Sonic and the Black Knight

Started by Klavier Gavin, November 27, 2008, 07:24:21 PM

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Give Sonic Team a break. It's not their fault that Sega is treating them so badly that there's not enough resources to come up with great ideas anymore. Lack of time, bad ideas.

And yes, I'm posting in the right topic.
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Who is going to be Morgaine Lafayette or Sir Mordred?

Protoman Blues

Well, being that Sonic is fighting an evil King Arthur, I doubt they'll use Le Fey or Mordred.

Hmmm, if Amy is the Lady of the Lake, then I wonder if Blaze will be Guinevere.

Alice in Entropy

Shadow as Lancelot? o_o; AHAHAHAHAHAHA...hahaha...ha...

Interesting choice. I would've expected Blaze to be the Lady of the Lake, except for...y'know, the fire. >>;


Quote from: Protoman Blues on January 08, 2009, 05:51:19 AM
Well he certainly can't be Sir Galahad now can he?   8D

I wonder who will be Sir Not Appearing In This Game!

Strider Xhaiden

Omega, since his voice actor's dead.
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Protoman Blues

Quote from: Nekomata on January 08, 2009, 09:32:58 PM

I pictured him more as Sir Robin, the not-quite so brave as Sir Lancelot. 


I wonder if they will put in the Green Knight as a secret has been awhile since I read any of the classic tales.


Quote from: Vixy on January 08, 2009, 06:52:06 PM
Give Sonic Team a break. It's not their fault that Sega is treating them so badly that there's not enough resources to come up with great ideas anymore. Lack of time, bad ideas.

And yes, I'm posting in the right topic.
Werehog not withstanding, I don't think ideas is Sonic Team's problem.  They've had plenty of good ones.  What they lack is polish, which comes with, as you said, lack of time.
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Quote from: Protoman Blues on January 08, 2009, 08:11:37 PM
Well, being that Sonic is fighting an evil King Arthur, I doubt they'll use Le Fey or Mordred.

I dunno.

One "obligatory storyline twist" that I think could be in mind, is that the one who is posing as Arthur/Black Knight is NOT Arthur, but rather Mordred, defaming Arthur. Mordred and Morgan were always trying to take the Kingdom for themselves in the storylore, so why not here too?

That would make perfect sense for Calibur, the Sword, to be either Arthur himself (turned into the sword), or some other agent acting on the real one's behalf. After all, who better to supposedly teach Sonic about all there is to being a knight, than the "once and true king" himself?

It's some what contrived, but hey, like I said on RPM before the crash, it's the best plot twist that I could imagine S. Team's storywriters coming up with, if they wanted to keep things at least some what interesting.

Quote from: Hypershell on January 09, 2009, 03:14:56 AM
Werehog not withstanding, I don't think ideas is Sonic Team's problem.  They've had plenty of good ones.  What they lack is polish, which comes with, as you said, lack of time.

I would still argue that they/modern Sonic Team lack focus, more often than not.

If they would do more to stay with a few great ideas that they can develop, rather than be all over the place with a lot of ideas that even THEY seem to have problems imagining where to go with them, they likely wouldn't have had the problems that they would have in the likes of Sonic 06 (and Nights 2, for that matter).

A "lack of time" excuse starts to really lose its "impact", once its plain to see that the ideas that they pose...aren't all that they're cracked up to be, no matter how they try to convey it. I mean, for instance...who's bright idea was to make it so Shadow would drive cars (again) in 06?

Still, I think probably the biggest problem with Sonic, above all else, is that Sonic Team themselves are probably tired of being stuck making his games. If Sega really can't afford to "retire" the brand (or at least, give him an extended break), then how about giving some new blood a chance at him?

I mean, for crying out loud, Sega! You relatively recently got the likes of Treasure back on your good side. PUT THEM TO USE on these types of projects, which could serve to make you and them money, so that you both could stand to fund your own, individual projects! Plus, a Treasure-made Sonic game could stand to be something of greatness...

Protoman Blues

Quote from: Viewtiful Ben on January 09, 2009, 06:30:50 AM
I dunno.

