Well if you guys wanna talk about breaking bones and major injuries, I feel obliged to share a few of my own painful experiences.
This one time when I was about five, I pressed my entire left palm onto the bottom side of a heated iron. Needless to say it hurt
a lot and the skin completely peeled off.
Another time when I was running on hard pavement, I tripped. Since I was wearing shorts and a short-sleeved shirt, I ended up scraping off the skin on my right elbow and both knees to the point were they were actually bleeding.
Another moment in my history of pain involved my left heel. I was in my room bored out of my mind because there was really nothing to due, so to alleviate this boredom I stared jumping around. Now let me say that the room was rather small and there really wasn't much space by brother's bed and my own. As it turned there was this extremely point or something coming out of my brother's bed. So during a particular energetic jump, I kicked my left foot back and end up slicing my entire left heel on that one point.
...you know now that think about it, I've done some royally dumbass things in my life.