Scene 10: Dr. Wily is kidnapped!
Quote(After defeating eight Rockman Killers, Rockman returns to Dr. Light's lab only to find that the lab is in ruins. Dr. Light run towards Rockman and tell the bad news.)

Rockman: D... Dr. Light. What happened!?

Dr. Light: A green robot attacked us and kidnapped Dr. Wily! I believe he's from the Rockman Killers Army!

Rockman: Dr. Wily? Kidnapped!?

Dr. Light: Yes! There is even a message given to me from that green robot. Here, take this message disc and put it on the computer.

Rockman: On it, Doctor! But other than that, what happened to Roll and the others?

(Rockman puts the message disc on to the lab computer.)

Rockman: But other than that, what happened to Roll and the others?

(Roll appeared unharmed along with Rightot.)

Roll: We're fine Rockman, good thing Rightot find us a hiding place to keep us from harm.

Rightot: Yeah, and good thing half of the lab is destroyed too. But anyway, let's fire it up the monitor and watch the video message.

Rockman: You're right, and thank goodness that you're safe!

(Rockman opens the monitor and watch the video message. Quint Shadow appears on the screen.)

Quint Shadow: Well, it's a good thing that I didn't destroy you guys! But I want you Rockman to come to my place and fight me to the finish!

(Quint Shadow shows a snippet of where his domain is.)

Quint Shadow: I'll make sure that you'll never stand up again! See you at my domain Rockman... if you can save yourself and Dr. Wily that is! Nishishishishi!

(The monitor fades to black, ending Quint Shadow's video message.)

Roll: Gee, that's terrible! We have to stop him from harming Dr. Wily and the world!

Rockman: Roll, there's no need to go and fight. Just be safe along with Dr. Light and Rightot! I'll go and save Dr. Wily and stop the army!

Roll: Okay Rockman, just make sure that you return safely along with Dr. Wily!

(Rockman then teleports out.)

Roll: But I wanna go and fight alongside Rockman...

Dr. Light: Roll, it's better to stay and protect this place than to fight.

Rightot: And besides, you don't want your left arm to be modified for combat. It might change into vacuum cleaner or a pair of scissors!

Roll: Well, I guess you're right! Those baddies might laugh at me for having a vacuum cleaner on my arm, and I don't want that!

Scene 11: Final Battle with Quint Shadow
Quote(Rockman makes his way through the boss room and saw Quint Shadow.)

Rockman: Quint! Where's Dr. Wily?

Quint Shadow: Oh, you mean that old coot? He's already destroyed!

Rockman: Oh no, what have you done!

Quint Shadow: Hmph, I told you that Dr. Wily doesn't deserved to walk on this world! And today, you'll be next to join him, Rockman!

Rockman: Listen, if you came from the future, you shouldn't do this! We shouldn't fight! But since you destroyed Dr. Wily, I have no choice but to stop you!

Quint Shadow: Then I'll not gonna hold back! Prepare to be scrap-metal!

(Rockman and Quint Shadow commences their battle. Rockman damages Quint Shadow badly.)

Quint Shadow: Rockman, finish me off!

(Rockman charges his buster.)

Quint Shadow: Don't wait any longer, just finish me!

(Rockman stops his charging.)

Rockman: I can't finish you off, I don't want to destroy you any further!

Quint Shadow: They why? I'm your enemy!

Rockman: Quint, we're robots and we can live in peace with the humans. If you're created by Dr. Light, I'm sure he can fix you up and return back to the future.

Quint Shadow: I see, but unfortunately I'm no longer gonna see Dr. Light face-to-face. I can't take it anymore!

Rockman: Quint Shadow...

Quint Shadow: Take my weapon and leave this place at once!

(Rockman takes Quint Shadow's weapon, Quint Slasher and Sakugarne, and teleports out.)

Quint Shadow: Farewell, Rockman...

(Quint Shadow explodes, taking his domain with him.)

Scene 12: Quint Shadow's secret
Quote(Rockman finally escapes from Quint Shadow's domain. Rockman is at a cliff and watches as the domain falls to ruin.)

Rockman: Quint Shadow, if only I could save you sooner...

?????? (Concerto): Hmph, that kid has seen better days...

(Concerto appears.)

Rockman: Concerto!

Concerto: It seems that Quint Shadow failed to defeat you for the last time, even though he was a replica to the original Quint!

Rockman: What, a replica?

Concerto: That's right, Quint Shadow is nothing more than a replica to the original!

(The screen shows Concerto looking at blueprints and battle data of Quint, as well as blueprints of a certain "shadow" robot that resembles Rockman.)

