"What Are You Thinking Now?"

Started by Sakura Leic, November 08, 2008, 07:36:33 AM

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"Lucky!!! I've got 30-minutes free internet!"

Sniper X

"Fidirol, Fidirat!
Catch a dog, catch a cat
Skin it raw, skin the fat
On the spit, turn like that
Fidirol, Fidirat!"


"Wow, I knew serious fighting gamers disliked Smash, but I never imagined it was THAT much. I've never seen so much hate outside console wars  :o"

My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.


"...I actually woke up at a normal time  :o"


"Wow, I didn't know the Robot masters had Youtube accounts!"

Sakura Leic

It's so cold now why is this winter crazy?

"I can't believe my school's budget cuts are transfering to people cuts, the entire French department could be gone!"
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


"Han hates it when I wear anything with long sleeves it seems.  He jumps up on me, grabs my sleeve and yanks my sweatshirt off."

Sniper X

"Magic versus Technology... Hmm... who'll win?"


"An X-men manga...and it's a shoujo...WHAT THE HELL?! (yes, I know I'm kinda late to this)"

My life is currently bears and Jojos and everything is great.

Sniper X

Quote from: Taiyo on February 27, 2009, 04:04:13 PM
"An X-men manga...and it's a shoujo...WHAT THE HELL?! (yes, I know I'm kinda late to this)"
Wait what!? (Yes, I'm late too)

"Maybe I'll make a new bookmark for next month... But what picture?"


"So, I have dress shirts, dress shoes, dress socks, but no dress pants?  How could I forget pants?!"


"Ahh. The joys of waking up early and having nothing to do.."


So boring.... I wish I could meet you in Real Life. I would like to participate with you all in something awesome and epic.


"Hm... MegaUpload redid their site.  Hopefully my upload links are still good."


"Yea it's a welcoming change this time. Megaupload did raise the security from a 3-symbol code to a 4-symbol code."
Nintendo 3DS Friend Code: 3480-2506-4200
[DeviantArt|Twitch.tv|Youtube|Fan Work|WiiVC|Character File]
Rock10: Ranking. Rock9: AC, EA, SS, Challenge, Ranking.
(c) Sky Child~                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         


"Five more minutes for this upload to finish...  In the meantime, I'm gonna go make a sandwich."

Sniper X

"Yes! I drew Fiendish Leviathan! Now I need to draw her spear and colour it."


Sniper X

"I'm going to draw Fiendish Fefnir next. Fefnir mix with Zedonius."


"I need to finish that angel pic.  Perhaps this weekend...  After Pirates of Penzance of course."

Sky Child

"I need to draw more. I've been wasting time on music no one cares about."


"Wow! A documentary about... ELEPHANTS! So exciting!"


"omg that woman is dumb" ^

Sakura Leic

"I can't believe my dad really bought me a slide rule."
Current playthrough: Chrono Trigger and God Eater Ressurection


"Ugh, this chapter of Zero In has really shitty English. I'd really like to know who the editor was just so I could yell at him via e-mail."

...For this gem, I really want to punch the editor or whoever translated it:

"Call the ambulance...!
No the police...!