Fangame Remakes That Should Be Made

Started by OBJECTION MAN, May 03, 2010, 09:44:10 PM

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I meant use the PSX sprites of X and Zero.


Quote from: carlos-182 on May 04, 2010, 10:13:13 PM
No, it wouldn't look good, just take a look at X of SNES Series and any enemy from PSX Series, compare them.
I think you are missing the point here. take X4, port it over to the SNES, and it can work just fine, as long as the music is changed and the animated cutscenes removed.

Also, depends on the person, sure, but theres a reason that it moved to the PSX in the first place. it outgrew the style. It just wouldnt look right in the SNES style.
Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.


Quote from: Zan on May 04, 2010, 04:04:01 PM
If you're going to tackle such a huge project, you damn better know how to sprite, and making Axl's sprites would be the least of your worries.


Quote from: JKB Games on May 04, 2010, 09:12:58 PM
Will never ever happen. Too big of a project for a fan remake.

Its doable, but you'd need a good team and some pro skills. There exist such indie developers, but they are few and far between.


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Quote from: Invader_Rock on May 04, 2010, 09:09:32 PM
It would also be really cool to see a fanmade Xtreme 3.
Got any ideas?
Posted on: 2010-05-04, 22:58:46

Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on May 04, 2010, 10:37:48 PM
Its doable, but you'd need a good team and some pro skills. There exist such indie developers, but they are few and far between.
Don't think they'll work for free, either.


megaman xtreme and xtreme 2 use megaman x- x3 mavericks, so why dont megaman xtreme 3 uses mavericks from x4- x6  ::) ? Sure i will love it  owo

for the megaman x7, emm i think this will be a little difficult in x4 style, so i prefer a snes style, but is our decision  :W

and for megaman 5 in nes, i want to make this a little ago  o//////o but i s**k on programing, so... but is a very good idea! only that...  8U it have a very fews enemies  (in my opinion) so...

and for megaman and bass 2, the enemies are a little... ugly? but with a little modification they can look a little better  >0<

(sorry for my stupid english guys i am spanish  :\ )
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Dexter Dexter

Fangame remakes?! Remake the entire Rockman World series for DSiWare!


Meh, the only good things the Xtreme series had imo were Gareth and Berkana, the rest was lame.

And I would rather see an original product and not a remake of an old game... one can dream.


Despite the kobun overload, you speak English better than another member here... I'm impressed.

And you don't need to censor suck. We have auto-filters here that will take care of that.

And your ideas are pretty good.
Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on September 13, 2014, 04:31:11 PMOH [parasitic bomb] IM USING LINK AND I ACCIDENTALLY FINAL SMASHED A CUCCO OH GOD HELP
Quote from: VirusChris on September 16, 2017, 03:55:20 PMJust enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything


Quote from: KoiDrake on May 05, 2010, 04:02:55 AM
And I would rather see an original product and not a remake of an old game... one can dream.

Well then, you're in luck.


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I'm already working on the music for X4'94!
Steam       Youtube


Quote from: Justify on May 04, 2010, 11:59:13 PM
Got any ideas?
Other than having Double and Iris as playable characters, not really. Maybe combining the armor pieces  from X4-X6 in a style like X8's.

@KoiDrake: I just thought they were really fun and had great play control.

kuja killer

i dont know why im even bothering wasting time on this ..but select "glacier woman" ...i guess the reason i just tried out the first hallway of that mecury stage from gameboy mm5 is just cause im bored...and the fact that there's still zero activity going on with this hack for reals still yet


Haha! Nice!

I inspired someone! Mission accomplished.


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talyn, thanks for the response!!!
and i have 2 fangames remakes in my head and are rockman strategy and rockmen R in fc. (wich rockmen r is a fangame too but is soo goood...)

i imagine a megaman strategy in nes style (in the same fact as the normal rockman, obviously) and rockmen R... we know  >0<, but rockmen r was on a only week to download and now is impossible to get this, but in nicovideo are some videos of Rockman r, and the enemies are the same of mm1 - mm8 so dont problem in this. but how i say, im suck in programming, so are only ideas.

oh and i imagine a old and a new version of rockmen r, to change some powers of the enemies and bosses, how the stupid dashing of powerman xDDD and change a little the stages, with some different enemies (incluiding some bosses of the fortress).
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Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on May 05, 2010, 04:20:06 AM
Well then, you're in luck.
Yeah, about that. There are actually many good games in the making, my bad.
Quote from: DarkSaturn on May 12, 2010, 01:16:39 AM
talyn, thanks for the response!!!
and i have 2 fangames remakes in my head and are rockman strategy and rockmen R in fc. (wich rockmen r is a fangame too but is soo goood...)

i imagine a megaman strategy in nes style (in the same fact as the normal rockman, obviously) and rockmen R... we know  >0<, but rockmen r was on a only week to download and now is impossible to get this, but in nicovideo are some videos of Rockman r, and the enemies are the same of mm1 - mm8 so dont problem in this. but how i say, im suck in programming, so are only ideas.

oh and i imagine a old and a new version of rockmen r, to change some powers of the enemies and bosses, how the stupid dashing of powerman xDDD and change a little the stages, with some different enemies (incluiding some bosses of the fortress).
Well, that´s something different. I would like to see something done with Rockman Strategy, but not with the strategy style it had. I would either keep with the same style of the classic Megaman games or do a SRPG (not for nes). I have no idea what Rockman R is...


Quote from: KoiDrake on May 12, 2010, 01:25:16 AM
Yeah, about that. There are actually many good games in the making, my bad.

Yes. My reply may or may not have had a double meaning too. Who knows if some of my posts on the forums here had important clues of any sort. A mystery!

Or I could just be bullshitting. Only time will tell I suppose. You never know!


Knockout Mondays
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Obviously Objection Man works for Blue Screens, Inc.


KujaKiller, Please... make a hack of Megaman 5 (GB)  8)

a port of this game for nes would be wonderful.  <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3 <3


koidrake yep in classic style is MUUUCH BETTER that the rpg, and rockman r is a doujin game that roll is the principal character (roll you are soo beautifuuul  owo) the story is simple:

a emergency ocurred in a frozen park and megaman go, the only thing that he cant wait is that there is a copy of roll (named piano) and she tend a tramp to megaman. finally, wily gots megaman and inserted a chip that controlle megaman. roll, worried for the loong time passed, go to the chill place to search megaman, and finally find to the copy of she, after a long battle, the copy say that if roll want to see megaman, roll have to defeat all the robot masters, and fastly the copy roll transport. now roll have to fight 8 robot masters (power man, waltz man, weasel man, flareman, rapid man, puppet man, energy man and laser man) to see megaman other time.

there is a forum that talk more information of the game:

or see the videos on nico video (you have to register, and this is a very big pain in the ass)  -u-'

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I am not sure that this counts, but I believe Mega Man 21XX should be remade, and done from scratch.