List your Rockman & Mega Man collection

Started by VixyNyan, November 08, 2008, 03:33:28 PM

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Megaman (WiiVC,EU)
Megaman 2 (WiiVC,EU)
Megaman 3 (WiiVC,EU)
Megaman 4 (WiiVC,EU)
Rockman 8 (SS,JP)
Megaman 9 (Wii,EU) + all DLC
Megaman 10 (Wii,EU) + all DLC
Megaman Powered Up (PSP,EU) + all DLC
Megaman Battle & Chase (PSX,EU)
Megaman: Dr. Wily's Revenge (GB,AU)
Megaman II (GB,AU)
Rockman World 3 (GB,JP)

Rockman X4 (SS,JP)
Megaman X7 (PS2,EU)
Megaman X8 (PS2,EU)
Megaman X Command Mission (GC,EU)
Megaman Maverick Hunter X (PSP,EU)

Megaman ZX (NDS,EU)
Megaman ZX Advent (NDS,US)

Megaman Network Transmission (GCN,EU)
Rockman EXE6 (GBA,JP)

Shooting Star Rockman 3: Red Joker (NDS,JP)

Rockman Perfect Memories (source)
Megaman ZERO Official Complete Works (source)
Rockman EXE OCW (source)
Megaman: A Hero is Born (DVD)
Rockman Mega Armor - Swordman kit
Rockman Mega Armor - RX Armor kit
Hikari Netto edition Link PET_EX, bucketload of chips
Megaman Megamix vol 1~3
Megaman Gigamix vol 1~3
Archie Megaman Omnibus 1~2
Quote from: Flame on September 26, 2015, 10:41:15 PM
I guess all I can really say is it isn't exactly what I'd expect out of a $4.4M game

It doesn't even have mouth animations

Slash Man

Mega Man - Mega Man 6 on NES, Mega Man, Mega Man II, Mega Man IV, Mega Man V (I skipped one in this series  :(), Mega Man Xtreme, Mega Man for the Game Gear, Mega Man 7 (of course), Mega Man Soccer Mega Man X 3 (Super Nintendo), and more recently, Mega Man 9.

Dark Lumine

Megaman (WiiVC,EU)
Megaman 8 (PS,EU)
Megaman 9 (Wii,EU)

X series
Megaman X3 (PS,US)
Megaman X3 (PC)
Megaman X4 (PS,US)
Megaman X4 (PC,Japanese)
Megaman X5 (PS,US)
Megaman X5 (PC,Japanese)
Megaman X6 (PS,US)
Megaman X6 (PC,Japanese)
Megaman X7 (PC,US)
Megaman X8 (PS2,US)
Megaman X8 (PC,US)
Megaman X Collection (PS2)
Megaman X Command Mission (PS2)

MegaMan Zero (GBA)
MegaMan Zero 2 (GBA)
MegaMan Zero 3 (GBA)
MegaMan Zero 4 (GBA)

Megaman Battle Network 3 Blue (GBA)
Megaman Battle Network 3 White (GBA)
Megaman Battle Network 4 Red Sun (GBA)
Megaman Battle Network 4 Blue Moon (GBA)
Megaman Battle Network 5 Team Colonel (GBA)
Megaman Battle Network 6 Cybeast Falzer (GBA)
Megaman Battle Network 6 Cybeast Greiga (GBA)

Megaman ZX [DS]
Megaman ZX: Advent [DS]

LEGENDS series
Mega Man Legends 2

Star Force
Mega Man Star Force: Pegasus

I like Megaman 9,Megaman X4,Megaman X8,Megaman X: Command Mission,Megaman Zero 4,and Megaman ZX: Advent
There's my collections~


Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
[DeviantArt||Youtube|Fan Work|WiiVC|Character File]
Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Dark Lumine

That's my mistake.I forgot it.

And sorry for my English~

Ketsurui Chinoumi

Megaman X5 (PS)
Megaman X8 (PS2)
Megaman X: Command Mission (PS2)
Megaman Zero 4 (GBA)
Megaman ZX (DS)
Megaman ZX: Advent (DS)
Megaman Starforce: Pegasus (DS) [I don't have this anymore.]

