Gaming In 2010

Started by Jericho, November 24, 2009, 03:09:25 AM

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Black Mage J

Dont be silly, just become a CAST. Oh wait, too much phantasy star.


Here's what I'll get:

Metroid: Other M
Metal Slug Double X
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Pokemon Heart Gold
MediEvil III*

*Damnit, Sony Cambridge, announce that game already!

Rad Lionheart


Mario Galaxy 2
Metroid Other M
Kingdom Hearts Birth By Sleep
Super Street Fighter IV
BlazBlue Continuum Shift
Castlevania Lords of Shadow
NMH Heroes Paradise
NMH Desperate Struggle
Sin & Punishment 2

That's it for now.

What happens in Vegas stays on Youtube. I also stream on Twitch from time to time.

Police Girl

What? Tatsucap isn't coming out till '10 now? [tornado fang].


Yep. At the beginning of next year though, so it shouldn't be too much longer to wait.

Any list is already looking pretty awesome for next year.

* HOKUTO. [tornado fang]ing. MUSOU.
* Sengoku BASARA 3
* Zangeki no REGINLEIV (formerly known as Dynamic Zan, by Sandlot, the makers of Earth Defense Force)
* Mario Galaxy 2
* Metroid Other M
* Ryu ga Gotoku (Yakuza) 4
* Castlevania: Lords of Shadow
* Trinity Zill O'll Souls

And this is merely based off of that which I know at this moment in time. This list's contents are of course, subject to change! 8D


Let's see...

SSF4 Turbo Ultra Deluxe Edition Maximum²
BlazBlue Continuum Shift
Metroid Other M
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Golden Sun 3 (Hopefully)
Lufia (Hopefully)
CV Lords of Shadow
Hokouto Mousou
Zelda Wii (have my doubts about this though)
3D Dot Game Heroes

Da Dood

In order of sex:

- Super Mario Galaxy 2
- Bayonetta
- Metroid: Other M
- Dead Space 2
- No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
- BioShock 2

I wouldn't count on Zelda Wii in 2010, but if that happens... ^$^


I'm pretty bad with remembering upcoming stuff, but here's the big ones that I can recall right now:

-Metroid Other M
-Pokemon Soul Silver
-Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom
-various Ace Attorney stuff (Edgeworth, WiiWare ports, etc.)
-Super Mario Galaxy 2*
-whatever the hell next year's Rabbids title is

*Gotta say, I still fear Galaxy 2's execution of Yoshi.  Nintendo hasn't done a Yoshi platforming appearance without hiccups since SMW2 (although SM64DS was pretty kickass, lack of wings and inability to grab Bowser's tail without a hat hurt).  Considering what happened in Sunshine and in NSMBWii, I'll believe Yoshi's return to greatness when I see it.  But with or without him I'm sure Galaxy 2 will rock.
Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and


Something weird happened to my banner, please wait while I find a new one.

*Elevator music starts playing*

Da Dood

It's worth mentioning that if I buy an HDTV, 50-75% of this list will skip over to 2011...

Already Have
- Bayonetta: I won the online auction today. Will be playing this next Friday, if all goes well.

- Mega Man 10: Guaranteed 50+ hours of win.
- Super Mario Galaxy 2: Sequel to (aye-em-oh) the best game of this generation.
- Metroid: Other M: The game I'm most curious about, since we know little of how it's gonna play, and Team Ninja is developing.
- God of War III: Laaa-RAAA-LARA-LAAAAAA ~
- No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle: More crazy please!
- BioShock 2: My least anticipated of the list, but I would kindly buy it.

- Dante's Inferno: Will wait for reviews and impressions.
- Resident Evil 5 DLC: Will wait for reviews and impressions and if my Internet decides to cooperate.
- 2009 left-behinders: Arkham Asylum, Muramasa, Shattered Memories... will get them on my trip to Florida if the price is good.
- Virtual Console releases and whatever other interesting games that aren't the above. I just can't afford so many. =\

They Are Must-Haves If They Come Out In 2010
- Dead Space 2: RE4 Part 2 Part 2!
- The Legend of Zelda Wii: AND Wii Motion Plus, I guess.

How about you?



These I will get around eventually:

Already Have
- Nothing at the moment in 2010.

Will Eventually Get:
- Mega Man 10: Yep, for sure.
- Super Mario Galaxy 2: Do, dodo dooodobodo~
- Metroid: Other M: Because Metroid's one of favorite series. :p
- Tatsunoko vs Capcom: To see how well PB'll handle Zero, hehehe.  :D
- Mugen no Frontier 1+2: The first game to catch up on the "story" and a US dub of 2.
- Project Needlemouse: Let's see how this goes (There's one main story sonic game, every year, right?).

Games I might get in-between:
- Kingdom Hearts: Birth by Sleep: Let's see how the reception goes first here..
- 2009 of Games left behind: Torchlight, and any other intresting games that come across me.
- Virtual Console releases and of course the Wii Ware titles that persuade me somehow.
Workshop/DA/YT/Photobucket なにかんがえてるの!?
Quote from: Setsuna F. Seiei on October 10, 2009, 02:34:30 AM
So its about ass now huh? EVEN THE ASS HAS 'EXCEEDED'!

