MegaMan 72

Started by HKLurch18, January 10, 2010, 04:06:15 PM

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Thanks, Nebula, But i do not like the changes you made, still I appreciate your will to help :)

I got another mock up screen prepared , to showcase the portion of Saw man's stage which is not set in the Wood-cutting facility.

As you can see I got my influences for this part of the stage from Woodman and Concrete Man: The forest which is currently cut down has less detail and even the tree tops seem to lack a healthy amount of leaves. On top of that, we got enemies here which try to camouflage before they attack you, as well as quite the heavy machinery, chasing you until you reach the lonely Wood Cutting facility.

What dangers lie ahead inside that gruesome factory? and what awaits our heroes after they bypassed that devilish construction side made by men?


looks really cool!  owob
Also I am really glad that you are doing 2 player game. We really need more multiplayer megaman platformers!  >w<

Dr. Wily II

I like that mini-tree enemy there, and sounds similar to Turbo's stage, but sounds more dangerous. :3

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Quote from: HKLurch18 on January 26, 2010, 01:01:33 PM
Thanks, Nebula, But i do not like the changes you made, still I appreciate your will to help :)

I got another mock up screen prepared , to showcase the portion of Saw man's stage which is not set in the Wood-cutting facility.

Nuuuuu!!! The Dark Forest is swallowing up Bass!!!!  8U

Just kidding.  8D Looks awesomeness. Really.


You know what? Mind your own business because you obviously don't know anything. I was mad because I got teh feeling that domopj was helpign other people and I was the only 1 that got my request turned down. He explained it out to me and I've already apologized. So get off my topics and mind your own business

I do have actual works on youtube but obviously someone nosy like you jumps to conclusions without getting the right facts and evidence. Before talking nonsence why don't you get your facts right and leave me alone? This has already been resolved and I don't need your nonesence anymore.

You are also wasting my time with this.
I'm making a megaman fan game, if you think your good at making mug shots and/or data cards and can help me out, pelase contact me right away.


Ehhh? Is there something that I missed?

Anyway, I wanted to ask, will Megaman, Protoman and Bass each have some characteristic atributes?
You know, like Bass' rapid fire, Protoman's bigger damage but smaller defense and such.
Also when Megaman has Rush, Bass has Treble, what will Protoman have?


Quote from: Stardius on January 27, 2010, 02:05:16 PM
Ehhh? Is there something that I missed?

Anyway, I wanted to ask, will Megaman, Protoman and Bass each have some characteristic atributes?
You know, like Bass' rapid fire, Protoman's bigger damage but smaller defense and such.
Also when Megaman has Rush, Bass has Treble, what will Protoman have?

we are considering different attributes, yes :)
Whether those will be from the actual games or not still needs to be discussed ;)

As for the adapters, we'll most like go the MM9 way and have PM use several gadgets. We might also try to use his Shield for the Jet adapter :)

@NP: All right, I did not know that you have apologized already, never mind then.


well alrighty but I think I said some offensive things to you too, I'm very sorry.
I'm making a megaman fan game, if you think your good at making mug shots and/or data cards and can help me out, pelase contact me right away.


I am on a roll!

First part of Gamble man's stage is designed!

i hope you like it :)


Pretty colorful I must say.  :)


Like it? I LOVE it! owob

That said, the Bass helmet logos on the slot machines are a nice touch, I must say.


I think it would look better with a more restricted color set really. It looks a little too cluttered and saturated for NES style. The enemies also have quite a few unessential colors. They look in a completely different style than Megaman because of their shading and over coloring.


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Quote from: RDW on January 27, 2010, 11:41:09 PM
I think it would look better with a more restricted color set really. It looks a little too cluttered and saturated for NES style. The enemies also have quite a few unessential colors. They look in a completely different style than Megaman because of their shading and over coloring.

Thanks for the honest criticism :)

I still have one or two remarks, though. First is that the entire tileset was made with the NES Palette, so even if this looked very colorful, it would be possible for the NES, on a technical level, wouldn't it?

I can of course try to tweak some colors here and there to see whether you're right :)

As for the enemies, I tried to restrain to a 5 color limit per "big" enemy; although I see your point. I might have gone way overboard in the shading of the roulette guy. I'll not change the Boxer Robot though, because I think it looks rather nice ^_^


double post, hooray!

Anyways, I reduced the colors to avoid the seizure feeling :)

I hope you like it :) It's tough to get the balance between neon light and griddyness, but it worked out , well :)

Dr. Wily II

Hmm, it does look "calmer" than the previous one.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.


