What concepts do you think should have been touched on more in this series?

Started by Jericho, January 25, 2012, 06:27:13 PM

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Could it be possible that in time they could have had plans to bring him back if they found a way to control him for their sake?


Quote from: Zan on January 26, 2012, 08:43:40 AM
And Ciel can see Cyber Elves not because of her genetic alterations, but rather because of the visor she uses for that very purpose.

Now that is rather interesting. Yet it doesn't really seem to make all that much sense to me. The only time we ever see physically use her visor is while she is in her room, researching one of the Babyelves in Zero 2 prior to Operation Righteous Strike. On the other two occurances where she interacts with Cyberelves (talking to Passy in Zero 1 and seeing the Motherelf in Zero 3), she seems to be able to physically see them without the aid of any technical gadgets. She also seems to be seeing the Cyberelf you get in Z4 just fine with her very own eyes. As a whole, I find it sort of wierd that humans are not supposed to see Cyberelves, especially since Cyberelves are human-created data life objects last I checked. I only remembered that by the time of ZX, humans and Repliroids were unaware of turning Cyberelves upon death.

Quote from: Sir Cromington Brassen on January 29, 2012, 11:09:34 PM
Well, the MORE economical idea would have been to just retire him like any other Maverick, but I assume that because Omega contained Zero's body, they were hesitant to just destroy it, so they just exiled him too. or they were just sick of all the deaths and exiled him. I really would like to know why they didnt just retire him.

I'd be willing enough to actually call this a plothole for convenience's sake. Omega needed to be formally introduced with a bombastic first appearance, and what better way is there to have a giant, sword-shaped spaceship crash on Earth that contains the harbinger of the near-apocalypse who then proceeds to royally screw two of the remaining Guardians over?


Has anyone considered yet, that Dr. Weil might have created the spacecraft himself as a type of weapon to be used in the elfwars? It wouldn't be the only time he'd do something like that.

If so, they could have just disabled the ships power supply and let it drift in earth's orbit forever.


Im pretty sure the game states that Weil was exiled from neo Arcaida and Omega was launched into space, not that Weil launched him.

What Weil did do, is derail the rocket's orbit and make it crash.
Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.


I would have loved to see a more in depth view of the Neo Arcadian's government. I was always curious what was going on in the the only place that people were living prior to Zero 4. Did the people know the rest of the world was in ruins? Were they blinded? Did they even care anymore? I have no knowledge of any of the drama tracks or Complete works so for me everything i know comes straight from the games.

Ladd Spencer

Quote from: Mirby on October 10, 2012, 06:27:57 AM
FEELS  ;^;Which has the massive scrotums?

