The Marvel vs. Capcom 3 Topic (ITS MAHVEL 3 BAYBEE)

Started by Solar, April 08, 2010, 01:31:14 AM

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Nii-san is a pretty high level troll. He just doesn't look the part like Ono does.

What happens in Vegas stays on Youtube. I also stream on Twitch from time to time.


The only thing I've wondering about is if its gonna be Classic or X at this point. I know a Megaman will happen, it just makes sense. Thing is, I have pulled for X waaaaay harder than I have Classic and thought that was a lock with Niitsuma stating that only X was looked at in the dev process. The Classic spotlight that these endings all have in common however is really putting some serious doubt on that in my mind...

The Great Gonzo

Quote from: AquaTeamV3 on November 11, 2011, 11:28:57 PMNiitsuma also said that Yatterman-2 wouldn't be in TvC:UAS, and look what happened there.  You've gotta take what he says with a grain of salt, because he does have a tendency to say stuff that isn't necessarily true, and as you said, Capcom can change their mind on a whim.

Wasn't aware they changed their mind on Yatterman-2, either--but then, TvC came out before MM's future was in serious doubt.

So like I said, no goddamned idea. [/broken record] If they do finally give in and include MM or X, they'd better handle them very carefully. Nobody would want them to get in, only to get shafted in some manner (like in, say, the ending).

Quote from: Sato on November 11, 2011, 11:36:57 PMNii-san is a pretty high level troll. He just doesn't look the part like Ono does.

That reminds me, was it immediately known that the IF ref. was just a meaningless bit of background?


Quote from: Jericho on November 11, 2011, 11:38:30 PM
The only thing I've wondering about is if its gonna be Classic or X at this point. I know a Megaman will happen, it just makes sense. Thing is, I have pulled for X waaaaay harder than I have Classic and thought that was a lock with Niitsuma stating that only X was looked at in the dev process. The Classic spotlight that these endings all have in common however is really putting some serious doubt on that in my mind...

I thought it would be X initially, but there's a lot of evidence against that now.  X is not only a card in the new Heroes and Heralds mode (all of the cards are NPC's), he's also rumored to be Zero's DLC outfit.  That pretty much rules him out.  As for Classic, the Days of Future Past poster and insertion in Thor's ending kind of hint at him showing up.  Really, it makes sense at this point for Classic MM to get in over X, despite the fan demand.  With MvC3 being a sequel to MvC2 (as opposed to say, TvC), Classic MM has a history with the series and it would make sense for him to show up a 3rd time.  Plus, this allows for more diversity in the MM reps, as you'd now have someone from Classic, X, and Legends.  Heck, I'd even wager the Nova ending as a potential hint.

Quote from: The Great Gonzo on November 11, 2011, 11:42:36 PM
That reminds me, was it immediately known that the IF ref. was just a meaningless bit of background?

I'm still not willing to call the poster a "meaningless cameo" yet, even if a Capcom ref said it was (they wouldn't tell us if it was otherwise).  Playing as a character labeled "Apprehended" or "Slain" would be a little odd, especially on that same stage.  If Classic MM was DLC, the poster would still be functional, as he's the only one in the game that's "on the run", so to speak.
PSN: AquaTeamV3
NNID: BaconStunner
GGPO: AquaTeamV3
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The Digger's Database (My Megaman Legends site)

The Great Gonzo

QuoteAs for Classic, the Days of Future Past poster and insertion in Thor's ending kind of hint at him showing up.

I'm sorry if this sounds hostile, but what part of "NOT A HINT" didn't you get? And it wasn't Niitsuma who said that.

(edit: maybe not the best thing to say after it's pointed out to me that Niitsuma is a gigantic troll, but still. Unless I'm wrong and Niitsuma DID say that and it was just relayed to us)


I know, it was S.K. (though PR people pretty much relay whatever Capcom wants them to say).  But let me ask you this, if it was a Megaman hint, would Capcom/Niitsuma really come out in the open and say it?
PSN: AquaTeamV3
NNID: BaconStunner
GGPO: AquaTeamV3
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The Digger's Database (My Megaman Legends site)

The Great Gonzo

QuoteBut let me ask you this, if it was a Megaman hint, would Capcom/Niitsuma really come out in the open and say it?

Probably not, but didn't a lot of us want X? I think him being a card more-or-less deconfirms his proper inclusion.

