Dunno bout that. Whatever the dude/dudette might like, the script is just a translated one. ive read through it, and I dont see anything distinctly yaoi related.
in any case, heres the X2 one, (since X2 was far worse off with the translation than X1 was)
Mega Man X2 / Rockman X2 Script
Rockman X2 transcription by Boco the Chokobo
Translation from Japanese by Boco the Chokobo
Editing / Formatting by Boco the Chokobo
Mega Man X2 transcription by Reeve
The Mega Man X2 script is on the far left. The Rockman X2 script and my
translation share the space on the right, with the Japanese in the middle and
the translation on the far-right if space permits; otherwise with the Japanese
on top and the translation below. Lines will seperate them in the second case.
The Japanese version does not label who is speaking and when; the colors, text
speed, and speech patterns are instead used to identify characters. Since the
US version -does- list who is speaking, I won't bother adding it in to the
other versions like I did in X1, excepting the rare instances when different
people talk in the Japanese version. Sagesse's name is changed to Serges in
the US version, and X's to Mega Man, so be aware of that as you read.
A (p) in the text means a short pause before the rest of the characters are
displayed. Also, Sigma's next-to-last line slows down as it displays, having
more and more time between each character (his scream is at fast speed, like
Agile's text) - I've removed all mentions of speed from the script otherwise.
(for reference, Agile speaks fast, Violen speaks slow, and everyone else uses
the same text speed except as mentioned above)
It has been 6 months since saikyounoIREGYURA- "SHIGUMA"tono tatakaikara
the destruction of (Sigma) hantoshigo...
and little has changed.
EKKUSUha SHIGUMAnosantouno IREGYURA-noshoriwo
The Maverick revolt started omonaninmutoshite katsudoushiteita.
by Sigma is over, but Mega ----------------------------------------------
Man X and the new generation It has been half a year since the battle with
the strongest Irregular, "Sigma".
of Maverick Hunters have yet
to destroy all of Sigma's X has been actively processing the third-class
followers. Irregulars who were under Sigma as his main duty.
Lead by information gained by kyoumo mata EKKUSUha HANTA-kichikarano
Dr. Cain, Mega Man X and the shireiwoukeIREGYURA-ga seizousareteiruto sareru
rest of the Hunters have
koujyouno chousa oyobi hakainotame
tracked the last of the nakamano IREGYURA-HANTA-to tomoni shutsudoushita.
Mavericks to an abandoned ----------------------------------------------
reploid factory. Today also, X again acts on orders from the
Hunter Base; to investigate a factory suspected
There they hope to wipe out of producing Irregulars,
the last of the resistance.
and to attempt to destroy it with the help of
the other Irregular Hunters.
Little do they suspect that shikashi sorehaEKKUSUnitottearatanatatakaiheno
real war is about to begin... PURORO-GUdeshika nakatta...
However, this would become for X nothing but
a prologue to a new battle...
An Observation (Behind the Curtain)
(SERGES) yatsuga EKKUSUnanoka... narubodo nakanaka
This is their leader. yarioruwai.
His name is Mega Man X. ----------------------------------------------
So that is X... I see he's becoming quite
a competitor.
(VIOLEN) FUN! taishitakotonaiZE!
Those who underestimated him ----------------------------------------------
are now nothing but scrap. HAH! He is no such thing!
(AGILE) tashikani kareno nouryokuha kikendesune.
We won't make the same imanouchini taoshite shimawanakuteha...
mistake. ----------------------------------------------
Certainly, his abilities are quite dangerous,
He is powerful, but he is don't you think? Surely we should not be giving
blind to what is happening thought to defeating him now..
around him.
(SERGES) koyatsuno shoriha washirano bukani
Our Mavericks will keep him makaserutosurukanou.
busy until we are ready. ----------------------------------------------
I propose we leave it to our subordinates to
deal with him and see how it goes.
(AGILE) ...tokorode anoREPURIROIDOga kanseisurunoni
Yes. How is the plan itsumadekakarunodeuka...
proceeding? ----------------------------------------------
...by the by, how long do you suppose it will
take to complete that one Repliroid?