Concerto: Although I could go to the future and convince Rock from the future to fight once again, it would be a waste of time since I can create one using his battle data and blueprints from a certain robot that emulates your design. Therefore, I created Quint Shadow using these materials, convincing him that he came from the future!

(The screen returns to the scene where Rockman is at a cliff talking to Concerto.)

Rockman: That's absurd! Even though he's a replica, he still believes that he can go back to the future and live in peace!

Concerto: It's true that Quint Shadow is a replica to the original Quint and he always gives me trouble, but I will not forgive you for destroying him as one of my comrades! But anyways, you maybe destroyed nine of my fellow Rockman Killers, but the remaining four and myself will wait for you and destroy you, Rockman! Bwuhuhuhu-hahahahaha!

(Concerto teleports out. Then, Rockman teleports out of the scene.)

Boss Fight Script

[spoiler]Disco Stage
QuoteIf Rockman encounters Quint Shadow...

If Rockman encounters Forte...

(Rockman makes his way through the hidden boss room and saw Forte.)

Forte: Don't even think that you're cocky just because they want you destroyed! Before they do that, I'll defeat you first! C'mon, Gospel!

Rockman: I cannot do that!

(Forte summons Gospel and merged into Gospel Boost. Rockman and Forte commences their battle. Rockman damages Forte badly.)

Forte: Curses, looks like I'm being cocky today! But anyways, take this plate and get out of here!

(Forte throws the "H" plate at Rockman and teleports out. Then, Rockman teleports out.)

If Rockman encounters Disco...

Hip-House Stage
QuoteIf Rockman encounters Quint Shadow...

If Rockman encounters Blues...

(Rockman makes his way through the hidden boss room and saw Blues.)

Rockman: Blues!

Blues: I know that you're fighting against the remaining Rockman Killers, but you need fight me in order to get stronger and defeat them! C'mon, Rockman!

(Rockman and Blues commences their battle. Rockman damages Blues badly.)

Blues: Ugh, it seems that you got stronger at this point! But it's not enough to defeat those Killers. Here, take this plate!

(Blues throws the "A" plate at Rockman and teleports out. Then, Rockman teleports out.)

If Rockman encounters Hip-House...

Trance Stage
QuoteIf Rockman encounters Quint Shadow...

If Rockman encounters Forte...

(Rockman makes his way through the hidden boss room and saw Forte.)

Rockman: Forte!

Forte: Looks like I'm lucky today! But you're not so lucky today, Rockman! C'mon, Gospel!

(Forte summons Gospel and merged into Gospel Boost. Rockman and Forte commences their battle. Rockman damages Forte badly.)

Forte: Grr, I guess it's not my lucky day to beat you! Now take this plate and get out of here!

(Forte throws the "S" plate at Rockman and teleports out. Then, Rockman teleports out.)

If Rockman encounters Trance...

Jazz Stage
QuoteIf Rockman encounters Quint Shadow...

If Rockman encounters Blues...

(Rockman makes his way through the hidden boss room and saw Blues.)

Blues: Good timing that you're here, Rockman! I want you to fight me to see who is stronger!

Rockman: No wait, I just want to talk to you!

Blues: There's no need to falter... Let's go!

(Rockman and Blues commences their battle. Rockman damages Blues badly.)

Blues: Ugh, I guess I have to listen to you first. Here, take this plate and bring it to Dr. Light!

(Blues throws the "B" plate at Rockman and teleports out. Then, Rockman teleports out.)

If Rockman encounters Jazz...

Mariachi Stage
QuoteIf Rockman encounters Quint Shadow...

If Rockman encounters Blues...

(Rockman makes his way through the hidden boss room and saw Blues.)

Blues: Rockman, I have a hunch that someone is manipulating Concerto from within.

Rockman: Really, then you're guessing that he's not leading the army by himself?

Blues: Maybe... But before you fight him, you have to defeat me first!

(Rockman and Blues commences their battle. Rockman damages Blues badly.)

Rockman: Blues, are you okay?

Blues: Don't worry, it's just a scratch! But anyway, take this plate and collect four of them!

(Blues throws the "E" plate at Rockman and teleports out. Then, Rockman teleports out.)

If Rockman encounters Mariachi...

Gothica Stage
QuoteIf Rockman encounters Quint Shadow...

If Rockman encounters Forte...

(Rockman makes his way through the hidden boss room and saw Forte.)

Rockman: Forte, what are you doing here?

Forte: Finding someone to fight me, especially that Concerto guy! That hot-shot might be aiming for number one, but I'm gonna trample him!

Rockman: Concerto is not around here, I believe...

Forte: Darn, I though he's hiding in this place! You better say your prayers for tricking me! Let's go, Gospel!

