you know, looking at that video, i have to wonder, Why does many of the romchackers have the false mentality that making the game BS harder to the point of only being beatable with save states makes it a good hack?.
Even Rockman No Constancy seemed UN-enjoyable at times because of the aggressive AIs, AND i played that game on a TV on an EMU on PSX, to have the experience, now while Rockman 4 MI does have some kickass design ideas, it also falls from the same trap A LOT of hackers felt into it, IS JUST WAY TOO HARD TO ACTUALLY BE ENJOYED, is not fun, is just frustration and pain, this is what its know as bad difficulty or as i like to called it, Kaizo Difficulty, you know, like those plethora of Mario Hacks with levels designs which only porpusse were to make it playable trough emulators and make people suffer?
Sadly 4MI is kinda near to that trap, if only because of the lack of blinking time and
[spoiler]that wily capsule fight[/spoiler]
there should be a little bit more of balance, dont you think, the problem is that a lot of this hacks, are made to have been played on emulators with save states and not on actual console, and is kinda of a torture, why not making the game REAL FUN, a little challenge is fine but cmon.
now on the other side and responding to N-Mario, maybe because Puresabe was going for re-imagining Megaman 4, and take a new spin on it while having ideas and design elements and nods from the other games, while he could just going for a Rockman No Constancy way of borrowing tilesets from other games, this hack is not a re skinned megaman 4, is a unique take on the game, BUT, not without that issue i mentioned.