(SERGES) PA-TSUha hobo kanseishite irunojyaga
Collection is proceeding as ...(p)seigyokairoga fukanzennanojya.
scheduled. ----------------------------------------------
I've almost completed the parts, but... (p)
However, we are having the control circuit is still imperfect.
problems with the control
(AGILE) watashitachino mokutekinotameniha
We have little time. anoREPURIROIDOnochikaraga hitsuyounanodesu.
We must finish construction isoganakuteha...
on schedule. ----------------------------------------------
We must hurry... For the sake of all of our plans, that
Repliroid's power is indispensible.
To not hurry would mean...
A Challenge
(AGILE) ...(p)EKKUSUme!
I see now why Sigma fell at
the hands of Mega Man X. ...sasugani ichidotohaie SHIGUMAsamawo
taoshitadakenokotoha arimasune.
He is quite formidable. ----------------------------------------------
...(p) X!
...it is as expected in that he was after all
once able to defeat Lord Sigma, hm?
(SERGES) bukadakeni makashiteha okennou...(p)
I am not sure our Mavericks chokusetsu washiranotede taosushikanaika.
can hold him long enough. ----------------------------------------------
Defeating our subordinates shows power...(p)
We may have to intervene. Perhaps he will only fall by our own hands.
ku'ku'ku'... (NOTE: This is probably the sound
of their communications system.)
-- Meanwhile, in the Bat-Cave... --
(MEGA MAN) KEINhakase!(p) nanika oyobidesuka?
Dr. Cain! what happened?! ----------------------------------------------
Dr. Cain!(p) Why did you call?
A group of Mavericks calling tsuushinga haittanojya.
themselves the (X-Hunters) ----------------------------------------------
We've recieved a transmission from a group of
have just contacted us... Irregulars calling themselves the Counter-
(SERGES) "... ...GAGA... GAGAGA (Note: radio static)
Greetings. We have all of ROKKU... E...KUSU..." Rock... e..X...
Zero's parts.
"...ZEROnoPA-TSUha WASHIraga teniireta
"...we have obtained Zero's parts, which we
know you'd like to recover..."
"EKKUSU,anatahitoride watashitachini "X, please come and
aini kitekudasai" meet with us, alone."
(VIOLEN) "omaega OREtachini katereba
They can be yours, ZEROnoPA-TSUwo kaeshiteyaruZE!"
if you can defeat us!
"If you win against us, we'll give them back!"
(AGILE) "tanoshiminishiteimasuyo...(p)
We look forward to meeting EKKUSU..."
you, X! ----------------------------------------------
"It has been a pleasure dealing with you.(p)
(DR. CAIN) konokichini ZEROnokoudouwo seigyosuru
X, Zero's control chip is KONTORO-RUPA-TSUwo hokanshiteorunojya.
still stored here.
yueni yaturaha soukantanni
I doubt it is possible to ZEROwo saiseisurukotohadekinaimazujya.
resurrect him without it. ----------------------------------------------
We still have the Controller Part in the base,
which rules Zero's behavior.
So for them, it isn't possible to revive Zero
so simply.
(MEGA MAN) KEINhakase(p)
Dr. Cain, I've got to get ZEROnoPA-TSUha orega torimodoshimasu!
Zero's parts back ----------------------------------------------
Dr. Cain..(p) I'll recover Zero's parts!
at any cost!
Challenge Accepted
X, I shall crush konoBAIORENsamano PAWA-de The power of Master
you like a tin can! hineritsubushiteyaroZE! Violen will crush you!
(VIOLEN) gugugugu'... Grr...
it cannot be! dokonikonnaPAWA-ga where were you hiding
Now the unification kakusareteirunoda! that power..!
is in jeopardy!
You got ZEROnoBODIPA-TSUwo Obtained Zero's
Zero part No.2! teniireta! body parts!
(AGILE) yahari kimashitane So you came after all,
Welcome X. EKKUSU... hm, X..?
