Captain Lucky, who had been leaning against the wall beside Archer, was almost at a loss for words when the afro-wearing pig-mole creature appeared to them. He stared at Afro for a moment, blinking once or twice. And then, a magnificent grin spread across his face.
"Brilliant, excellent!" he declared, grabbing Afro and hoisting him up into the air so he was at eye level, "Every crew needs a mascot! This little afroed mole man is PERFECT for that job!"
Lucky dropped Afro to the floor a tad carelessly, then whirled around on his heel and pointed forward in a random direction.
"Gentlemen, I propose we join forces! With my ship, crew and knowledge of the cosmos, and your scientific know-how, funny little animal mascot and manly mech-ship, we can form an unstoppable alliance! FOR GREAT JUSTICE!"