The next 4 updates should be VERY familiar to those in the WilyRP, or follows PB's GoRPM.
"So... You dare to challenge my army? Bold... But you shall fall to my Queen Mistress Numbers!!Name: Satellite Woman
Designation: Robot Mistress (QMN-001)
Weapon Get: Satellite Drones
Other weapons: Static Stun, Satellite Drop
Background: A strange Robot Mistress with a lower body in the form of a satellite, Satellite Woman feels the most at home in space.
Satellite Woman's main weapon, Satellite Drones, has her summon drones from under her satellite body. These drones will either fly around and try to do collision damage, or they can fire a laser from their stingers individually, or in a coordinated effort.
Besides that, she can affect electronics with a special signal coming from her head antenna (Static Stun), and she can suddenly drop from great heights to inflict impact damage (Satellite Drop).
Character: Loves to talk about herself
Weakness: Those drones...
[spoiler]Buccaneer Hijack can turn those drones on Satellite Woman.[/spoiler]
You get this weapon from defeating Satellite Woman. borockman here can summon up to 2 drones, and it looks like they are surprised at their new master. These drones will seek out the enemy, and fire their lasers. After that, they will fly away. When summoned and before their attack, they can be destroyed by the enemy, so plan your usage!