Your destruction is konoAJI-RUga Please let me, Agile,
at hand! oaiteitashimashou. be your partner here.
(AGILE) konowatashiwo kokomade That I was cornered
I may have failed, oitsumerutoha... this time.. I can
but you will never shinjiraren! hardly believe it!
live to see Zero!
anatawo omaku It seems we'll need to keep a
miteitayoudesune. closer eye on you from behind
tsugini autokiwotanoshimini the curtain. It has indeed
shiteimasuyo... been a pleasure. Until next we meet!
You got ZEROnoREGGUPA-TSUwo Obtained Zero's
Zero part No.1! teniireta! leg parts!
(SERGES) WASHInonaha SA-GESUjya. My name is Sagesse.
I am Serges and I nakanaka ikinoyosasouna You seem to have a very good
cannot allow you to yatsujyaga soremo style, but how long do you
stop the itsumade motsukanou. suppose you'll be able
unification! to hold on to it as well?
It is for the good
of all!
(SERGES) sasugajyano... As I expected...
You have merely kokohaichido nigeruto This is my only
delayed,the surukanou. opportunity to escape.
inevitable. We will
meet again...
You got ZEROnoHEDDOPA-TSUwo Obtained Zero's
Zero part No.3! teniireta! head parts!
Mission Accomplished
(DR. CAIN) oo! tsuiniZEROnoPA-TSUwo subete teniiretanoka!(p)
I can try to reactivate Zero korede ZERowoyomigaeraseru kotogadekiruzo.(p) daga
to help, but I need more time
sukoshi jikangakakarisouda. moushibaraku
before you can reinstall his ganbattekure. tanondazo EKKUSU.
control chip... ----------------------------------------------
Try to slow them down! Oh! Have you recovered all of Zero's parts?(p)
I should be able to revive him with these.(p)
Good luck!
But it will take a little time. Try to hold on
for a bit longer is all I'm asking, X.
A Father's Legacy
(LIGHT) EKKUSU konoKAPUSERUni Enter the capsule, X.
Mega Man X, enter hairunojya.
the capsule. Here, I will grant you
kokodeha PAWA-APPUshite a power-up for your Body.
This enhancement BODIPA-TSUwo sazukeyou.
will modify your By converting damage recieved
body armor. tekikarano DAME-JIwo from enemies into weapon
bukiENERUGI-ni kaete energy, something like a
With it you can bokuhatsusaserukotoga large power discharge can be
absorb damage and dekirunojya. executed.
transfer it into
explosive weapon
(LIGHT) EKKUSU konoKAPUSERUni Enter the capsule, X.
Mega Man X, enter hairunojya.
the capsule. Here, I will give you a
kokodeha aratana me part to replace your eyes.
This enhancement tonaru PA-TSUwoataeyou. Utilizing your internal energy,
will modify your EKKUSUnoENERUGI-wo a Radar will be produced.
radar optics. riyoushita
RE-DA-jya. When used in various places,
It uses some energy, it is posible to find
but with it you samazamana bashode hidden items.
will be able to see shiyousuruto nakusareta
objects that you AITEMUwo mitsukerukotoga Good luck, X...
could not see before. dekirunojya.
Good luck, Mega Man. ganbarunodazo EKKUSU...
(LIGHT) EKKUSU konoKAPUERUni Enter the capsule, X.
Mega Man X, enter hairunojya.
the capsule. Here, I will grant you
kokodeha JYANPUryokuwo a part to increase your
This enhancement PAWA-APPUsaseru PA-TSUwo jumping power.
will modify your sazukeyou.
main drive unit. You may now execute
kuuchuude DASSHUsuru the Dash while
With it you will be kotoga dekiruyouni in mid-air.
able to dash while naruhazujya.
in mid-air.
Use it wisely,
Mega Man X.
(LIGHT) EKKUSU konoKAPUERUni Enter the capsule, X.