Rockman: No wait! I'm not tricking you!

(Forte summons Gospel and merged into Gospel Boost. Rockman and Forte commences their battle. Rockman damages Forte badly.)

Forte: Okay, you win this time! I guess you're right, Concerto is not here! Anyway, take this plate and leave!

(Forte throws the "R" plate at Rockman and teleports out. Then, Rockman teleports out.)

If Rockman encounters Gothica...

Flamenco Stage
QuoteIf Rockman encounters Quint Shadow...

If Rockman encounters Blues...

(Rockman makes his way through the hidden boss room and saw Blues.)

Rockman: Blues, do you think that Dr. Wily is really gone for good?

Blues: I don't know about his whereabouts yet. But anyway, you only need to focus on Concerto for now. Before you encounter him, I'll test you to see if you're ready to fight him!

(Rockman and Blues commences their battle. Rockman damages Blues badly.)

Blues: Ugh, I guess you're ready to fight him! As for Dr. Wily, you need to find out for yourself.

Rockman: Blues...

Blues: Before you fight Concerto, take this plate and give it to Dr. Light.

Rockman: Okay, Blues!

(Blues throws the "T" plate at Rockman and teleports out. Then, Rockman teleports out.)

If Rockman encounters Flamenco...

Rave Stage
QuoteIf Rockman encounters Quint Shadow...

If Rockman encounters Forte...

(Rockman makes his way through the hidden boss room and saw Forte.)

Forte: So Rockman, did you find Concerto?

Rockman: Not yet, I'm still finding him.

Forte: I see... Tell you what, let's see if one of us can find that hot-shot first! Of course, I don't want you to get close to him until you beat me! Let's go, Gospel!

(Forte summons Gospel and merged into Gospel Boost. Rockman and Forte commences their battle. Rockman damages Forte badly.)

Forte: Okay, you win this time! But don't forget that I'm the one who will find Concerto first and not you!

Rockman: I won't let it happen!

Forte: That's the spirit! Because if you do, I'll beat you good! Anyway, take this plate and leave!

(Forte throws the "U" plate at Rockman and teleports out. Then, Rockman teleports out.)

If Rockman encounters Rave...

Enker Stage
QuoteIf Rockman encounters Enker...

Punk Stage
QuoteIf Rockman encounters Punk...

Ballade Stage
QuoteIf Rockman encounters Ballade...

Ambient Stage
QuoteIf Rockman encounters Ambient...



I like the names you came up with, very music oriented which is a recurring theme in Rockman.  I would help you with concepts but I'm currently working on my own Rockman game so I need to use any concepts I come up with for it.


About Gothica, if it's alright with you, MagVanisher, I've decided to make an ideal design concept for her.

Oh, and to be quite honest, drawing hands with freehand-style drawing isn't one of my best points when it comes to drawing, so please forgive me for the somewhat shoddy hands. (Yes, folks, I do freehand drawing when drawing artwork by hand, guilty as charged...)

Yuno Gasai: Living proof that yanderes are NOT meant to be messed with.


Well, you did a good job on your first try Raging-Banebou... But you needs some practice.

UPDATE: Add more Plot Points and Rockman Upgrades.


Thanks for the constructive criticism, MagVanisher. Personally, that's what I thought to myself after making Gothica's design concept while looking at it.

But, hey, look on the bright side. At least I didn't use any of my templates from dA (or any bases found on dA) to make Gothica's design concept, choosing instead to do this all by hand.

Yuno Gasai: Living proof that yanderes are NOT meant to be messed with.


Quote from: Raging-Banebou on May 17, 2012, 05:40:16 PM
Thanks for the constructive criticism, MagVanisher. Personally, that's what I thought to myself after making Gothica's design concept while looking at it.

But, hey, look on the bright side. At least I didn't use any of my templates from dA (or any bases found on dA) to make Gothica's design concept, choosing instead to do this all by hand.

I see. But for Gothica, there are a few things needed for her:
- The color must be monochrome, particularly black.
- The skirt must be longer, and it must add crosses (normal crosses, not inverted ones because I hate it).
- Remove the boobies... Gothica's chest needs to be flat

Anyway, that's how I imagined on how will Gothica would look like.

UPDATE: Added background on Enker, Punk, Ballade, and Quint Shadow.


Monochrome, huh? Especially her skin?

Also, good ideas for Gothica's design. I'll keep those in mind.

Also, I'm guessing you're referring to her boob-lights (yes, that's what I'll cal them. Heck, even Zero had boob-lights, too)

By the way, about Punk and Ballade, you forgot to add their weapon names.

