Mega Man Unlimited

Started by Yoku Man, April 08, 2010, 06:39:07 PM

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Firstly, before even playing the game I am completely perplexed as to why the game is over 300mb in file size. Not only that, 500mb of ram?? What the hell is going on behind the scenes to do this? Incredibly sloppy programming and design which ever way you look at it.

I was looking forward to seeing how the level design worked out, since that is supposedly what Phil's job in the industry was. Maybe I heard wrong, since that was the worst aspect of this game by far. There is little to no consistency or moderation in design. Everything is either cheaply hard, or so easy to pass that I question why it's even there.

Difficulty is the core issue. This isn't challenging, it's just cheap aggravation. The game is filled with it, and barely any legitimate difficulty can be found. Included with that, the enemy damage is way too high. Especially contact damage on the bosses. As far as I'm concerned it's a broken game right off the bat like this.

What's worse is even progressing doesn't help to balance this out. Weapons are fairly useless overall, and consume a huge amount of energy. C Dash, N Shield, and N Blast are really the only useful things. Often times you find that you need to hit the boss with every shot of their weakness to kill them. Miss one, and you're left to chip away the rest. As an aside, the boss weaknesses were very loose in logic, and their powers didn't always quite match their theme.

Music is not really what I'd expect out of a Megaman game. Better than the early concept tracks, but still fails to capture the essence of it. No track caught my interest.

Visually I don't see the point of having used NES style graphics. The NES style attributes and limits were obviously ignored in full, save for very few instances. It doesn't even looks half way believable, ruining the whole retro persona. Should have just gone with another style, or something original.

With the myriad of glitches and balance issues, it's hard to believe that this game has been in development for 4 years.

As a side note, I'm not quite sure the developers knew exactly what Trinitro is. I can see why they wanted to change the name, after Megaman 10's release, however this rename makes absolutely no sense keeping the same theme of the level.

Oh well, guess I'll go back to playing Megaman Revolution. Had a blast playing it though with Megaman. Now to take on Bass.


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I'm writing my review of it based off of commentary I sent to OBJECTION MAN as I played it so I wouldn't forget any details.

First thing I was presented with was a loading screen.  Although it didn't last long, it lost points with me for even being there because I made Mega Man Revolution and it didn't require any loading screens.  :p

My next gripe is that the game required 500mb of RAM and 300MB of disk space.  Why on Earth it cost that much in resources is beyond me... I'll admit some graphics were awesome like in Yoyo Man's stage (although the problem with them and the enemies is, only one or two things of them were actually in the theme of the robot master) but I don't think it warrants 300mb of disk space and 500mb of RAM.  I'm not saying MMR is the best thing in the world but it only takes maybe 60MB of RAM at most during play.  It might be more, I just opened the project real quick and checked the debugger on Sand Man's stage which seemed to be the most CPU intensive for my computer.

Now comes the intro.  The music nor the graphics looked anything like something from Mega Man.  Dr. Wily in the first shot looks like a lobotomy victim... what, with the gaping maw and dopey eyes?  The picture of Mega Man after that by himself actually has compression artifacts... how did that get by the designers?  I can understand the picture of lobotomized Wily getting past them, but compression artifacts?  You know, those junk pixels you usually see in a badly compressed JPEG?

Now for the title screen.  The art is impressive but the music sounds nothing like a Mega Man song.  It sounds NES in style and composition which is great, but not Mega Man.  Then while I was writing this in my commentary to OBJECTION MAN, the intro started playing again and enter didn't cancel it like it starts the game at the title screen.  I had to press random keys on my keyboard until I guessed space bar skips it.

The default control scheme, which I used because I heard the control setup is buggy and didn't want to risk it because you can only save and exit, was very awkward to use.  It put my index and ring fingers in an awkward position.  Carpal tunnel ahoy!

So I picked Trinitro Man first because my friend said he has a very interesting gimmick in his boss fight.  Mega Man did not control like the originals.  He walked faster than I remember and his walking animation was slower than I remember so he looked like he was gliding across the ground.  I soon wondered why a weapon energy capsule was right at the start of the stage because I don't believe the robot master stages in this retain the amount of weapon energy you had when you beat the last stage, but I honestly don't know because I couldn't get past the first checkpoint in any stage (except Trinitro Man's) apparently as it always started me at the very beginning of the stages except one instance where it actually started me somewhere further than where I died.  Mega Man can't charge at all in this which is a huge gripe for me considering it was supposed to be Mega Man 10 when everyone thought Rockman & Forte was 9.  Which Mega Man could charge in R&F.  I also hated how Mega Man couldn't charge or slide in 9 or 10 because the only explanation you're given is that Mega Man fell out of practice, which shouldn't effect a robot unless they're more human-like than the Mega Man series makes out the robot masters (including Mega Man, since he IS a robot master along with Roll).  At least Mega Man could slide in this, which was a plus and was apparently required to get past platforms in Trinitro Man's stage.  Enemies do not disappear and respawn correctly when they're scrolled off the screen and their spawn point is scrolled back on the screen respectively like the NES did.  Phil said the game was supposed to be NES accurate on the Facebook page so that lost points for me.  Then I ran into a huge scorpion robot that should've been on a black background due to how large it was.  I'm pretty sure it was much larger than 8 sprites horizontally, which even by itself should've caused some sprite flicker.  It was at this point I got my first game over which I never had this much trouble with a classic Mega Man game.  The explosive drops of what I guess is nitroglycerine were pretty cool, including where your shots made them explode.  I liked his attention to detail, but he failed to notice the detail of the NES's capabilities.  I got a game over on where you had to slide on the platforms that were shot into the air quickly which was absolute bullshit, followed immediately after by another part of absolute bullshit.  At this point none of the enemies looked like Mega Man styled enemies.  This was the point where I spawned ahead of where I should've been and then got another game over immediately after.  I was also thrown off by how projectiles and such get destroyed on you even while you're invincible.

Next I tried Glue Man's stage, the music did actually sound Mega Manish, albeit somber but I guess that's expected with a song called "Tears of Glue" and I enjoyed it the most out of all the songs I heard.  I had to guess that the ladders in this stage were ladders so I made a leap of faith (literally speaking) and hoped what I saw was a ladder and would impede my fall while I held the up key.  I thought the little glue ball enemies who rebounded your shots were honestly very cool and very innovative.  They even kept you from firing more because the shots counted against the maximum of 3 shots on screen at once for Mega Man.  Although at one point one ended up shooting it's own allies.  I take it the shots were shot off based on what angle you hit the glue ball robot?  I also ran into a met that would spawn into three mets.  But it seemed like all they could do was shoot once as they got on top of each other but I don't know if they shot more because I tried to get rid of them as quickly as possible because the game pulls no punches with a ton of sucker punches and cheap shots.  The glue platforms I thought were really neat, although they quickly wore out their welcome as much as they were used.  The glue conveyor belts were also a cool concept in their own right.

