The "What are you currently playing?" Thread

Started by Saber, November 08, 2008, 03:55:02 PM

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Taking a break from everything else to play:

Halo 2 (PC)
Ar Tonelico - Melody of Elemia (PS2/pcsx2)
Frogger - He's Back! (PC)
Unlucky Hero RPG (Android/JRPG)
Jetpack Joyride (Android/morefunthanitshouldbecasual)
Anodyne (PC)

Police Girl

Quote from: Maine Coon Hazard on February 15, 2013, 09:57:50 PM
Oh, and it also makes me a better player than you.

Nobody likes a show-off.

Anyway, I'm playing Lego Batman 2 on PC, for some reason.


Phoenix Wright.  Man, I'm having a blast.  I'm also writing up copious notes in a tiny notebook and amassing a collection of clues and piecing together the cases with more detail than the game has, and I'm wishing I could input my own statements.  I badger and needle the witnesses like crazy and over-analyze everything.  Pixel-hunting during the investigative portion, talking to everyone, taking copious amounts of notes, most of which are needless, studying expressions and body language, and assigning nicknames to everyone.

Everyone is a dirty, filthy, guilty pile of crap.  Everyone.  Look at those shifty eyes!


It's your first time playing? You'll enjoy the rest of the adventure, with plenty of laughter and dialogs to read~ :3
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
[DeviantArt||Youtube|Fan Work|WiiVC|Character File]
Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Sakura Leic

I seriously need to play that game some day.
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection

Kirby Pink

Sly Trilogy , on the 3rd game. Then ima go for Sly 4.


Quote from: VixyNyan on February 17, 2013, 08:43:37 PM
It's your first time playing? You'll enjoy the rest of the adventure, with plenty of laughter and dialogs to read~ :3

Finished the second episode last night.  I had the killer and accomplice pegged before the trial began, and Miss Booblicious Pinky needs some medication for that rampant bipolar she has going on.

Protoman Blues


Police Girl

You could just play it on the Wii or iPod Touch...


Police Girl

Frozen Potato

Battle Moon Wars, the sprites are awesome, love it.

Da Dood

I'm playing Ninja Gaiden 3... not quite sure why.

Still the most repetitive and empty action game ever... and this coming from a guy who has a blast with old beat-'em-ups where you only have punch, jump and special.


Just trying to beat Metroid: Other M with 100% again. God the world's layout feels unnatural.

Kirby Pink

Playing Sly Cooper Thieves in Time and loving it. It´s so much better then the other 3. <3


Medal of Honour: Frontline
Playing the PS3 remake/port. Some levels look worse and others not so much. But what really matters is that it's in 60FPS so I don't care about any other hiccups. Also this game still kicks my ass.

Quote from: Kirby Pink on February 20, 2013, 05:13:59 PM
Playing Sly Cooper Thieves in Time and loving it. It´s so much better then the other 3. <3
I am holding you to this bold statement.

Da Dood

Got Ultimate Genesis Collection for PS3. Sealed copy, good price. Can't wait to play some of the games... Streets of Rage, yeah!

There's also games I've never played, like Vectorman, Kid Chameleon, Dynamite Headdy, Shinobi III. Lots of blast processing coming up.

Too bad they don't link Sonic 3 & Knuckles... seems like the most obvious thing to do... even the Wii did it, and Nintendo isn't quite known for improving ports without charging full price or something.


Quote from: Quickman on February 17, 2013, 08:37:38 PM
Phoenix Wright.  Man, I'm having a blast.  I'm also writing up copious notes in a tiny notebook and amassing a collection of clues and piecing together the cases with more detail than the game has, and I'm wishing I could input my own statements.  I badger and needle the witnesses like crazy and over-analyze everything.  Pixel-hunting during the investigative portion, talking to everyone, taking copious amounts of notes, most of which are needless, studying expressions and body language, and assigning nicknames to everyone.

Everyone is a dirty, filthy, guilty pile of crap.  Everyone.  Look at those shifty eyes!

Yep, one of the greatest games on DS. The third game is my personal favorite.

Maya definitely looks suspicious and guilty. No one dresses like that!

Speaking of Ace Attorney, I'm finding that I lack the motivation to continue Apollo Justice. I guess Trucy is kinda interesting (I still don't know the secret of her panties!) and Klavier is cool. But I much perfer Maya and Edgeworth.

Kirby Pink

Quote from: Caria on February 20, 2013, 05:20:18 PM
I am holding you to this bold statement.
Heh, i played small marathon of 1 2 3. 1 was so annoying with its 1 Hit K.O. 2 was annoying cause of checkpoints and 3 was a bit better.
Now 4... 4 is great! Sly looks so great, and first episode was so fun. Im not going to spoil anything, just that i miss it already. T_T


I need a DS and the actual game.  My saved game isn't on my computer!  But, I'm still loving the hell out of Phoenix Wright.

Da Dood

Ended up beating NG3. My opinion hasn't changed. Unless someone finds some kind of method to skip battles or to defeat the more annoying bosses fast (looking at you, Regent of the Mask), this is just a pretty and empty action game.

You know what's weird? Maybe if NG3 was about 50% shorter, it would have been enjoyable enough to plow through. One fight is usually pretty cool, you can distribute those kills and power up Ninpo with the little strategy the game allows. And there are tons of different enemy types that can be fun to fight. As it is, however, it's just way too long and repetitive.

Starting some Genesis games today!


If you want I can give Phoenix Wright to you.