Mega Man Starbound - Galaxy's Champion

Started by Yoku Man, February 29, 2012, 03:48:30 AM

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MC Jimmy

What are you using for the engine? If you are coding it from scratch then that's up to you to figure it out, but if you are using some engine then maybe you gotta look at all the variables that could cause it.


Quote from: fifthindependent on May 02, 2012, 01:14:13 PM
Also, as for the Wily sprite, I think the NES did it that way because of the sprite palette limit on the NES as others mentioned.  Although, you aren't working with NES limits.  ;)  The sprites in the sheet however wouldn't be possible on the NES, unless you used an additional palette for them, because sprites on the NES can only have 3 colors per palette plus an additional transparency color.

Actually as I said, MegaMan has 2 sets of palettes that use 3 colors, making 6 total (minus transparency). So yea you would need to add additional palette for Dr.Wily, which was the point. I don't know what they did for Dr.Light, as his legs being blue. Maybe he has 2 sets of colors like MegaMan, with 2 unused colors I don't know. :-/

So yea I was just making a theory for the NES. Since we are not limited to that anyway.

Also, yea you can add me on msn messenger if you want. I'm also on AIM, ICQ if helps.


Yeah I know, I was just throwing that out there.  I added you on MSN.  If I didn't show up, add me as well.


Quote from: fifthindependent on May 02, 2012, 07:07:10 PM
Yeah I know, I was just throwing that out there.  I added you on MSN.  If I didn't show up, add me as well.

If you PM me your email alias and whatnot (Ill send you mine), I'll figure something out. :)

Yoku Man

The day is finally here! (Phew that was a lot of hard work, putting it all together like a jigsaw!) I present to you Dr Wily's Gimmick Level Parts 1 and 2!

Nearly every single gimmick from all the gameboy/nes/wii games all in these two levels. All ready to be coded so that when you make your own fangame with the Mega man World Engine, the coding for any gimmick imaginable will already be there!



This will definitely have some replay value!  8D


Got inspired by MM10's Wily Stage 1?
About the your "Gimmick Level".
It's fantastic! Not only it has replay value, but it has even nostalgic value!
However, I don't like transition from "Collapsing Room" to "No Gravity" room, because you put transition at the end of "No Gravity" room, so it becoming pointless.
I like to draw... NOT!


Quote from: Splash on May 03, 2012, 06:28:40 AM
Got inspired by MM10's Wily Stage 1?
About the your "Gimmick Level".
It's fantastic! Not only it has replay value, but it has even nostalgic value!
However, I don't like transition from "Collapsing Room" to "No Gravity" room, because you put transition at the end of "No Gravity" room, so it becoming pointless.

Actually I think that's supposed to look like a map trick. If my brain is working correctly as Starsims wants this to work, I think that room is actually supposed to fall down to the bottom of the 'no gravity' room. That is why it looks like its transitions to the end of the room, because that room hasn't fallen down yet.

This is what I mean:

Also, is it just me, or is there way too much purple in the background? I would think most of those stage obstacles would have their own color scheme. :-/

Just some notes about the engine:
Also, I think I know why there's going to be a 'jerky', or 'unsmooth' movement in the engine. It's because theoretically it is impossible to move lower than 1 pixel per time frame in any programming software, even though there is such a thing as sub-pixel Movement. I did a self test in my engine, changed the x velocity to 1, and it was actually moving pretty smoothly. Even though that's not the accurate speed of MegaMan at the actual 1x size. Changing the x velocity back to 0.9 still works, just that it's going to feel a bit jerky due to the sub-pixel movement.

Since I was originally working on an NES style game where he moves slightly faster than 1 pixel, we didn't have this kind of issue. But now since we're basing the engine on the GB game physics, he needs to be slower.

In theory, could resize the entire game engine to work with x2 size sprites from the start to maybe help fix any issue with movement, except that the file size may differ because of the amount of graphics used.

Just putting it out there. :-/


I'm impressed you managed to cram every gimmick imaginable from the series into two levels.  This will be very helpful indeed for people who want to make Mega Man fan games.