Yuno Gasai: Living proof that yanderes are NOT meant to be messed with.


The in-game sprite doesn't have to be monochrome. You can still have color to your enemies/bosses, as well as the B&W monochrome scheme. The engine should allow for both options. :)

Just putting it out there, just in case. ;)


Ah, I see. Thanks, N-Mario.

Also, in actuality, I was referring to the design concept art I did for Gothica.

Anyways, here's the update for Gothica's concept design art, with MagVanisher's suggestions in there. I decided to replace her boob-lights with a cross design in the middle of her chest.

Yuno Gasai: Living proof that yanderes are NOT meant to be messed with.


Um, Raging-Banebou... You might try using these pics as references. Oh, and you don't need to make Gothica's skin monochrome. Just her dress.

Practice makes perfect!

1. Victorique from GOSICK:


2. Suigintou from Rozen Maiden:


UPDATE: Added Ambient's Background and Weapon.


Alright, though with PageWizard's Tune Woman being upgraded into a more Mega Man-like boss by Mistergambit64 after I made her too humanoid-like, I don't wanna end up making her look too human-like.

Yuno Gasai: Living proof that yanderes are NOT meant to be messed with.


Quote from: Raging-Banebou on May 18, 2012, 03:11:27 PM
Alright, though with PageWizard's Tune Woman being upgraded into a more Mega Man-like boss by Mistergambit64 after I made her too humanoid-like, I don't wanna end up making her look too human-like.

I see... Also, try using Nanoha's shoulder sleeves instead of the round shoulder armor.

Here's the reference:


UPDATE: Added Gothica's background and weapon.

Anyway, who wants to contribute?


Updated Gothica's appearance for the 3rd time after taking MagVanisher's suggestions for said design, including her shoulders.

Yuno Gasai: Living proof that yanderes are NOT meant to be messed with.


Seeing as all I really am helping Starisms with is Character design and you've liely seen my work in that thread. When I have some spare time I'll give some of them a try as they are much easier bosses to translate into design and your descriptions paint a fair picture on their own. If you don't mind of course. =D


Quote from: Raging-Banebou on May 18, 2012, 06:21:53 PM
Updated Gothica's appearance for the 3rd time after taking MagVanisher's suggestions for said design, including her shoulders.

You're getting there... And one more thing, just remove the cross on her chest while reduce the crosses on her skirt since most of them will not show when converted in sprite form. Everything else, is a-okay!

UPDATE: Added background as well as weapons on both Flamenco and Rave. Also, I've changed some of the bosses' names. "Technoid" becomes "Trance", and "Haus-Hopper" to "Hip-Haus".

And BTW, here's some reference pics for Rave.


Astro Man

Galaxy Man


Mic Sounders the 13th from GaoGaiGar

Soundwave from Transformers


Alright, thanks, MagVanisher. About the crosses on Gothica's skirt, I've decided to get rid of a few crosses from her skirt and have it like a pattern design just recently today.

By the way, "Hip-Haus" seems to make more sense, as "Haus-Hopper" would probably make him sound almost like a grasshopper-themed stage enemy.

Yuno Gasai: Living proof that yanderes are NOT meant to be messed with.


Yup, that's better and you're almost there... Now the only thing left is the skirt.

Make it a bit longer that it hides her knees, make the skirt wide like an umbrella, and make it more frilly like those from Ruri Gokou from OreImo.



UPDATE: Added background and weapon for Disco. Also included weapons for Trance and Mariachi as well as weaknesses for Enker, Punk, Ballade, Ambient, Flamenco, Rave, Gothica, and Quint Shadow.


Yuno Gasai: Living proof that yanderes are NOT meant to be messed with.


I hope you're patient because there's some things that it needs to correct:

Anyway, I'm not pressuring you and I hope you can get it right.


Fixed again.

Funny story is, while I was fixing the pic, I've been experimenting numerous times with the removal of the slits on Gothica's skirt, only for most of the results to come out a bit awkward-looking for her skirt.

Yuno Gasai: Living proof that yanderes are NOT meant to be messed with.


Yup, you nailed it! Good job, Raging-Banebou!

Now go on and turn it into a sprite... if you can do it, that is.

UPDATE: Finished all the weapons that Rockman will obtain as well as all, but one, of the Rockman Killers' weaknesses. Now, all that is left are the robot backgrounds of Mariachi, Trance, and Hip-Haus.



Also, about Gothica having a sprite of her own made by me...

Well, drawing her design is one thing, but making her sprite is another, to be quite honest.

Yuno Gasai: Living proof that yanderes are NOT meant to be messed with.


I see... Man, we need someone to contribute/help on this project.