Though his oufit was signed and ripped in some parts, his right eye blackened and his legs limping, Enigma managed to pass the second test.
"How many more of these do I have to do?" asked Enigma, struggling to keep his legs from buckling under him, "I can't feel my arms anymore..."
"Silence!" barked Deathwatch, ever the strict teacher. He held out his hand and thrust a bony finger in the direction of a deep, dark cavern amongst the parched crimson landscape of the badlands. "In there lies a ferocious monster. If you can make your way inside of that cave and retrieve the golden token I have left inside, you will pass the test."
"But I..."
"No excuses! Do you want to be a hero or not?"
Frowning dejectedly, Enigma limped over to the cave. When he was safely out of earshot, Blackmore glanced up at his confidant, grinning villainously.
"You didn't leave anything in there, did you?"
"Of course not. But I would like to see how long it takes him to realise that."