Rockman 6 (Volume 1)
Rockman Zero (Volume 3)
Rockman Megamix 2
Megaman Zero Offical Complete works
Megaman NT Warrior (Volume 5, 10, and 11)

Rockman and Bass
Rockman Zero 3
Megaman Zero 1-4

Not a big collection, but I'm happy enough nonetheless.  :)


I stumbled across another Rockman game that I didn't have and had never heard of.  It's an LCD game for Rockman X2, and is part of Bandai's "Game Project File" series.

Edit:  Found another one: a Rockman X virtual pet-esque game made by a company called nFlex.

The rest of my collection can be seen here:


My collection got updated with Mega Man Battle Network 6: Cybeast Falzar.

Additionally, I have got the Mega Man Zero Official Complete Works book in my possession as well now.
Flok's favorites:


megaman 2
megaman 3
megaman 4
megaman 5
megaman 6

megaman I
megaman II
megaman III
megaman IV
megaman V

megaman 7
megaman x
megaman x2
megaman x3
megaman soccer
megaman & bass

megaman zero
megaman zero 2
megaman zero 3
megaman zero 4

megaman 8
megaman battle & chase
megaman x3
megaman x4
megaman x5
megaman x6

megaman x7
megaman x8

megaman powered up
megaman maverick hunter x

megaman zx
megaman zx advent

(I really hat megaman x7 and x8 and all exe and star force games)


Mm, seems I forgot to post in this thread again ever since the last... uhh... purge, I guess you can call it. Well, here goes. These are the physical copies I own, of course. Does not include the ones I used to have / got stolen (which includes all the console numbered Classic games :'().

Mega Man
Mega Man 9
Mega Man & Bass (GBA)
Mega Man Anniversary Collection (GC)
Mega Man II (GB)
Mega Man Powered Up (PSP)

Mega Man X
Mega Man X (SNES)
Mega Man X2 (SNES)
Mega Man X3 (SNES)
Mega Man X4 (PSX)
Mega Man X5 (PSX)
Mega Man X6 (PSX)
Mega Man X7 (PS2)
Mega Man X8 (PS2)
Mega Man X Command Mission (PS2)
Mega Man X Collection (GC)
Maverick Hunter X (PSP)

Mega Man Zero
Mega Man Zero 1 (GBA)
Mega Man Zero 2 (GBA)
Mega Man Zero 3 (GBA)
Mega Man Zero 4 (GBA)

Mega Man ZX
Mega Man ZX
Mega Man ZX Advent

Mega Man Legends
Mega Man Legends
Mega Man Legends 2

Mega Man Battle Network
Mega Man Battle Network 2
Mega Man Network Transmission


Classic Series:
Mega Man 2 (NES)
Mega Man 3 (NES)
Mega Man 4 (NES)
Mega Man 5 (NES)
Mega Man 6 (NES)
Mega Man 7 (SNES)
Mega Man: Anniversary Collection (GC)

X Series:
Mega Man X (SNES)
Mega Man X8 (PS2)
Mega Man X Collection (GC)

I would have been able to get my hands on Mega Man X2, but my cousins lost it a long time ago.




MegaMan X:

MMX:AC-PS2 (Meh, why not)

MegaMan Legends:

Legends 1-PS1
Legends 2-PS1
Misadventues of Tron Bone-PS1

And that's all I really have, not much but it's in my blood.
Signatures are displayed at the bottom of each post or personal message. BBC code and smileys may be used in your signature.


well to make it shorter here's a picture that I've taken a while ago :

Anyway, I'll list em also.

Classic Series

Megaman 1
Megaman 2
Megaman 3
Megaman Anniversary Collection

X Series
Megaman X5
Megaman X6
Megaman X7
Megaman X8
Megaman X Command Mission
Megaman Maverick Hunter X
Megaman Xtreme 2

Zero Series

None.. just wait till I order..em all.

ZX Series

Megaman ZX
Megaman ZX Advent

Battle Network Series
Megaman Battle Network 3 : White - Doesn,t appear on picture -
Megaman Battle Network 5 : Double Team DS
Megaman Network Transmission

Star Force Series

Megaman Star Force : Pegasus
Megaman Star Force : Leo
Megaman Star Force 2 : Shinobi
Megaman Star Force 2 : Dinosaur - does not appear on picture -

Legends Series

Megaman 64

Goodies are on the pictures too.. well some of em..