At this point I got another game over and decided to try Yoyo Man's stage.  I was very impressed with the graphics in this stage as I said, even if they may not be NES authentic to the console's capabilities.  I netted a game over quickly on this stage as well...

Then I tried Comet Woman's stage.  It wasn't as visually impressive as Yoyo Man's stage but the music on it was better than the version I heard on youtube while waiting for the game to download.  I got a game over quickly here as well and that's when I ragequitted because the enemies do way too much damage.

This covers pretty much all the commentary I typed in text while playing it.  The fact I probably got game overs within two minutes of starting each stage is enough testament to how the difficulty really needs rebalanced.  I give the game a 4/10, it's not the worst thing I ever played in fan games, but it is way off from the greatest.  I can see how someone other than me may enjoy it however so I'm not going to write hate text about it anywhere.  If the game's flaws were improved, I would give it another chance, that's for sure.

kuja killer

the RAM and CPU usage about this really bothered me too. always running 100% CPU nonstop, or about 50 to 60% overall total.
the fan on my laptop revs up to maximum loud-ness.. 2700 RPM to 3800 RPM...

no other fan game, or the rosenkreustillete PC games, have ever come anywhere near as close to this. or ever done this.

but im enjoying the game, honest! :)
i do not have any complaints about gameplay or music, etc at this momment.
music's awesome


Well I didn't play through any of the stuff I didn't mention.  Glue Man's theme I really liked if I wasn't clear in the last post.  You don't hear too many somber songs in Mega Man outside of the Wily stages.

EDIT: I just found out something intriguing.  n-mario said the quality of MMR wasn't all that great compared to other games, then just now I went on a website and saw him trying to hype up Mega Man Unlimited which he had a hand in making.  I think it's OK to try to make your own stuff look good but saying things like "this will blow all other games away, I worked on it" (I'm paraphrasing) is heavily biased for your own work and should hold no merit with any sensible person.

SECOND EDIT: I tried playing the game with Cheat Engine codes like the permanent invincibility code and I think it really says something that I am still getting game overs due to all the instant death traps.  I am starting to appreciate the layouts of some levels but the overuse of the one hit kill traps or things that cause you to get thrown into them or whatever made me ragequit again.  The levels definitely need more checkpoints.  I died at one point in Tank Man's stage and had to spend like 3 minutes getting back to where I was and it was an especially difficult to navigate part.

Da Dood

Yeah, the memory thing is really scary. Peaked at 96% CPU use. PC was getting noisy so I figured I should quit. Maybe if there's a lighter release in the future I'll play through the whole game.

The little I saw was pretty good. Glue Man's stage had some interesting platform gimmicks and enemies. The game is colorful, controls are responsive. Clearly you put a lot of hard work into this project.

I do agree with the posters who said levels might be too long. I don't mind the difficulty or the spikes, I just felt I could use a breather every now and then so the level wouldn't feel too tiring. IMO, the first time through you should be able to reach the halfway point in one life, and at least enter the boss gates in 3 lives.


Hey there! I was the lead tester of Mega Man Revolution, recently beat the game without use of refill tanks and wanted to weigh in. (I was also the guy on facebook who said I would punch Yoku Man in the face, and I totally did - no e-tanks or Rush abuse or weakness weapon but I admit I had to look up where the U was, so if you are reading this, Yoku Man creator person, consider their face punched like twice already unless you want to count the U letter lookup against that, so instead I slapped their face with like four fingers or something in that case.)

I'm going to stream of consciousness this, because I'm still on a high from getting through the game. It may not be terribly succinct, maybe slightly less objective, but paradoxically, probably more honest. I apologize for the long walls of text, and also very minor spoilers. I tried to be as discreet as I could in this and only said what I felt needed to be said to communicate what I mean. (I'll edit this with proper spoiler tags once I figure out how, though I don't think they may be that necessary here.)

Some backstory, the day this came out I decided not to sleep the night as to reset my sleeping schedule. This probably proved to be a mistake, as it made the early goings fairly frustrating with my compromised reflexes and judgment. I went to bed after being on Wily 1 for a long while, thinking that trying to beat the game after 24 hours of no sleep was probably a really bad call (it was, as I kept misunderstanding what the boss was doing in my sleeplessness but coming at it fresh I picked up on what needed to be done). Then I started fresh when I woke up after 6 hours of sleep, with the weakness loop starting at Tank Man. If I had to take a guess I think it did take me 16 hours-ish total of playtime to really make it through.

I'll skip mention of the NES limitations issue since better informed people on the subject have already weighed in. I feel the tilework is generally really cool if sometimes a little inconsistent in details, but it could be the times CHR limits are stretched/disregarded might color my opinions a bit - still, I should say I like it. Some of the enemy designs really made me have a great laugh, I like them despite the obvious palette limit breaks. The guy with the suitcases is probably my runaway favorite.

As for music, it's all good to me aside from the somewhat jarring change in 'feel' between tracks that were primarily Phil and those done by the rest. Phil is an adequate composer, the others are genuinely amazing. I will make a significant disclaimer here in that I pressed fifthindependent to keep Pyre Man's music the way it was in Mega Man Revolution because its (to general consensus post-release) annoying chorus really truly grew on me as I played the game over and over in testing, so my taste may genuinely be in serious question (also, I'm really sorry if that stage theme really did make you cringe, I can't envision the stage without that chorus playing now). That said, there were no tracks I hated or disliked, plenty that I loved, and others I would still like to listen to from time to time.

In terms of control, my keys sometimes stick so I don't want to fault those incidents on this game, but it does sometimes feel that hitting ledges is inconsistent (you hear the landing sound but Mega Man falls off anyway) and depending on the velocities of what you're jumping off of, you can get caught up on stuff moving upward (a huge deal for one later boss). Sometimes I also appeared to jump instead of slide, which did kill me in some places - some have said that the game has some trouble reading diagonal directions and this may be what's going on as I'm holding down and forward when I slide. Not quite as tight as it could be, perhaps, but ultimately I got through the whole game so there's no super dealbreakers here.

Level design-wise, it really does feel like there is an effort to make every room and space meaningful, that there's something in there to do/deal with/find. It can get overwhelming, as others have mentioned - some sequences do feel incredibly saturated with elements, but I only felt at a complete loss occasionally. When mistakes were made, most of the time I knew it was me or a keyboard arrow sticking and not the controls (which I guess also means 'me'). I feel a decent majority of ideas are well communicated as to what they do, and it feels like there was an effort to use those ideas to the fullest extent that they could. I think I liked it a bit more than some of the others here have said, and eventually overcame most of the difficult parts with familiarity and can appreciate a many of the decisions, if not all of them.

