A Mega Man NES style Fan Game

Started by fifthindependent, March 25, 2012, 08:49:41 AM

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A friend of mine said the stage length and enemy density ratio needed to be lowered.  Does anyone else think the game is too difficult?

Also, Cryo Man's stage is now available.  So go play it and try to enjoy it and find bugs.

Edit: Sorry for the double post.  I was going to click the double post button to combine the two, but it appears it doesn't show up when the second post is on a different page and I don't know how to combine posts.


I find the difficulty to be just right. Hard at first, but perfectly doable once you know what you're doing. The only thing that could stand to be more streamlined is concept introduction.


Difficulty is okay.

- After beating the new stage, on the stage select screen, he still appears to be there, not beaten.
- I think the weapons energy bar at the top left corner turned white. Well it was mostly white when I was playing it, I'm not sure what caused it.
- When an enemy dropped a small weapon energy capsule, it was red when I was using regular mega buster.

- The collapsing ceiling is a nice touch, but I don't think a timed base boss works for me. I take it if you make it completely collapse before defeating him, you're immediately dead? I beat him using his weakness so I don't know. Maybe have it collapse only so much instead of fully so you can still fight, but not get squashed? Just a thought.

Is it just me, or is some of the music, quite not Mega Man esque enough? True that it is NES style, but the style of the music just seems off to me. Can't quite put my finger on it.


Quote from: N-Mario on May 01, 2012, 09:29:37 PMAfter beating the new stage, on the stage select screen, he still appears to be there, not beaten.
Yeah apparently I forgot to set the ice beam ammo after you beat Cryo Man so it doesn't count him as being beaten.  As soon as I upload an update that will be fixed.

QuoteI think the weapons energy bar at the top left corner turned white. Well it was mostly white when I was playing it, I'm not sure what caused it.
I changed the way the game cycles the colors so hopefully that is fixed but as a side effect it also sped up the game slightly for slower computers when the color cycling occurs.

QuoteWhen an enemy dropped a small weapon energy capsule, it was red when I was using regular mega buster.
I've seen this bug before but I can't quite figure out how to work it out yet but thanks for pointing it out.  I'm going to experiment a bit to try to reproduce it because I'm fed up with the color cycling messing up in every conceivable way.

QuoteThe collapsing ceiling is a nice touch, but I don't think a timed base boss works for me. I take it if you make it completely collapse before defeating him, you're immediately dead? I beat him using his weakness so I don't know. Maybe have it collapse only so much instead of fully so you can still fight, but not get squashed? Just a thought.
Someone else has brought this up too with how the idea doesn't set well with them.  Yeah it smashes you and kills you if the ceiling falls to the floor.  I guess I could change it where the last two blocks don't get destroyed so you're just not able to jump over Cryo Man's charge attack.


Quote from: fifthindependent on May 02, 2012, 09:27:47 AM
I've seen this bug before but I can't quite figure out how to work it out yet but thanks for pointing it out.  I'm going to experiment a bit to try to reproduce it because I'm fed up with the color cycling messing up in every conceivable way.

Yea I think that was why StarsimsUniverse wanted me to try a GB style MegaMan. Since we wouldn't have to worry too much about color cycling. Though that wasn't the main reason, just one of them. Just throwing that out there.


I think I got it to stop that color cycling glitch at any rate.  I combined some things which caused the glitch to happen 100% of the time and then I changed the way it does the cycling here and there which prevented it from happening as far as I'm aware.

Posted on: May 02, 2012, 05:05:07 PM
I was thinking for Haste Man's level that near the start it splits off into two different paths, one only Mega Man can access and the other only Bass can access, to attempt to add more replay value to the game.  These two paths would be pretty much their own individual stages.  Anyone have any thoughts on this?

Posted on: May 03, 2012, 08:32:03 AM
Quote from: N-Mario on May 01, 2012, 09:29:37 PMIs it just me, or is some of the music, quite not Mega Man esque enough? True that it is NES style, but the style of the music just seems off to me. Can't quite put my finger on it.

I was just reading a TXT file on how to achieve Mega Man style music.  Do you think it's perhaps I didn't do some techniques properly like using power 5th chords?  I would like to achieve the Mega Man NES style as closely as humanly possible with the songs.


