Well, for the select few of you who actually pay attention to what I'm saying, you might remember that I said I had something special in store for you for my next GoRPM. The wait is over and today I am extremely pleased to announce that The Galaxy of Rockman Perfect Memories is no longer just a written comic strip/script, but now it has ART. Precious, PRECIOUS ART. Allow me to introduce the new Head Artist of The Galaxy of Rockman Perfect Memories, Quickie!
Quickie: Yep, you've read right, the skits will now have pretty pictures to go with them. And even though I hold the title of head artist, that doesn't mean that anyone can't volunteer. If you wanna draw up a script, let us know. These comics, just as with the past thread, will be updated on a whenever-the-hell-we-get-one-done schedule, which works fine for me and my other projects.
What's in your hand? BACK AT ME. Like my lovely Quickie said, if you feel like drawing up a GoRPM script in the future, feel free to post so in this thread, as well as PM Quickie or myself to let us know. In fact, the previous topic has been locked and renamed
GoRPM Archives, so if for some strange reason you feel compelled to draw and older GoRPM, please feel free. Keep in mind though that this is not a Comic Jam. You may draw a script if you wish, but Quickie & I will be the only ones writing. Also like she said, since I'm already so spontaneous in when I update these, due to work, school, gaming, life, masturbation, etc., they will continue like that.
Now, in addition to being the head artist of GoRPM, Quickie is also a co-writer & editor, as her editing skills have gone on to make Wookiepedia a much happier place to read Star Wars info. If I am the brains behind GoRPM, she is now definitely its heart, and possibly its liver too. I'm definitely its eyes and ears. Like with my scripts before, I will try my best to include everyone on RPM with an actual character, but keep in mind that the scripts are still whatever craziness comes out of my mind. We hope you enjoy this as much as Quickie & I enjoyed making it. Welcome to the NEW Galaxy of Rockman Perfect Memories! Anywho, without further ado...
Chaos Con Carne
Staff Comments
PB: Now, if any of you are wondering if I made this GoRPM for the SOLE purpose of seeing Ninja Lou in a Mexican Sombrero, shame on you. Would I do something like that? Anyway, as you all know, I love Tacos, and so I thought what better way to open up a Taco restaurant in RPM City than with a food fight & racism!
Quickie: Don't expect the rest to be coloured, it takes too long. This one got the colouring treatment because it was first.
GoRPM Staff
Protoman Blues
Head Writer
Head Artist
Head Publisher