The 360 Night time stages weren't bad either, just too repetitive. At least the combo list was big, better than DMC4's The day time stages though are a helluva lot better to play on the 360/PS3 versions though, my brother has the PS2 version and it was pretty slow by comparison.
The only one qualm I had with the nighttime stages is the battle music CONSTANTLY interrupting to the point where they shouldnt have even bothered making nighttime tracks and just used the battle music for all the stages.
I played the PS2 version of the game first. and I disliked the Werehog levels. and I disliked the fact that for every Sonic level, you got like 3 werehog levels. By Eggmanland, oh God Eggmanland... there were like, what was it, almost 5 or 6 nighttime levels for it?
Then I got the 360 version when I bought a 360, and I liked the balance. Plus Wolfhog has fun combos and moves. and the staes, (both day and night) are much better. (Plus you can go through walls and go where your not supposed to, and use it to sequencebreak in stages like the Empire City night stages)