I'm sorry, I can't assume that every single denial is a definitive hint, high-level troll or not. I'm disappointed enough with CoJ as is.

edit: Better Nova ending pic, with Roll's face visible.


Here's a better shot of the Mega Nova Corps (you can actually see Roll):

Random thought, I'm surprised Duo isn't in on the action.  He and Nova practically do the same thing!

EDIT: Got ninja'd by TGG.  :P

Quote from: The Great Gonzo on November 12, 2011, 12:25:34 AM
Probably not, but didn't a lot of us want X? I think him being a card more-or-less deconfirms his proper inclusion.

I'm sorry, I can't assume that every single denial is a definitive hint, high-level troll or not. I'm disappointed enough with CoJ as is.

A lot of fans did want X, but at this point is seems the closest we'll get to X is a skin for Zero.  No, it's not the real thing, but if they're really adding Classic MM as DLC having an X skin for Zero is a nice "consolation prize".  Granted, people are still going to complain if that scenario comes true, but I think it'll satisfy most fans (myself included).

Posted on: November 11, 2011, 20:24:49
I don't care what everyone else thinks, this is friggin awesome!

[spoiler=Get Ready!][/spoiler]

EDIT:  The same source tells me that Frank's costume is Megaman.  Here are the others:

[spoiler=Other alts (not a complete list)]Jon talbain ammy alt
Planet Hulk
Frank as mega man
Zombie Aurther
Ronin Hawkeye
throw back Iron fist
Weapon X wolverine
Casual VJ
trish in a bayonetta fit i believe
She hulk looking classy in a skirt with glasses and here hair up
phoenix in her jean fit.[/spoiler]
PSN: AquaTeamV3
NNID: BaconStunner
GGPO: AquaTeamV3
My YouTube Channel
The Digger's Database (My Megaman Legends site)


If X is Zero's alt, we'll know as early as next week. Unity is going to do a rundown on all the alternate costumes. They showed today all the official ones; preorder packs, the one pack for vanilla, and Jill and Shuma.

Also Seth's post on Unity showing Strange's alt has been edited. Doesn't show that picture anymore. Instead there's PDFs of the sections of the guide for Strange, Ryu, Wolverine, and Strider. None of the four show the DLC costumes, even though we already know what Ryu's and Strider's are. Shame, I really wanted to see what Logan's was going to be.

Why is no one else WMGing about what everyone's going to get, aside from Zero?

What happens in Vegas stays on Youtube. I also stream on Twitch from time to time.

The Great Gonzo X got reduced to first a card, then an alternate costume for Zero, who some fans feel has been hogging the spotlight for a while.

I know what AquaTeamV3 just said, but I am not amused. At all.


Here's the rest of them in living color:

EDIT: Average Joe and Scarlet Spider look pretty sweet!

Posted on: November 11, 2011, 21:18:55
Last batch of alts.  Frank's got a MMX costume and Tron has a rather cute new Gustaff.  I'm loving the Raccoon alt too!
PSN: AquaTeamV3
NNID: BaconStunner
GGPO: AquaTeamV3
My YouTube Channel
The Digger's Database (My Megaman Legends site)

Sigma Zero X

The more that I look at these alternate DLC costumes, the more that I have come to believe that Zero is wearing X's regular armor, probably with Zero's face instead of X's. 
"Well.  This is just delightful!" - Marino, from Mega Man X Command Mission


But Zero can't have X's armor! Frank took it! Though that just won't be the same without Real Mega Buster.

I guessed right on a lot of them: Gloria Trish, average Joe, lawyer She-Hulk, Scarlet Spider, 90's Jean Grey, Final Fight 3 Haggar, and Udon Taskmaster.

Rearmed 1 Spencer is cool, but I was hoping for Rearmed 2. Dat Mustache. No Naruhobo? That is surprising. I guess that means Maya will have a Dahlia costume. I never would've guessed Talbain Amaterasu. And Felicia's is a Battle Circuit reference of all things.

::edit:: Two Mega Man X's now. The model on Zero actually looks really good. And hell yeah Cablepool.

If you win as "X", I hope they put in a "If Zero was here" winquote. That'd be funny.

What happens in Vegas stays on Youtube. I also stream on Twitch from time to time.


Quote from: Sigma Zero X on November 12, 2011, 03:37:24 AM
The more that I look at these alternate DLC costumes, the more that I have come to believe that Zero is wearing X's regular armor, probably with Zero's face instead of X's.