-TO BE UPDATED- [tornado fang]ing soon..

Check my YouTube Channel for Challenges, Speed Run videos and more!



      My name's "Mr. Aoki."  I love Rockman, but I've decided it's time to part with my collection.  What better place to let the news be known than a thriving Rockman/Megaman community such as this?  You may remember, if you read Protodude's blog a year ago, that I tried to sell my collection for what I realize now was a ridiculous price.  However, seeing as everything must go now, I'm starting bidding low with no reserve.  First up are my personal favorites (if I'm going to let all of my games go, I must start with those dearest to me):  a set of 7 Rockman games for the Famicom.  These include boxes and manuals.|66%3A2|39%3A1|72%3A1205|293%3A1|294%3A50

If you're interested, or have any questions, feel free to PM me on e-bay.


June 2011

Well might as well share what I've got so far. =) I'm so close yet so far from a complete US collection.

MegaMan (NES)
Rockman Complete Works (PSN)
MegaMan 2 (NES)
MegaMan 3 (NES)
MegaMan 4 (NES)
MegaMan 5 (NES)
MegaMan 6 (NES)
MegaMan 7 (SNES)
MegaMan Soccer (SNES)
MegaMan The Wily Wars (Genesis Repro cart)
MegaMan 8 (PS1)
MegaMan 8 Anniversary Collectors Edition (PS1)
MegaMan and Bass (GBA)
MegaMan Anniversary Collection (GC)
MegaMan Anniversary Collection (PS2)
MegaMan Anniversary Collection (Xbox - Sealed)
MegaMan 9 (Wii)
MegaMan 9 (PS3)
MegaMan 9 (360)
MegaMan 10 (Wii)
MegaMan 10 (PS3)
MegaMan 10 (360)
MegaMan Powered Up (PSP)
MegaMan I (GB)
MegaMan II (GB)
MegaMan II (GB)
MegaMan IV (GB)
MegaMan V (GB)
MegaMan (GG - Mint CIB copy 0v0)
MegaMan (PC - CIB)
Rockman Battle and Fighters (NGPC)

X Series
MegaMan X (SNES - CIB)
MegaMan X2 (SNES)
MegaMan X3 (SNES)
Rockman X3 (SFC)
Rockman X3 (SS)
MegaMan X4 (PS1)
MegaMan X5 (PS1)
MegaMan X5 (PC)
MegaMan X6 (PS1)
Rockman X6 Prototype (PS1)
MegaMan X7 (PS2)
MegaMan X8 (PS2)
MegaMan X Collection (GC)
MegaMan X Collection (PS2)
MegaMan X Command Mission (GC)
MegaMan X Command Mission (PS2)
MegaMan Xtreme (GB)
MegaMan Xtreme 2 (GBC)
MegaMan Maverick Hunter X (PSP)

Zero Series
MegaMan Zero (GBA)
MegaMan Zero 2 (GBA)
MegaMan Zero 3 (GBA)
MegaMan Zero 4 (GBA)
MegaMan Zero Collection (DS)

ZX Series
MegaMan ZX (DS)
MegaMan ZX Advent (DS)

Legends Series
MegaMan Legends (PS1)
MegaMan 64 (N64)
MegaMan Legends 2 (PS1)
Misadventures of Tron Bonne (PS1)
Rockman DASH Capcom Friendly Club Beta (PS1)

Battle Network Series
MegaMan Battle Network (GBA)
MegaMan Battle Network 2 (GBA)
MegaMan Battle Network 3 Blue (GBA)
MegaMan Battle Network 3 Red (GBA)
MegaMan Battle Network 4 Blue Moon(GBA)
MegaMan Battle Network 4 Red Sun (GBA)
MegaMan Battle Network 5 Team Colonel (GBA)
MegaMan Battle Network 5 Team ProtoMan (GBA)
MegaMan Battle Network 5 Double Team (DS)
MegaMan Battle Network 6 Falzar (GBA)
MegaMan Battle Network 6 Gregar (GBA)
MegaMan Network Transmission (GC)

