The Z-Knuckle and the obtainable enemy weapons

Started by Thanatos-Zero, May 10, 2010, 03:17:02 PM

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When I was watching Rockman X8 videos about Zero's specialmoves, along the variations with the other weapons he could obtain, I was wondering why our beloved SA-Class Hunter couldn't do the same in Z4 with the weapons which you can acquire with the Z-Knuckle from your enemies.

In my opiniun, there was much potential wasted. A thing which I also criticise is, that you couldn´t keep the stolen weapons and the lack of a Martial Arts Mode for the Z-Knuckle(which gives Zero a K-Knuckle with a charge function).

Don't you think in the same way?


It happened because there's so damn many of the enemy weapons that giving them all combos would increase development time and cost an unacceptable amount. Can't say that I missed that feature particularly, but then I'd rather have the Recoil or Chain Rods than the knuckle in the first place.


I personally do find that the knuckle, while its my least favorite, could have used 1 or 2 EX skills to it.
Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.



*gives Justify ZEE UPPERCUT!!*

Snap out of it, man!  It's a ZERO game; bare-fisted EX Skills must include at least one ground-punch.

(seriously, I do not know how the hell Inti missed that, with sprites already made and Hell The Giant sending shockwaves through the floor...)

Anyways, I'd have settled for just being able to carry Z-Knuckle weapons between levels.  Flame Sword rocks all socks, but it's only available in two stages, one of which carries a fire-element boss.
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Quote from: Hypershell on May 11, 2010, 01:46:26 AM
*gives Justify ZEE UPPERCUT!!*

Snap out of it, man!  It's a ZERO game; bare-fisted EX Skills must include at least one ground-punch.

(seriously, I do not know how the hell Inti missed that, with sprites already made and Hell The Giant sending shockwaves through the floor...)

Anyways, I'd have settled for just being able to carry Z-Knuckle weapons between levels.  Flame Sword rocks all socks, but it's only available in two stages, one of which carries a fire-element boss.
at least they got it right with Model Ox in ZX. And made it up by giving us 3 different ground punch attacks.
Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.


True, that.  Shameful that it took them five games to do it, but Model OX is attack-wise about as close to X2's level of badass Zero as we're going to get.  Very thankful for the Double Charge Wave breaking boss barriers.

I'm still waiting for a playable dash-blade that rams enemies into a wall, though...
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I'm still waiting for a playable dash-blade that rams enemies into a wall, though...

Use your l33t hacking skills to apply the Recoil Charge effect to Zero's dash EX skill!


Quote from: Zan on May 11, 2010, 03:10:51 AM
Use your l33t hacking skills to apply the Recoil Charge effect to Zero's dash EX skill!

Now that is an awesome idea. I would love to see that done.


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Quote from: Hypershell on May 11, 2010, 02:45:22 AM
True, that.  Shameful that it took them five games to do it, but Model OX is attack-wise about as close to X2's level of badass Zero as we're going to get.  Very thankful for the Double Charge Wave breaking boss barriers.

I'm still waiting for a playable dash-blade that rams enemies into a wall, though...

I hope that the Zero Collection uses the ZX damage mechanic.

If there is one thing that I desperately want in the Zero Series Collection, it would be GENMUREI for either Omega or Zero, but Hypershell you got it straight right. Raming all enemies to the wall without mercy.


Isn't the damage mechanic the same in Z and ZX? The 3-hit combo definitely hits with all 3 slices, so...
We just don't have anything like the double charge shot anywhere in Z.


Let me explain once more the Damage Barrier Formular of Z3.

Bustershot (uncharged): 0
Orbit Shield Boomerang: 0
Bustershot (Charged any Level): 1
Charged Saber: 1
Charged Shield Boomerang: 1
1st Slash: 1
2nd Slash: 2
3rd Slash: 3
Rising Saber: 4
Saber Trust: 5
Kuuenzan: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 ( Any following station of the Kuuenzan rotation has a higher number, so can´t use Kuuenbu on the boss again so soon, if you hit it with the last station of the move, which has 6 for breaking through the Invincible frames. You have than to wait for the end of the Recovery time. When you use 5 for example you cant hit the boss with a trible slash or with the same move again. If you want to cause more damage, than hit it with a higher number. )
Stab Saber: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6

ZX is different in the way, that you can triple slash bosses after you have executed on them Kuuenzan and Double Charged Buster Shots. In Z3 and Z4 you have to wait after the recovery time has passed. ZX made combos overall easier, but it lacked of the Weapon Variable System and the Learning System in a way, that we couldn´t get the weapons and abilities of the Pseudoroids.


Zx definitely lets me spin saber bosses to death, something Zero series does not. and I do not recall all 3 slashes actually hitting the bosses in the Zero games... I think the second slash activated the damage barrier...
Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.


Flame, the damage barrier is always on. Wouldn't there any barrier on the bosses, you could flashkill them with the Shield Boomerang and Z-Saber, if both weapons hit the enemy simultan (it causes endless multiple hits).
In Zero 2-4 you can hurt the bosses with all three slashes. In Zero 1 things works different. While in Zero 2-4, attacks has a system for multiple hits to overcome the damage barrier, the attacks in Zero 1 causes different recovery times. The first two attacks (while standing) with the Z-Saber and the Triple Rod causes very short recovery times while the last attacks of the combos causes a much longer recovery time. Most of the charged attacks causes a long recovery time, while the charged Triple Rod has in all his attacks a short recovery time.
The Kuuenzan in Zero 1 has it too, but it is for most time useless, as it is in Zero 2 against bosses.



I actually think the Z-Knuckle is one of the best weapons in the franchise.  The weapons you can obtain are often quite powerful or otherwise useful, and you can pretty much use whatever suits your playing style.  I actually prefer not to use the saber in the Zero series *gasp* and tend to stick to the Z-Buster as a whole (Sniper FTW!).  I kind of the like the fact that I can simulate X6 by using the Axe in tandem with the buster, and having a secondary means of long-range fire is pretty cool as well (reminds of Legends, in a way).

My only gripe is that you can't carry the weapons in between stages, but otherwise there's quite a variety to choose from, and it's a pretty cool idea overall.
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Quote from: Zan on May 11, 2010, 03:10:51 AM
Use your l33t hacking skills to apply the Recoil Charge effect to Zero's dash EX skill!
You overestimate me, and that's more throwing than ramming.  Still, a nice thought...
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