The biggest issue I have is Rainbow Man's stage. It is extremely trial-and-error, and I think it highlights a problem with the Quick Man lasers in general. When you know what you are doing, it might be a bit exhillirating to get through a space frame-perfect (you basically have to), but knowing what to do takes a lot of tries, and there isn't much time to reflect on what you did wrong or what needs to be done when you mess up. The problem is, if you slow the lasers down at all, they lose any meaning as a threat (as they more or less did in one part of the stage) - it's an element that only 'works' going that fast, and when you already know what to do, which first-time players won't - especially if they picked that stage first as I presume a lot of your fans on Facebook did. I feel it's an exercise that proves that Quick Man instant-death lasers are not fun to learn or deal with, and something we can probably safely leave in the past from here on out. (Also Ripurakons suck and are the most annoying thing in the quantities you see them in that stage, but they take a backseat to the lasers.) I have no idea how I managed to clear this when I played this sleepless, because holy crap.

I'd also really like to divorce the need to use Rush Jet towards the final stretch of Wily Stage 1, as if you die at a certain point and run out of energy, all you have to farm back energy with is with a Red Guardian. If not this, consider adding one of those shield telly spawn things around there to help with getting some energy back - there's a few in small platforms areas some ways after that which is good, but there needs to be one there too. There runs the risk of making the platform stretch too easy to cross with unused Rush Jet energy, but it's still incredibly annoying and time-consuming to have to build back up energy from that checkpoint if you run out entirely.

There was one jump in Jet Man's stage that pissed me off where if you are going at a decent clip through that part, you will inevitably be hit by the blue bomber jet thing that passes by. It was not clear to me that they came in a timed interval rather than a locational one. If possible, some audio cue or even a flashing arrow might be kind of cool for more of an 'organized airport' feel and might make it more clear that they are coming in a certain rhythm. Also I sometimes had trouble jumping off corners of the tread platforms for whatever reason, not sure if I can blame that on the game or me.

As for Trinitro Man's level, sleepless me flipped the bird to one part of it and went the other way. The more awake and alert me hasn't attempted that part with all the nitro platforms arranged in a precarious way to the center ladder with the 1-Up to the right since. I keep going that other way. I'll have to try it again soon, but I'm really comfortable with that other route now.

What is even the point of the other route in Glue Man's stage? If there's nothing interesting or cool there other than that one difficult stretch for the sake of stretching out that particular element of its level design, I say seal it up or replace it.

To speak of an example of good design, Yoku Man's stage is one of the really good ones. The platforming is difficult, but not unfair. If you pay attention, you will see what's going on ahead, and that is very important. I never felt the rug was truly pulled out from under me in an unfair way, and the parts that required guesswork only cost time instead of health or lives. I watched what was going on, I dealt with it with confident jumps, and I got through just fine - there were a handful of deaths from a few bad judgment calls or going a bit too slow, but I never felt overwhelmed in the least. I think the only mark against it is at the very end, where it seems to me (for now) that damage is unavoidable unless you use something like C. Dash to get to another ladder and then climb up quickly (which I didn't think to try until I wrote this), but beyond this, this is probably the very best stage in the game in terms of challenge. It just felt completely right, and earns its distinction as a great bonus stage.

I think I really liked Wily Stage 3 too. Without going into too much detail, I feel it makes use of the gimmick in such a way that I am now totally satisfied with its use and that its fullest potential may have been explored. I did get stuck and frustrated on all the Wily Stages for a while for various reasons, but now that I know how to navigate them somewhat reliably I think this one was my favorite of the lot, though it isn't quite to Yoku Man's level of communicating and executing ideas. There are a few blind moments that set this back a bit, but this and Yoku Man's stages probably make up my legitimate favorites in terms of designs and ideas.

Weapon-wise, now that I've beaten the game and know what happens where, I will likely find uses for a lot of them in a future given playthrough - in theory they feel all decent on paper (except for one) but I admit I was conservative for the most part in using them as I am generally like that. Yoku Attack really stood out to me in the latter parts of the game, C. Dash helped with some tricky jumps and green stompy enemy placements (the energy cost here is truly justified to me), N. Shield is one of the better shields but doesn't have any easy indication that it's about to expire. J. Missile did help nail a few small enemies I was afraid of approaching. Unfortunately, I feel the Yo-Yo weapon all but outshines Tank Man's weapon simply for its ability to be aimed, where Tank Man's felt unreliable for hitting stuff below you (which feels counter to its function of throwing projectiles everywhere). The rest I don't have much of a strong opinion on, though I'm surprised I didn't use Glue Man's weapon so much, there's probably some interesting shortcuts I could take with it if I looked hard enough.

Boss-wise it's all over the place. Some bosses feel way too fast to be really fair to fight without their weakness weapon (Glue Man), others feel just right if kind of easy once you understand what to do (Tank Man, Yoku Man, and Trinitro Man who is my favorite to fight because there is always risk), and yet others are tough/grueling but not horrible (Jet Man's superfast missiles, the scant little amount of time you have to harm Nail Man outside of weapons). The Wily Stage bosses are a special kind of nasty in ways I'm not sure I like, the first only because any single mistake will kill you despite having a very fair pattern otherwise, the second because it can be tough to properly time/space the way to avoid its kill attack without yourself getting stuck to it even as you are moving away, the third because it is difficult to read the pattern without split-second recognition. The second phase of the final boss is the worst of the bunch by far: there is one attack where it is not clear at all as to how to consistently avoid it - you either have no time to really get out from underneath it, or there's no easy way to guide it so you have an opening, and the way it moves in the phase after that is completely obnoxious to read and deal with, where avoiding damage requires the use of the C. Dash (especially if it jumps at a weird angle) and actually getting a clean hit is almost luck based. It also forces you to use special weapons to hit them at all, it feels like, which is something I'm not sure I agree with. I'm sure as I play the game again down the line I'll 'get' the bosses and be much more comfortable with buster dueling them in general as well as better appreciate the hows and whys, but on the onset there is a lot of hit and miss in terms of fairness in the patterns, and the speed of which they throw things at you.

In terms of weakness order, I disagree with OBJECTION MAN and feel that fighting style-wise most of it feels about right, if not so much 'elements' (and so that does mean to a first-time player there is some real random guesswork to be had but things click as you fight them). Glue Man's weakness makes complete sense in regards to his AI, Nail Man's was ambiguous between a few on the onset but the one that does do bonus damage feels correct. Comet Woman's is one of the ones that feel a little random, Yo-Yo Man's becomes obvious once he does one of his specific attacks. Those are just some examples without spilling exact details.

All in all, well, I did get very frustrated (especially when I thought it was a great idea to first play it on no sleep). I can agree that this is very difficult from how compact everything is put together, and in some cases probably way way too thick. I would have probably finished sooner if I used tanks, or spike shocks, or Beat whistles, or any of that, but I was particularly stubborn as a matter of pride and ultimately felt good at getting through, if embarrassed at how long it took. Sometimes it takes too many tries or too long to really understand all of what's going on in a scenario, if there is anything to truly be understood. This is going to - and has - turned off less patient players. When I step back and see how everything was put together, though, I can understand many of the decisions made even if I do not ultimately agree with all of them.

