Mega Man Starbound - Galaxy's Champion

Started by Yoku Man, February 29, 2012, 03:48:30 AM

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Yoku Man

Quote from: N-Mario on May 05, 2012, 08:58:11 AM
Don't forget MegaMan Mania was a GBA game. More colors to work with. Even Ring Man's sprite had more colors than his NES counterpart.

Sliding is 95% finished. Missing slide smoke effect, and other fixes/adjustments that may be needed later on. :)
FYI, sliding doesn't work on Elec Man stage now. This is intentional, as there was no sliding in MM1. It's just to show how I just disabled it in certain stages. I can re-enable sliding on ElecMan Stage if necessary. I just wanted to be a bit accurate of the game's time. XD

Oh, thats fine. A cool feature actually. And kudos for the hard work you did yesterday. Glitch busting is a real pain but I think you pulled through, especially with that last minute thing with the camera, in the long run I think that'll really help when you finish sliding and move onto transitions.

Posted on: May 05, 2012, 01:06:11 PM
Quote from: MagVanisher on May 04, 2012, 09:57:17 PM
Say, Mr. Starsims... Is there any plans to include a single boss from Megaman and Bass on the Gimmick Stage?

Well The Gimmick Stage is huge enough as it is. I don't wanna add anymore to NMario's plate than need be. But who knows? Perhaps anything else that won't fit in the Gimmick Stage we can add as little extra features to the seperate engine stage.

Yllisos Zanon

Centaur Man got changed a little, I like Yoku Mans faded green better, so I had him keep the faded green.  I gave Gravity Man a Dark Purple outline instead.

As far as Duo goes, the bottom half has the original square like head.  But I gave him bigger eyes, and made him mouthless.

I feel that the Sirius that I made, is of right size. 
They're coming to take me away
hee hee hoo hoo haw haw


Dunno, to me Sirius looks kinda small now that I see it. He head in particual is really small in comparison to what you usually see in the Megaman games. I might give that character a try later on, right now I'm extremely busy to do anything fun.

That stage looks really fun btw!


Um, Mr. N-Mario... Are you still working on the climbing script for your engine?

Yoku Man

Quote from: MagVanisher on May 06, 2012, 01:54:04 PM
Um, Mr. N-Mario... Are you still working on the climbing script for your engine?

Climbing will be coded soon. But I can now officially say for NMario, that he's finally completed 100% coding for sliding. All the nuances and rules that go with sliding are now in effect, including the ability to slide over 1 tiled gaps.

Next, its onto Screen Transitions. I think he wants to perfect anything transition related first, before he codes climbing. (Including upward screen transitioning, which can only be achieved with: ladders, reverse gravity, vertical moving platforms/bubbles, etc)


There's a bit of a slowdown on Elec Man Stage, especially on the clouds background... Could you please fix it.


Quote from: MagVanisher on May 09, 2012, 11:04:02 AM
There's a bit of a slowdown on Elec Man Stage, especially on the clouds background... Could you please fix it.

That might be something happening on your end. Me and Starsims did not notice anything there when we tested. Check to see if you have any other programs running.


I am just glad to see that this is going on strong. I hope that you finish the Mega Man engine as well as the Mega Mania engine.


Quote from: N-Mario on May 06, 2012, 08:11:44 AM

I actually didn't think I was going to be able to pull this part off correctly without the script giving a fight. Seems like I was able to fix this with a couple of additional triggers. :D

I hadn't had this in MMR's movement engine for Rockman but I JUST now put it in because I was forced to.  It only took three lines of code so hopefully it was as simple for you as it was for me.

kuja killer

Holy cow i was just laughing out loud so much trying to follow all the multi paths just for even the 1st level.
About the wily stage mockup image earlier..

That's the most freaking epic type of level i've ever seen for a megaman game...seriously. :P

I was even thinking just the 1st level is enough to be the size of the whole entire wily castle ... 4-in-1 :P

but there seriously has to be several "restart" points spread out in tons of places for such a gigantic humungous level size like this. :)

Yoku Man

Quote from: kuja killer on May 12, 2012, 07:34:55 PM
Holy cow i was just laughing out loud so much trying to follow all the multi paths just for even the 1st level.
About the wily stage mockup image earlier..