Star Force Series
MegaMan Star Force Leo (DS)
MegaMan Star Force Pegasus (DS)
MegaMan Star Force Dragon (DS)
MegaMan Star Force 2 Zerker x Ninja (DS)
MegaMan Star Force 2 Zerker x Saurian (DS)
MegaMan Star Force 3 Black Ace (DS)
MegaMan Star Force 3 Red Joker (DS)

Cameo games:
SNK vs Capcom Card Fighters Clash (NGPC)
Marvel vs. Capcom (DC)
Marvel vs. Capcom 2 (DC)

MegaMan Zero 3
MegaMan X8
MegaMan X Command Mission
MegaMan ZX

MegaMan 9 Press Kit
MegaMan NT Warrior manga Vol. 1-8
MegaMan Megamix Vol. 1
MegaMan ZX Vol. 2 (company messed up my order for the first one and they sent two copies of Vol. 2)
MegaMan Special Edition (Eddy Lebron movie)
MegaMan Star Force 2 Wave Command Card Kit
MegaMan Comic Vol 1. - Archie (Both Versions)
MegaMan X Command Mission Poster
MegaMan Legends 3 -Project- NYCC Poster
MegaMan Universe Poster - Signed by Keiji Inafune and Akiko Ito
3 - Sealed Boxes for the MegaMan NT Warrior Trading Card Game
MegaMan Star Force 3 DSi Protection Kit - Sealed
3 - MegaMan Trading Figurines (Jumping MegaMan, Jumping/Shooting MegaMan, Cut Man)
MegaMan E-Tank Energy Drink - Sealed =P but they are very good!
>Mega Man Zero 4
>Ragnarok Core
>120 Seconds


The Games I played through so far.

To my shame I never played through any of the classic Megaman games.
They got my interested in Megaman though in the first place, cause I always watched my cousin playing them on his NES.

Megaman X1
Megaman X2
Megaman X4
Megaman X5
Megaman X6
Megaman X8

Favourite: 5 and 6 which where pretty similar. I especially liked to play Zero in them.


Megaman Zero 1
Megaman Zero 2
Megaman Zero 3
Megaman Zero 4

Favourite: Liked them equally. There where not to many differences.


Megaman ZX

Favourite: Playing Megaman ZX Advent right now, which seems to be better than the first part.


Megaman Legends 1
Megaman Legends 2

Favourite: Megaman Legends 2. One of my all time favourite games. Have played through it like 20 times and never grew tired of it. Part 3 belongs to my most anticipated sequels.

Battle Network:

Megaman Battle Network 1
Megaman Battle Network 2
Megaman Battle Network 3 White
Megaman Battle Network 4 Red Sun
Megaman Battle Network 5 Team Protoman
Megaman Battle Network 5 Double Team DS
Megaman Battle Network 6 Cybeast Falzer

Favourite: Megaman Battle Network 2 and Megaman Battle Network 5 Double Team DS. Part 2 for updating the look of the internet and introducing the style change and part 5 for the strategic battles and the advances of the DS.

Megaman Starforce:

Megaman Starforce 1 Dragon
Megaman Starforce 2 Zerker x Saurian
Megaman Starforce 3 Red Joker

Favourite: Part 1 for the Geos character developmental and for Pat(which never appeared in the sequels again).

I just borrowed my brother Wii so after completing ZX Advent I will try Megaman 9, Megaman X Command Mission and Megaman Network Transmission.


I've got the following:

Megaman 1-5 (European versions)
Megaman 1-6 (USA Versions)
Rockman 1-6 and Rockboard (Japan versions)

Super Nintendo/Super Famicom
Megaman X1-3 (PAL and USA)
Megaman Soccer
Megaman 7
Rockman and Forte

Megaman X3-X6
Megaman Legends 1 & 2 + Misadventures of Tron Bonne
Megaman 8
Megaman Battle and Chase
Rockman 1-6 Complete Works
Rockman X4 Special Limited Pack
Rockman Dash Demo/Beta

Rockman Power Battle
Rockman 2 Power Fighters
Rockman 3 for the Playchoice 10 Arcade System