For what it's worth, I don't regret my time spent, only regret how long it took for me to get through it the first time! It will probably be a while before I want to play it again, though, because it really is that intense - especially in the final stretches where you really can't stop and take a breather at all. It is a memory hog and leaving it going in the background is probably a bad idea, so it's a hell of a commitment that I'm not sure I'll be ready to make again for a while.

Despite whatever disagreements I might have with design choices for some of the levels and bosses, I thank you for taking the time to provide all this. More Mega Man is always good, and every fan game has something to offer no matter its production values. This one is no exception.

For those who scroll to the bottom: don't play this game on sleep deprivation.


I see that when you save your game and exit out and then back in, it saves what level you were at in the Wily Fortress so you don't have to start all over again. Nice job on that. I like that feature a lot. :)

Joseph Collins

Just so anyone interested is aware, I'm compiling a personal list of glitches and complains as I play through the game.  Right now, I've beaten Jet, Nail, Yoyo, and Rainbow, so I have all those stages (and their content) noted.  Funnily enough, Rainbowman's stage was the only stage I didn't find a single bug in, so far.  All other stages had bugs, but all the stages so far got complaints out of me.  And not little whiny ones like "this game is too hard" or "that jump is too far".  I'm extremely familiar with how the Rockman series works, and what I've played so far has been mostly okay, but at times, very irritating. (Jetman second mini-boss, Rainbowman stage entirely...)

I'm kind of excited to see what the rest of the game is like, but at the moment, I'm too hungry to let myself experience the stress.  So I'll probably continue after I eat, or later tonight, or whatnot.


Okay, I'm pretty worried about even downloading this considering how much of a CPU-eater this game is from what the others are saying. As kuja killer said, not even RosenkreuzStilette is that demanding, and when it comes to the Mega Man fangames I've played -- RosenkreuzStilette and Freudenstachel, Mega Mari, Ragna Chronicle, Touhou Koukayaku: The Game, Rockmen R: Dr. Wily's Counterattack, Touhou Rock Maiden (from the same creators of Rockmen R), Mikuman X and Mikuman X2, Rockman 7 and 8 FC -- none of them make my brother's machine hum loudly. I don't mean any offense at all with me saying that, but low-end games shouldn't make computers work themselves to death.


Well, I'll admit that I used Cheat Engine to hack for bolts. Couldn't get the invincibility because I'm just now learning the thing, but playing with 999999999 bolts certainly makes things fun. Yes, you heard me right - fun. Before, the game was aggravating in every way, shape, and form. To Fifth Independent, I'll consider your game quite superior (and I just downloaded that nifty 7.0 update today) and this thing nothing more than unnecessary roughness packaged in a shiny tin box.

It might "look good" but, it makes me think of pop music. Lots of image, no substance. The game is ridiculously hard and though MMR was a bit challenging, it felt fun. This is just endless frustration. Who in the hell ever heard of putting a save point right before a mid-boss and not one after it? So if you beat the boss, guess what? Die and you gotta fight the damn thing all over again. That pissed me off to no end.

If MegaPhilX and crew wanted to make the most difficult Megaman game on the planet, they've come very close aside from doujin versions. Folks, Rosenkreutz Stilette is easier than this. Much, much easier. And yes, I've bought both of them. If it's got something to do with Megaman or contains Megaman elements, chances are that I have played it (and am in the process of loading all these to my YT channel very soon.) This game released on my 28th birthday and was a completely disappointing and over-hyped mess.

This being said, I've downed four robot masters. Rainbowman? Nope. Trinitro? Nope. Jet? Nope. Yoku? I'll find him soon.

I downed Nail Man, Comet Woman, Tank Man and Yoyo Man. Glue? Those platypi are a pain in the ass. And yes, it's platypi - not platypuses. At any rate, they were a real pain in the ass. Not to mention the fact that every goddamned thing in this game takes off a chunk of your life bar, and then when a wounded Megaman gasps for a energy pellet, the pellet simply laughs at you and says "What? Did you think I was actually going to do anything for you? How do you like two more notches on the bar? You're welcome."

Then you call Eddie and he's like "Well, I know you don't need all these weapon energy pellets, but here they are. What? You were looking for life energy? It isn't that kind of game, man."

Beat's constantly having to save your ass, Dr. Light might as well just leave the cage door open. And Megaman curses "Why in the [tornado fang] are there so many bottomless pits? Has this guy got a fetish?"

Dr. Wily looks like you could put a hockey puck in his mouth. Dr. Light and Megaman do look alright as far as artwork, but a friend of mine complained about Megaman's eyes during the intro scene. They're off. And why does the robot who stole Dr.Wily have Trinitroman's eyes?

First of all, what the hell is Trinitro?

Alright, so that makes sense.

I had no idea why the game needed to load, why the music was so off in some sections (my friend was losing his [parasitic bomb] over the Comet Woman theme, and I personally don't like the boss music at all, as well as the questionable victory music) though I almost caught myself putting death metal growls on the Trinitroman theme...

Hits and misses, so far. While I'm interested in the story (virus infected robots = Roboenza = Maverick Virus) and how it seems they're trying to patch MM10 to MMX, it just doesn't seem like the ideal patch. Great ideas were used, but let's face it - not all of us are professional speedrunners and game pros. Some of us just want to have a good time and this is NOT what the game offered me. Nevertheless, I'll continue playing it until I just get incredibly frustrated and decide to play something else.

Megaman Unlimited offers unlimited frustration, unlimited difficulty, unlimited use of the f-bomb (or a word I used much more frequently that entails a deity to condemn a boss, object or precarious situation that I was facing) and unlimited disappointment, which will echo in the annals of Megaman history as the most difficult Megaman game released in the United States apart from rom hacks.

But, there is still Megaman Revolution, Megaman X Corrupted, Megaman X: Eclipse, Megaman 42, Megaman Maximum, Megaman Eternal and Megaman 25th, just to name a few... The blue bomber isn't dead yet, and one unlimited mistake won't be his undoing.

Damn. And I thought MM9 was hard... I seem to have misplaced my middle finger and really need to use it right now.


Oh yeah, I also wanted to weigh in on stage length since I saw some people complain about it.  I actually thought the stages were as long or a bit longer than classic Mega Man stages.  I think what made them seem too long is you have to tip toe through the stages due to their difficulty and the fact checkpoints seem to be broken.

Joseph Collins

[delete this post, please; it's no longer desired]

[spoiler=Original post contents]Welp, I'm stuck on Wily Stage 4.  I was doing okay, though I'd eaten through most of my supplies.  About the time the boss rush room threw a boss at me I'd never fought before, I gave up.

(spoiler)[tornado fang]ing Yokuman, where the [tornado fang] did you come from, I never fought you, get the [tornado fang] out of here.(/spoiler)

I'm so [tornado fang]ing done with this game for tonight...[/spoiler]


I turboman'd JetMan with Yoku Attack.
I like to draw... NOT!


