"It... It's a bit hard for me... But I will try..." Dr. Wily II adjusted his glasses before continuing.
"Blaine... He was always the joker-type among us, giving us riddles to solve while we worked. Wearing his small black sunglasses, bald head, and that mischiveous grin behind his thick moustache. As mentioned... Despite joking around with us, he was very fatherly towards you, Mewtwo. We didn't know when and how, but he just took you in like a long-lost son..."
As Dr. Wily II tried to hold back tears...
"Then, that fateful day... After all that Blaine did, it was all for naught... When Giovanni came to personally see you, Mewtwo. After seeing you, he claimed we have softened you too much, and demanded to re-enhance you with steroids. We warned against the adverse side-effects, but Giovanni was adamant about it. He pushed us aside, and personally injected the steroids into your tube..."