I love seeing the ideas of others, be it serious or hilarious, heh.
Here's a hilarious list from me:
-Green Biker Dude Man
-Monkey Man
-Popsicle Man
-High Man
-Bald Man
-Escort Woman
-Cheerlead Woman
-Driving Woman
Actually, I have a .txt file stored somewhere on my PC where I keep a few possible Robot Masters I would like to use in a fan made game. Very occasionally, I think up of a good name, and store it then inside the file. Unfortunately, since I consider these names to be serious creations of my own, I decided not to share them...yet. Either until I can apply to an actual boss design contest or create my own fan game it won't happen.
Everytime I notice that someone has already made a fan based Robot Master with the same name, I "delete" that one then in the .txt file and start thinking about an original one that hopefully no one else thought of yet. It's pretty entertaining, and challenging.