Megaman X7, X8 and Command Mission

Megaman Starforce: Leo, Pegasus and Dragon (PAL and Japan)
Megaman Starforce 2: Zerker X Ninja and Zerker X Saurian (UK and German releases)
Megaman ZX & ZX Advent
Megaman Battle Network 5 Dual Leaders

Megaman I-V (PAL, USA and Japan)
Megaman Extreme 1-2

Megaman Anniversary Collection
Megaman X Collection
Megaman Network Transmission
Megaman X Command Mission


Megaman Battle Network 1-6 (all versions of each game)
Megaman Zero 1-4
Megaman & Bass
Rockman EXE 2 Limited Edition GBA
Rockman EXE 4 Red Sun & Blue Moon Limited Edition GBA's

Megaman The Wily Wars

Megaman 64

Neo Geo Pocket Colour
Rockman Battle & Fighters (both retail and demo cart)

Megaman 1 and 3 (different to the Nes versions)
Megaman X, X3-X5 and X8
Rockman X6 (only released on PC in China)
Rockman Dash 1&2
Rockman Strategy
Rockman IQ Challenge
Rockman Dash: To Save the World
Rockmen R (Doujin game)

Maverick Hunter X
Megaman Powered Up

Megaman X3
Rockman 8 (USA and Japan)
Rockman X4 Special Limited Pack
Super Adventure Rockman

Wonderswan (Colour)
Rockman & Forte
Rockman EXE
Rockman EXE N1 Grand Prix

Megaman Anniversary Collection

and I've got Megaman 9 on PS3, Xbox 360 and Wii. All of the games apart from Rockman & Forte for the SFC are boxed, complete and in good condition at least. I also have most of them in multiple regions (Euro, USA and Japanese). I've got pictures of nearly all of them here:


Very impressive collection Shadowman, it really shows your appreciation for the series if your collecting has been going on for this long! Just had a few questions though regarding your collection.

Is "Rockman Dash Demo/Beta" the disc that was given out to members of the Capcom Friendly Club or something different?
Also if you don't mind me asking how much did you have to pay for the arcade boards? I've been considering lately trying to pick one of the fighting games up.
And lastly is your Rockman Battle & Fighters Trial cart the same one that just showed up on ebay just recently. Very nice if you grabbed it. I wanted to get it, but unfortunately I was a little tight on money at the moment.
>Mega Man Zero 4
>Ragnarok Core
>120 Seconds


Quote from: Skaarg on October 19, 2009, 04:18:08 AM
Very impressive collection Shadowman, it really shows your appreciation for the series if your collecting has been going on for this long! Just had a few questions though regarding your collection.

Is "Rockman Dash Demo/Beta" the disc that was given out to members of the Capcom Friendly Club or something different?
Also if you don't mind me asking how much did you have to pay for the arcade boards? I've been considering lately trying to pick one of the fighting games up.
And lastly is your Rockman Battle & Fighters Trial cart the same one that just showed up on ebay just recently. Very nice if you grabbed it. I wanted to get it, but unfortunately I was a little tight on money at the moment.

From what I understand the Dash Demo/Beta is exactly the same as the disc that was given out to the CFC, its identical to the one on Protodudes site. Got lucky when I bought that, only cost me 260 yen!

The original Power Battle PCB cost me about £70 which seems to be about the going rate (£50-£70 on eBay).
Power Fighters I think cost me slightly more (around £90-£120). I paid over the odds on that one at the time I think as it can be gotten for around £70 also if you look around. That was an impulse buy! (worth it though, game is amazing)
The Rockman 3 Playchoice 10 PCB cost me £50, but as these can only be played on an actual PC10 arcade cab I had to pick up the cab as well (which as luck would have it only cost me £50!) Its essentially the same as the Nes version though so there's really no need to grab it other than for the sake of completion.

The B&F Trial Cart I picked up earlier in the year from Yahoo Japan. Its the same as the one that appeared on eBay though, first scenario of both games etc. Its a great little collectable for my collection  :)


Quote from: shadowman on October 19, 2009, 10:44:36 AM
From what I understand the Dash Demo/Beta is exactly the same as the disc that was given out to the CFC, its identical to the one on Protodudes site. Got lucky when I bought that, only cost me 260 yen!