One "obligatory storyline twist" that I think could be in mind, is that the one who is posing as Arthur/Black Knight is NOT Arthur, but rather Mordred, defaming Arthur. Mordred and Morgan were always trying to take the Kingdom for themselves in the storylore, so why not here too?

That would make perfect sense for Calibur, the Sword, to be either Arthur himself (turned into the sword), or some other agent acting on the real one's behalf. After all, who better to supposedly teach Sonic about all there is to being a knight, than the "once and true king" himself?

It's some what contrived, but hey, like I said on RPM before the crash, it's the best plot twist that I could imagine S. Team's storywriters coming up with, if they wanted to keep things at least some what interesting.

See, I thought of this as well actually, during a random time I was thinking about Arthurian legend and then suddenly this game popped into my head as well.  LoL, way to go Sega!

I'll admit, it does seem the route that they'll possibly go, but Calibur (which I STILL say should sing) could also possibly have something to do with Merlin as well.  I still do wonder if he'll have a Super form in this game or not.  We shall see.

QuoteStill, I think probably the biggest problem with Sonic, above all else, is that Sonic Team themselves are probably tired of being stuck making his games. If Sega really can't afford to "retire" the brand (or at least, give him an extended break), then how about giving some new blood a chance at him?

I still say maybe give Nintendo a shot at creating a Sonic game!   8D


Quote from: Protoman Blues on January 09, 2009, 07:22:23 AM
I still say maybe give Nintendo a shot at creating a Sonic game!   8D

From the instant SEGA became available, Nintendo should have bought them, cleaned the fat from them and put them to work making new games from their IP pool. Think of how amazing that would be. Hell, Nintendo to an extent made Sonic important again a la the Genesis/SNES wars just by hyping his appearance in Brawl, they could have rallied off of that.

Still though, I'm not going to say that SEGA as of now isn't capable of handling Sonic. Another team should be given a shot at it though. (Smilebit, I'm looking at you.)


lol at Shadow. though his head armor... confuses me...also, I would lol if they actually used Omega in this. a robot in midevil times. more of a logic error than Lancelot Shadow.

something says Tails is gonna end up a stable boy or something. a squire at best.

and if secret rings was any indication, then Id say they will probably come up with a new super form. probably something that will better utilize the games setup.
Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.


It's just Sonic with the Holy Hand Grenade.

Protoman Blues

Quote from: STM on January 11, 2009, 06:02:31 AM
It's just Sonic with the Holy Hand Grenade.

And Lord did grin, and the people did feast upon the lambs and sloths and carp and anchovies and orangutans and breakfast cereals and fruit bats and large...

Jazz Shaking

SEGA of America have put out a new blog entry confirming a few upcoming SEGA games that will be playable at their booth at Comic Con which is going to be held at New York City between Feb 6-8.

Sonic and the Black Knight will be one of those games besides MadWorld, The Conduit, and The House of the Dead: Overkill and the event will be one of the first times the public will have seen the game. Is anyone here going who lives in the U.S. or can afford travel to the U.S.? If so we'd love to hear your thoughts on the game.


This is the part where we throw Lou, PB and Jelly out there to be our test dummies.


I'm all up for that honestly. I just hope my schedule will be free then.


Quote from: STM on January 13, 2009, 03:46:03 PM
This is the part where we throw Lou, PB and Jelly out there to be our test dummies.

As long as you don't completely break them before they try Madworld.

My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.

Protoman Blues

LoL, I was going anyway.  It's the Comic Con.  XD


Excellent. It'll be good to hear some impressions on this game, since it seems to be one hell of a divisive title.

Protoman Blues

Well, we'll see if I play it.  I'm definitely hoping to.  If it's like the DBZ: Burst Limit booth, there should be no problem.

However, if there's a long ass line to play these games, I can't promise anything!   8D


i should try and attend. not because Black Knight will be there, i just need to go to a Comic Con.

What happens in Vegas stays on Youtube. I also stream on Twitch from time to time.


Yeah, same here. That's the beauty of living in NYC! XD
Though, I'm not certain i'll be able to make it there. (job/school... >.>) I'll try.

What day are you guys planning to go btw?

Protoman Blues

As of right now, I'm not actually sure.