5 Player smash.
EIGHT [tornado fang]ing PLAYER SMASH.
(But only on some stages and not online)
Temple's back.
Big Battlefield.
GREAT CAVE OFFENSIVE (Danger Zones kill at 100% or more).
Dual Plane stages (Rear plane makes you fly farther).
Kalos Pokemon League
Garden of Hope
A different Fire Emblem Coliseum.
Wrecking Crew
Orbital Gate Assault
Mario Circuit
Miiverse Stage
Wii Fit Studio
Jungle Hijinxs
Gamer (From Game & Wario)
[parasitic bomb] that keeps coming back:
Bridge of Eldin
Lylat Cruise
Castle Siege
Yoshi's stupid island
Mario Circuit from Brawl
Ridleyfags BTFO for ones and for all. But if you beat his [parasitic bomb] up in Pyrosphere he'll fight alongside you. And you can KO him and get points.
Pit gets Smash taunts in Palutena's Temple, Star fox stuff is there too.
Metal Face joins at night on Gaur Plain.
YAY TIME TO [tornado fang] WITH THE MUSIC AGAIN. LOTS OF IT TOO. 3DS version music's in there too, well most of it. CDs are around again.
140 challenges, all in one page.
Classic is wayy different. the intensity thing's still around, 2P classic as well, you get both character's trophies by clearing it.
All star is in reverse. Start at the most recent guys and beat up Pac-Man, Mario and friends in the end.
Event mode is path based.
Smash Tour is a board game. And you collect fighters, and play as your ugly Miis.
More characters are pre-unlocked in the Wii U version (Ganon and such).
Target Blast, yawn. Second Bomb is bigger, more stages, okay.
Multiplayer Stadium. Its a turn taking game.
Multi-man is 4-player okay.
2P Home Run contest.
Special Orders, from our masterful and crazy handed friends. Crazy's a bit messed up. High Risk High Reward or whatever.
Master Core has a new form, Master Fortress. Its basically a stage in itself.
PFFT, Master beast.
Wiimote, Wiimote+Nunchuck, Classic Controller/Pro, Gamepad, Gamecube controller, 3DS, and Pro Controller are all options.
3DS as a controller only for 3DS version owners obviously.
Transfer all your crap from the 3DS version.
Final Smash Trophies are back too. Same deal as in Brawl, beat all-star.
Photo Studio, Trophie boxes (Theme sets that might mean goodies when completing.)
Trophy rush is back again, with 2 players.
Hey look masterpieces again, because demos are so fun.
Some are GB games for some reason.