Quote from: HKLurch18 on January 28, 2010, 09:08:15 AM
it would be possible for the NES, on a technical level, wouldn't it?

That I'm not completely sure. Capcom, at least for Megaman games, has tried to keep things at no more than 16 colors per screen. Though there is an instance or two where you can get 17 colors in the later games. I'm not sure why they chose to do that, or if there was some technical reason or limit. They did seem to go to great lengths to maintain 16 or under though.


Knockout Mondays
Experimental day: Fighting game engine project Live Gamedev (8PM - 10 PM EST)

WIP Wednesdays
Hamster Drop Gold Edition Live Gamedev (8PM - 10 PM EST)

Weekend Game Hangout
Marc, Amber, & Friends (Saturday Evening EST)


3rd times the charm!

it's just provisional, the tiles do not overgo the 16 colors together; as for the enemies and megaman, i have to see what I can do later on. Hope you like it!


Hmm. it looks good enough plus its only 15 colors at total. Keep it on  owob


I like the third one, the first one was really colorful but maybe little too much.
The second one looked sort of dark and not really that nice.
And the third one is really nice mix between the previous two.


thanks guys :)

I'll add some better shading to some of those tiles and eventually I'll have a screen of the environment outside of the Casino up! :)

Expect something rather familiar!

Posted on: January 31, 2010, 23:58:57
So, I thought that it might be good idea to fill you in on the actual story of Megaman 72 :P

Script written by Kudos Force:

Quote from: KudosForceIn the year 20XX...

*shot of the city*

With Mega Man protecting the world's peace from Dr. Wily's diabolical schemes, all was well.


*shot of a smirking Bass, being surrounded by shadows of the RMs*

*shadowed sprites of different robot masters zip around over the screen in random directions, while the screen is flashing*

*shot of the city being ingulfed with explosions, while it goes dark with a tint of dark green*

A group of robots took up arms, immediately causing suffering, mayhem and destruction all around the world!

The one responsible for this attack?

*An ethereal-looking version of Bass' upper body appears above the city, with his hands rised, palms open and smirking with evil glee*

Bass!! Trying to be the world's strongest robot by destroying all who stand in his path!!

*fade to black*

*a mini-image, depicting the scene described below, scrolls in from the left*

*Mega Man looks at the left and shakes his fist, with a growling Rush at his side*

Mega Man: All right, Bass, this time you've went too far! Let's go, Rush!

*a mini-image depicting the scene described below, scrolls in from the right*

*Proto Man is seen hiding behind a nearby cliff rock, while crossing his arms and legs in a casual manner*

Proto Man: I better follow him, just in case.

*a mini-image depicting the scene described below, scrolls in from the bottom*

*Bass is seen angrily shaking his fist, towards the player's perspective*

Bass: What!? A robot is pretending to be me? I'm gonna crush that weakling poser!

*All three mini-screens fade in to the following depicted scenes, at the same time*:

- Mega Man heads toward the city using Rush Jet

- Proto Man dashes to the city

- Bass is seen heading to the city, using Treble Jet

*Zoomed-in shot of Mega Man, Proto Man & Bass, standing in the middle of the near-destroyed city*

Mega Man: ProtoMan! Bass!? Why are you here?

Bass: There's a fake of me running around and I want to take him out!

Mega Man: Really? I'm not sure about what you're saying...

Proto Man: It doesn't matter if he's lying or not, because we've got bigger problems, right now. Those rampaging robots are too dangerous, so we're gonna have to work together.

Bass: Fine then.

*Mega Man, Proto Man & Bass are all seen assuming an action pose, on the black screen*

Mega Man: Okay then, let's go!

*fade to title screen*
(Thanks again, Kudos :D )

Anyways, as you can see, there will be one screenshot of bass being surrounded by the RM's, well I did that quite a while ago, but i wanted to show you anyways :)


I thought that the story would be something like this, nice way to get even Bass involved into this teamwork.
As for the picture, I wish I could make something that good  ;O;


OOoh sounds exciting! OwO A fake Bass...


actually I have to give DomoPJ credit for it; he drew the picture (you can also see in my avatar) and all i did was working around it to make it look 8-bit. Since I am pretty much a noob in art I did that is paint, which still was a pain in the butt to do XD


Don't worry I am also big art noob.  XD Well if I want and give it a little time and effort I can make at least little decent drawings on paper, but I am hopeless with coloring in programs like photoshop and such, maybe if I had tablet.
For example those two pictures of Mantis Woman and Rocket Man I made, I pretty much sketched them on paper and than overdrew them in paint.  XD

Dr. Wily II

Interesting story-plot, and lovely scene pic there.

I'm watching you all. Always watching.