QuoteFirst of all, what the hell is Trinitro?

Alright, so that makes sense.

This relates to what I said earlier.

"Nitro Man" was the guy's original name, an allusion to nitroglycerine (shorthand: NG) also known as "trinitro"glycerine, hence the rename. But you and I know both know people are going to instead relate that name to trinitrotoluene (shorthand: TNT)... Phil's decision to call him by such an ambiguous name as TrinitroMan is "basic chemistry" on those grounds (as well as thematic naming fail). He should have avoided TNT comparisons at all costs.

Let's compare the two:

-Symbol written on all the containers in Nitro Man's stage
-Primary contact explosive
-Liquid form at room temperature

-Secondary explosive
-White powder at room temperature

Nitroglycerine/Trinitroglycerine is the intended theme, whereas the Trinitrotoluene simply has NOTHING to do with the boss in question, nor his stage. Another rename is therefore in order to avoid the immediate confusion.

Also, though one may question the feasibility of storing an unstable and explosive liquid inside a sentient robot,  I'm going to give Phil the benefit of the doubt on that one. High-tech sci-fi explosive storage? OK, why not.

QuoteMega Man can't charge at all in this which is a huge gripe for me considering it was supposed to be Mega Man 10 when everyone thought Rockman & Forte was 9.  Which Mega Man could charge in R&F.  I also hated how Mega Man couldn't charge or slide in 9 or 10 because the only explanation you're given is that Mega Man fell out of practice, which shouldn't effect a robot unless they're more human-like than the Mega Man series makes out the robot masters (including Mega Man, since he IS a robot master along with Roll).  At least Mega Man could slide in this, which was a plus and was apparently required to get past platforms in Trinitro Man's stage.

Five years in development, till 2013.

I think Unlimited began as MegaMan10 as a sequel to Inti Creates' MegaMan9. As such, the decision to include slide and no charging in the former is a natural progression from the latter.

Personally, I welcome this Mega Man 3 style gameplay. Despite the retro revival, it's been used in preciously few titles.

QuoteHits and misses, so far. While I'm interested in the story (virus infected robots = Roboenza = Maverick Virus) and how it seems they're trying to patch MM10 to MMX, it just doesn't seem like the ideal patch. Great ideas were used, but let's face it - not all of us are professional speedrunners and game pros. Some of us just want to have a good time and this is NOT what the game offered me. Nevertheless, I'll continue playing it until I just get incredibly frustrated and decide to play something else.

The story struck me as the weakest aspect of the entire game. Nevermind the quality of the script, the whole thing is rather lacking in original ideas. It's formulaic to a fault, redundant with the actual tenth game, and serves only to further its agenda of cross-series connectivity.

Difficulty is the core issue. This isn't challenging, it's just cheap aggravation. The game is filled with it, and barely any legitimate difficulty can be found. Included with that, the enemy damage is way too high. Especially contact damage on the bosses. As far as I'm concerned it's a broken game right off the bat like this.

I think all of the stages had genuinely unique ideas, it's just the skewed balance of difficulty, stage length and respawn points which broke the game.

What's worse is even progressing doesn't help to balance this out. Weapons are fairly useless overall, and consume a huge amount of energy. C Dash, N Shield, and N Blast are really the only useful things. Often times you find that you need to hit the boss with every shot of their weakness to kill them. Miss one, and you're left to chip away the rest. As an aside, the boss weaknesses were very loose in logic, and their powers didn't always quite match their theme.

Actually, Y. Cutter and Y. Attack are pretty good as well. G. Shot serves its purpose too. It's just the cumbersome J. Missile, the useless T. Arsenal and the weak R. Beam that require a return to the drawing board.

Visually I don't see the point of having used NES style graphics. The NES style attributes and limits were obviously ignored in full, save for very few instances. It doesn't even looks half way believable, ruining the whole retro persona. Should have just gone with another style, or something original.

The blatant defiance of all NES limits somehow made me chuckle whenever the opposite presented itself. Were those select backgrounds drawn by someone else, perchance?

Joseph Collins

Well, I beat the game.  And I did not enjoy it.  Oh, it had its moments... but for the most part, it was just an obnoxious lesson in humility rather than the fun little fan game I'd hoped for.  It took five years to make this.  Five years.  To make this.  Why is it so unbalanced and mostly terrible?  Then again, this is only v1.01, and it needs some fine-tuning.  And a lot more playtesting from a wider array of players.
That said, I've made a list of bugs and complaints I'd like addressed.  I wrote this as I played, so these were all as I encountered them.  They're separated by stage for my convenience and yours.  It should go without saying that there are major spoilers, but I'm mostly using Spoiler tags so it doesn't take up 12 pages of the screen.

Let's begin, shall we?

07/17 Edits: Updated Roll costume thing.  It's not an endgame prize.  Also added some other stuff.
07/18 Edits: Found a bug in Rainbowman's stage with enemy placement.
07/19 Edits: Just some general bitching about enemy names and an update on the waterlogged area of Nailman's stage.
07/20 Edits: New section!  "Game Engine Stuff".  Specifically for noting bugs and differences in the engine from the commercial games.
08/15 Edit: Found a new physics glitch while watching someone else's playthrough!  How 'bout that.

[spoiler=General/Global Stuff]

  • The game does not recognize controller buttons beyond Button 10.  This means that people playing with PS2 controllers are out of luck, if they want to use the Analog Buttons for whatever reason.
  • I'm not sure why, but forcing the game to try and recognize buttons beyond button 10 completely destroys the game's built-in controller recognition and forces the D-Pad to stay in one direction or other.
  • *Intentional?* Megaman's default shots aren't level with his buster.  They need to be lowered about a pixel.


  • The file size of this game is extremely large for a game of this style...  Why? (2)
  • This game uses quite a lot of system resources compared to a lot of other fan games. (3)
  • For whatever reason, the game slows considerably on my laptop (1.2Ghz dual core, 4 GB RAM, on-board video, Windows 8 64-bit) during cutscenes and boss intros.  It runs perfectly fine during normal gameplay unless there's large sprites on the screen, though.
  • There are couple useful options in the "options.xopts" file that can't be accessed in-game, such as volume control and analog stick sensitivity.
  • Why no option to (manually) disable the joystick entirely? (4)
  • I don't like the fact you have to hit Space to skip the intro stuff when Enter or Escape would make more sense, given the control scheme.
  • On that note, why doesn't this game use Shoot to confirm choices and Jump to cancel them?  Pressing Start to select options, bosses, etc. is okay, but Fire would make just as much sense, given past commercial and fan games. Only certain fan games used the Fire/Jump buttons for confirmation.  The commercial games used Start for confirming menu choices, though Jump is used in Rockman 4-6 to confirm weapon choices.
  • Most bosses so absurd collision damage with you.  Understandably, this may be because most bosses are pushovers with weak attacks, but still.  That's a little jarring.
  • The "boss beaten" music runs for way too long.  It could do with about half the drum section it actually has.
  • The longer I played, the more I noticed that the boss characters are pretty much all pushovers with extremely predictable patterns.  This is especially true in the case of Rainbowman and Tankman.
  • Why does Roll turn into Shampoo from Ranma ½ at random?  I know you have a thing for Shampoo, but what does she have to do with anything in this game?  I mean, it would be like a character in Super Mario Bros. dressing up like Ryoko from Tenchi Muyo!. (Costume pointed out to me by fifthindependent.)