I would probably look at some fan made megaman music on youtube (like Phil's game), and compare with Capcom's old MM games, as well as MM9 and MM10, and get a feel on how to set up Mega Man style music. :)


I can't jump from that Yoku Block.

Secret passage that require Special Weapon?
I like to draw... NOT!


Oh that's weird, I missed a small piece of code that needed changed for that.  The section with the sand wall isn't a secret passage, but I guess I could change it to one so that's a good idea.

Posted on: May 05, 2012, 04:23:57 AM
MMR is back in production after a sort of expected hiatus.  We're nearing the end of producing it as there are only three more stages to make plus a secret stage and the game will be done aside from co-op mode needing to be finished and bugs that haven't been found or fixed yet.

You can now get it at its website specifically tailored to it.  http://megamanrevolution.com/

Posted on: March 07, 2013, 04:16:00 PM
Annnd the main single player game of MMR is now officially done.  There might be some small changes here and there but overall the single player part of the project is done.


Impressive job on the game. I started off with Blast Man and he was a tough one.


Just finished it with Megaman. I raced against Zan to see who could get through it first on our first play through. I won. :P

We live streamed our play through to fifthindependant, so I won't go into our list of comments here, but overall its very well done.

I would recommend everyone plays it. It doesn't pull many punches though, so be prepared to die a lot. But, never an unfair challenge (save for one boss near the end) so it is very enjoyable.


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Hey, I just want to stop by here and say for all those who have, thanks for playing this game.

I spent a lot of time helping fifthindependent with testing and the like. It does seem I somehow managed to miss quite a few things despite dozens upon dozens of playthroughs, but I'm also going through all the feedback I've been able to find in hopes of helping improve the game further once FI over there is good to continue working on it! (It's ultimately his game, make no mistakes here, I'm just a helper.)

I very much enjoyed going through it many times, even through some of the rougher patches, and I hope whatever I was able to contribute helped make it that much better.


Congrats on finishing the single player game.

As OBJECTION MAN asserted, I've had great fun playing through it. The difficulty is high, but never unfairly so. In fact, it fits the unlockable nature of the final stages to be as tough as they are.

Most of the bugs we found have already been reported to fifthindependant directly, but there's a few more I spotted in my recent Bass run:

-Rush can be used for Rock to access the Bass section of Haste Man's stage. Intentional?
-Haste Man's laser beams sometimes do not work in revisits using Bass.
-Rush Jet and Treble Boost can be used to scroll into the final stage cutscene. You'll be unable to move, but weapon energy will still deplete. If you advance the cutscene before landing, you can actually freeze the game because you did not obtain a certain plot mandatory upgrade.
-Sometimes Ghost Man will decide to leave the arena during a boss fight (happened to me during the Wily fortress stage), forcing a game reset.
-Something triggers the final final boss to pull a Ghost Man. He will exit the room, unable to be targetted, but he will still be able to mind control the player. If you then die and reset the fight, the glitch will repeat itself over and over.

BTW, which NES palette are you guys using? It looks like a close match to MM9/10s. Is it one of the common emulator palettes?


Thanks for reporting the bugs.  I will paste them into the extensive to do list you guys helped me make. ;)  I think a friend of mine helped find the palette for me.  I'm pretty sure it's the NTSC NES palette but I could be wrong.


Just so you know, the image in my signature is the 100% accurate Rockman9/Rockman10 palette straight from the game data. It matches most emulator output and greatly resembles your own. The "actual" NTSC palette renders much darker on televisions, however. Nintendo's Virtual Console seems to mimic this. All in all, if your game allows for it, it may be somewhat interesting to play around with different variations.


The only issue I've had so far is with the underwater [spoiler]Remir[/spoiler] stage. It's a bit more difficult than I think it should be, the Joe's do too much damage when they hit you and it takes too many shots to kill them. If it was more arcade-like, it would be really fun to play. But that's just my opinion.


Alright, thanks for the feedback.  I will add that to my to do list.