Mega Man X, enter hairunojya.
the capsule. I will grant you a
CHA-JISHOTTOwo part to further power-up
This enhancement saraniPAWA-APPUsaseru your charged shots.
will modify your PA-TSUwosazukeyou.
X-Buster. By accumulting energy,
ryoureni ENERUGI-wotamete you may continuously
With it you will renzokude kougekisurukotoga attack through the use
be able to charge dekiru DABURUCHA-JIjya. of a Double Charge.
energy in both arms
at once. arayuruSHOTTOwo Since all shots are now
CHA-JIsaserukotode, able to be charged,
This enables you to yorikyouryokunakougekiga this part can draw out
shoot a Double-Shot kuridaserujyarou. a more powerful strike.
or to charge any
Double-Zero Point
(DR. CAIN) suman EKKUSU...(p) tattaima KAUNTA-HANTA-no
I'm sorry X... hutoriga konokichiniarawarete...
One of the X-Hunters attacked
ZEROnoPA-TSUwo subete ubawareteshumattanojya...
the base and...
took all of Zero's parts yatsuraha jibunnoAJITOni modotte
away... ZEROwo IREGYURA-toshite yomigaeraserutsumorijya.
They are going to rebuild KAUNTA-HANTA-no kichiha DABURUZEROPOINTO
Zero at their base.
hokkyokutenni arukotoga wakattanojyaga...
I tracked them to location ----------------------------------------------
00 - The North Pole! Sorry, X...(p) the surviving Counter-Hunters
stormed the base...
They stole all of Zero's parts, damn them...
They returned to their fortress, and they intend
to revive Zero as an Irregular.
The Counter-Hunter Base is at 00-Point.
That's somewhere near the North Pole, but...
(MEGA MAN) KEINhakase!(p)
I can't let them tamper with orega ZEROwo tasukenikimasu!
him Dr. Cain. ----------------------------------------------
Dr. Cain!(p)
I've got to save him! I'm going to save Zero!
Mega Man X! I've located KAUNTA-HANTA-no kichiwo hakkenshitazo!
The X-Hunters base!
DABURUZERO POINTO(p) hokkyokutenda!
It's at grid location 00. ----------------------------------------------
That's right at the X! I've located the Counter-Hunter Base!
North Pole!
00-Point..(p) the North Pole!
(MEGA MAN) wakarimashita KEINhakase(p) shutsudoushimasu.
Roger, Dr. Cain! I'm on my ----------------------------------------------
way! Understood, Dr. Cain.(p) I'm on my way.
(DR. CAIN) ZEROnoshuufukuniha mousukoshijikanga kakaru.(p)
It will take some more time soremade ganbattekure.
to reactivate Zero... ----------------------------------------------
Zero's repairs are taking a bit longer than I
Slow them down thought.(p) Take care until then.
Mega Man X!
Revenge! Counter-Hunters
(VIOLEN) KISAMAga OREyori You think you're so
What?! How could he sugureteirutodemoiunoka!(p) much better than me!
have overloaded my konoOREnoPAWA-gatsuujinutoha My power is only starting -
Arrrggghhh... guaaaaa~! GUAAAAAA!
(SERGES) WASHIhakokode horobirunoka? I'm being destroyed here?
This is impossible!
The prophecy must RAITOnowasuregatamino Being defeated by the
be fulfilled! ROBOTTOni matahaiboku robotic memento of Right..
surutoha... munenjya.. such regret...
(LIGHT) yokuzo kokomadekita!! Wow, you came here!!
Wow! You are so cool! EKKUSU! X!
I'm not worthy!!! konkainowasaha koreda! The latest peacemaker
I'm not worthy!!! hore!sassato hairunojya. is this! So!
Enter, quickly!
Step inside for
a special surprise!
(AGILE) masaka... Never... has that
NO!! This cannot be! konnahasudeha... happened...
!! Master,avenge me!
SHIGUMAsama Master Sigma!
douka warewarenokatasawo! How.. with our toughness..!
(SIGMA) ...(p) ...(p)
It has been a while, hisashiburidana EKKUSU. It's been a while, eh, X?