Quote from: Gaia on May 07, 2010, 12:30:32 AM
One mention of LEGENDS and everyone goes batshit.  :\

Yep, every time when someone mentions that game people get energized for an apparent reason whatsoever. It's like this everywhere else, trust me.

It got really messy to find my sprite and comic topic, so it's in my sig.


mario galaxy 2
metroid other m

probably nothin else


Already have
Bayonetta (since October! 8D)

Must haves
HOKUTO. [tornado fang]ing. MUSOU
Tatsunoko vs. Capcom
Zangeki no REGINLEIV
Ryu ga Gotoku (Yakuza) 4
TRINITY Zill O'll Zero
Mario Galaxy 2
Zelda Wii (Iwata confirmed it today)
Metroid Other M
Mega Man 10
Sengoku BASARA 3



The Sims 3 - I've been meaning to get this for a while, now.

Megaman & Bass - I bet you I can find a Gamestop that has a copy of this.

Metroid Prime 2: Echoes - I've been putting this off for too long now.

Quote from: Protoman BluesWily was tired of living in Dr. Light's gluttonous, douche shadow.  Rightfully so, too!  He didn't betray Light.  He valiantly, dare I say, HEROICALLY, casted off his shackles and asserted himself to his rightful place, going so far as to bring order to a world of chaos!



Quote from: Irgendein on January 07, 2010, 12:13:55 AM
This topic seems... familiar

Yeah, but the last reply there was in November.

Quote from: Protoman BluesWily was tired of living in Dr. Light's gluttonous, douche shadow.  Rightfully so, too!  He didn't betray Light.  He valiantly, dare I say, HEROICALLY, casted off his shackles and asserted himself to his rightful place, going so far as to bring order to a world of chaos!


You can obviously add MegaMan 10 to the top of my last list.

Other than that, nothing's really changed, unless you count left-behinders from previous years.  Sad to say I did not get one single game for Christmas (a metric ton of DVD sets, though), so I had to satisfy my new game urge myself (Bowser's Inside Story and Dragon Quest VIII).

Such possible back-tracking titles for me include:

-Rabbids Go Home
-Sonic and the Black Knight
-Muramasa: The Demon Blade
-Metroid Prime Trilogy (I never did play MP2)
-Sonic Unleashed
-Deadly Creatures
-The Conduit
-Apollo Justice: Ace Attorney
-Contra 4
-if I ever find a cheap enough PSP (unlikely since I crave the 3000's video output), MHX and PU.
Also on DeviantArt, Rumble,, and the Fediverse ( and


Megaman 10,
Metroid: Other M,
Tatsunoko Vs Capcom
Quote from: marshmallow man on April 25, 2010, 04:55:26 PM
...When Larry the reploid accountant goes maverick of his own accord, he's certainly formidable during tax season, but he isn't going to provide X the challenge needed to make him grow as a warrior and reach his potential.


Super Mario Galaxy 2
Metroid: Other M
Zelda Wii
Mega Man 10
Shantae: Risky's Revenge

Whole buncha DSiWare
Tatsunoko Vs. Capcom
Darksiders OR Dante's Inferno
Project Needlemouse
Fist of the North Star?

The Drunken Dishwasher

Done Deal Purchases
-Bayonetta (well, my brother is buying me this for my birthday so...)
-No More Heroes 2: Desperate Struggle
-Tatsunoko vs Capcom
-Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
-Ace Attourney Investigations: Miles Edgeworth
-Trauma Team
-Megaman 10
-SMT: Strange Journey
-Super Street Fighter 4
-The Last Guardian
-Metal Slug XX
-Golden Sun 3
-Sin and Punishment 2
-Super Mario Galaxy 2
-Metroid: Other M

In no rush of purchasing
-Shadow of Destiny (PSP)
-Final Fantasy XIII
-3D Dot Heroes
-White Knight Chronicles
-Fragile Dreams: Farewell Ruins of the Moon
-Metal Gear Solid Peace Walker
-Sakura Wars V: So Long, My Love
-Epic Mickey


Super Street Fighter IV
Final Fantasy XIII

Proud member of Indigo tribe!


SHEEP MAN WITH MAREEP AND FLAAFY! YAY! (That means I want both Mega Man 10, which I won't get, and Pokemon HeartGold) Actually, I promised my friend I'd get HeartGold and he'll get SoulSilver, so we can trade legendaries.

Also want:
Golden Sun DS
Super Mario Galaxy 2
Zelda: Wii (better have some bamf gorons in it! GORONS FTW!)
Quote from: OBJECTION MAN on September 13, 2014, 04:31:11 PM
Quote from: VirusChris on September 16, 2017, 03:55:20 PM
Just enjoy yourself, don't complain about everything