KoiDrake´s stuff

Started by KoiDrake, March 21, 2010, 04:24:32 AM

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Skinny Sagat when his eye was still fine. XD

I love that Dragonair robot too.

Proud member of Indigo tribe!


What he said. Those are pretty sweet

Sniper X


Quote from: KoiDrake on June 25, 2010, 04:55:50 AM
So, as you can all tell by the activity in this thread, I haven´t done anything in a while, so I suddenly felt like drawing some random dude. Got bored halfway thru though, like I always do :\

I´ll probably finish it some other time.

And another robot. I´m trying to define the design of an old sketch a bit more...

These are both pretty awesome. But O think he look more like Dhalsim than Sagat


Yeah, I thought it kinda looked like Dhalsim too, and I almost turned it into a fan art of him in some point because of that until I looked for a drawing of him and realized that it needed too many changes for that :P


I like the way its colored though.

Say, do you have MSN or AIM or something? I could need some help learning how to paint like that.


Quote from: Acid on June 25, 2010, 08:06:15 PM
I like the way its colored though.

Say, do you have MSN or AIM or something? I could need some help learning how to paint like that.
I have MSN, though nowadays I only get on to play some lan matches with whatever game I can find with friends. I´ll probably be able to get online during the week, since I´ll be preparing for the final exams and stuff. So yeah, *PMs email address*

For now I prepared a quick step-by-step drawing of what I did for that Dhalsim-wanabe. I think the steps are clear enough, but if anyone doesn´t understand what the hell is going on there give me a call and I´ll try to explain it better. This was made in SAI, with the pen and water brushes.

Quote from: NSFW on June 25, 2010, 07:18:31 AM
I was reminded of Dhalsim in the first pic.
Though wow at the second one. Does he have a name?
Like always, no it doesn´t. I´ll have to get some help for the names, I suck terribly at that :(.
This one doesn´t have a name either:

Still WIP...

Dr. Wily II

Quote from: KoiDrake on June 28, 2010, 12:30:32 AM
Like always, no it doesn´t. I´ll have to get some help for the names, I suck terribly at that :(.

This one doesn´t have a name either:

Still WIP...
Hmm... What about... Tempest Dragoon?

Also, I thought he would be named Cobolt (from the filename)... >w<

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


The file was actually called CO Bolt since he is related somehow with electricity (I´ll get to that later), and the CO part I can´t remember why... I probably meant to write OC (original character), so yeah... bleargh...

I like Tempest Dragoon actually, I´ll take that name for now, so thanks for the suggestion :3!

Posted on: June 29, 2010, 02:47:25
I´m done with this one for now. Any crits are appreciated of course.


I like his pants.

They're funky pants.

Protoman Blues

Dr. Wily II

Quote from: KoiDrake on June 29, 2010, 02:13:56 AM
The file was actually called CO Bolt since he is related somehow with electricity (I´ll get to that later), and the CO part I can´t remember why... I probably meant to write OC (original character), so yeah... bleargh...

I like Tempest Dragoon actually, I´ll take that name for now, so thanks for the suggestion :3!
Oh... So that's the filename...
Though, actually, I think I'm still going to suggest Cobolt as his name. XD
And I like his overall design, a... Rufus? >w<

Also, no problem, glad to have helped. :3

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


That is just lovely. and lol Rufus as in FFVII Rufus?  8D

Proud member of Indigo tribe!

Dr. Wily II

No, Rufus the naked mole rat. 8D
Of course FFVII Rufus. >0<

I'm watching you all. Always watching.

Sniper X

Sweet design! Like the others said. His outfit is funkeh. :)


I´ll call him Funkypants then


Now that you mention pants, there is something with his legs that is bugging me...I think it´s the way his right (our left) leg is bend


The legs were correctly positioned, so it might have to do with the pants giving that weird illusion. I´ll check that up right away.

EDIT: Better?

And here´s the outline of how the legs should be

Sub Tank

Dr. Wily II

Mmmmm... That is delicious. XD

I'm watching you all. Always watching.



Always a pleasure to see your hijacks, man. Really lovely drawing <3

Posted on: 02-07-2010, 21:42:41
For the ones that don't visit the oekaki boards often (and as an excuse to bump the thread :P)

She's supposed to be Durathror from Boktai 2. Unfortunately I only had her sprite sheet and an artwork of her human form as reference.
This is one of those drawings that look better when you see it in its reduced size in my opinion.

And the animation: http://oekaki.rockmanpm.com/viewani.php?recno=2870


I like it.

I also like Boktai.
