Good Morning Guys,
I gave it a thougth and came up with another, more unice idea for the Wind weapon.
[You can proced to Edit 2 if your lasy to read because that one is no good]Mixxing the concept of Triad Thunder and Silk Shot together:
The idea is to let X shot 2 wind slices Diagonal into the Air and one straigth down. Basically like Triad Thunder just the other way around. After he charges his buster up he would shot the same shots plus one windslicer straigth up and 2 additional diagonal down. With the 2nd Charge up he then would also get 4 More shots on the horizontal line that move appard the futher they travel. X would cover the howl screen like that but Enemys could still slip between his shots. You have a big AOE whit some blindspots like the line direktly infront and behind X. Animation like I could Imagen that X would do a very short version of the movement he originally does in X2 with his Giga-atk. How would also let him stop in midair and move him up a little just like the original X2 Giga-atk animation. I mean hey, its a wind weapon after all.
A short windshild that flys around X while he executs the move would also be nice but thats remains your call.
That would be another idea for X Horazion weapon how at least feels diffrent to me.
[End of the part i just leave there for memorial sake you can proced normaly now]Now for the final Charge up:
Version 1: He would shot up -pose of Charged Gravity Well- and creating something that its called a supercell directly over his buster harming all enemys on screen. Smaller enemys could similar to the Gravity Well effect drawn into our X created supercell. All decorated with some wind effects on screen and here you have your super Charge. Hope that would not be to difficult to spirit??
Version 2: A close up Atk like die Giga of the Gaia Armore in X5 just Wind based.. not to awsome but it would work.
-actually i beg you not to do that unless you make some heavy modification on it o.0
And for the Charges of Neurospike:
Let this weapon have no Charges until you have the final X overdrive. Just upgrade the weapon until then with no charge ups. You could just let your Lapdog make more dmg OR enebale X to get a portion of the exp he would have normaly get if he would be the one killing the enemy and not his Mettaur (25%/ 50% / 75% Exp ). He could then charge up only with the last upgrade. Altho then he would need to go throug al the colors of his charge or he would end up with the normal Neurospike shot.
And i would pretty much like if you would add the Reg abilitty to the finaly charge because it would be logic. Its like X would deactivade his savety-limiter on the buster and forces his selfrepair-system to work bevor he is a pice of scrape metal. - Zeros selfrepair seams to work only when he is scrape Metal. I guess X-sys would be the same- But you should make the Reg not to high maybe just 5-6 Hp per full WE-bar. And after the 2x upgrade 10-12 Hp but increasing the WE use of the Overdrive by lets say 35%. So that you have more Hp but leser time spamming charged shots without the actually need to charge.
You would need to put some heavy time into balancing the X-Overdrive tho.
Well thats some ideas from me. Give me a note if i can stope posting random ideas for weapons.
And tell me what kind of weapon you would like more/less just like Genstov just did.
Okay, i have seen the old videos again. Realizing that The 2nd Wind weapon is also no got. De Hydra-buster just covers half of the screen but have also blindspots and is more or less the same. Also i noticed how Zero have 3 Ranged atks: the Ligthning, the dash atk and the Wind atk. Now i see what you mean with you want to be the wind atk x topspin and that every weapon just shots something.
Basicly you know that zero ist godly at close range and still decent at long range and can cover mid-long rang in no time (Warp).
And you know that X is Good at Long range and Mid-rang but lacks big time at close range. SO you want X gain an effectiv closerange move that give the game some more eyecandy and would cover the gap to Zero. Okay give me some time i have another idea but no concept yet.
[EDIT 2nd]
Would someone be so kind to post something this one is getting pretty long...
Okay i have now a concept also... but it may be difficult to spirit for all i know.
The idea is is to let X build up windpressure and releasing it in direct contact whit his enemys. Because he just use it on short distance that technic is pretty economic and dont draw out to much WE per atk. X would punch and even kick on that one his way out of things. The uncharged and first charge shot could be executed in 8 directions. The 2 Charge would leave X with the posibility to execute a normal jump direktly afterwards letting him reach areas a lot easier and taking shortcuts.
Normal attak: a straigth punch that realesses a gust of wind. X will strike with his right and left hand if multitapped.
1st Charge: A more powerfull version having a longer reach. X wil execute it with both arms.
2nd Charge: Here comes a nice one. An OVERHEAD KICK that leaves a traid of wind behind directly in front of X and on the moment of impact -ground or enemy - will push him a little father into the air and let him even execute a jump if timed correctly. That attak only harms enemys that are in reach of the windtrail.
3th Charge: Now its getting tricky. Something like the atk X used on this link at 2:15
>>This on Here << would be nice but i guess it would als be a hell of a lot work to spirit.
4th Charge:
[now go back to the normal text again]What do you thing? To much to spirit i belive, eh?