Okay, just got done playing Sonic Robo Blast 2 for a LONG while.
[spoiler=Rant]My [tornado fang]ing god, the game used to be good, its a good game up until the Egg Rock Zone (By that I mean its got a decent challenge and is fun, Egg Rock is the final stage and for some reason that gives them the excuse to ramp up the difficulty way higher than it had been.). For some reason Egg Rock is the biggest pile of [parasitic bomb] in the entire game, Camera Snagging, Fucktarded Jumping Physics all-around, ZERO GRAVITY AREAS WITH OXYGEN SPOTS THAT ARE TINY AND HARD AS [parasitic bomb] TO ACCESS BECAUSE OF RETARD MOMENTUM, god forbid you're playing as anybody but Tails. Knuckles has it the worst though, when he climbs a wall and jumps off, the camera goes a complete 180, this wouldn't be so bad if you weren't experiencing reverse gravity with a bottomless pit above you, electrified walls with safe spots that are conveyor belt walls that are faster than you are at moving to prevent you from getting to safety that push you towards said electrified walls AND HAPPENS TO BE A [tornado fang]ing CONFUSING AS HELL MAZE THANKS TO THE ABOVE MENTION CAMERA SHIFTS. The controls are way too [tornado fang]ing sensitive at times, you tap a button to gently move yourself in a direction and you go flying. When you're in the middle of a jump and want to stop you need to hold the opposite direction, which is almost impossible since you gain momentum during jumping (Which shouldn't be happening, its not good.) and getting yourself to stop makes the game way harder than it should be. The difficulty.... its a mixture of retro difficulty, false difficulty, and "We just don't [tornado fang]ing care, I hate you and you deserve to feel my hate" difficulty, it USED to have difficulty settings, but those were taken out along with the ability to save at any level (Real [tornado fang]ing nice.) "Are you trying to say Sonic 2K6 is a better game than this?" YES I [tornado fang]ing AM, AT LEAST SEGA HAD THE CIVILITY TO NOT MAKE INANE MAZES AND RETARDED CAMERAS WITH KNUCKLES YOU GODDAMN HACKS. [/rant][/spoiler]