Mega Man Starbound - Galaxy's Champion

Started by Yoku Man, February 29, 2012, 03:48:30 AM

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Quote from: IQ-0 on March 18, 2012, 06:59:11 AM
fixed Ringman stage:

Darkened yellow blocks. Changed spike color to that of the ladder. Replaced the black with the blue mentioned. The original file is still visible by adding a 2 at the end of the file name. You can change the gate color and Wily logo color if you want in the end. I color those to match Megaman's color when he obtains that weapon.

The yellow tiles still look too bright IMO. Try this:
Darkest Shade - R120, G80 B0
Light Shade 1 - R160 G120 B0
Light Shade 2 - R240 G200 B0

You can mess around with those colors, but it's something I was going for. :)  

Also, in the NES version, the bars were either Rainbow (for the one side), or brown & black (the other side). Do you think we could apply those here? Or do you think they look better white in color?

If you don't want to mess with it any more, I can work on it when I go to use it in my game. I already gave the fans blowing in Elec Man stage some color. I can probably do the same for Ring Man's stage. :)

Anyways, made a small, minor update to the game. Made an option on the title screen to go to the engine frame instead of getting there on stage select screen.


The solid I kept white due to the fact that rainbow is 20-30 frames to cycle throw all colors plus it's too small to do it like that. What I can do instead is make an animation to make it 4 frames and make it red, orange, yellow, green cycle. The broken one I can make brown as the black was part of the background thus it'll appear brown/bluish (bgcolor) one I can do no problem and I'll also use the colors for the yellow blocks you gave me.


I was bored and made this. IF you want it, possible Rigel design?



Updated Ringman again and created an animated version. I think it'll be faster on MMF2 instead of the browser which seems slow. It was fast on the program I used to animate. Replace png with gif to see the animated version.

Yllisos Zanon

Crossed fingers, but, here is how I see some of the bosses.  If you like any of the designs, please make a simple vote in your post.  I may have added a few extra colors that aren't in the game, but you get the idea.  I will make sheets to any bosses that make the cut.  2 of the bosses are not created yet.


Sorry about the jpeg, but since this is a beta version.  C&C is needed.
They're coming to take me away
hee hee hoo hoo haw haw


Quote from: Yllisos Zanon on March 19, 2012, 07:01:24 PM

Crossed fingers, but, here is how I see some of the bosses.  If you like any of the designs, please make a simple vote in your post.  I may have added a few extra colors that aren't in the game, but you get the idea.  I will make sheets to any bosses that make the cut.  2 of the bosses are not created yet.


Sorry about the jpeg, but since this is a beta version.  C&C is needed.

Mettragon looks hideous. Though I still see the base is from the Octopus miniboss from Wave Man's stage.

Interesting works there. :)


Personally, I think it'd be preferable if there was no "frankenspriting" or editing involved. That just seems like, well...taking the easy way out in a non-professional way. :\

Yoku Man

Quote from: KudosForce on March 19, 2012, 10:11:02 PM
Personally, I think it'd be preferable if there was no "frankenspriting" or editing involved. That just seems like, well...taking the easy way out in a non-professional way. :\

I agree. I want some totally original sprites.

But at least this is the start of things. You tried, and thats what matters. Keep the ideas coming everyone.

Quote from: Yllisos Zanon on March 19, 2012, 07:01:24 PM
Crossed fingers, but, here is how I see some of the bosses.  If you like any of the designs, please make a simple vote in your post.  I may have added a few extra colors that aren't in the game, but you get the idea.  I will make sheets to any bosses that make the cut.  2 of the bosses are not created yet.

Some nice ideas there, but they're too animalistic. Look for example at Pluto. He was still human looking, everyone should still have humanoid faces, even Uranus was human looking, he just looked bulky and happened to have bulls horns.

On the plus side, I like the colours you used for Duo in the corner. Perhaps with some changes to his head that may become an acceptable sprite to use for his Gameboy appearance.

Quote from: Invader_Rock on March 19, 2012, 04:40:44 AM
I was bored and made this. IF you want it, possible Rigel design?


I recommend we start with designs and sketches like with Invader_Rocks picture. We need to start small with hypothetical sketches and work our way up from there. Thats a good start for Rigel. But perhaps she's looking a tad too generic and reploid-esque (kinda like what people are describing Quake Woman as being, in the Archie comic previews)

One small trait and detail I imagine she'd share with her brother, Terra, is that mass of hair he had ;)

EDIT: However on further consideration, she does have an intruiging look about her. But maybe she looks a little too friendly. I ponder if she should be the type of Stardroid who has a reputation for being beautiful but deadly. Using her looks to get what she desires.

PS. I've added Rush, Mega Man's trusty canine companion to the first post!