That's the most freaking epic type of level i've ever seen for a megaman game...seriously. :P

I was even thinking just the 1st level is enough to be the size of the whole entire wily castle ... 4-in-1 :P

but there seriously has to be several "restart" points spread out in tons of places for such a gigantic humungous level size like this. :)

There will be, I'm sure. We'll figure it out somehow when we finally reach the point in the engine where we start coding the wilys stages. I imagine in stead of the usual 3 "restart" points in a typical Mega Man level (Beginning, Middle and Boss Door) I might include 5 instead, for two extra middle points depending on the route you take. Its also masterfully designed so you can't backtrack through an alternate path, so there won't be any restart point conflicts.


The game over screen should have the Total Distortion song. You are dead! Dead! Dead!


I can probably start adding a 'Gamer over' screen now that I have added working death pit falls.

Anyway, I was working on the boss doors (They work really excellent, BTW) in Shaodw Man stage, and I noticed something really odd in the actual GB game. Not sure if this applies to all the stages, but the stage 'shrinks' by 1 pixel when you get to the final section at the first boss door. I can't explain it otherwise.
I ripped the first section of the final stage to get the background behind the doors, then got the second section after the first door, entered the last door before Shadow Man, and the pixels don't match up. It's so weird o_O


Some more questions about the game.

In the first post you state you want an upgade system akin to one of Megaman X. Now by I assume you mean just the idea of getting stronger as your progress in general. My question for that is will it all be in the shop or will you also find upgrades throughot stages? Another question (which may seem like another dumb one) will Megaman get any armor upgrades like Megaman X with abilities? If so would you have his appearance in game change to reflect it? I mainly ask because I'm about to start doing the final clean quality pic of Rigel (who I'm still not certain of who she exactly is in story) and I was wondering if you'd need armor designs fo Mega.

I also wanted to say N-Mario I'm very impressed with the engine work you have done so far and I would like to thank you for all your work you are doing on this fan game! And Star I just want to sat thank you for letting me help with what little I can. I really like how this game is moving along and will help with what I can. <3

Posted on: May 13, 2012, 02:38:51 AM
I just had an idea, perhaps another silly one. Going off of the idea that Rigel/Duet could be a double agent working secretly to help the good guys, I was thinking. Perhaps at some point Mega gets captured and you play as Rigel wo has to break him out thus her finally revealing her agenda and blowing her cover? Like I said it is just an idea. I doubt N-Mario wants to think about programming another character! XDD



Um, Mr. Starsims... After you've finished both Megaman Unlimited and this game, do you have any plans for another project?

Also, I was thinking of another Rockman World game. But this time, I might pitch of an idea of Rockman fighting against Rockman Killers with 10 new Robot Masters based on Music Genre theme (kinda like Enker, Punk, and Ballade) with one of them acting as the prototype of the Rockman Killers. Although I want Rockman Shadow as the prototype, but I want an original robot that fits with the theme.

Aside from 8 new masters, 3 previous Rockman Killers will return as well as Quint, based on the original but with designs from Rockman Shadow, for a total of 14 Robot Masters that Rockman must beat.

Although it's sound crazy, but please reconsider.

Yoku Man

Quote from: N-Mario on May 13, 2012, 08:36:24 AM
I can probably start adding a 'Gamer over' screen now that I have added working death pit falls.

Yep, Gameover Screen is the next logical step. It can also be a hold over for the "End of Stage" Screen too, once you beat a boss. I guess its here we also need to decide if this engine will have passwords or a save system.

Quote from: N-Mario on May 13, 2012, 08:36:24 AM
Anyway, I was working on the boss doors (They work really excellent, BTW) in Shadow Man stage, and I noticed something really odd in the actual GB game. Not sure if this applies to all the stages, but the stage 'shrinks' by 1 pixel when you get to the final section at the first boss door. I can't explain it otherwise. I ripped the first section of the final stage to get the background behind the doors, then got the second section after the first door, entered the last door before Shadow Man, and the pixels don't match up. It's so weird o_O

That is weird, you'll have to show me sometime soon whats happening. I think the only thing we can do is what we've been doing with the engine as a whole, improving on any original errors or setbacks that were in the original games. (i.e.  Crappy Mega Man II platform physics, Air Man cut-off clouds, inconvenient and out of place boss door in MM1 levels, Air Man stage music pitch lowered, size of the slide collision box compared with MMII and MMIII onwards.)

Quote from: Cherrykorock on May 13, 2012, 09:46:20 AM
Some more questions about the game.
In the first post you state you want an upgrade system akin to one of Megaman X. Now by I assume you mean just the idea of getting stronger as your progress in general. My question for that is will it all be in the shop or will you also find upgrades throughout stages? Another question (which may seem like another dumb one) will Megaman get any armor upgrades like Megaman X with abilities? If so would you have his appearance in game change to reflect it? I mainly ask because I'm about to start doing the final clean quality pic of Rigel (who I'm still not certain of who she exactly is in story) and I was wondering if you'd need armor designs fo Mega.