(1) As I noted in another post I made (as well as others' posts), the resource/content packs for this game are extremely large for some reason.  The biggest pack is over 100 MB in size while the smallest large pack is about 10 MB.  Most fan games in this style are between 10 MB and 30 MB total.  I noticed that this game comes with a lot of DLLs relating to various sound plugins, such as Ogg, so I assume that Ogg was, in fact, used for the music and sound in this game... can't fathom why the file sizes for the content packs are still so large.
(2) Granted, the technology is a fair bit older... but Mega Man Revolution's tech was even older than that, yet used reasonable amounts of hard drive space and system resources.
(3) Though there's no option to disable the joystick, setting the control mappings to 0 for every button (in the xopts file) works just as well.

[spoiler=*Updated* Game Engine Stuff]

  • Collision detection is a little hit-and-miss at times, with things like falling off the corner of platforms or dying to same-level spikes happening on occasion.
  • *Intentional?* You do not retain invulnerability while traversing screens.
  • Jet Missile's secondary fire does not work as expected a lot of the time; if you lock on to enemies above or below you, but not directly diagonal, it will not track them.
  • *Intentional?* You can't slide over one-block gaps of spikes.
  • The gravity-inversion engine is incomplete.  Any enemies not nailed down or free of gravity get royally screwed.  For example, the Toady enemy in Trinitroman's stage either gets pinned to the floor, or jumps up and keeps flying up and forward, when gravity is inverted.
    • On that same note, Rush Coil and Rush Jet can't be summoned while Mega Man is upside-down, for whatever reason. (1)
  • *Intentional?* Projectiles don't pass through Megaman if he's invulnerable.
  • *Intentional?* Megaman doesn't sidle (take a half-step) when landing straight down from a jump.  He does in other games. (Noted by N-Mario here.)
  • Megaman moves a fair bit faster in this game. (2)
  • Megaman jumps one pixel higher than he should. (2) (3) (4)
  • Megaman slides a bit faster than he should, yet doesn't slide far enough over. (2) (4)
  • The default buster shots travel faster than they should. (2)
  • *New* When used underwater or in low-gravity areas, Rush Coil does not give Mega Man the expected 200% jump boost. (5) (Discovered by Bean1227/Kapus on YouTube.)


  • Boss invincibility time is really, really long in this game.  Several frames longer than the commercial games, or even most fan games, in fact.
  • Jet Missile seems extremely inefficient since you need to either weapon switch and hold Fire or hit the menu and hold Fire to use its secondary fire without wasting a unit of weapon energy.
  • I don't like the fact you can buy more than 1 Eddie Call or Shock Guard at a time.  Traditionally, you're usually limited to one of each.
  • There's no way to exit a stage you've already beaten. (This would be useful when collecting YOKU Plates or grinding Bolts/Lives/Tanks...)
  • When you leave a stage after having already beaten it, Megaman doesn't fall to the floor before warping out like he does in other games.  He warps out the instant he enters the boss room.  This causes you to see his warp animation's first frame for longer than it should be seen and looks ugly.
  • Every time you come back from a stage after having beaten the main eight, you get that message from Protoman.  Every.  Single.  Time.  Isn't once enough?

(1) To be fair, in Mega Man 5, Rush can be summoned, but never lands. (He also comes in from the top of the screen, rather than the bottom, as normal.)  You also can't stand on the Super Arrow or use Water Wave.  So... this may very much be intentional.
(2) Tested using both Mega Man 3 and Mega Man 6 engines.
(3) For comparison purpose (and laughs) he jumps:

  • 32 pixels in the Game Boy games
  • 48 pixels in the NES games
  • 52 pixels in SuperDanny Powered Up/2
  • 55 pixels in Street Fighter x Mega Man
Quote from: Jump height and slide distance charts:Jump height

Slide distance
(5) In low-gravity and underwater, Mega Man jumps three times as high (144 pixels) and theoretically double that (288) with Rush, if unhindered.  Therefore, unless gravity or a ceiling gets in the way, with a Rush Coil boost, he should be rocketing up to 294 pixels height in this game.

[spoiler=Enemy Stuff]
Note: Bugs and complaints regarding stage-specific mini-bosses bosses are found in their stage section.


  • Enemies will often times flash long after being hit -- usually when going into a secondary or tertiary behavior.  This is particularly noticeable on Shield Attackers and bosses.
  • *Intentional?* If you kill the first or second Met Totem (the three-tall Mets) before the second/third one can deploy, all remaining Mets spawn immediately and fire at once.
  • *Intentional?* If you don't kill all of the Met Totems and they hide, when they open up again, they spawn a full three-tall tier again.
  • *Intentional?* Saw Poles (the blade discs on tethers with treads) are vulnerable to most (if not all) weapons.
  • *Intentional?* The saw discs in the beginning of Yoyoman's stage move faster than Beat Rescue does, resulting in an instant hit right after being rescued.
  • Sniper Joe E units (the yellow Sniper Joes) are a little glitchy, able to jump through platforms if they jump into the sides of them.
  • The same goes for the Toady enemies, actually.
  • The collision detection on the Chicken Bombs is extremely poor.  Getting even remotely near them seems to set them off.
  • Shadow Megaman will sometimes get stuck in the terrain while trying to jump over a rise.

  • The names of the Ripurakon and Faiku Burokko are silly.  Why not just "Leprechaun" and "Fake Block"?
  • Why are the Metjacks called that?  Shouldn't they be called "Picketman Jacks"? (Like the Picket/Pickelman enemies in 1, 3, and 3 GB.)

[spoiler=Jetman Stage]

  • *Intentional?* The conveyor belts in the second half of the stage are non-responsive to sliding as well as sidling (tapping the D-Pad to make Mega scoot a pixel over).
  • Jetman, in some very rare cases, will "crash land" into the ground and freeze for the duration of the fight. (Evidenced by Mike Maverick here.)


  • You can't avoid the second mini-boss' attacks due to the room layout (without weapons).  This forces you to kill him before he kills you, making the battle far more intense than it needs to be.

[spoiler=Nailman Stage]

  • If you jump out of the top of the screen while riding the veritcal moving platforms, you won't move into the next vertical area.
  • The moving platforms seem a little buggy overall, as on rare occasion, Mega Man will get caught on the very side and be stuck in a temporary "hop loop" (like running forward on Item-2 in Mega Man 2).
  • *Intentional?* Both halves of Nailman are completely invincible when he uses his body (the nail part) to attack you.


