Would anyone call me a weirdo if I said that I prefer Superman: The Animated Series over B:TAS? Although though it probably has more to do with me being more of a Superman fan, and the fact that I think Frank Miller's "Dark Knight Returns" pretty much destroyed any warm feelings I had for Bats, I just found S:TAS my DCAU nirvana because if got Superman right for the first time since the 1978 movie. Tim Dlay's (and later George Newburn) Superman showed confidence and true heroism lacking in the --rather pussified-- John Byrne "Man of Steel" version (but that's just my opinion), Dana Delany was perfect fiesty and fiery-tongued Lois Lane, and Clancy Brown practically is Lex Luthor. Unlike the Gene Hackman and John Shea versions, Brown made Luthor sound ruthless, cunning, and an actual threat to Superman.
Don't get me wrong, B:TAS is an awesome series. I love Mark Hamill's Joker, and Harley Quinn but B:TAS pretty much focused on one dreary corner of the DCU whereas S:TAS blew the barn doors open. To my recollection, Zatanna was the only other DCU character to appear in B:TAS (as an escape artist, but I digress...) but how can that compete with the appearences of the Flash, Dr. Fate, Green Lantern, and Aquaman in S:TAS. However, how can that compete with the "World's Finest" three-parter? Anyhow, what I liked most about S:TAS is how Bruce Timm, Paul Dini, and Alan Burnett injected their writing mojo from B:TAS in Superman's, who can I put it, pathetic rogues gallery? Much like how they turned Mr. Freeze from a joke to a rounded character, they made Toyman genuinely creepy (think a Michael Jackson-like vibe) to say nothing about Metallo and Parasite or newcomers Livewire, Luminus, and Volcana.
Personally, I just find Superman the superior of the two? Any rebuttal?