Well I actually have a lot of ideas on at least some of the bosses, would you like some roughs? And yes I actually thought she looked too friendly myself then said w/e it'll need a redesign regardless XD. And yeah beautiful but deadly is what I had in mind with her. Like I've stated I would love to help out. =]

Yoku Man

Quote from: Invader_Rock on March 20, 2012, 02:21:44 AM
Well I actually have a lot of ideas on at least some of the bosses, would you like some roughs? And yes I actually thought she looked too friendly myself then said w/e it'll need a redesign regardless XD. And yeah beautiful but deadly is what I had in mind with her. Like I've stated I would love to help out. =]

Keep them coming. That was a cool sketch. Will be intruiging to see how the characters evolve from their early drafts to the final look.


Quote from: Yoku Man on March 20, 2012, 02:24:41 AM
Keep them coming. That was a cool sketch. Will be intruiging to see how the characters evolve from their early drafts to the final look.
=] You've got it! And I agree, can't wait to see what they look like in game. <3 Now to find my tablet!

Yllisos Zanon

I'll keep that in mind, the main idea I have for Vega.  He is somewhat similiar to Sword Man.  Two halves, you can only damage him when both parts are attached.  The legs will either dive down in a swooping design, or try to crash down on top of Mega Man.  The only time the upper half comes down, is to attach itself to the lower half.
They're coming to take me away
hee hee hoo hoo haw haw


Quote from: KudosForce on March 19, 2012, 10:11:02 PM
Personally, I think it'd be preferable if there was no "frankenspriting" or editing involved. That just seems like, well...taking the easy way out in a non-professional way. :\
Did somebody call?
QuoteI'll keep that in mind, the main idea I have for Vega.  He is somewhat similiar to Sword Man.  Two halves, you can only damage him when both parts are attached.  The legs will either dive down in a swooping design, or try to crash down on top of Mega Man.  The only time the upper half comes down, is to attach itself to the lower half.
So..he's like Compasman?


Quote- Hydra (A many-headed Serpent)
Once I drew my robot masters and one of them was Hydra Man.

If you like it, you can use this RM to create own Stardroid.
P.S. Too many heads, as you can see
I like to draw... NOT!


Small Update:
- Added graphics for ladders & possible small platforms in the engine stage.
- Added 'One HP' in the options menu for those who want the IWBTG challenge later on.
- Some other fixes like adding walls to prevent going off screen from the left or right.


I tried my hand on a few ideas of the bosses, but only got to brainstorm 3 of them.

Yoku Man

Awesome! These are the kind of useful experimental sketches we would like to see! Hypothetical looks, weapon theories and the likes. I like how you have subtle animal features like with Lupus having a similar look to Pluto. Arcturus looks intruiging too, nice to see his look has ramifications for his possible attacks. Heh and as for Orion, he's cool looking too. Do I dare take the bow idea? MegaPhilX already had that kind of bow arm for Rainbow Man in MM Unlimited, but I don't think he'd mind if we made it as an homage.

Well who knows? We may improve on some of these designs or keep them as they are, we'll just have to keep the sketches coming and see how things develop.


Orion turned out kinda lame imo, as if his only gimmick is that he has a bow :\.

I was gonna try to give him a club, since the constellation depicts him with one too, but having both things in one was too much for an RM. I might try with just the club next time, that's how they did it in Saint Seiya after all :D

Yoku Man

Here are the other Stardroids for easy reference guys. Have this at hand for getting the style and look of the new Stardroids similar in vain to their predecessors. You have to imagine that these new guys are related to them, would have similar armour, helms and so forth.


Now that you mention it, the Stardroids armor and "cellular makeup" looks far different from Dr. Wily's robot masters.


I just thought of something.

Theres 2 lupine Stardroids here. Lupus, and Sirius.

Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Yoku Man

Quote from: Sir Cromington Brassen on March 22, 2012, 12:48:43 AM
I just thought of something.
Theres 2 lupine Stardroids here. Lupus, and Sirius.

I think Sirius can still be used if he's designed over his fire motif rather than the lupine side of his legend. And he can still be a dog style Stardroid while Lupus is a Lion as KoiDrake sketched.


But Lupus means "Wolf". I dont think a Lion would be quite right. Would be like, well, calling a Lion a Dog or vice versa.

Sirius  could definitely be designed based on the fire aspect, the term Sirus meaning Glowing, or scorcher.
Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

Yoku Man

Quote from: Sir Cromington Brassen on March 22, 2012, 02:47:51 AM
But Lupus means "Wolf". I dont think a Lion would be quite right. Would be like, well, calling a Lion a Dog or vice versa.

Sirius  could definitely be designed based on the fire aspect, the term Sirus meaning Glowing, or scorcher.

I guess the Lion part was reffering to the fact that the Lupus constellation was named after the Mad Dog of Babylonion legend (a strange hybrid creature with a head and torso of a man, but with the legs and tail of a Lion) In this case, KoiDrake gave him the head of a Lion instead of a tail.

Perhaps Lupus' design could be given to Sirius. That way he could also have a fire attack or be able to set himself on fire and keep the Lion Mame design.


That actually sounds amazing. then we could have a lion themed guy and a wolf themed guy. I think it could be amusing to have him have a rivalry with Pluto (cat vs dog)
Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.