Mega Man Perfect Harmony (4-player Cooperative Fan Game)

Started by The Legendary Rud, May 26, 2011, 10:39:00 PM

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The Legendary Rud


Posted on: June 11, 2011, 06:20:00


You did a amazing job on this , i never knew how to really use game maker i mean like writing the scripts for movements , backgrounds , weapons , bosses , enemies , etc.

The Legendary Rud

Thanks! I try really hard all of the time!

Here's another teaser of 4-player gameplay!


cool , im very impressed , and how you incorporated the z saber was genius 



And then I found this at your website:
[spoiler]MegaHertz – Chiptune Musician
Keeevvviiinnn – Chiptune Musician
rushjet1 – Chiptune Musician
coatlesscarl – Chiptune Musician[/spoiler]
Me bringing up more dA dramas really makes no sense but I guess I KILLED ANOTHER GAME.

The Legendary Rud

Brain fart XD
I fixed it, my apologies man!


awesome can't wait , just try it now its really good


just wondering since capcom is fine with fangames, are they fine with donations too?

The Legendary Rud

I don't know, I don't really ask for donations, but donations would be nice XD
However, there are bands and other things out there like The Protomen that make money off of their franchise...From what I understand they are lenient when it comes to this sort of thing, but Nintendo and Sega will crack down pretty hard..

Let me know what you think of the demo everyone! I worked very hard on it all year T_T


I am having exams next week so i could not comment a lot on your game, i have tried it a few times, single player, i tried the heat man stage and the stage with the sword popping out from the ground, i like the sword idea, seems cool too. But for both stage i could not reach the boss, there is no check point? its very hard when i play alone even though i played normal. I will try easy mode next time. But i did complete a lot of megaman games, so i thought the normal mode is a little too hard.

the sword thing kills, the lava kills... usually during hit stun, spikes and stuff do not kill megaman.
which stage should i start off with.

Also, from programming point of view, i think you should disable enemies outside of the players range...

kuja killer

I WAS going to try this out...but im not interested anymore cause it completely [tornado fang]'d up my comp after the logo finished sent my monitor screen without ANY warning into a super tiny resolution like 400x600 or something i dont know....instead of loading your game...i heard the music but i couldn't see the program or anything...i tried pressing all the F buttons to "switch mode" like your readme says...but wouldnt work since the program wasn't in focus when it totally screwed with me as i was trying to look really quick at the readme text since it was taking a long time to load...i couldn't manage to get back to to normal resolution cause [parasitic bomb] was so damn big (or small or whatever).

I HATE is sooooo damn freaking much when people do that [parasitic bomb] with fan games, it's what makes me perfer rom hacks over fan games cause they always do stupid [parasitic bomb] like this. No offense to you sorry for sounding mean.

I had to unplug the monitor from this laptop...and force the laptop off by holding down the power button...then turn it back and thank GOD i was back in 1024x768 when i plugged the monitor back into my laptop....
I thought i was going to end up stuck in it forever

sorry but i deleted this game instantly right away. >_<
Just a suggestion should consider having your game start off in "windowed mode"....not automatically force people's computers into some horrible resolution like that. :(

I dont know why i even bother continuing to try fan games like these ...i seriously gotta quit...this isn't the first time someone's done something just like this before to a fan game...

The Legendary Rud

I thought about starting out windowed, but then tested it out on a lot of computers without any problems. Sorry about your computer, any one else have any problems?

I added a windowed version for anyone experiencing this, my apologies.
I will be sure to start it in windowed mode from the beginning in the final release.


more comments
saw the extras, mario,contra,doom,castlevania
what else is there
what is the secret lab for
is there anything unlocked if i buy all the stuff in shop?
willy stage is too hard
single player mode need something... more checkpoint?
heatman stage is a bit unreasonable even with the extra life respawning each time
game is a bit addictive, love the extra characters
manage to beat the 8 stages because bass is good.
used metal man, skull man, and the thunder guy too.
metalman feels better than the one in megaman day in lime light.
game feels inconsistent in terms of design and appearance, but on the whole quite fun.
music is ok. game is buggy during stage transition, buttons are no longer held, may impose bug forcing character to move and die sometimes.
more comments after my exams on 29 this month =)


Things that I think should change:

- Is there a reason why the game needs a super tiny window size? If you can, I think it would be nice to change it so it works in a normal resolution.

- I think the game needs more health drops if you're going to continue with this amount of difficulty. Or, not quite as many enemies on screen. I mean, you're not going to have 4 players every time you play the game.

-The character abilities. Megaman has a double health bar, and a plasma cannon. That's terrible compared to the others. Right now considering the amount of enemies, I would rather the other characters have an extra health bar than triple jump, more powerful shots, etc. Otherwise, it seems Megaman has to be the leader since he has more energy, and that's no fun for the other characters because they have a lot of good abilities. It's not fair for him to take on all the enemies.

