Well, I got my chance to play Madworld today. Did it live up to my expectations?
FUCKITY [tornado fang]ing [tornado fang] YES!
Simply put, even the simply demo of this game is not only fuckawesome, but hilarious as well. I didn't get to face my first opponent, Jude the Dude (love this name), but I got to experience the many, MANY joys of pummeling people, chainsawing them in half, tossing them into the random Buzzsaws and targets and walls and barrels and dumpsters. LoL, and then came the DEATH PRESS. What was the goal of this? Toss as many people into the Death Press before it's spikey glory comes pressity pressing down on your pummeled foes and racking up the points. The beautiful pool of blood in the bottom of the Death Press was beautiful!
The level's music was bad-ass too, from what little I could hear of it. Visually, the game is sexcellent just like the videos. Control wise, the game is also awesome as well. Very simple, very fluid, very CHAINSAW TO YOUR SKULL MOTHERFUCKAAASSS!
Simply put, there is NOTHING wrong with the game, except for the fact that it's not out yet. It's bought instantly, without question. It was before, and it's even more so now.
Hehe, I'm going to play it again tomorrow!