MegaMan 72

Started by HKLurch18, January 10, 2010, 04:06:15 PM

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MC Jimmy

Why is there a bean in the wall?


That's actually a larva, Jim. ;)


No, its a bean. With stripes.  -_-


Leave the mighty bean larva alone D=

anyways, The bass sprites will get fixed eventually :)

MC Jimmy

Sorry I didn't do anything yesterday, felt shitty and napped a lot.

Gambleman has received a face lift now. Used some techniques from that JEWelman song.

Rushing Roulette


This is amazing! I can almost see his stage in action!


What kinda lousy excuse for a fan-game is this??? Oh wait, I'm working in this group too. Also, Plasma Man still needs that overhaul I was planning for him.


Quote from: Link901 on June 12, 2010, 09:03:22 PM
What kinda lousy excuse for a fan-game is this??? Oh wait, I'm working in this group too. Also, Plasma Man still needs that overhaul I was planning for him.

gentlepeople, I present Link901, creator of Plasmaman and a pretty cool guy ;)

In other news, buzz man's stage got redesigned and looks way better now :)

Alice in Entropy

MC Jimmy

Quote from: HKLurch18 on June 12, 2010, 09:20:51 PM
gentlepeople, I present Link901, creator of Plasmaman and a pretty cool guy ;)
Probably the worse idea since softserveman.


Small and quick update - We've worked hard to pull off some tiles, and they turned out to be awesome.
And also - Happy birthday to me, I'll take a day off =)

Blaze Yeager

Amazing how this project is coming so Smoothly,i just can't wait for it...
Into Darkness, into the Abyss. Where only anathema exists.
| |

MC Jimmy


Quote from: MC Jimmy on June 16, 2010, 11:36:18 PM
Don't mind me...

Chainsaw Punk

Awesome man, when I first heard it, my emulator was damaged, and made it sound weird, but boy, this is *swear* awesome!


agreed, this track perfectly captures the saw and punk theme of Saw man.
add in a catchy tune, the revving sound near the end and the metal blade sounds and you got yourself one track that is cutting edge (no pun intended)

MC Jimmy

I've been working on some other songs, I'm just kind of keeping them secret for now. Just so you guys don't think I'm being a lazy. I even have one Timmy hasn't heard yet. 8B


Quote from: MC Jimmy on June 22, 2010, 03:40:36 AM
I've been working on some other songs, I'm just kind of keeping them secret for now. Just so you guys don't think I'm being a lazy. I even have one Timmy hasn't heard yet. 8B

Wow man I can't wait, I hope that it's the new RM Boss-Battle theme  *o*


Balance Data Card.
"All of time and space, everywhere and anywhere, every star that ever was... where do you want to start?"


Balance likes Beat, because he is a fox, and Beat is a bird?
I like to draw... NOT!


It´s like with Snake and Toad Man?


He likes Beat as lunch, yes. [eyebrow]

By the way, Balance's data card info was provided by me. I got a bit of assistance from the crew on the likes and dislikes, though. ;)


Well hi guys, I think that i should post something again, too, so here ya go:

Mirror Man Mock up (Featuring Bomb man :P )

Now please be aware that this is very far away from being finished. I still have to add some sciency looking gear here and there and flesh out the bg a little it more, as well as some tiles of the foreground.

Anyways, I felt like this mockup would give away the overall design and idea behind mirror man's stage quite nicely. As you can see, i draw some influence from flashman's stage for the BG.

Yes, this stage will feature the terrific quick lasers here and there, almost in the same fashion like in Rainbow Man's stage (then again,Rainbow man and Mirror man are kinda rivals, judging by the data card info of both robots :) )

anyways, I hope you like the basic idea so far =)


Looks like I picked the right time to join in. This is marvelous so far. I wounder how it will look like being complete.

Alice in Entropy

I'm really impressed with those mirror enemies. Kickass as usual, fellas. =D


Another rainbow man and shield shelldon stage with megaman mirrors like mm9... i'm just impressed  XD