Everyone has their own opinions on everything, and none of them are automatically right, yours included, Flash. My brother likes games, but he didn't like OoT at all. He prefers A Link to the Past far more. Which, might I add, did have characters with personality, did give Link a destiny he had to fulfill, did all that. And it was 2D, and not OoT. Let's look at it this way, shall we? A comparison of LttP and OoT.
3 Dungeons in the first half, 7 in the second, big bad final dungeon, final boss, and then TRUE FINAL BOSS. Applies to both games.
Hookshot to pull you across ledges, arrows to shoot eyes that will open doors, etc. Applies to both games.
Save Zelda from Ganon. Well, that one applies to almost all Zelda games, but still.
Jumping off of ledges into pits. Applies to LttP and all games after.
The core gameplay remains the same between the two; the only difference is that OoT added the Z axis and myriad other things (not the Ocarina or the trading sequence; those originated in Link's Awakening) such as Epona and... well, that's about it. The only reason it may seem better is because it was OMG POLYGONAL MODELS!
Sorry if the discussion had moved past this...