The original Power Battle PCB cost me about £70 which seems to be about the going rate (£50-£70 on eBay).
Power Fighters I think cost me slightly more (around £90-£120). I paid over the odds on that one at the time I think as it can be gotten for around £70 also if you look around. That was an impulse buy! (worth it though, game is amazing)
The Rockman 3 Playchoice 10 PCB cost me £50, but as these can only be played on an actual PC10 arcade cab I had to pick up the cab as well (which as luck would have it only cost me £50!) Its essentially the same as the Nes version though so there's really no need to grab it other than for the sake of completion.

The B&F Trial Cart I picked up earlier in the year from Yahoo Japan. Its the same as the one that appeared on eBay though, first scenario of both games etc. Its a great little collectable for my collection  :)
Glad to know the arcade games aren't too terribly expensive. I may have to look into tracking them down even sooner now. Great deal on the Dash Demo/Beta though I can't wait to find a copy some day. I have only been looking for it for about a year though so I haven't given up yet.
>Mega Man Zero 4
>Ragnarok Core
>120 Seconds


Quote from: Skaarg on October 20, 2009, 03:42:55 AM
Glad to know the arcade games aren't too terribly expensive. I may have to look into tracking them down even sooner now. Great deal on the Dash Demo/Beta though I can't wait to find a copy some day. I have only been looking for it for about a year though so I haven't given up yet.

Yeah, I've noticed the prices have become a bit more affordable for the arcade games so now is a good time to look.

I've seen a couple more of the Dash demo in my travels. One was on Ebay a while back and sold for £20 ish and another more recently on Yahoo Japan which was around 600 yen. Unfortunately its not there anymore as it was a bargain at that price.


My list isn't quite as impressive as some of yours, but here goes:


Mega Man (NES)
Mega Man 2 (NES)
Mega Man 4 (NES)
Mega Man 5 (NES)
Mega Man 7 (SNES)
Mega Man 8: Anniversary Collector's Edition (PS1)
Mega Man 8: Anniversary Edition (PS1)
Mega Man & Bass (GBA)
Mega Man 9 (WiiWare)
Mega Man: Battle & Chase (PS1)
Mega Man Anniversary Collection (GC)
Mega Man: Dr. Wily's Revenge (GB)
Mega Man II (GB)
Mega Man III (GB)
Mega Man IV (GB)
Mega Man V (GB, SGB)
Mega Man (GG)
SuperAdventure Rockman (Saturn)
Rockman & Forte (SFC)
Rockman & Forte: Challenger from the Future (WS)
Rockman: Battle & Fighter (NGPC)
Rockman 6-in-1 (FC, Unlicensed)
Rockman Z (GBC, Unlicensed)
Rockman 8 (GB, Unlicensed)
Rockman DX3 (GBC, Unlicensed)


Mega Man X (SNES)
Mega Man Xtreme (GBC)
Mega Man X2 (SNES)
Mega Man X3 (SNES)
Rockman X3 (Saturn)
Mega Man X4 (PS1)
Mega Man X5 (PS1)
Mega Man X6 (PS1)
Rockman X7 (PC)
Rockman X8 (PC)
Mega Man X: Command Mission (GC)
Mega Man X Collection (GC)


Mega Man Zero (GBA)
Mega Man ZX (DS)
Mega Man ZX: Advent (DS)


Mega Man Legends (PS1)
Mega Man Legends 2 (PS1)


Mega Man Battle Network (GBA)
Mega Man Network Transmission (GC)
Rockman.EXE WS (WSC)


Mega Man (DOS)
Mega Man III (DOS)
Rockman 2005 Collection
Rockman Strategy
Rockmen R: Dr. Wily's Counterattack

Blaze Yeager

About everyone of them except Rockboard.
Into Darkness, into the Abyss. Where only anathema exists.
| |


compared to yours, minilist

Zero 1-4

BN 1

Starforce 1

X 1-3
Something weird happened to my banner, please wait while I find a new one.

*Elevator music starts playing*

Dexter Dexter

Mega Man 3 (rental)
Mega Man 6
Mega Man 9

...that's about it. :'(