Rockman Kai: Arrange Shitemita will be at TGS and we won't be

Started by Protoman Blues, September 02, 2010, 09:13:48 PM

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Protoman Blues

More music makes PB something someting...

First Dragonball Kai and now this. Wait...they have nothing in common. Ah well, the important thing is that TGS, and soon after all of us, will have new MegaMan music to grace our files. Here's the track list, via Protodude's Rockman Corner which is via MMN:

01. Blow Through Tornado by Team Nekocan (Rockman 9 Tornadoman)
02. Snake dance by Shachou  (Rockman 3 Snakeman)
03. DIVING DAY by Yamadan (Rockman 4 Diveman)
04. RELOADED by Soy-SOUTH (Rockman 5 Napalmman)
05. Upside Down Phenomenology by Deadball P (Rockman 5 Gravityman)
06. Imitation Castle ~To The Castle of Lies~ by kanipan (Rockman 5 Darkman)
07. Scissor Head by Sound CYCLONE (Rockman 1 Cutman)
08. Thermal Power by IOSYS (Rockman 6 Flameman)
09. Knightmare night by Princess Tissue &  Yutaka Sekine (Rockman 6 Knightman)
10. I'm BUBBLEMAN by Hyadain (Rockman 2 Bubbleman)
11.  Power of the Unknown ~Eight Power of Rock!~ by JUNCA (Rockman 2 opening and staff roll)

as well as bonus songs from Team Neko that essentially let us know that beating Airman is impossible, Eddie mocks you with weapon energy, and a night of Megaman 1 can be a long one.

Hey look, a 20 minute preview. Rock on!

-Thanks once again to Protodude's Protoman Corner and Blues Network.


These are some pretty awesome remixes. I can't for this to be released.

Protoman Blues

Seriously, has anyone else listened to the sample yet? These songs are mega-fuckawesome! ESPECIALLY THE BLUES CASTLE REMIX! It's like listening to pure Blues love, even though it's Darkman's castle!  8D

If this is ever for sale, I will buy it.

Posted on: September 02, 2010, 07:06:26 PM

For those who can't download it for some reason, here are the samples!


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Protoman Blues

I'll be happy to have those on album form too!

Man, I've listened to the Blues Castle remix about 17 times now.

Protoman Blues


I have to say, for someone is isn't high and mighty about the classics, these guys sure be bringing out bright rainbow like colors to my ears...
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Woot for Hyadain and IOSYS! And JUNCA, as in Grolla Seyfarth from Rosenkreuzstilette's voice actress JUNCA?


Protoman Blues

From the clip in the links, it sounds pretty good.

Again though, that BLUES CASTLE remix is the stuff of  <3


Quote from: Protoman Blues on September 04, 2010, 01:26:50 AM
Again though, that BLUES CASTLE remix is the stuff of  <3
Agreed... although it doesn't hurt that blues castle was already a kickass song to begin with.

Protoman Blues

Quote from: Fox McCloud on September 04, 2010, 01:35:30 AM
Agreed... although it doesn't hurt that blues castle was already a kickass song to begin with.

Definitely. Which is why adding some Japancheese makes it that much more awesome! XD


W00T! Hyadain!

Bubbleman is good, but I always liked Metalman out of all of them.


Me too, though I've been addicted to the beats of Heat Man, HEAT!!.