Mega Man X...
(MEGA MAN) ...!(p) SHUGUMAka! ...!(p) Sigma!?
What?! Sigma!!
(SIGMA) ...(p) ...(p) Somehow, the Counter-
It seems that the douyara KAUNTA-HANTA-no Hunter operation also seems
X-Hunters have sakusenmo shippainoyouda. to have failed. But
failed. daga anshinshitamae. you can't relax just yet.
But don't worry,
omaenotameni tanoshii I've prepared a
I have arranged for shukouwo youishitearu wonderful plan,
some new toys for nodayo. just for you.
you to play with
... chuuouKONPYU-TA-de I'll be waiting at
matteiruzo. the Central Computer.
(SIGMA) hisashiburidana EKKUSU. It's been a while, eh, X?
Look who I found konohiwo machiwabiteitazo. We've been waiting for this
wandering around day, for your apology.
Mega Man! shoukaishiyou
karegawatashino Let me introduce him.
My friend here has aratanaPA-TONA-da. He is my new partner.
a small problem with
you. mukashino nakamadoushi You were comrades in the
zonbunnitatakatte old days, before he began to
It seems that you kuretamae. fight as freely as he wished.
let him die and he's
not too happy about
Now I think it is
time that he repays
the favor!
(MEGA MAN) ZERO... Zero...
(ZERO) ...EKKUSUka? ...X?
(MEGA MAN) ! saokuga modottanoka ! You've recovered from that
Do you remenber me... ZERO! change in heart? Zero!
(ZERO) aa... omaeniha Yeah... You really must've
Yea... I guess so... zuibun meiwakuwo wanted to see me again if you
Sorry to cause you kaketamitaidana. risked your life with all
so much trouble. those troublesome annoyances.
X, you need to go oikakero. X! Chase after Sigma.
after Sigma!
I'll try and oreha konokichino I'll destory the base's
destroy the main MEINKONPYU-TA-wo Main Computer!
computer! hakaisuru!
(MEGA MAN) shinukika! ZERO!! You'll die! Zero!!
Take care of
yourself, Zero.
I don't have time
to put you back
together again!
(ZERO) orekara daijoubuda(p) I'll be okay.(p) Go quickly!
I'll be ok. hayakuikunda!
Get going,X!
(ZERO) SHIGUMA!oreno COPI-nishiteha Sigma! You seem to have made
Sigma, you should dekiga yokunaiyoudana. a mistake in copying me.
have studied the
blueprints closer!
There is only one
(SIGMA) onore ZERO! Why you..! Zero!
Wait, Zero! nazekisamaha watashini Why haven't you
I know your secret! KIBAwo mukeru!! turned to my side!!
You were destined
to follow me! kisamanohontounotekiha Your true enemy
watashidehanaihazuda. shouldn't be me.
(ZERO) oreha omaega But I still hate you.
Maybe so, but I kirainanosa.
still don't like
(SIGMA) CHIi! Damn!
If you will not
follow me, then
I'll watch you die
once again!
(ZERO) EKKUSU matasetana. I kept you waiting, didn't
Sorry to keep you daga aisatsuhaatode!(p) I, X? But the pleasantries
waiting, Mega Man X. oretachiga will have to wait!(p) What
The greetings will imasubekikotoha we need to do now is
have to wait.
SHIGUMAwotaosukotoda! to defeat Sigma!
We've got to defeat
all the oreha konokichino I'll destroy the
Mavericks including MEINKONPYU-TA-wo base's Main Computer.
Sigma! hakaisuru.
X! You chase after Sigma!
I'll take out the EKKUSU! omaehaSHIGUMAwo
main computer,and oikakero!
you follow Sigma.
Let's go!
(ZERO) kokoda! EKKUSU! Here! X!
Here it is, X! konosakinoheyani SHIGUMAno Sigma's true form is
Sigma lies just hontaiga aruzo! in that last room!