  • Why does the waterlogged section of this stage exist?  It doesn't serve a purpose and only one enemy seems to be affected by the water physics. Phil recently confessed in a devplay of Nailman's stage that the water was basically thrown in there "for the hell of it" and "because the game needed more water sections".  My complaint still stands, however.
  • Why doesn't Nailman have an upward firing animation?  Do the nails just magically turn 90° when they come out of his buster?
  • Why is Nailman's Nail Shield a complete circle?  Leaf Shield had openings you could shoot through if you were careful.  With Nailman, you actually have to be standing inside the barrier to damage him while it's up.  He should either be completely invincible (like Skullman), or the Nail Shield should have openings.
  • Nailman's Nail Shield does way too much damage compared to when he throws the individual nails at you.

[spoiler=Yoyoman Stage]

  • On occasion, you can get "sucked into" the weight-sensitive platforms strewn about the stage.  This is especially noticable on the last jump before the boss gate.


  • The name "Yo-Yo Man"/"Yo-yoman" looks really stupid.  Why not remove the hyphen? ("Yoyoman"/"Yoyo Man")
  • Yoyoman does 1/3 your total health bar in damage if he runs into you.  His yoyos do about 3 damage.  How does this make sense?

[spoiler=Rainbowman Stage]

  • The first two Ripurakons in the secret area are both facing and locked facing the wrong way.


  • Rainbowman's theme is just as ear-raping at it was two years ago.  Why did you not fix this, MegaPhil X?  It's especially awful with the stage sound effects going, too.
  • No!  No!  Effing no!  Enemies in this stage combined with instant-death lasers is not acceptable!!
  • Wouldn't a laser going through an unfocused prism disperse the damage it does instead of keep it exactly the same?  What I'm saying is the Rainbow Triangle of Deathâ„¢ is bullshit.
  • It's probably not a good idea to give the mini-boss instant-death laser attacks, even if they are pretty easy to avoid.
  • Putting the checkpoint behind the annoying mini-boss is a stupid idea.
  • Rainbowman himself is kind of a crappy boss.  His attack pattern is extremely simple and easy to figure out.  If that's your way of apologizing for the stage, don't.  I was hoping (well, fearing) for a harder boss.

[spoiler=Tankman Stage]

  • The ceiling-mounted conveyor belts are a little grabby...  You don't even have to bump your head on them to be thrown forward, it seems like.
  • In Wily Stage 4, I attacked Tankman with his weakness.  Somehow, I got his Life Energy Meter to read 0 units, but he wasn't dead.  One more hit did kill him, however.


  • I really do not like the conveyor fling gimmick.  They could have been utilitzed more creatively.
  • And on that note, why would a roof-mounted conveyor belt moving the exact same speed as a floor-mounted one throw Megaman so violently anyway?
  • There is no incentive to defeat the two Sniper Joe Es after the mini-boss in this stage.  You can leave the area right after destroying their tank.

[spoiler=Cometwoman Stage]
I did not find any in this stage.


  • The final version of this stage's theme is much, much worse than the one I heard two years ago.  And that's saying something, considering I didn't think the old one was all that impressive.
  • There's a jump in the beginning section you can't clear unless you double-back to the previous tall column and jump from there.  That's kind of annoying.
  • Low gravity plus ice?  Why bother?
  • There's a particular jump in this stage where you have to high-jump over a spike.  That's a little difficult, but doable.

[spoiler=Trinitroman Stage]
I did not find any stage-specific bugs.


  • This is more of a comment than a complaint, but this is definitely my least favorite stage so far.  Everything... everything... explodes.  Except the scorpion robots, oddly.
  • This is also more of a comment: Is it just me, or does this stage theme sound a bit like Solarman's theme from Rockman 10?
  • The nitro platform gimmick is very, very, very awful.  Excepted, but awful.  Especially when you combine it with mandatory all-or-nothing twitch jumps.
  • I understand the chemical properties of (tri)nitroglycerin just fine, but given Trinitroman a completely unavoidable instant kill move is very much a dick move.  This is especially dangerous for people who are trigger happy.
  • On that same note, I wasn't even conscious of the fact I beat Trinitroman because I was so focused on not landing that third hit to his head-tube.  That's not a good thing, in my book.
  • Just a suggestion: Make Trinitroman's self-destruct explosion a lot more dramatic.  Like maybe pause the game, make him flash 1-frame per second, then make the screen flash to white in a huge burst of explosions.

[spoiler=Glueman Stage]
I did not find any in this stage.  Which surprises the hell out of me, considering all the glue-based gimmicks.


  • If you fall in the alternate path of Glueman's stage, say goodbye to your Beat Calls.  All of them.  Beat moves far too slowly to get you have to anywhere safe.
  • Also in the alternate path, there is one Shield Telly spawner right over a spike tower.  This is extremely cruel placement as even if you're using Nail Shield, it can still respawn right on top of you and knock you into the pit.
  • Glueman is way too powerful.  He's like a slow version of Rockman 4 MI's Skullman with Concreteman's weapon and the usual 8-9 collision damage.  He is impossible to fight normally!

[spoiler=Wily Stage 1]
I did not find any in this stage.


  • This level.  This.  [tornado fang]ing.  Level.  I thought Jetman's and Glueman's stages were too long and tedious...  This stage is like... four stages crammed together!

[spoiler=Wily Stage 2]
At this point, I said "[tornado fang] it" to "fair play" and started using boss weaknesses as I found them.  And E-Tanks, and W-Tanks.  And continue refills.  Wily Stage broke my spirit with its length and tediousness, and I wasn't having fun anymore.


  • You temporarily lose your boyancy when you leap off-screen during the boss fight.
  • You can hug the very corner of the boss in this stage as it does its press attack.


  • Suggestion for this boss: Double its health, but make each tentacle have its own invincibility timer.

[spoiler=Wily Stage 3]
I did not find any in this stage.


  • We're no longer playing Mega Man now.  At this point, we've steered clear into I Wanna Be the Flash territory.  Minus the troll moves.
  • And again, the stage feels like it just drags on and on...

[spoiler=Yokuman Stage]
I quit playing before I could finish the next Wily stage.  It frustrated me too much and I lost both my cool and my focus.  So the next day, I decided to hunt down the YOKU Plates.  Once I did that (they're not as hard to find as I thought), I went and played in Yokuman stage.  And had an absolute blast doing so.  Best stage in the game!
(I'm not being sarcastic, by the way.  I really love this stage!)

I did not find any in this stage.


  • My sole complain is a minor one: Yokuman spawns spike blocks.  Even if you know his attack pattern, that can still severely screw you up and cause you to die.

