Awesome animation, ofc. Good voices, I guess? Hard to tell with the language barrier. Passable music, nothing memorable but all tracks fitting their situations. There was this one hit sound effect that I've heard before that kept jarring me out, but can't really blame them for using a public sound library.
Story was perfectly executed, no badly done clichés went unmocked. (and those that were well done didn't stir negative attention)
Nox was pretty cool, I love teleportation and stopping time, and he was well motivated, but... hm. Don't know what, but feels like something was missing.
Posted on: 2011-01-10, 22:26:18
Ah, it's his ending. Though I saw the credits, I didn't see it until it was pointed out to me by tvtropes, but [spoiler]he turns into dust after the eliacube stops supporting him.[/spoiler] Knowing that, no problem with me.
Now I'm kind of uncertain about rumours abound regarding Sadlygrove.
[spoiler]Especially after seeing - statue's eyes move... it's probably safe to say he's coming back, but I wish they'd stop doing that in shows. Really hurts the dramatic impact of the original scene, and after it happened once, you know ever after that point that though anyone can die, they can also come back.[/spoiler]