Repliroid King, take 2
(SIGMA) dokomademo watashinojyamawo No matter where, my annoyance
You are merely a shitaitoiunokane... wants to go at it and speak
bothersome insect, EKKUSU! sweetly... X!
Mega Man X!
naraba PAWA-APPUshita In that case, this Sigma's
It is about time konoSHIGUMAga mizukara power-up will personally
that I crush you kisamawo yamini kill you and bury you in
beneath my heel! houmutteyarutoshiyou. the oblivion of darkness.
Mega Man X, I have
lost to you konkaimo This time, too,
again... watashinomakenoyouda. I was defeated.
Each defeat only ...dagawatashiha ...but any degree of new
makes me stronger nandodemoyomigaeri power can be matched
and serves to bring aratanachikarawo by me.
you closer to your erukotoga dekiru.
ultimate doom! If you think your victories
kisamano shourinadohonno and such at this time are
But, something is hitotokinomonodeshika worth anything -
not right. nainoda! they're not!
I... don't quite
understand... shikashi ZEROhanaze... However, Zero.. why...
Why did Zero... yatsuha... saigono... he was.. the last of...
WAI.. NAN...ZUno... Wi.. num.. bers....
He is ... last...
of the doctor's guoooooooooo~! Guoooooooooo~!
A Time of Peace
Joined by his friend Zero, futatabiyattekita SHIGUMAnokyouiwoshirizoke
Mega Man X gazes out over shinyuu·ZEROwo sukuidashitaEKKUSU
the sea.
HANTA-toshiteno ninmuwomattoushi
Sigma has once again been ZEROtomitsumeru asahinoumiga
destroyed, but X wonders if EKKUSUno tooikiokuwo yobisamasoutosuru
the fighting will truly end.
EKKUSUha kangaeru
Was Dr. Light's dream of a tsumetaiBODYIkara afurederu atsuichikarato
world in which reploids and atatakana yasuraginowakewo
humans lived together in
peace merely a dream? ningento kikai
aiirenu futatsunoseimeiga kyouzonsuru
The price of peace is often heiwanasekai sorehakatsute
high, X thinks to himself. hitorinokagakushaga nozondeyamanakatta
Who or what must be
sacrificed for it to become mizukaranitakusareta
reality? RAITOhakaseno negaiwo
yagatekareha shirukotoni narunodarouka
And when the time comes,
will he be able to do it? EKKUSUyo
aratanaru tatakainimuke
The future holds the answers sonochiisanasonzainonakani
or... himerareta ooinaruchikarawo
imhayukkurito yasumerugaii
karisomenomononi owaranukotowo inorinagara...
Once again, the threat of Sigma has been dealt with.
X has rescued his close friend, Zero.
Having fulfilled his duty as a hunter,
X watches the morning sun's reflection on the waters with Zero,
the sight calling his distant memories and causing them to awaken.
X is thinking,
his cold body flooded with hot energy and
the warm sense of peace.
Humans and machines,
incompatible in their second try at coexistance.
A peceful world - one that
a single scientist wishes for and works towards.
Entrusted personally with
Dr. Right's wishes -
will it eventually become clear to him?
You are destined for new battles
during your short existance,
but your great hidden power
can rest well a little longer.
This time of peace..
All one can do is pray that it never ends...
Special Thanks:
For translational advice and kanji lookup,
http://rut.org/cgi-bin/j-e )
http://babelfish.altavista.com/ )
Boyer-Johnson Sensei ( pxb1203em@evsc.k12.in.us )
For Rockman X resources,
Reeve ( reeve@megaman-x.com )
Servbot 20 ( servbot20@rockmania.i-p.com )
For the Mega Man X2 script,
Reeve ( reeve@megaman-x.com )
For forcing me to translate Rockman X in the first place,
TDOMMX ( tdommx@hotmail.com )
For GameFAQs itself,
CJayC ( gamefaqs@gamefaqs.com )
For making life worth living,
Heather ( amazonessduo@hotmail.com )
© Boco the Chokobo, 2002
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This is a derivitave work of material © CAPCOM 1994, and is done with
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