[spoiler=Wily Stage 4]

  • I'm not entirely sure why or how this happened, but in the teleporter chamber, I used Eddie Call on the door before I finished all the re-fights.  When I got a Large Weapon Energy Capsule, I somehow sunk into the door and slowly slid out to the right of the room and to my death.  I can't figure out why this would even happen...
  • Bass does not land where he's supposed to after a Treble Boost attack and ends up getting jerked back into the very corner of the room.


  • So we've gone the way of Ganbare Goemon 4, and Ocarina of Time/Majora's Mask, then?  Little short snippets of familiar stages before the boss.  Because the bosses themselves weren't hard enough, right?  Right.  Wrong.
  • And if that wasn't bad enough, guess what the lead-in do the capsule area is?  Spikes, spikes, spikes, spikes, Spare Body stuck between spikes, spikes, spikes...
  • Hey, remember how much fun it was to run out of Bubble Lead and Crash Bomber in Mega Man 2?  Well, it's just as much fun to run out of Yoyo Cutter here!  Which is to say, not fun at all!  Gosh, aren't bosses that force you to use a specific weapon just well?  :D (1)
  • The hit box on Wily Machine U's phases are ridiculous.  Phase 1 can only be reached by Rush Coil and Yoyo Cutter while the second phase's window of opportunity is ridiculously short.

(1) It is possible to hit Wily Machine U with most weapons, but you either have to take damage, use Rush Coil, or be extremely quick on the draw.  The machine does take damage from the Mega Buster, for example.  This applies to both phases.

[spoiler=Wily Stage 5]

  • If you're somehow able to restore your health after taking the last hit from Zero, the game crashes.  Immediately. (I was able to do this via Cheat Engine.


  • I'm so disappointed in you guys for including Zero in this game, even if Zero doesn't seem all that willing to fight (I thought was cute and seems like him).  Even more so the fact that you decided to make him completely immune to everything.  What's the point of that, exactly?  Why not just make it a cutscene like in Mega Man 5 instead of giving the player false hope like that?
  • Also, the grabbing animation for Zero looks lazy and stupid.  He should either be held upside-down by his ankle, or be held around the waist (with a unique sprite that shows him hanging). (Noted by N-Mario.)
  • Why is Megaman completely unable to fight after losing his arm?  Is he that stupid in this game that he forgot he has another buster?
  • If you're going to lop off his arm, you should at least go to the effort of making appropriate sprites for both left and right-facing sprite sets...  Lazy...
  • On top of that, Megaman can still use E-Tanks, W-Tanks, and even summon Eddie and use Shock Guards.  If he can do all that, why the bloody hell can he not shoot with his opposite hand when we know bloody well he can? (And don't give me that "he didn't have the energy for it" bullshit.  If he can do all that, he can at least fire off one shot at a time.)

[spoiler=Cutscene, Epilogue, and Post-Game Stuff]

  • I can't help but notice the strong similarities between this game's storyline and Rockman 10's.  Seriously.  "A virus makes all the robots go nuts."  Was this the original story from five years ago, or did you alter it after 10 came out?
  • I'm extremely disappointed you list the Robot Masters as Special Wily Numbers.  I mean seriously...  They're just Dr. Wily Number units.  Nothing special about them, unlike Bass, who is basically a more agile version of Mega Man. (Thus, truly unique among Wily's robots.)
  • Why did you have Dr. Light bask in awe over the virus coding?  Are you somehow trying to imply that the virus somehow lead him to create X?
  • There is absolutely no insentive to play this game more than once, is there?  Unless Roll dressing up like some anime character (which I can't recognize) at random is your idea of a reward... Never mind.  This happens regardless of "game beaten" status.  Which, as far as I know, doesn't exist.

After all is said and done, this is probably one of the better fan games out there... but the good does not make up for the bad.  The bad is right there, in your face, in most stages.  And you can't avoid it.

Edit: I should point out that the more I see of this game, the more I like it, and the less I remember the bad times.  So it may very well be that the first impression is the worst impression, but subsequent playthroughs (and watching Vixy play through it three times straight) may be far less bad.  Still, I feel everything I (and others) have said here applies.


Joseph, the anime character is Shampoo from Ranma 1/2.  If you go on Phil's website, there are naked pictures he drew of her mixed in with the MMU pictures.

EDIT: I might add, this is nonredeemable for me because Shampoo is a teenager I think.


Quote from: fifthindependent on July 17, 2013, 06:42:26 AM
If you go on Phil's website, there are naked pictures he drew of her mixed in with the MMU pictures.

Holy [parasitic bomb]. I thought you were kidding, but it's true. What the [tornado fang]. Lets just put up [tornado fang]ing home-drawn hentai next to a children's targeted game series. That's just not acceptable in any circumstance, but there isn't even any sort of age filter or warning. I don't even know what to say to that, that's pretty sick.

Well, now that I've lost all respect for Phil...


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QuoteLets just put up [tornado fang]ing home-drawn hentai next to a children's targeted game series.

A children's game rated M for motherf***ing difficult. Player expletives included in the rating. It's totally there to ease one's sorrow and despair after the umpteenth cheap game over.


I watched a video of Yoku Man's stage, and here's my thoughts.

While I would not attempt playing through it myself, this stage has a lot of neat ideas.  I don't like the inner obstacle tiles' appearance, but the rest of the stage looks pretty cool to me.  The Yoku Block sound being used in the music was a no brainer but still pretty neat.  The enemies that are straight out of Shadow Man's stage have sort of a problem with the image covering the whole screen scrolling with the screen properly.  The Yoku Spikes may or may not be utter bullshit, they may be an idea that was only good on paper, but I can't tell since I haven't played the stage myself.  The imagery of the stage was mostly neat.  So were the forever looping screens which I'd never seen done in a Mega Man game, but I have seen it done on games like Metal Gear for the NES.  That's pretty much all I have to say about that for now.  If all the stages were as quality as Yoku Man's stage, the game would be something truly special.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, this stage theme is also probably my favorite from the whole game.  It sounds very much like Mega Man music to me.


The Yoku Spikes are actually utilized fairly. They mostly serve to dissuade Rush use while promoting proper analysis of the pattern. That is, until the boss fight.

Da Dood


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Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         



I looked ahead and saw the most major spoiler of all. It's NOT CANONICAL! And the Shampoo stuff really does much to [acid burst] me off.

Phil says he'll address difficulty in future versions, but this game just doesn't seem like it's going to be fun to finish. I've got 4 down (and too much work to continue right now) so I'm not real sure if I've got the patience to complete it. Once again, Phil seems like the kind of guy that might like Touhou hentai (which is sick, because they're girls) so hearing about the Ranma 1/2 [parasitic bomb] might be the straw that breaks the camel's back.

Again, what a disappointment. Now I know that even the story is a waste. Looks like I'll watch a let's play and forget about the rest of the game. Anyone else almost done with a good MM fangame?

Police Girl

Quote from: thefallenalchemist on July 17, 2013, 06:13:46 PM
I looked ahead and saw the most major spoiler of all. It's NOT CANONICAL!

Yep because other fangames are totally in line with megaman canon.