If only I could get the guys at Retsupurae this rip this apart. That'll show 'em.
Also, that forum post with the stolen [parasitic bomb] that I stitched together was deleted by the douche behind the game. Make of that, what you will.
I don't follow Retsupurae but do they only rip on terrible LPs or do they also do games? If it's the former then I say Jon Tron totally should.
Also now I'm wondering if Ron Ben-Israel should be a Psychic or Fairy gym leader. I mean when Sweet Genius was airing it was something of a Mind Screw at times but at the same time most of the Fairy Tale Girls and Valerie are just as Mind Screwy plus the fact he's a Pastery Chef.
Oh and Andrew Zimmern should totally be the Bug type Gym Leader, even though he's not associated with Food Network or the Cooking Channel as far as I know.
Great I'm having way too much fun with this.