Yoku Man

Quote from: N-Mario on May 03, 2012, 07:14:39 AM
Just some notes about the engine:
Also, I think I know why there's going to be a 'jerky', or 'unsmooth' movement in the engine. It's because theoretically it is impossible to move lower than 1 pixel per time frame in any programming software, even though there is such a thing as sub-pixel Movement. I did a self test in my engine, changed the x velocity to 1, and it was actually moving pretty smoothly. Even though that's not the accurate speed of MegaMan at the actual 1x size. Changing the x velocity back to 0.9 still works, just that it's going to feel a bit jerky due to the sub-pixel movement.
Since I was originally working on an NES style game where he moves slightly faster than 1 pixel, we didn't have this kind of issue. But now since we're basing the engine on the GB game physics, he needs to be slower.
In theory, could resize the entire game engine to work with x2 size sprites from the start to maybe help fix any issue with movement, except that the file size may differ because of the amount of graphics used.
Just putting it out there. :-/

Heh intruiging discovery there NMario. Who'd have thought the limitations of the gameboy physics would end up being a hinderance for a PC Fangame engine years later. I guess the programmers of MMF didn't ever think someone would want a player to move slower than 1 pixel x velocity! I personally think the wobbly hitbox for Mega Man is forgivable seeing as the player will never get to see it.

Quote from: N-Mario on May 03, 2012, 07:14:39 AM
Also, is it just me, or is there way too much purple in the background? I would think most of those stage obstacles would have their own color scheme. :-/

I've been extremely careful with the purple in the tileset. I've set myself the limits that the original tileset had in the MM10 special stage for Enker. But It could use some swapping of colours if you want more variety. Even things like the Sheep Man dissapearing blocks have the set colours that make up the Enker Tileset, borrowed from colours found in the space scene in the windows.

I hope this can inspire you more NMario. Would like to get back into the thick of the level building in the engine. But of course we need to get the sliding and transitions working so we can explore the levels.


Quote from: Yoku Man on May 03, 2012, 06:20:33 PM
I hope this can inspire you more NMario. Would like to get back into the thick of the level building in the engine. But of course we need to get the sliding and transitions working so we can explore the levels.

As much as I'd love to work on this, it's going to be tough to pull off. I really wish game design was much easier, esp. if one is doing accurate physics, and every one of those stage gimmicks possible. Not to mention MM's 25th is coming up, and I have said I did want to make something to show my support.

I really hate to say this, but maybe if I was paid on the job to design a game, it would help me work faster. Either that or keep streaming the work for people who love spoilers. XD
Though I think it may have to do that I'm also waiting for Phil's fan game.

Yoku Man

Quote from: N-Mario on May 03, 2012, 06:51:09 PM
As much as I'd love to work on this, it's going to be tough to pull off. I really wish game design was much easier, esp. if one is doing accurate physics, and every one of those stage gimmicks possible. Not to mention MM's 25th is coming up, and I have said I did want to make something to show my support.

As was my original intention for this fangame. Without the engine it'll never see the light of day. I'm hoping at some point Capcom will officially announce the logo for the 25th Anniversary and the pic to go with it. The one found hidden in the coding of MML3 is still not confirmed as the final version.

I hope to make the game before the anniversary so I can show my support too.

It will be tough. But you have my support and I'll find as many people as possible (including fifthindependent if he's still willing) to help with finishing this engine. I'd recommend you stream and I could help advertise it so you get more viewers and recognition for your fine work.

Many of the fans waiting for this game will be deeply gratified with your dedication. Including me.

And you know... If paying is needed, I may even consider it. I'm that enthusiastic to make this.

Yoku Man

Quote from: RetroRespecter on May 03, 2012, 09:12:01 PM
8) owob >0< owo 0v0 :cookie: <3

Heh, well we have Retrorespecter's support and respect! Well I streamed today and discussed more with NMario. We're gonna try and be more professional with this to make things more enthusiastic and keep to a schedule. NMario is free on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays so we'll be chatting in his channel occasionally and we'll probably go through an agenda and list of things to do on that day. He may even stream some footage too if he's in the mood or if its required.

I think the more we do, the more I can nag the poor guy I can show him we can get this engine done! You deserve more credit NMario, I have faith in you. :)

Make note in your diaries guys, especially you folks who frequent this thread and contribute to the fangame!

Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays at

These days may change however, I'll keep you guys updated here in the forum if anything does. I'd like everyone to visit his channel and give your love to the guy who is sweating so much to make this for us!

Bravo NMario! Keep up the good work mate!


  • You may want to check your spelling and grammar on that one.
  • Don't nag too much or N-Mairo may fight back.  8)
  • The color really sets the tone on the gimmick stages. You are in Dr. Wily's castle, are you not?


Quote from: Yoku Man on May 03, 2012, 02:38:11 AM
The day is finally here! (Phew that was a lot of hard work, putting it all together like a jigsaw!) I present to you Dr Wily's Gimmick Level Parts 1 and 2!

