Kevvviiinnn's Magical Sound Chamber

Started by Kevvviiinnn, February 11, 2011, 07:45:12 PM

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Aww but hun~ everyone hates the sound of their own voice. But I've learnt that if others like your voice then all's right with the world ='D

I like your voice =O Personally~

I wanna hear Kevvviiinnn sing! >w<


Me bringing up more dA dramas really makes no sense but I guess I KILLED ANOTHER GAME.


Quote from: Krystal on March 17, 2011, 11:50:20 AM
Aww but hun~ everyone hates the sound of their own voice. But I've learnt that if others like your voice then all's right with the world ='D

I like your voice =O Personally~

I wanna hear Kevvviiinnn sing! >w<

It's settled then: looks like I'll have to try my hand at singing some time. Thanks for the self-esteem boost!  XD

Not sure if it's worth an update, but I did make new versions of "Sadness 5" and "Boss Battle 1" with improved mixing...well, I'd like to think it's improved, but my knowledge of audio mixing is rudimentary at best. Definitely gotta learn how to mix if I'm gonna get by in the music world, heh.



I like those RPG themes. Really great stuff. The second theme kinda reminded me of Bach's little fugue. You know... Juno's boss theme. But it's a very loose resemblance. And only in the intro. The rest is was closer to... hmmm.... a certain SNES game which eludes my mind right now.

The MM tune gave me a huge nostalgia rush. But that's a good thing. God I wish I was a child again.


The Evil 3 can work as final boss fight too tbh.

Awesome update KEVVVIIINNN!!!!!!!!1!11!! (I always want to type that XD)

Proud member of Indigo tribe!


it's been a while since i updated this thread. just wanted to drop by to say that i fulfilled my promise and actually sang something!

it's a completely original song. the vocals aren't all natural, though, since the pitch was raised by 2 semitones.

yeah, the singing isn't all that good, but hey, i never claimed to have any singing talent! :^)

Protoman Blues



D'awww that was cute if way too mushy

The singing...isn't bad? I mean you can hold a note and the timing is fine. The style is definitely strange, but it works since it's supposed to be sung by a young boy. In fact I think you could've made it sound even younger by having less vibrato and more expression~
One thing though, I think the song was a bit too high for you. The higher parts sound a bit strained and unnatural whilst the (albiet pitched up) lower notes sounded a lot like a little boy singing...pretty awesome actually. Kids don't have falsetto (sorta) so that was weird.

Oh and the song was berry nice but to long for me =w=b


Quote from: Protoman Booty on August 03, 2011, 05:23:06 AM
This was very nice! Well done!
thanks! good to hear you enjoyed it

Quote from: Krystal on August 03, 2011, 07:37:03 AM

D'awww that was cute if way too mushy

The singing...isn't bad? I mean you can hold a note and the timing is fine. The style is definitely strange, but it works since it's supposed to be sung by a young boy. In fact I think you could've made it sound even younger by having less vibrato and more expression~
One thing though, I think the song was a bit too high for you. The higher parts sound a bit strained and unnatural whilst the (albiet pitched up) lower notes sounded a lot like a little boy singing...pretty awesome actually. Kids don't have falsetto (sorta) so that was weird.

Oh and the song was berry nice but to long for me =w=b
oddly enough, i don't think i'm even capable of falsetto...i haven't been able to do it for years, and every time i try, it just ends up coming out as a whisper-like sound. it's supposed to be effortless, right? perhaps i have damaged vocal cords...matter if fact, i did yell a lot as a kid. :^/

anyway, yeah, i did strain a little singing this. my control of the upper register is pretty shaky, so i probably shouldn't be singing little boys' songs in the first place! thanks for the input.