Its not entirely clear yet how Mega Man will progress in power. I don't think we'd get the same sense of achievement and satisfaction if his greatest strengths and improvements are purchased at a shop. (Although there can still be room for some small enhancements there.) I think they should be incorporated into the plot, they'll definately be mandatory upgrades that allow you to progress as well, reach new areas that move the story along.

Thats partly why I made this thread too, to get your ideas about what exactly could be done and what should be done. NMario has raised concerns that it could turn out too much like an RPG, with all these upgrades, mazes, puzzles, etc. But I will definately not go overboard, I still want to keep the essence of a Mega Man game in there but with a new added challenge and replayability and longer lasting adventure, particularly for a handheld game.

As for any change in Mega Man's appearance? Thats a toughie. Armour upgrades. This is something I've been pondering. Does our favourite Blue Bomber really have to change who he is in appearance to truly improve himself? Do we dare make any alterations to that classic 8-bit sprite that screams cuteness? The upgrades could just be on the inside and not physically change how his armour looks... But.... I'm not totally against the decision either.
I guess this is the magic of designing. Try anyway, show me some designs and who knows? Maybe you'll sway me and the fans into considering Armour Upgrades to Mega Man's classic space suit. Thats one more thing to consider, another inspiration for this entire game was Mega Man's actual appearance! He always looked like a space ranger of sorts, with his space suit and helmet. Whatever you decide to try and design as an upgrade, try and keep his look as space ranger-ish as possible. One thing that has entered my mind is the image of Mega Man turning into a comet like Duo and able to shoot through space as he does. That could mean at some point a possible armour upgrade could grant him the Duo-like wings he has on his back.

Quote from: Cherrykorock on May 13, 2012, 09:46:20 AM
I also wanted to say N-Mario I'm very impressed with the engine work you have done so far and I would like to thank you for all your work you are doing on this fan game! And Star I just want to say thank you for letting me help with what little I can. I really like how this game is moving along and will help with what I can.

Your welcome! The help is truly apreciated. I'm loving your contributions, keep them coming! The sketches are truly inspiring for me also and gives me faith to continue with my project. I knew that by my imagination alone this game could not be achieved. You and everyones help is whats also important to me. Lets truly make this a great team project! Lets do it for Mega Man's 25th Anniversary, show what the fans can trully do! I should thank NMario myself too, without his engine this game would not be possible and things are looking ultra sweet with the engine thusfar. Looks like my fangame is in good hands. A nice template to start from.

Quote from: Cherrykorock on May 13, 2012, 09:46:20 AM
I just had an idea, perhaps another silly one. Going off of the idea that Rigel/Duet could be a double agent working secretly to help the good guys, I was thinking. Perhaps at some point Mega gets captured and you play as Rigel who has to break him out thus her finally revealing her agenda and blowing her cover? Like I said it is just an idea. I doubt N-Mario wants to think about programming another character! XDD

I had a similar idea. I think thankfully, due to the structure of how Mega Man games work, we could make tons of last minute alterations to the plot but still continue with the project as a whole without any major changes to graphics, structure and so on, remember throughout this whole thing, its still a Gameboy Mega Man Game. So it'll still have the First 4 Bosses, then some plot change and then the last 4 Bosses, then the final showdown. What goes on inbetween can be changed until we're completely satisfied with the story.

I like your suggestion, we'll see what direction it leads us in. Making Duet playable is... tempting too.  Which brings me onto the last question....

Quote from: MagVanisher on May 13, 2012, 11:59:49 AM
Um, Mr. Starsims... After you've finished both Megaman Unlimited and this game, do you have any plans for another project?

I am optimistic about the outcome of this current fangame. I'm very tempted to leave it on a cliffhanger or open-ended for a sequel. The idea of my fangame is to expand the Mega Man Universe and get the fans wanting more from this universe once its over. So depending on how successful this project is... I may infact do a sequel ;) A sequel that may expand on things that were introduced and add even more new unique features to the Mega Man structure. Perhaps more playable characters with different playstyles, like stealth, melee, etc, something that can push the rules Capcom have laid down in Mega Man's platform physics, to the very limit. Remember, Duo is a member of an intergalactic police force of sorts, you could say a party of galactic space rangers, that would be an awesome concept for a sequel, Mega Man and his team of space rangers, all playable, including Duet. But lets not distract ourselves.. lets focus on this game first ;)


@Yoku Man

Well, I could hope that Megaman Universe will be success to warrant a sequel! And maybe, you could bring up 12 Robot Masters to fight instead of the usual 8.


