Member Association Quiz

Started by Sapphire Knight, June 07, 2010, 06:01:30 AM

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Rasta Okana

Your Name is: Rasta

You associate yourself with what...

Animal: Snake (My Chinese Zodiac sign)

Instrument: Piano

Color: Yellow or Gray

Food Item: Ramen (Not the instant kind)

Drink: Orange Crush

Music Genre: None in particular

Plant: Sequoia

Weapon: Cards or Pistols

Season: Fall

Element of Nature: Earth
"Hello, friend. Stay a while, and listen." -Deckard Cain

Chainsaw Guitar

Your name is: Chainsaw Guitar (AKA: Mr. YuGiOh)

You associate yourself with what:
-Animal... Crow

-Instrument... Guitar

-Color... Green

-Food Item... Potatoes

-Drink... Apple Juice

-Music Genre... Neoclassical

-Plant... Maple Tree >_>;

-Weapon... Scythe

-Season... Spring

-Element of Nature... Ice