*takes a close look* Nope, that's definitely X's own face.

My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.


omg Felicia's new costume!! <3

Capcom really dug deep into their game library here~ :cookie:

It's Yellow Iris from Battle Circuit! 0v0
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
[DeviantArt||Youtube|Fan Work|WiiVC|Character File]
Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         

Protoman Blues

Ninja Lou

Bleh, well that pretty much kills it for X being in the game. Time to root for Megaman.
This post has been approved by Marle!


How extensive do you guys believe the alt costume to be? Will the name and winquotes change? Will he have a new voice? Can we pick Zero and X together as a team?!!!! These are the burning questions that must be answered!

The Great Gonzo

Quote from: Red Lantern Turian on November 12, 2011, 06:32:59 PMCan we pick Zero and X together as a team?!!!!

Nope. I don't think this game allows multiples on the same team.


Quote from: Red Lantern Turian on November 12, 2011, 06:32:59 PM
How extensive do you guys believe the alt costume to be? Will the name and winquotes change? Will he have a new voice? Can we pick Zero and X together as a team?!!!! These are the burning questions that must be answered!
I know that some characters will have costume-specific dialogue (Iron Patriot is stated to), so that might happen.  The name will more than likely stay the same (you are playing as Zero, not X).  That said, you won't be able to put them on the same team b/c they're the same character, unless you run Zero (regular costume) and Frank's X alt.  People are really over-thinking it; it's a costume, not a new character. :P
PSN: AquaTeamV3
NNID: BaconStunner
GGPO: AquaTeamV3
My YouTube Channel
The Digger's Database (My Megaman Legends site)


Which is why it should be a new character not a damn costume. People want an X and Zero team. Not Zero dressed as X.
Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.


As an alternate costume, seriously?
What a dick move.


Quote from: Flame on November 12, 2011, 07:15:44 PM
Which is why it should be a new character not a [dang] costume. People want an X and Zero team. Not Zero dressed as X.

But since when is Capcom obligated to add him as a character?  We know he's popular and was a character that fans wanted in the game, but Capcom never once said that they were adding him.  This is just a nice bit of fanservice for people to enjoy, and really, they didn't even have to give us this.  We may be fans, but in no way are we entitled to having whatever dream roster we want in the game.  I think people should just be grateful for what we have now, and hope that we might get Classic MM as DLC somewhere down the line.
PSN: AquaTeamV3
NNID: BaconStunner
GGPO: AquaTeamV3
My YouTube Channel
The Digger's Database (My Megaman Legends site)


Because it's a half assed attempt at pleasing the fans, and its only agitating them more.
ANY verison of MEGA MAN should have been included from the start, before even Zero.

Its simply that with all the [parasitic bomb] going down with Mega Man, its poor timing. People are already upset at the cancellation of 2 Mega Man games due to unspecified "criteria", and the prospect of the one Mega Man game still in development staying Korea exclusive. So they look to MVC3 to add a Mega Man to the game, a character that was in the top few requested, and instead, they give us a costume of the character.

It just stings. Its like they are avoiding using a Mega Man playable character on purpose. And again, dont really give adequate reasons as to why.

You asked about obligation. They dont have an "obligation" to add him. But you would think that they would listen to fan demand. We got Phoenix Wright that way didnt we? by fan demand? So why not Megaman/X due to fan demand? obviously they are open to it. And you would think that adding X would be a good idea to soothe over the fanbase which is still heated over what they consider to be "Capcom killing Megaman" or whatever else thats being said. Especially when Capcom has added other popular characters, except Megaman or X.

People wanted playable X, not a costume swap, and the way Capcom seems to be shafting Mega Man, the actual main character of the franchise, just hurts. Especially since X has never been in a fighting game, and has been so damn requested.
Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.

The Great Gonzo

QuoteSo to understand you correctly, we can't use MM in any form or make any references (other than as a playable character) without pissing some folks off?

I think you need thicker skin. I'd also think as a fan, you should like to see any/all exposure for MM to raise awareness for the brand in any form, even if you personally aren't satisfied by the execution.

Sven wants everyone who's angered at/disappointed with alt-X to shut up. (Ganked from someone PRC who quoted that; should be somewhere on Unity)

I'm just going to go over to some corner and pray that MM' 25th anniversary doesn't get shafted in favour of Street Fighter's.