Nearly every single gimmick from all the gameboy/nes/wii games all in these two levels. All ready to be coded so that when you make your own fangame with the Mega man World Engine, the coding for any gimmick imaginable will already be there!

if you're going to have a stage like this give us unlimited lives/continues   X(

Yoku Man

Quote from: Karasai on May 04, 2012, 03:24:36 AM
if you're going to have a stage like this give us unlimited lives/continues   X(

You know, considering this is an engine, and its not really meant to be a proper playable game (just a template on how to construct a typical Mega Man gameboy game) maybe I might suggest infinite lives and energy as an option, to NMario; kind of like a Debug feature.

Also, more ideas have been forming in my head lately; such as adding more RPG features like Upgrades, Collectables, Mazes, Puzzles, Shops, etc. The whole Gimmick stage itself looks like it may have become a nice example of how to construct a typical level for the actual fangame.

RPG's usually have replay value, with lots of exploring, kinda also like the "Metroidvania" style of games of late. (Also what Mega Man X: Corrupted is going for) If we can pull that gimmick level off correctly then that'll be encouraging for when I finally start designing levels for the fangame itself.

There are many other ideas for replay value I may include, such as: changing weather, interactive terrain, enemies that change strategies, all things that will require revisiting or upgrading to better handle new situations. The formost thing in my game is I want Mega Man to struggle with this adventure, to fight to grow stronger and learn from mistakes and evolve. Even simple enemies will give him a challenge at the beginning.


The Debug keys will most likely stay as a feature for the engine. I'm not sure about infinite lives. But there will be plenty of ways to get lives. There will be the Dr.Light shop. Items placed around the stages here and there. So lives shouldn't be a problem. Giving infinite lives is just a bit over doing it honestly. :P

For the record, I'm not a big fan of all the RPG elements. It's just lot more time consuming for the player, just having to farm to get the necessary upgrades. I thought this was a bit annoying in Zelda II. But that's just me. If it's a Mega Man game, it's got to feel like a Mega Man game by keeping it as simple as possible.

As for the money, I was kind of joking about that, since it's hard for me to keep up the work as it is. I really can't take anyone's money since this is going to be a fan game. Capcom owns all the rights to Mega Man and all, we can't do anything about that. Unless I actually started working at Capcom, maybe, but that's still not likely. XD
Though I could technically do the payment thing if the game concept was entirely original, all the characters & graphics are new. But that's probably not going to happen for a real long time.

We could start a 100,000 Strong for MegaMan Mania to help support us with this. XD
Naww.... Never mind I'm just kidding.

Yllisos Zanon

Color Scheme Experiments, what colors would each boss look good with?  Some feedback on colors along with, any C&C on the scratch enemies. 

Also, I really like this Duo head.  It seems more suitable for him.  That is if NMario or Starsims say other wise.
They're coming to take me away
hee hee hoo hoo haw haw


Quote from: Yoku Man on May 03, 2012, 02:38:11 AM
The day is finally here! (Phew that was a lot of hard work, putting it all together like a jigsaw!) I present to you Dr Wily's Gimmick Level Parts 1 and 2!

Nearly every single gimmick from all the gameboy/nes/wii games all in these two levels. All ready to be coded so that when you make your own fangame with the Mega man World Engine, the coding for any gimmick imaginable will already be there!

This one looks great... But it would be nice if you or N-Mario include some gimmick from 7, 8, and & Forte.


Say, Mr. Starsims... Is there any plans to include a single boss from Megaman and Bass on the Gimmick Stage?

Yllisos Zanon

I'll see what I can do, with Slash and Frost.  As for this new pic, I added Gravity and Centaur.  Done with colors accordingly.

They're coming to take me away
hee hee hoo hoo haw haw


I was thinking, since we already have megaman 9 and megaman 10 in 8bit, it would be just as easy to skip MM7 and MM8. We could use a Robot Master from MM5, MM6, then MM9 and MM10 instead to save any trouble. Although personally I was going to try my hand at 4 new robot masters for the next set after the first 4. But for the sake of the engine, I suppose we could work with the robot masters that we have.

BTW, started working on the game again. Only thing I managed to added by far is a working Pause Menu pop-up screen.

Yllisos Zanon

Just to make a note about it, the Centaur I did, has the current colors from other characters.  I didn't want to make any more colors, considering this is a GB based game.  Sticking to the color limitations.
They're coming to take me away
hee hee hoo hoo haw haw


Don't forget MegaMan Mania was a GBA game. More colors to work with. Even Ring Man's sprite had more colors than his NES counterpart.

Sliding is 95% finished. Missing slide smoke effect, and other fixes/adjustments that may be needed later on. :)
FYI, sliding doesn't work on Elec Man stage now. This is intentional, as there was no sliding in MM1. It's just to show how I just disabled it in certain stages. I can re-enable sliding on ElecMan Stage if necessary. I just wanted to be a bit accurate of the game's time. XD