- If Megaman dies, you have to restart. It should be where if everyone dies, you have to restart. Let the other people have a chance. It's frustrating to have Megaman fall down a pit while there are 3 perfectly good players still alive.

- Have an option to bring back people that have died. Games that offer co-op like NSMBWii have this option.

- Add joystick/other input support. No one is going to crowd around the keyboard when there's 3 other people around you. Have you even thought about how difficult it's going to be to do that on one screen as well? Unless of course you add...

- Online multiplayer support?

- Speaking of input, adding an option to change the keys would be a good idea. I find that most games use your right hand to move and left hand to perform actions, since the arrow keys are on your right. Your game has it backwards.

I had issues using my 360 controller: The game doesn't allow me to jump sometimes. Has anyone else had this problem?

Demo gameplay issues aside, I liked the soundtrack.

The Legendary Rud

I am addressing each and every one of these issues. There is another beta release coming out on 6-6-12, and it will have an early Online Free For All mode.

I am going over the entire demo to polish it, as I was frantically rushing to get it done within one years time. It consumes a great deal of time and energy to get all of these things done.

I'm also trying to make it more accurate to the original, it's slowly getting there, by the time the final release is out it should be a lot more in tune with how the original nes games play.

Also, Single Player mode now removes a great deal of the enemies no matter which difficulty you select. This means in the future you can go back and play the 11-11-11 demo for a challenge XD There is also a cheat code that gives you everything in the game that I will be removing in future releases, but I will let you know how to do that in the future so that when you do go back and play the 11-11-11 demo you can play it just for fun.

Mega Man may start out as the weakest character, but once you purchase all of his upgrades, he becomes the best. I will also work on the way the multiplayer functionality works over time, you will see this begin to evolve into something different altogether.

There is also a possibility of Online Cooperative mode, but this will also take a very, very long time to complete. The Free For all mode this June is extremely fun, but it will be very bare bones. I will add more and more to this over time as well. The online server I'm going to host will also be 40 dollars a month out of my pocket, so that's even more time and energy I'm investing into this project at my expense.

Oh and the last thing, joystick support will be available before the final release, but it might not be available this upcoming June release. Thank you very much for your feedback! It does help, and I will address every problem as best as I can.


Thank you for all of your hard work, I will be looking forward to the second beta on June.

Yllisos Zanon

When can we expect a video of the bosses?  You don't have to reveal their names, I just want to see what they look like.  I know you have Smoke Man and Speed Man in one or two of your videos.
They're coming to take me away
hee hee hoo hoo haw haw

The Legendary Rud

There is a new demo release on 5-15-12!!

I'll have a video up soon. I've made a lot of changes, fixed a lot of things people complained about.
So, if you don't notice many differences at first, they are subtle, major changes that are there!
Including: Many, many bug fixes, better screen walking transitions, stage changes, less enemies and health in single player, accurate player speed and gravity changes all to match the original NES game, and additional abilities for several different characters.

No additional bosses yet unfortunately, but the existing ones have been tweaked up and I might start on another one very soon! Hopefully we will see at least 4 bosses in version 0.2!
Also, another major change is the more you play as Blues (Protoman) and Forte(Bass), the more their abilities level up!

The Legendary Rud

We are also working on Online Free For All

It was coming along VERY NICELY, a very fun game, but we might not see it until a 12-12-12 release!
I'll keep you posted.


Quote from: The Legendary Rud on June 16, 2011, 04:18:17 AM

Posted on: June 11, 2011, 06:20:00

At first I thought the intro loop was really annoying, but then the melody kicked in :O, and my socks were knocked off =\/


Wow this looks really ambitious.  It also looks like a bullet hell version of Mega Man which I think needs toned down especially since people complained of the difficulty.  Or at least tone it down more and more the fewer there are players.  I've already partly integrated online co-op mode in my MMR fan game, but I'm not even bothering with making it offline due to the problems that presents, which I read your game initially solely had offline co-op.

Can't you just stretch the window size rather than forcing people to go into full screen mode and potentially having problems like kuja killer mentioned.

I would like to try this out, but I want to wait until you address the things I mentioned.

The Legendary Rud

Thank you for the kind words! The new beta will be out on 5-15-12 and it will include a TON of fixes including a majority of the ones previously mentioned. The single player campaign has been tremendously polished up with fewer enemies and chaos, and the overall game has been tweaked to be very close to the original series now since that was everyone's biggest complaint.

I appreciate the comments and positive feeback, they motivate me a lot! I will check out your game soon and I wish you good luck on your endeavors!