I'm sure this will bring a smile to Hypershell's face, Vixy!
Indeed it did.
And damn, I picked one HELL of a day to break from web browsing. Sweet news, though. Thankfully I wasn't on any game sites before checking Nintendo Direct, so I still got to watch unspoiled.
Actually, considering there are already two Mega Evolution FSs, it would be nice if Mewtwo didn't have one of those and just did a move on his own. He's strong enough, he don't need to transform to kill a [sonic slicer].
This. Classic Mewtwo all the way, I'd love to see him go nuts and blast the crap out of something in his normal form.
I find it freaking hilarious that Ridley is in as a giant CPU partner, essentially a fighter who cannot be player controlled. Fine and dandy, but I say they totally need to make a Ridley Amiibo, who's with me?
Anyone else notice that Team Flare's theme was listed in the WiiU soundtrack? Sweetness. That and the legendary battle were easily the best of X/Y's soundtrack, so glad at least one of them is in. Also, to heck the naysayers, I LOVE Yoshi's Island Melee and I'm glad it's back.
Free-hand level editors and paintable screenshots, both awesome, but I'm also well psyched for the fact that "Classic" and All-Star are both 2-player now. Who knows, with Pac-Man on the roster, maybe Mrs. Shell will actually pick this up once in a while (I have to drag her kicking and screaming into SSE on Brawl).
Also on DeviantArt, Rumble, DLive.tv, and the Fediverse (@freespeechextremist.com and @bae.st)