"This or That" Game...

Started by dragontamer272, March 23, 2010, 06:35:43 AM

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You certainly aren't spiting me. It's far in the past, and I don't care anymore.

PS3. The Wii U gamepad is uncomfortable and PS3 has a far better library.

Pirates or Vikings

Police Girl

I like both but the PS3's been giving me more love lately so that.

Argh, dammit. Took too long. Uhh, Pirates I guess.

Poster directly on the wall or Poster in a frame?


I would much rather an X9 myself.
But that's because I've never been a fan of the legends series.

Directly on the wall.

Games that have main characters with dialogue (I.e. Halo, Final Fantasy, Ninja Gaiden).
Or silent ones. (Metroid Prime, Sonic, Out of this World)


Silent protagonists.  Half the time, the dialogue I put in their mouths is funnier.

Cartoons or anime?


That's a really tough one. Both have their own strengths and weaknesses. Overall, I'd have to go with cartoons, by a small margin (and that is the part where ruri dumps me).

Tie or bowtie

Police Girl

Quote from: Cherrykorock on April 17, 2014, 06:07:44 AM
I would much rather an X9 myself.
But that's because I've never been a fan of the legends series.

Directly on the wall.

Games that have main characters with dialogue (I.e. Halo, Final Fantasy, Ninja Gaiden).
Or silent ones. (Metroid Prime, Sonic, Out of this World)

Have you played sonic games in the past 15 years?

Anyway, hate them both but the tie is the lesser of two evils there.

Original Flavor or the Other flavors?


Yes I have.
I was referring to Sonic 1.
Nowadays he won't such his damn mouth.

And original flavor. Especially with stuff like gum or bugles.

Ducking or sliding?

Police Girl

I like both but Sliding is much cooler.

In regards to instruction manuals, Full-Color but short with 2/3rds of it dedicated to different languages or longer but in monochrome and only in english?


For nostalgia's sake, monochrome and entirely in English.  More room was dedicated to information, rather than a general glossing over.  There were even tips in those old manuals!  Tips... like pressing up and down on that goddamn barrel.

Protip or GameFAQs?

Police Girl

Protips are fun. GameFAQs can be informative and help, but oftentimes you get people who try too hard to be funny, people who write misinformation, people who insist on using Japanese names or terms where official english names/terms exist, and a bunch of asshats on the forums.

Suppercut ♡

You forgot to ask a question. So I guess my answer is...THAT. Because "this" is too mainstream. *dons raybans*

Bunny ears or cat ears? (Guess what inspired this choice =w=)

Protoman Blues

Bunny ears. Always bunny ears.

Airbender or Earthbender?

Suppercut ♡

Airbending, because you can use it to make yourself invulnerable to earth attacks, ha!

Holy flames or holy lightning?


Holy lightning because LIGHTNING.

Hypnogogic or hypnopompic?



Dreamcast or Xbone?

Protoman Blues

Dreamcast and it's not even close.

Gatorade or Powerade?


Powerade! I just like how it tastes more.

Anguirus or Rodan?

Protoman Blues


Mechagodzilla or King Ghidorah?

Police Girl

I've always liked Mechagodzilla more.

Dualshock or Xbox controller layout?


I'm torn on this one. The dual shock has a really nice d pad and face buttons but I don't like the symmetrical analog sticks or the shoulder buttons. The Xbox controllers are the reverse of this. I guess Xbox because its a little more comfortable.

Sonic or Knuckles?


Knuckles, prior to his steroid abuse.

Canada Dry or Schwepps?


I can't really tell that much of a difference, but I'll go with Canada Dry.

DC or Marvel


I'm going to go with marvel because World War Hulk.

Bass or Axl?


I don't know why, but I like Axl more.

Multimedia projects: Production design or just acting?


Production design. I love the feeling of making a world come to life through scenery and props. I'm not against acting at all though. I was offered to play a lead in Oklahoma my freshman year of highschool but I chickened out.

BTW I prefer Axl myself. Just more interesting of a character to me.

Turn based RPGs like Final Fantasy or action RPGs like Tales of Destiny?