Quote from: Zan on July 17, 2013, 11:27:09 AM
Just so you know, the image in my signature is the 100% accurate Rockman9/Rockman10 palette straight from the game data. It matches most emulator output and greatly resembles your own. The "actual" NTSC palette renders much darker on televisions, however. Nintendo's Virtual Console seems to mimic this. All in all, if your game allows for it, it may be somewhat interesting to play around with different variations.
I don't think I can easily edit the palette used because the palette image for the NES pixel shader is... really weird in structure and virtually impossible for me to edit.


Yeah, from what I understand it limits the output colors to that of the given palette. However, if the source colors do not match, it picks the nearest match. This would effectively give wonky results, not exactly as intended. The sprite colors would also have to change.


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I got stuck in a part of Haste Man's stage after running out of rush jet power and dying. That sucked. There weren't really any farmable enemies; just one stop-light kind of guy and I didn't feel up to walking back and forth to kill him over and over until I got a weapon energy capsule.

Speaking of which, I'm pretty sure the drop rate for those and extra lives were switched - I've got 9 spare lives often as not, but don't really get to use any special weapons because energy is so sparse.


QuoteI got stuck in a part of Haste Man's stage after running out of rush jet power and dying. That sucked. There weren't really any farmable enemies; just one stop-light kind of guy and I didn't feel up to walking back and forth to kill him over and over until I got a weapon energy capsule.

Did you perchance go into Bass' section of the stage?


Quote from: Align on July 22, 2013, 07:34:09 PM
I got stuck in a part of Haste Man's stage after running out of rush jet power and dying. That sucked. There weren't really any farmable enemies; just one stop-light kind of guy and I didn't feel up to walking back and forth to kill him over and over until I got a weapon energy capsule.

Speaking of which, I'm pretty sure the drop rate for those and extra lives were switched - I've got 9 spare lives often as not, but don't really get to use any special weapons because energy is so sparse.

Echoing what Zan just asked, it does sound like you decided to Rush Coil up to the high route meant for Bass instead of sliding into the low route as Mega Man - this has been a problem for a while but it hasn't been addressed yet.


I dunno? I haven't played as Bass, I just went through the level and thought a pit of spikes only crossable with rush jet meant tasty rewards.

Posted on: 2013-07-22, 19:18:16
Oh yeah, I wanted to mention that the powered-up charge shot picks up powerups, then wooshes off with them off the edge of the screen before returning empty-handed. Don't think that's supposed to happen.


Sounds like it.

I think you need to go down, and not up, when exiting the first room.


Knockout Mondays
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Joseph Collins

Hey.  I just thought I'd mention, I'm doing one of my trademark bug/complaint posts for this game.  I'm up to the fourth boss right now as Megaman.  It would have been five, but something unexpected happened:
After I died to Hasteman and re-entered his boss chamber, Hasteman flew out of the boss room upon entering (since he completely missed the "land here" trigger point) and the game soft-locked and needed to be reset.  His horizontal movement needs to be reset to 0 after a death to fix this, as he keeps his previous speed and direction after you die.

This is documented in the post I'm working on, but I feel this is critical enough to post by itself, for now.  It literally prevent you from progressing.  And it should not happen.  It's an amateurish mistake to make, and this isn't the only place it happens, either. (Sandman's Sand Storm has a similar, less game-breaking glitch.)

Aside from that, enjoying the game so far!

Posted on: 2013-07-26, 16:29:10
Now I'm starting to get pissed.  Stormman suffers the exact same glitch as Hasteman in that if you die while the boss is moving, it will start moving the second it spawns the next time around, and zip off-screen.  And you know, at this point, I'm just going to assume that all bosses that physically move have this same glitch.  I have no doubt whatsoever that Ghostman would do the same damn thing, given the chance.  It's just most noticeable with Hasteman, since he can't sit still for more than a couple seconds.


Yes, they all do this I believe. Seen someone hit that on the last boss even. It never recovers, not even

[spoiler=Last Boss Spoiler]after game over that I recall. Since the last boss has spike walls in his room which can be used to kill yourself.[/spoiler]


Knockout Mondays
Experimental day: Fighting game engine project Live Gamedev (8PM - 10 PM EST)

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