Good thing that the boss doors are working... Although Elec Man's doors isn't coded yet!

Plus, good job on the intro too!


That's great news, you guys. This two man team is going places fast!

Yoku Man

I like the idea of using the looping mazes with boss doors. It somehow gives a little extra detail and realisation to the fact that these doors are tricking you into a maze. Its also quite magical too, heh, you're like "Hey wait a minute, I just passed through this door, how can the room have changed behind me!?" Heh it can disorientate the player even more than just your average looping maze transitions. ;)

I think therefore we could leave room for a looping maze right near the end of Wily Stage 2, one final obstacle before the boss gauntlet. You think your going through the boss gate with a Wily Logo above, but instead you have to go through a clever little looping maze. Maybe only about 5 rooms may be needed for said maze. The boss doors should be in the same positions in each room to help disorientate the player even more.


Quote from: Yoku Man on May 17, 2012, 10:32:44 PM
I like the idea of using the looping mazes with boss doors. It somehow gives a little extra detail and realisation to the fact that these doors are tricking you into a maze. Its also quite magical too, heh, you're like "Hey wait a minute, I just passed through this door, how can the room have changed behind me!?" Heh it can disorientate the player even more than just your average looping maze transitions. ;)

I think therefore we could leave room for a looping maze right near the end of Wily Stage 2, one final obstacle before the boss gauntlet. You think your going through the boss gate with a Wily Logo above, but instead you have to go through a clever little looping maze. Maybe only about 5 rooms may be needed for said maze. The boss doors should be in the same positions in each room to help disorientate the player even more.

Yea, I don't know if that was a map design fault, or a brilliant one for testing. But I did ran out of room for a 2nd floor area (it actually runs right into another later part of the map). So I didn't have a choice but to loop it back up to the top floor after entering the second door below. XD

I was thinking we can try to add some maze loop areas in between your whole Wily gimmick level, just to make it that much harder.

UPDATE 5/20:
- If anyone is still reading this, or for anyone who is interested, I have started animating Shadow Man's stage. I also had to make a few pixel corrections on the stage unfortunately. So It's going to take some time. The first section is animated only. I'm still working on animating the rest of it.


Good luck to that, N-Mario. Still, I hope you could code for the ladders...

BTW, I would like to suggest on adding more Gameboy Color Filters other than monochrome and colored.


Quote from: MagVanisher on May 20, 2012, 10:24:44 AM
Good luck to that, N-Mario. Still, I hope you could code for the ladders...

BTW, I would like to suggest on adding more Gameboy Color Filters other than monochrome and colored.

Technically, there are many ways I could do it, but I just don't think that's really necessary. Even the old MegaMan Mania Trailer showed more options other than Monochrome and color. There's also the Super GB style.

Though if people really want more options for colors, I'll see what I can do. Maybe I can look at some color filters to use in the script. But as I said, it's not really a requirement right now. I'd rather try to get the engine done first. ;)

To be honest, the game starts using colors. When you change to B&W, most of the objects change frame animation to the B&W version. This is due to the way the colors are fixed in the color version, & the B&W version of the stages. It's more noticeable on Elec Man's stage if you look at the ladders. The only thing that's actually using color replacement right now is MegaMan and his bullets. But when the engine gets more finished, I think the enemies and the bosses will use color replace too to filter into the B&W monochrome.

UPDATE 5/21:
- Shadow Man's stage is fully animated now. I even fixed the 1 pixel error at the end of the boss room. :)

- Doing some experiments and testing, I came across an area where the player fell into a 'nonexistent pit'. A point of a stage where a pit shouldn't exist, but he still falls anyway. I'm not sure where the problem is occurring exactly. I also got the screen 'wobble' at mid point of a stage some how when testing in Shadow man's area. So many errors to deal with. >_<


Are you going to add the enemies and other things for the stages as well?


Eventually yes. But first, I must perfect the engine, get out all the bugs/errors. I'm going to need to add the effects/animation for getting hit also. So I think that adding enemies & items should be the last thing to add on the list. ;)

Heck, there's probably a list of things that are required (like adding weapons, dialogue). But there's only so much I can do at a time. XD

- Updated the title game intro. Starsims (Yoku Man) pointed about about the font looking weird on the application version. It was due to the way the 'sprite' of the font was being scaled to. I've fixed this so the titles are the actual size now.